Longview from insightsoftware

Using Procedure Commands
Using Procedure Commands This topic contains the Longview Application Framework commands you can use in a procedure. Click the links in the following table for detailed usage and syntax information: Activate User Get DataAuditTrail Rest DeleteRequestHeader Append Attribute Get JEHeaders Rest ExecuteDelete Assign App Get JEDetails Rest ExecuteGet Assign DataRole Get Log Rest ...
Activate User
Activate User Use this command to activate a user that is currently deactivated. Syntax (regular) ACTIVATE USER [DomainName\]UserId where: DomainName is optional and is the network domain of a Windows-authenticated user. UserId is the name of the user to which you want to activate. Syntax example ACTIVATE USER JSmith Creating an ASCII input file To activate multiple users, specify the pa...
Append Attribute
Append Attribute Use this command to append values to a LIST type Attribute. An attribute is data used to describe the characteristics of an object in Longview. For example, SGPCOMPANYNAME is an Attribute representing the name of your company, and its value is your company name. This command is useful when you want to append values to an Attribute that is set to a list of values. Syntax (reg...
Assign App
Assign App Use this command to assign a Longview App to an existing category. You must first publish the Longview App before you can assign it to categories. Use separate lines to assign a Longview App to multiple categories. For information on publishing an app, see Publish App. For information on creating categories, see Put Category. Syntax ASSIGN APP AppName CATEGORY Category where: Ap...
Assign DataRole
Assign DataRole Use this command to specify the database privileges of a DataRole established by CREATE DATAROLE. Syntax (regular) ASSIGN DATAROLE RoleName ACCESS DimName RESTRICTED SymName AccessType [NumLevels] [Priority] ASSIGN DATAROLE RoleName ACCESS DimName FIXED SymName AccessType [Priority] ASSIGN DATAROLE RoleName ACCESS DimName FULL [Priority] where: RoleName is the name of a s...
Assign Group
Assign Group Use this command to assign symbol access, authorizations, and users to a user group. You can assign access to a total of 767 separate Longview symbols to a user. For example, suppose User1 belongs to Group1. Group1 has access settings to 225 symbols. User1 has access to an additional and separate 542 symbols not listed in the group he belongs to. In total, User1 has access to 7...
Assign ProcessMap
Assign ProcessMap Use this command to assign a Longview Process Map to an existing category. You must first publish the Longview Process Map before you can assign it to categories. Use separate lines to assign a Longview Process Map to multiple categories. For information on publishing a process map, see Publish ProcessMap. For information on creating categories, see Put Category. Syntax ASS...
Assign Symbol
Assign Symbol Use this command to specify a parent symbol for a child symbol in the Data Server repository. You can use the Assign Symbol command to specify a parent symbol for an unattached child symbol in the Data Server repository, or to specify multiple parent symbols for an attached child symbol in the Data Server repository. You can have a maximum of 47 levels in a hierarchy in the D...
Assign User
Assign User Use this command to assign symbol access, authorizations, and group membership to a user. You can assign access to a total of 767 separate Longview symbols to a user. For example, suppose User1 belongs to Group1. Group1 has access settings to 225 symbols. User1 has access to an additional and separate 542 symbols not listed in the group he belongs to. In total, User1 has access ...
AuditTrail Use this command to create comments in the Data Server. The Longview Data Server Log file, lv_dataserver.log, records a wide variety of activities in the Data Server. To make certain actions more noticeable, you may want to insert a comment to create an audit trail—for example, to draw attention to the beginning of a process. Syntax AUDITTRAIL Keyword "String" where: Keyword is...
AutoLoad Use this command to enable or disable the automatic population and use of all documents within your procedure to the object cache. For Longview Apps, this command can be used in conjunction with the <kars> parameter in your .lvapp file and/or the Load and LoadKar commands. This command is helpful if, for example, you have a Longview App with many supporting documents and images and ...
BatchComment Use this command to specify a batch comment to associate with the next data submission. This command can also be used to specify a batch comment when posting and unposting calculated journal entries using the functions JournalEntryPost() and JournalEntryUnpost(). When checking on the status of a batch by means of the User Submissions tool, you may want to make it easy to identi...
BatchWait Use this command in conjunction with data submissions to check if the submission is fully processed before proceeding to the next command in the Procedure document. This command can also be used in conjunction with the functions JournalEntryPost() and JournalEntryUnpost(). Note: BatchWait must be turned on prior to any submissions, or the JournalEntryPost() and JournalEntryUnpost(...
Begin AdminService
Begin AdminService Use this command create a session to the Data Servers Administration Port. Syntax BEGIN AdminService "FileName" [Host|URL] [Port] where: FileName is the name of a text file to which the output from the Longview Server Manager commands will be saved, enclosed in double quotation marks. Host is the name of the host computer of the data servers. This parameter is optional i...
CancelClose Use this command to prevent a Data Grid or HTML window from closing when a user clicks the window close button (the x in the top-right of the window’s title bar) in a Longview Data Grid or HTML window of a Longview App. For information on specifying close behavior, see OnClose. Syntax CANCELCLOSE Syntax example Set VARIABLE ExitOption = ShowPrompt("Would you like to save your c...
Clear DataArea
Clear DataArea Use this command to clear all the non-zero values in a specific DataArea. In order to use this command, you must first select and download a DataArea. The cleared values are temporarily marked and will be submitted to the server during the next upload process. Syntax CLEAR DataAreaName [ProtectedMode] where: DataAreaName is the name of the DataArea containing the non-zero va...
Close Cursor
Close Cursor Use this command, in conjunction with the Fetch and Open Cursor commands, to close an open cursor. Syntax Close Cursor CursorName where: CursorName is the name of the open cursor. Syntax example Create Variable amountRow[] as String Create DataTable EmployeeSalary Using AllSalaries.lvdtd Download EmployeeSalary Show DataTable EmployeeSalary Open Cursor amounts Select "Employ...
Collect Statistics
Collect Statistics Use this command to gather statistics that might help improve model performance for the specified calculation dimension. Note that these statistics are used by the SkipNoData model function to maximize efficiency (therefore, they will have no benefit unless SkipNoData is also used). You can collect statistics for multiple dimensions (useful if executing models using multip...
Connect Use this command to sign on to the Data Server repository. This command is issued from within a Procedure document. You can use this command with the user ID of an Administrator, or a regular user. Syntax for Longview authentication CONNECT User/Password Host Port LID Role [UserGroup] [LanguageCode] where: User/Password is your user ID and password (separated by a forward slash). If...
Copy Data
Copy Data Use this command to copy non-zero data in the Data Server repository from one symbol to another. Use this command to directly manipulate data in the Data Server repository, based on an intersection of data specified. Copy Data From does not overwrite existing non-zero data in the target area unless there is non-zero data in the source area for that data. When copying data from a ...
Create Attribute
Create Attribute Use this command to create an Attribute definition. An attribute is data used to describe the characteristics of an object in Longview. For example, SWFAdminEMail is an Attribute representing the email address of an administrator. This command must be used in conjunction with Maintenance. While it is enabled, no other users can perform maintenance related activities in the...
Create Category
Create Category Use this command to create a new category. Syntax (regular) CREATE CATEGORY CategoryName ["Description"] where: CategoryName is the name of the category you want to create. The following characters are invalid: backslash ( \ ), forward slash ( / ), apostrophe ( ’ ), double quotation marks ( “ ), comma ( , ), left brace ( { ), and double brackets ( [[ ) or ( ]] ). The catego...
Create DataArea
Create DataArea Use this command to create a DataArea for use with Models, ImportSpecs, and ExportSpecs. This is also used in conjunction with other commands as well, such as UPLOAD. You can also create a DataArea that you can view as a Data Grid in a Longview App. Initially, a DataArea is created with structure only and the DOWNLOAD command must be used to populate it with data from the da...
Create DataRole
Create DataRole Use this command to create a new DataRole. Syntax CREATE DATAROLE RoleName where: RoleName is the name of the DataRole to create. Syntax CREATE DATAROLE NorthAmAccounts Creating an ASCII input file To create a large number of DataRoles, specify the parameters for this command in an ASCII file. Create an ASCII file containing the following information: RoleName Syntax (with...
Create DataTable
Create DataTable Use this command to create a new, in-memory DataTable object that can be rendered in the user interface in Table or Calendar format. Initially, a DataTable is created with structure only and you must use the Download (for DataTables) command or an ImportSpec to populate it with data. You can use the Upload (for DataTables) command to send any data changes back to the releva...
Create Document
Create Document Use this command in conjunction with the Write command to create a document in the document cache. You may find this useful when your application needs to create code dynamically. For example, you may need to create a DataSpec document in which the number of temporary symbols is unknown until run time. Syntax CREATE DOCUMENT DocName where: DocName is the name for the docume...
Create GlobalVariable
Create GlobalVariable Use this command to create a new global variable. Global variables can be used by any model or procedure within the main procedure. For example, if main procedure A calls two procedures B and C, and procedure B creates a global variable, procedures A and C can also recognize that variable. Syntax CREATE GLOBALVARIABLE VariableName [] AS STRING|NUM|RANGE|OBJECT where: V...
Create Group
Create Group Use this command to create a new user group. Syntax regular CREATE GROUP GroupName "Description" where: GroupName is the name of the user group you want to create. Description is the string describing the group (for example, the group’s function), enclosed in double quotation marks. Note: For more information on the guidelines for user group settings, see the Longview Applic...
Create Lock
Create Lock Use this command to lock sections of data in the Data Server repository. A lock is a Data Server repository security feature preventing a data intersection from being changed by another user or process until an operation is completed and the data intersection is released. Use this command to create an explicit lock. The lock is “explicit” because it occurs only when you issue th...
Create Property
Create Property Use this command to create a property on an existing variable of object type. Syntax CREATE PROPERTY Object.Property AS STRING|NUM|OBJECT where: Object.Property is the name of the property to create. Syntax example // Create a variable of type object CREATE VARIABLE TestObject as Object   // Create properties of the object CREATE PROPERTY TestObject.comments as String CREA...
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