AllocationsLongview provides a standard application that can be used to allocate shared expenses to any dimension within the Longview system such as entities, departments, and products. The result of the allocation process helps business users analyze the performance and profitability of individual entities, departments and products and helps in making more accurate, informed decisions.Longview...
Allocation proof
Allocation proofRunning the Allocation proof app allows you to view what the results of the allocation will look like before actually running the allocation. For more information on setting up allocations, see the Implementing Allocations” section of the Solutions Implementation Guide for Longview Close deployments, orLongview Transfer Pricing Implementation Guide for Longview Transfer Pricing ...
Clear Allocation Targets
Clear Allocation TargetsClear Allocation Targets allows you to delete all data within an allocation target for the selected period.To launch from the navigation pane:In the Transfer Pricing navigation pane, click Administration.Expand Allocations, and then click Clear Allocation Targets.Complete the following fields for a Tax Provision or Longview Transfer Pricing system:FieldNotesTIMEPERSelect...
Exporting allocations
Exporting allocationsExport Allocations allows you to export all allocations in your system.Note: The Export Allocations app is an example app, which means the app could have been modified. This chapter assumes there are no changes to the Export Allocations app, however the content of the Export Allocations app can vary according to your implementation.Accessing export allocationsFrom the Tax, ...
Importing allocations
Importing allocationsImport Allocations allows the user to import allocations into the system from a .csv file. Allocations currently in the system can either be replaced by the contents of the .csv import file or they can be appended to.Note: The Import Allocations app is an example app, which means the app could have been modified. This chapter assumes there are no changes to the Import Alloc...
Manage allocation patterns
Manage allocation patternsManage allocations patterns allows you to create and delete allocation pattern accounts and edit the properties of existing allocation pattern accounts.This section provides information on these main topics:Accessing manage allocation patternsImporting allocation patternsManaging allocation patternsExporting allocation patternsAccessing manage allocation patternsDepend...
Manage allocation targets
Manage allocation targetsManage allocation targets allows you to create and delete allocation target symbols and edit the properties of existing allocation target symbols.The dimension that contains the allocation target symbols, as well as the allocation target parent symbol are defined by the following system attributes:ASAllocRuleDim - Allocation Rule Dimension ASAllocRuleParent- Allocation ...
Managing allocations
Managing allocationsManage Allocations allows you to create and delete allocations and edit the properties of existing allocations.Note: The Manage Allocations app is a starter kit, which means the app and/or underlying data table that stores the allocation information could have been modified. This chapter assumes there are no changes to the Manage Allocations app or underlying data table, how...
Run allocations
Run allocationsRun Allocations allows you to run configured allocations within your system. For more information on setting up allocations, see the “Implementing Allocations” section of the Longview Close and Plan Implementer’s Guide or the Longview Transfer Pricing Implementer's Guide. Accessing run allocationsSelect the Consolidate module (Longview Close) or the Transfer Pricing module (Longv...
Delete calculated journal entries
Delete calculated journal entriesDelete Calculated Journal Entries allows you to delete any calculated journal entry that has not been permanently posted.Accessing delete calculated Journal EntrySelect the Consolidate module. Select the Administration category. Expand Calculations. Click Delete Calculated JE. The Delete Calculated Journal Entry table appears.Deleting a calculated Journal EntryT...
Maintaining users and user groups
Maintaining users and user groupsAdministrative users with the appropriate permissions can perform user and user group maintenance tasks. These include adding users or user groups, modifying users or user groups, assigning access to a particular user or user group, resetting user passwords, and deleting users or user groups.This chapter contains information on following main topics:Understandin...
Working with users with ISW platform integration
Working with users with ISW platform integrationIf your system is configured to be on the ISW Platform, all user maintenance (creating users, editing users, deleting users, and resetting user passwords) is managed by the ISW platform. User authorizations are also limited to the type of user license they have and therefore authorizations cannot be set on a group.Note: The following will always b...
Working with users
Working with users You can use the Users editor to customize users in your Longview system. For more information on preconfigured users, see Understanding preconfigured users and user groups. Tasks that involve users include: Adding usersModifying user propertiesCopying user propertiesDeleting usersDeactivate and Activate UsersResetting user passwordsNote: To access the Users editor, you must h...
Working with user groups
Working with user groups User groups help you organize the users in your Longview system. Your Longview system contains some preconfigured user groups, and you can also add custom user groups specific to your company. For more information on preconfigured user groups, see Understanding preconfigured users and user groups.Users that are members of a user group receive all access permissions assi...
Running user and user group reports
Running user and user group reportsUser and User Group reports allow you to review information for both users and groups within the system. Information supplied by the reports will include names, descriptions, last login activity and a password update history through to system access in terms of authorization and symbol access.This chapter contains information on following main topics:User Repo...
Managing hierarchies
Managing hierarchiesManage Hierarchies allows you to create and delete symbols from non-standard hierarchies, and edit the properties of existing symbols.Non-standard hierarchies - overviewIn Longview Close, there are 6 standard dimensions:ACCOUNTSTIMEPERIODSENTITIESDATAVIEWSSCENARIOSCURRENCIESIf your Longview Close system has more than the 6 standard dimensions listed above, any additional dim...
Metadata Audit
Metadata AuditThe metadata audit app allows an administrator to query maintenance activity in the system. Queries can be executed for specific dates, specific users, and specific categories of maintenance activity. Metadata audit is found in the Monitoring folder of the Administration category.Pre-requisites:Metadata audit trail is enabled for the serverThe user executing the app has authorizat...
PatternsPatterns allow a user to spread their data over multiple periods according to a set series of proportions within DVI input apps. The Manage Patterns tools allows the administrator to define this standard set of patterns to be used by users in the system.Inputting patternsPattern Input allows you to input and update pattern values. These patterns can then be used in the Pattern Spread i...
Homepage alerts
Homepage alertsHomepage alerts allows you to set messages that appear on the user’s homepage.Accessing homepage alertsSelect the Consolidate module.Select the Administration category.Expand System.Expand Homepage.Click Homepage alerts. The homepage alerts table appears.Setting homepage alertsIn the Homepage Alerts table the list of alerts in the system is displayed.Adding an alertClick Add to a...
Homepage links
Homepage linksHomepage links allows you to set links that appear on the user’s homepage. Links are tied to a specific homepage and can be categorized.Accessing homepage linksSelect the Consolidate module.Select the Administration category.Expand System.Click Homepage Links. The homepage link table appears.Setting homepage linksIn the Homepage Links table, the list of links in the system are dis...
Trial balance
Trial balanceThe Accounts dimension within Longview contains a Trial Balance hierarchy that reflects the financial account structure of an organization.Foundational symbols are supplied to support Longview’s Trial Balance hierarchy. Customers can then supplement the existing out of the box hierarchy by creating additional symbols below these foundational symbols.Trial balance foundational symbo...