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Create User

Use this command to create a new user.

Syntax regular:

CREATE USER [DomainName\]UserId AuthType "Description" ["Password"] "FirstName" "LastName" "Email" "HomePhone" "OfficePhone"


  • DomainName is optional and is the network domain of a Windows-authenticated user.
  • UserId is the ID of the user you want to create.
  • AuthType is the authentication method and can be EXTERNAL, LONGVIEW, or WINDOWS.
  • Description is a description based on the user’s role in the system, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • Password is mandatory for LONGVIEW authentication only, and is the user’s password, enclosed in double quotation marks. This parameter should be omitted for other types of authentication.
  • FirstName is the user’s first name, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • LastName is the user’s last name, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • Email is the user’s email address, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • HomePhone is the user’s home phone number, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • OfficePhone is the user’s office phone number, enclosed in double quotation marks.

Note: You can include or exclude values for any combination of strings by using two double quotation marks ("") for null values preceding the parameters you want to include. For more information on the guidelines for user settings, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Syntax example:

CREATE USER JSmith LONGVIEW "Admin" "password1" "John" "Smith" "" "555-555-5555" "555-555-5556"

Syntax example:

CREATE USER JDoe LONGVIEW "Admin" "password1" "Jane" "Doe" "" "" "555-555-5678"

Creating an ASCII input file

To create multiple users, specify the parameters for this command in an ASCII file.

Create an ASCII file containing the following information for each user:


Syntax (with an ASCII file):



  • FileName is an ASCII file containing the data. It can include a complete or a partial folder path in the format C:\...\FileName. If FileName includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks; for example:

    @"C:\My Documents\My Data.txt"

Syntax example:


CREATE USER @newusers.txt



Create User

Use this command to create a new user.

Syntax regular:

CREATE USER [DomainName\]UserId AuthType "Description" ["Password"] "FirstName" "LastName" "Email" "HomePhone" "OfficePhone"


  • DomainName is optional and is the network domain of a Windows-authenticated user.
  • UserId is the ID of the user you want to create.
  • AuthType is the authentication method and can be EXTERNAL, LONGVIEW, or WINDOWS.
  • Description is a description based on the user’s role in the system, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • Password is mandatory for LONGVIEW authentication only, and is the user’s password, enclosed in double quotation marks. This parameter should be omitted for other types of authentication.
  • FirstName is the user’s first name, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • LastName is the user’s last name, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • Email is the user’s email address, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • HomePhone is the user’s home phone number, enclosed in double quotation marks.
  • OfficePhone is the user’s office phone number, enclosed in double quotation marks.

Note: You can include or exclude values for any combination of strings by using two double quotation marks ("") for null values preceding the parameters you want to include. For more information on the guidelines for user settings, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Syntax example:

CREATE USER JSmith LONGVIEW "Admin" "password1" "John" "Smith" "" "555-555-5555" "555-555-5556"

Syntax example:

CREATE USER JDoe LONGVIEW "Admin" "password1" "Jane" "Doe" "" "" "555-555-5678"

Creating an ASCII input file

To create multiple users, specify the parameters for this command in an ASCII file.

Create an ASCII file containing the following information for each user:


Syntax (with an ASCII file):



  • FileName is an ASCII file containing the data. It can include a complete or a partial folder path in the format C:\...\FileName. If FileName includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks; for example:

    @"C:\My Documents\My Data.txt"

Syntax example:


CREATE USER @newusers.txt


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