Longview from insightsoftware

Introducing Longview Analysis and Reporting
Introducing Longview Analysis and ReportingLongview provides corporate performance management (CPM) software that leading companies use to drive performance with speed, visibility, and financial integrity. Since 1994, many of the world's most respected companies have been using our technology platform to create a single repository of financial truth from which statutory consolidation, managemen...
Getting started in Longview Analysis and Reporting
Getting started in Longview Analysis and Reporting You can get started quickly and easily in Longview Analysis and Reporting. You can also choose to work offline to save Internet connection costs, or when no connection is available for your computer.Launching Longview Analysis and Reporting This section explains how to start Longview Analysis and Reporting, including authentication and security...
Understanding your Longview database
Understanding your Longview databaseYour company uses a large database containing its financial data. A Longview database consists of dimensions, hierarchies, and symbols. You can work with the application more effectively if you understand the basic concepts first. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics: “Dimensions” “Hierarchies”Symbol informationDimensions The Longvie...
Preparing your system for Longview Analysis and Reporting and Input
Preparing your system for Longview Analysis and Reporting and InputUse Longview Analysis and Reporting to view and analyze Longview data in reports. Use Longview Input to submit data to the Longview database. Before the users of the application can start to work, the System Administrator must perform a few preparation tasks in Longview Application Administrator. In this chapter, you can find in...
Working with Longview Analysis and Reporting files
Working with Longview Analysis and Reporting filesIn Longview Analysis and Reporting, the tasks you perform and the functionality to which you have access depend on the role you have been assigned. Your role in the reporting process In Longview Analysis and Reporting, you perform tasks based on a role assigned to your individual user ID or user group (if you are using V3 compatibility — for mor...
Working with data content
Working with data content In the application, a Report Publisher prepares the templates that specify the content and format of the templates and reports that are accessed by other users. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics:“Specifying default settings”“Specifying orientation and symbols in a template”“Changing symbol content in a template or view”“Expanding and collap...
Specifying default settings
Specifying default settings When you create a new view, certain default settings and formats are used. Depending on your role, you may be able to change these settings and formats. This section contains information on these main topics:"Specifying general settings""Including schedule data ""Comparing base and schedule data""Including unadjusted, adjustment, and total adjusted data " "Specifying...
Specifying orientation and symbols in a template
Specifying orientation and symbols in a template When a new view is created, the Report Publisher must specify the orientation and symbols for each dimension in the database. The root symbol is the top hierarchy symbol that can be accessed in a particular situation. You may be able to specify orientation and symbols.RoleCan perform this task?Report PublisherYes, to create DataViews for data ana...
Changing symbol content in a template or view
Changing symbol content in a template or view You may from time to time, want to change the symbol selections in your templates, and DataViews.If you are a Report Publisher, or Report Author, you can change the symbol selection for any dimensions in your templates and DataViews at any time. Depending on your role, you may be able to perform this task.RoleCan perform this task?Report Publisher Y...
Expanding and collapsing hierarchies
Expanding and collapsing hierarchies You can expand and collapse hierarchies in the down and across dimensions of a template, or DataView, by clicking the plus and minus signs beside parent symbols. However, you can also choose a menu command to expand a selected parent symbol to show every level of symbol detail within it. For example: You can also choose a menu command to display one level of...
Working with conditions
Working with conditions You may be able to apply conditions to data that meet certain criteria, so that the data stands out from the rest of the data. For example, in the following illustration, you may want to highlight all numbers less than or equal to 10,000,000, for easier identification and analysis. Creating a condition You may be able to apply a condition to an entire view, or to one sym...
Adding calculated rows and columns
Adding calculated rows and columns To compare data, you can create a calculated symbol. You can also use a calculated symbol to compare values from any row symbol or column symbol. You can create a calculated row or column that compares two other rows or columns according to percentage, ratio, or variance. For example, the following illustration shows a calculated column that displays the varia...
Working with range calculations
Working with range calculations In regular calculated rows and columns, one calculation applies to the entire range of symbols within that row or column. Using range calculations, you can create calculated rows and columns in which you can define more than one calculation and apply them to different ranges of symbols within that row or column.This section contains information on these main topi...
Editing symbol formats
Editing symbol formatsDepending on your role, you may be able to edit the appearance of individual symbols in a template, DataView, or view. For example, you may want to change the scaling of the symbol’s data, the number of decimals shown in the symbol’s data, or the description of the symbol itself. For example, in the following illustration, the scaling and number of decimals for the Total r...
Editing cell formats
Editing cell formats Depending on your role, you may be able to edit the format of individual cells in a template, DataView, or view. For example, you may want to change the scaling of the cell’s data, or the number of decimals shown in the cell’s data.For example, in the following illustration, the scaling and number of decimals for the selected cell have been changed. When you define individu...
Hiding symbols
Hiding symbols You may be able to hide an individual symbol if it contains data that would clutter the screen with extraneous detail but is still needed for calculations.RoleCan perform this task?Report Publisher yes Report Author yes Report User no For example, in the following illustration, you may want to hide one or more of the child symbols rolling up to Total revenue to see their siblings...
Adjusting spacing with blank symbols
Adjusting spacing with blank symbols To make the data in a template, or DataView easier to read, you may want to separate certain symbols by inserting a blank row or column between them.The following illustration shows a blank row to separate the total symbol from its child symbols. The blank row above the Total row makes the data easier to read. This section contains information on these main ...
Adding links to a template
Adding links to a templateIf you want, you can attach links from your Longview Analysis and Reporting templates to external systems. This link might be to any external system that can accept a URL. The system on the receiving end must be able to interpret the URL and resolve the request.You can create two kinds of links:Link typeDescriptionCell-levelUsed to provide a link to an external URL, to...
Working with report batches
Working with report batches If you have several reports to run, you can save time by creating a batch to run them together, rather than individually. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics:“Creating report batches” “Opening report batches”“Refreshing report batches”“Running report batches” “Deleting report batches”Creating report batchesIf you have several reports to run...
Designing reports
Designing reportsNo matter what your role in Longview Analysis and Reporting and Longview Input, you can view templates, DataViews, and input views in report format. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics:“Understanding reports and their features” “Viewing files in report format” “Selecting new symbols for reports”“Navigating reports”“Formatting reports” “Viewing input c...
Publishing report templates and batches
Publishing report templates and batchesWhen you are finished working on a template, you need to make it available to the people in your company. To make a template available for use, you publish it. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics:“Publishing report templates”“Assigning report templates to categories”“Publishing and unpublishing report batches”Publishing report te...
Working with charts
Working with chartsUsing the available chart formats, you can find many different ways in which to view data in a graphical format. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics:“Chart formats” “Viewing data in alternate formats”Chart formatsYou can view data in several types of chart formats.Bar chart A bar chart is a chart in which vertical bars along the horizontal axis repr...
Working with reports
Working with reportsYou can use reports to view, print, and interact with the data in your system.This section contains information on the following main topics:“Understanding reporting roles”“Understanding reports and their features”“Opening reports”“Modifying symbol options”“Navigating reports”“Enabling and disabling conditional displays”“Viewing additional information through links”“Refreshi...
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questionsHave questions about the application? You may be able to find the answers in this chapter. In this chapter, you can find information on these main topics:“FAQ • Getting started”“FAQ • Longview Analysis and Reporting”FAQs on Getting startedThis section contains frequently asked questions on getting started in the application.Can I sign on to the application through the ...
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