Longview from insightsoftware

Uninstalling Longview
Uninstalling LongviewUninstalling Longview consists of the following steps:Uninstalling Longview ServerUninstalling the Data Server Web ServiceUninstalling Lonngview Client  Previous sectionNext sectionUpgrading LongviewAppendix A: The Server Configuration File
Uninstalling Longview Server
Uninstalling Longview ServerRunning the uninstall process removes Longview Data Server, web components and HTTP Proxy from your system, with the option of leaving the databases and logins, or removing them as well.To uninstall Longview Server:Open Programs and Features and select Longview Server - <Instance> and Click Uninstall. Alternatively Navigate to the install location and open the Longvi...
Uninstalling the Data Server Web Service
Uninstalling the Data Server Web ServiceRunning the uninstall process removes the Longview Data Server Web Service from your system.To uninstall the Data Server Web Service:To start the uninstall process, select Start > All Programs > Longview Data Server Web Service > Uninstall Web Service - LID. The Uninstall Longview Data Server Web Service dialog opens.Click Yes. The Check Data Server Web S...
Uninstalling Lonngview Client
Uninstalling Lonngview ClientClient uninstalls consists of:Uninstalling Longview Add-In for OfficeUninstalling Longview Add-In for OfficeCompleting the uninstall process removes the Longview Add-In for Office from your computer. Longview Add-In for Office files are stored in several locations on your computer and must be deleted in order to uninstall the Add-In.To uninstall the Longview Add-In ...
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