Longview from insightsoftware

Appendix A: Tax Method Rate Table Default Settings
Appendix A: Tax Method Rate Table Default Settings Note: This Appendix applies only to Tax Provision. In the event that you make an undesired change to an element’s tax method rate, you can use the tables in the following sections to revert the method rate to its default value. In this section, you can find information on the following topics: ASC tax method rate default settings IAS tax me...
Appendix A: Tax method rate table default settings
Appendix A: Tax method rate table default settingsNote: This Appendix applies only to Tax Provision. In the event that you make an undesired change to an element’s tax method rate, you can use the tables in the following sections to revert the method rate to its default value.In this section, you can find information on the following topics:ASC tax method rate default settingsIAS tax method rat...
ASC Tax Method Rate Default Settings
ASC Tax Method Rate Default Settings The following table lists the defaults for ASC: Element Symbol Tax method rate table default GrsAcqPR_ASC — Acquisitions Prior RPERTAX GrsAcqCur_ASC — Acquisitions Gross RPERTAX GrsAcq_ASC — Acquisitions not applicable GrsBOY_ASC — Beginning of Year RPERTAXB GrsCA_ASC — CT Asset RPERTAXE GrsCAIP_ASC — Interim CT Asset RPERTAXE GrsCL_AS...
ASC tax method rate default settings
ASC tax method rate default settingsThe following table lists the defaults for ASC:Element Symbol Tax method rate table defaultGrsAcqPR_ASC—Acquisitions PriorRPERTAXGrsAcqCur_ASC—Acquisitions GrossRPERTAXGrsAcq_ASC—Acquisitionsnot applicableGrsBOY_ASC—Beginning of YearRPERTAXBGrsCA_ASC—CT Asset RPERTAXEGrsCAIP_ASC—Interim CT AssetRPERTAXEGrsCL_ASC—CT LiabilityRPERTAXEGrsCLIP_ASC—Interim CT Liab...
IAS Tax Method Rate Default Settings
IAS Tax Method Rate Default Settings The following table lists the defaults for IAS: Element symbol Tax method rate table default ACTTAXBAS — Actual Tax Basis RPERTAX GrsAcqPR_IAS — Acquisitions Prior RPERTAX GrsAcqCur_IAS — Acquisitions Gross RPERTAX GrsAcq_IAS — Acquisitions 0.00 GrsBOY_IAS — Opening balance RPERTAXB GrsCA_IAS — Current Asset RPERTAXE GrsCL_IAS — Current...
IAS tax method rate default settings
IAS tax method rate default settingsThe following table lists the defaults for IAS:Element symbol Tax method rate table defaultACTTAXBAS—Actual Tax BasisRPERTAXGrsAcqPR_IAS—Acquisitions PriorRPERTAXGrsAcqCur_IAS—Acquisitions GrossRPERTAXGrsAcq_IAS—Acquisitions0.00GrsBOY_IAS—Opening balanceRPERTAXBGrsCA_IAS—Current AssetRPERTAXEGrsCL_IAS—Current LiabilityRPERTAXEGrsCTABOY_IAS—Exchange difference...
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