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Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the application? You may be able to find the answers in this topic.

Getting started

Can I sign on to the application through the web?

Yes, if your system is configured to do so. If your system is set up to use the web, you need to know the location of your web pages. Ask your System administrator for the URL, or for a link to your web site.

Do I need to know a user ID or password to sign on to the application?

Yes, depending on how your system is configured, you can sign on using one of two authentication methods:

Authentication method Sign on procedure
Windows authentication Users are authorized to access the application as soon as they sign on to Windows. They do not have to supply a user ID or password specific to the application.
Longview authentication Users access the application by providing a user ID and password. If you are an experienced user, you’ll recognize this as the method you have always used in the past.

You must know what type of authentication is used by your company. If necessary, see your System administrator.

My organization uses Windows authentication, and I’m having trouble connecting to the database. Why?

If your organization uses Windows authentication, and your user ID contains a space somewhere within the middle of the user ID, the application can process your user ID. However, you cannot have one or more spaces at the end of your user ID.

Why can’t I connect to the database?

You may have selected the wrong authentication method.

To correct an authentication problem, make sure you select the correct authentication method (Windows authentication or Longview authentication).

How do I know if I have access rights to a particular component?

In order to use a Longview component, you need to sign on to your web page.

Look for the icon representing the Longview component you want to use. If it does not appear, you do not have access rights to it.

If you need access to a component whose icon does not appear on your screen, see your System administrator.

I want to change my connection settings temporarily, but the Change Settings selection in the Tools menu is dimmed. What should I do?

You are currently connected to the database. You can change your connection settings only when you are working offline.

Longview Workflow Designer

How do I decide whether an approval step should be Simple or Hierarchical?

Follow these guidelines:

  • If you want to establish a chain of command specifically for this approval process, use multiple Simple approval steps.
  • If the chain of command for the approval is identical to one of the dimensions in your Longview database (usually the ENTITIES dimension), use a Hierarchical approval step.
  • If the chain of command is similar to, but not identical to, a dimension in your database, you cannot use a Hierarchical approval step only. Use Simple approval steps at higher levels and try to use subhierarchies as Hierarchical approval steps below.

How do I decide whether to enforce chain of command?

You can choose to ignore chain of command only in a hierarchical step. Follow these tips:

Step type Do this…
Simple Ignore this field.
Hierarchical Approvers can normally approve only the approval area immediately below their own. If this is the scenario you prefer, leave this field selected.
Enforce Chain of command If you want to allow certain Approvers to be permitted to approve all levels of their approval area (or subarea lower in the tree) regardless of current status, clear this field. The person approving multiple levels needs write-access to symbols from the top level they are approving from down to the next to last level. After invoking the option to approve all levels, the Approver receives a confirmation message, with a warning that this action cannot be undone.

Our approval process includes Hierarchical approval steps based on the ENTITIES dimension. What happens if we subsequently need to make changes to our ENTITIES dimension?

If someone uses Longview Application Administrator to perform entity maintenance, a Hierarchical approval step in Longview Workflow using those entities may be affected. Double-check your Hierarchical approval step for unexpected statuses.

Can I set up automated emails for a specific approval process, or for a specific step within a process?

Sorry, no. Only one system-wide set of email messages can be created for all processes.

Our company uses the application in two languages. Can I set up separate email messages for our two languages?

Sorry, no. Since each system contains only one set of email templates, each email template in multilingual systems must provide text in both languages. All users receive the same email template and can read the portion of the message that corresponds to their own language.

Some users are receiving a large number of automated emails. Can they do anything to manage the volume?

If the volume of emails becomes hard to manage, users can use email rules functionality provided with most standard email programs in order to automatically deal with the flow of emails. For example, they can move Longview Workflow emails to a specific email folder on receipt.

I’m worried that our approval process may get “stuck” because of employee absences or other reasons. Can I do anything to avoid potential approval bottlenecks?

When you create the approval process, try these suggestions:

  • For Simple approval steps, and for the top step in Hierarchical approval steps, assign multiple Owners or Approvers.
  • For Simple approval steps, and for the top step in Hierarchical approval steps, assign a user group as the Approver, rather than individual users.

If the approval process is “stuck”, try these suggestions:

  • If an Owner is not available, the Approver of the Data Area or approval area can submit on his or her behalf. However, the Approver can do so only for the area immediately below; he or she cannot do so for any area further below in the hierarchy.
  • In an emergency, the System administrator can change the status of any Data Area.

Our approval process seems to be “stuck” because one approval area in a Hierarchical approval step is not being submitted or approved. What should I do?

This problem may have occurred because there is no user who has Write access to a particular symbol in an approval area. In Longview Application Administrator, edit the user access for the user who should own or approve this approval area.

How do I set up my system to allow data to be invisible?

You need to set the SWFUseVisibility attribute in Longview Application Administrator.

Longview Workflow on the web

What do I do if I want to approve part, but not all, of an approval step that has been submitted to me for approval?

You can only approve, or reject, an entire Data Area. In this case, set the entire Data Area to In Progress or Rejected, and explain, via a comment, which data items within the area were specifically at issue and require rework.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about the application? You may be able to find the answers in this topic.

Getting started

Can I sign on to the application through the web?

Yes, if your system is configured to do so. If your system is set up to use the web, you need to know the location of your web pages. Ask your System administrator for the URL, or for a link to your web site.

Do I need to know a user ID or password to sign on to the application?

Yes, depending on how your system is configured, you can sign on using one of two authentication methods:

Authentication method Sign on procedure
Windows authentication Users are authorized to access the application as soon as they sign on to Windows. They do not have to supply a user ID or password specific to the application.
Longview authentication Users access the application by providing a user ID and password. If you are an experienced user, you’ll recognize this as the method you have always used in the past.

You must know what type of authentication is used by your company. If necessary, see your System administrator.

My organization uses Windows authentication, and I’m having trouble connecting to the database. Why?

If your organization uses Windows authentication, and your user ID contains a space somewhere within the middle of the user ID, the application can process your user ID. However, you cannot have one or more spaces at the end of your user ID.

Why can’t I connect to the database?

You may have selected the wrong authentication method.

To correct an authentication problem, make sure you select the correct authentication method (Windows authentication or Longview authentication).

How do I know if I have access rights to a particular component?

In order to use a Longview component, you need to sign on to your web page.

Look for the icon representing the Longview component you want to use. If it does not appear, you do not have access rights to it.

If you need access to a component whose icon does not appear on your screen, see your System administrator.

I want to change my connection settings temporarily, but the Change Settings selection in the Tools menu is dimmed. What should I do?

You are currently connected to the database. You can change your connection settings only when you are working offline.

Longview Workflow Designer

How do I decide whether an approval step should be Simple or Hierarchical?

Follow these guidelines:

  • If you want to establish a chain of command specifically for this approval process, use multiple Simple approval steps.
  • If the chain of command for the approval is identical to one of the dimensions in your Longview database (usually the ENTITIES dimension), use a Hierarchical approval step.
  • If the chain of command is similar to, but not identical to, a dimension in your database, you cannot use a Hierarchical approval step only. Use Simple approval steps at higher levels and try to use subhierarchies as Hierarchical approval steps below.

How do I decide whether to enforce chain of command?

You can choose to ignore chain of command only in a hierarchical step. Follow these tips:

Step type Do this…
Simple Ignore this field.
Hierarchical Approvers can normally approve only the approval area immediately below their own. If this is the scenario you prefer, leave this field selected.
Enforce Chain of command If you want to allow certain Approvers to be permitted to approve all levels of their approval area (or subarea lower in the tree) regardless of current status, clear this field. The person approving multiple levels needs write-access to symbols from the top level they are approving from down to the next to last level. After invoking the option to approve all levels, the Approver receives a confirmation message, with a warning that this action cannot be undone.

Our approval process includes Hierarchical approval steps based on the ENTITIES dimension. What happens if we subsequently need to make changes to our ENTITIES dimension?

If someone uses Longview Application Administrator to perform entity maintenance, a Hierarchical approval step in Longview Workflow using those entities may be affected. Double-check your Hierarchical approval step for unexpected statuses.

Can I set up automated emails for a specific approval process, or for a specific step within a process?

Sorry, no. Only one system-wide set of email messages can be created for all processes.

Our company uses the application in two languages. Can I set up separate email messages for our two languages?

Sorry, no. Since each system contains only one set of email templates, each email template in multilingual systems must provide text in both languages. All users receive the same email template and can read the portion of the message that corresponds to their own language.

Some users are receiving a large number of automated emails. Can they do anything to manage the volume?

If the volume of emails becomes hard to manage, users can use email rules functionality provided with most standard email programs in order to automatically deal with the flow of emails. For example, they can move Longview Workflow emails to a specific email folder on receipt.

I’m worried that our approval process may get “stuck” because of employee absences or other reasons. Can I do anything to avoid potential approval bottlenecks?

When you create the approval process, try these suggestions:

  • For Simple approval steps, and for the top step in Hierarchical approval steps, assign multiple Owners or Approvers.
  • For Simple approval steps, and for the top step in Hierarchical approval steps, assign a user group as the Approver, rather than individual users.

If the approval process is “stuck”, try these suggestions:

  • If an Owner is not available, the Approver of the Data Area or approval area can submit on his or her behalf. However, the Approver can do so only for the area immediately below; he or she cannot do so for any area further below in the hierarchy.
  • In an emergency, the System administrator can change the status of any Data Area.

Our approval process seems to be “stuck” because one approval area in a Hierarchical approval step is not being submitted or approved. What should I do?

This problem may have occurred because there is no user who has Write access to a particular symbol in an approval area. In Longview Application Administrator, edit the user access for the user who should own or approve this approval area.

How do I set up my system to allow data to be invisible?

You need to set the SWFUseVisibility attribute in Longview Application Administrator.

Longview Workflow on the web

What do I do if I want to approve part, but not all, of an approval step that has been submitted to me for approval?

You can only approve, or reject, an entire Data Area. In this case, set the entire Data Area to In Progress or Rejected, and explain, via a comment, which data items within the area were specifically at issue and require rework.

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