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Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting

The Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting editor allows you to set the classification and netting levels by region and regional group.

Accessing Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting

  1. Select the Tax Provision module.
  2. Select the Administration category.
  3. Expand Entities.
  4. Click Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting. The Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog appears and contains the following options:
    • Import
    • Manage
    • Export

Importing classification and netting settings

The import option in the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog allows you to update classification and netting settings in the database from a .csv file.

To import classification and netting settings:

  1. For Option, select Import.
  2. Select the .csv file to import from.
  3. Click OK. A table will be displayed showing the summary of all actions performed by the import.

.csv file example:

Region, Regional Group, Classification Level, Calculate Netting Adjustment












Region is the region symbol to set the classification and netting levels for

Regional Group is the regional group symbol to set the classification and netting levels for

Classification level determines if the regional group will be a classification level for the region.

  • 1 if the regional group is a classification level for the region
  • 0 if the regional group is not a classification level for the region

    Note: If the classification level is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupClassLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

Calculate Netting Adjustment determines if the regional group will be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region.

  • 1 if the regional group will be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region

  • 0 if the regional group will not be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region


    • If the calculate netting adjustment is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupNettingLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

    • If a region is specified in your import file, all classification and netting levels will be overwritten by the settings in your file. For example, if you are specifying the following line in your import file:
      Attributes AZTaxMSPGroupClassLevel and AZTaxMSPGroupNettingLevel for MSP_OH would be replaced by the settings in your file.

Managing classification and netting settings

The Manage option in the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog allows you to update classification and netting settings from within the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting table.

To manage classification and netting settings:

  1. For Option, select Manage.
  2. Select the region to manage.
  3. In the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting table, the list of regions selected is displayed.

Modifying region settings

For each region, fill in the following fields:

Field Notes
Classification Level Select this option if the regional group will be a classification level for the region.

Note: If the classification level is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupClassLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

Calculate Netting Adjustment Select this option if the regional group will be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region.

Note: If the calculate netting adjustment is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupNettingLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

No changes are applied until you click Apply.

Applying changes

To apply changes to the regions, click Apply.

  1. Any changes to the classification level will be applied.
  2. Any changes to the calculate netting adjustment settings will be applied

All actions performed are presented at the end of processing with the action performed or the reason any error occurred. Any valid changes, not cancelled, are applied.

Refreshing the regions

Click Refresh to refresh the list of regions.

Click Symbols to change the selected region and refresh the list of regions.

In either case, if there are any unapplied changes, you will be prompted to apply or discard any changes that have not yet been applied.

  • Choose Apply Changes to apply any changes made, then refresh the list of regions.
  • Choose Discard Changes to discard any changes made, then refresh the list of regions.
  • Click Cancel to return to the table without refreshing the list of regions.

Exporting from the classification and netting settings table

Click Export to export from the regions table to a .csv file.

  1. Select the .csv file to export to.

    Note: If the file selected does not currently exist, it will be created during the export process.

  2. Click OK. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  3. Click View File to view the exported file.

Exporting classification and netting settings

The Export option in the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog allows you to export regions and their related classification and netting settings from the database to a .csv file.

To export classification and netting settings:

  1. For Option, select Export.
  2. Select the .csv file to export to.

    Note: If the file selected does not currently exist, it will be created during the export process.

  3. Select regions to export.
  4. Click OK. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  5. Click View File to view the exported file.


Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting

The Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting editor allows you to set the classification and netting levels by region and regional group.

Accessing Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting

  1. Select the Tax Provision module.
  2. Select the Administration category.
  3. Expand Entities.
  4. Click Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting. The Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog appears and contains the following options:
    • Import
    • Manage
    • Export

Importing classification and netting settings

The import option in the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog allows you to update classification and netting settings in the database from a .csv file.

To import classification and netting settings:

  1. For Option, select Import.
  2. Select the .csv file to import from.
  3. Click OK. A table will be displayed showing the summary of all actions performed by the import.

.csv file example:

Region, Regional Group, Classification Level, Calculate Netting Adjustment












Region is the region symbol to set the classification and netting levels for

Regional Group is the regional group symbol to set the classification and netting levels for

Classification level determines if the regional group will be a classification level for the region.

  • 1 if the regional group is a classification level for the region
  • 0 if the regional group is not a classification level for the region

    Note: If the classification level is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupClassLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

Calculate Netting Adjustment determines if the regional group will be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region.

  • 1 if the regional group will be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region

  • 0 if the regional group will not be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region


    • If the calculate netting adjustment is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupNettingLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

    • If a region is specified in your import file, all classification and netting levels will be overwritten by the settings in your file. For example, if you are specifying the following line in your import file:
      Attributes AZTaxMSPGroupClassLevel and AZTaxMSPGroupNettingLevel for MSP_OH would be replaced by the settings in your file.

Managing classification and netting settings

The Manage option in the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog allows you to update classification and netting settings from within the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting table.

To manage classification and netting settings:

  1. For Option, select Manage.
  2. Select the region to manage.
  3. In the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting table, the list of regions selected is displayed.

Modifying region settings

For each region, fill in the following fields:

Field Notes
Classification Level Select this option if the regional group will be a classification level for the region.

Note: If the classification level is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupClassLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

Calculate Netting Adjustment Select this option if the regional group will be a used to calculate the netting adjustment for the region.

Note: If the calculate netting adjustment is set, symbol attribute AZTaxMSPGroupNettingLevel for the region would be updated to include the regional group.

No changes are applied until you click Apply.

Applying changes

To apply changes to the regions, click Apply.

  1. Any changes to the classification level will be applied.
  2. Any changes to the calculate netting adjustment settings will be applied

All actions performed are presented at the end of processing with the action performed or the reason any error occurred. Any valid changes, not cancelled, are applied.

Refreshing the regions

Click Refresh to refresh the list of regions.

Click Symbols to change the selected region and refresh the list of regions.

In either case, if there are any unapplied changes, you will be prompted to apply or discard any changes that have not yet been applied.

  • Choose Apply Changes to apply any changes made, then refresh the list of regions.
  • Choose Discard Changes to discard any changes made, then refresh the list of regions.
  • Click Cancel to return to the table without refreshing the list of regions.

Exporting from the classification and netting settings table

Click Export to export from the regions table to a .csv file.

  1. Select the .csv file to export to.

    Note: If the file selected does not currently exist, it will be created during the export process.

  2. Click OK. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  3. Click View File to view the exported file.

Exporting classification and netting settings

The Export option in the Regional Deferred Tax Classification and Netting dialog allows you to export regions and their related classification and netting settings from the database to a .csv file.

To export classification and netting settings:

  1. For Option, select Export.
  2. Select the .csv file to export to.

    Note: If the file selected does not currently exist, it will be created during the export process.

  3. Select regions to export.
  4. Click OK. A confirmation dialog will appear.
  5. Click View File to view the exported file.

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