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Use this command to perform the tax foreign exchange calculation. The TaxFX command replaces the TaxFX_Calc procedure and greatly improves performance.

The following attributes are part of the tax foreign exchange calculation:


For more information on setting attributes for Longview Tax, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.


Calculate TAXFX Currencies ctaElements SourceDataArea RateSourceDataArea RateMethodDataArea RateOverrideDataArea


  • Currencies is a range variable, consisting of a list of target currency symbols.
  • ctaElements is a range variable, consisting of a list of cumulative translation adjustment (CTA) element symbols.
  • SourceDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the source data for the calculation.
  • RateSourceDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the rate source data.
  • RateMethodDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the rate method data.
  • RateOverrideDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the rate override data.

The following code is an example of how to set up the range variables for translationCurrencies and ctaElements


Create variable currencies as Range

Create variable translationCurrencies as Range

Create variable elements as Range

Create variable ctaElements as Range

Set variable currencies = createlist("Symbols", "DATABASE", "CURRENCY", "CURRENCIES###")

Set variable translationCurrencies = ""

Create variable translation as String

For Each currency in currencies

Set variable translation = [[ SYMBOL, ZFXTranslations, $currency$ ]]

If "$translation$" NE ""

Set variable translationCurrencies = $translationCurrencies$ + $currency$

End If


Set variable elements = createlist("Symbols", "DATABASE", "ELEMENTS", "TRNELE###")

Set variable ctaElements = ""

Create variable cta as String

For Each element in elements

Set variable cta = [[ SYMBOL, AZTaxCTAElement, $element$ ]]

If "$cta$" EQ "TRUE"

Set variable ctaElements = $ctaElements$ + $element$

End If


Note: The range variable lists can also be filtered using the FilterList function. For example, Set Variable rCTAAccts = FilterList( rElements, "[[Symbol,AZTaxCTAElement,THIS]] == 'TRUE'" ).

Syntax example:

Calculate TAXFX translationCurrencies ctaElements daSource daRateSource daRateMethod daRateOverride

See also



Use this command to perform the tax foreign exchange calculation. The TaxFX command replaces the TaxFX_Calc procedure and greatly improves performance.

The following attributes are part of the tax foreign exchange calculation:


For more information on setting attributes for Longview Tax, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.


Calculate TAXFX Currencies ctaElements SourceDataArea RateSourceDataArea RateMethodDataArea RateOverrideDataArea


  • Currencies is a range variable, consisting of a list of target currency symbols.
  • ctaElements is a range variable, consisting of a list of cumulative translation adjustment (CTA) element symbols.
  • SourceDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the source data for the calculation.
  • RateSourceDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the rate source data.
  • RateMethodDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the rate method data.
  • RateOverrideDataArea is the name of the DataArea containing the rate override data.

The following code is an example of how to set up the range variables for translationCurrencies and ctaElements


Create variable currencies as Range

Create variable translationCurrencies as Range

Create variable elements as Range

Create variable ctaElements as Range

Set variable currencies = createlist("Symbols", "DATABASE", "CURRENCY", "CURRENCIES###")

Set variable translationCurrencies = ""

Create variable translation as String

For Each currency in currencies

Set variable translation = [[ SYMBOL, ZFXTranslations, $currency$ ]]

If "$translation$" NE ""

Set variable translationCurrencies = $translationCurrencies$ + $currency$

End If


Set variable elements = createlist("Symbols", "DATABASE", "ELEMENTS", "TRNELE###")

Set variable ctaElements = ""

Create variable cta as String

For Each element in elements

Set variable cta = [[ SYMBOL, AZTaxCTAElement, $element$ ]]

If "$cta$" EQ "TRUE"

Set variable ctaElements = $ctaElements$ + $element$

End If


Note: The range variable lists can also be filtered using the FilterList function. For example, Set Variable rCTAAccts = FilterList( rElements, "[[Symbol,AZTaxCTAElement,THIS]] == 'TRUE'" ).

Syntax example:

Calculate TAXFX translationCurrencies ctaElements daSource daRateSource daRateMethod daRateOverride

See also

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