Reviewing Discrete Items And Total Provision National Actual Reports
These reports allow you to review adjusted values to the interim current and deferred effective tax rates and enter current and deferred discrete items.
Forecast Tax Expense report (NF0802)
This report is the summary of the interim ETR before discrete items. It contains the same account symbols as the “Statutory Effective Tax Rate report (NA0501)”. The Elements (across) represent the forecasted values for the current, deferred, and total tax expense.
Note: For more information on reports, see Working with Reports.
This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension:
Element symbol | Description |
GrsCY_ASC — Current Year |
This column represents the current year column in the national current provision forecast. |
GrsCYIP_ASC — Interim Current Year |
This column represents the interim adjustment column in the national current provision forecast for the adjustment to estimate the full year forecasted current tax expense. |
GrsCYFcst_ASC — Forecast Current Year |
This column represents the full year forecasted national current tax expense. |
GrsCYCur_ASC — Current |
This column represents the current year column in the national current provision forecast adjusted for amounts that impact the full year forecasted current tax provision. |
GrsCYCurIP_ASC — Interim Current |
This column represents the interim adjustment column in the national current provision forecast adjusted for amounts that impact the full year forecasted current tax provision. |
GrsCYCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current |
This column is the sum of GrsCYCur_ASC — Current and GrsCYCurIP_ASC — Interim Current. This column represents the full year national current tax expense forecast as adjusted for amounts that impact the full year forecasted national current tax provision. |
GrsCYDfd — Deferred |
This column represents the actual national deferred tax provision elements in the deferred tax rollforward adjusted for amounts that impact the full year forecasted national deferred tax provision. |
GrsCYDfdIP_ASC — Interim Deferred |
This column represents the interim national deferred tax provision elements in the deferred tax rollforward forecast adjusted for amounts that impact the full year forecasted national deferred tax provision. |
GrsCYDfdFcst — Forecast Deferred |
This column is the sum of GrsCYDfd — Deferred and GrsCYDfdIP_ASC — Interim Deferred. This column represents the full year forecasted national deferred tax expense adjusted for amounts that impact the full year forecasted national deferred tax provision. |
GrsCYCurDfdFcstT_ASC — Forecast Current Year |
This is the sum of GrsCYCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current and GrsCYDfdFcst — Forecast Deferred. This column represents the total forecasted national tax provision (i.e. Current plus Deferred). |
To review the Forecast Tax Expense report:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand National Interim.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.
For more information, see Using the Symbol Selector.
- Click NF0802 - Forecast Tax Expense.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the following values:
- Total current provision
- Change in valuation allowance
- Additional provision items
- Interim effective tax rate before adjustment
- Total current provision
- Change in valuation allowance
- Additional provision items
- Interim effective tax rate before adjustment
ETR and Discrete Items Interim report (NF0803 / NF0803R)
Use this report to view the interim ETR after adjusting the current and deferred ETR and adding discrete items.
Note: For more information on reports, see Working with Reports.
Tax Provision calculates the Interim ETR After Adjustment based on the following:
start with | national taxable income/loss before tax adjusted |
plus |
interim adjusted current ETR |
plus |
interim adjusted deferred ETR |
equals |
current tax expense/benefit before discrete items |
plus |
current tax discrete items |
plus |
deferred tax discrete items |
plus |
system deferred tax discrete items |
plus |
valuation allowance |
equals |
total interim provision tax |
multiplied by |
the national tax rate |
equals |
interim ETR after adjustment |
To review the ETR and Discrete Items Interim report:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand National Interim.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see Using the Symbol Selector.
- Do one of the following:
- For Provision, click NF0803 - ETR and Discrete Items Interim.rtp.
- For Multi-Regional Provision, click NF0803R - ETR and Discrete Items Interim.rtp.
The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
Interim Allocation report (NF0804 / NF0804R)
Use this report to view the calculation of deferred tax expense by temporary difference based on the allocation of deferred tax expense plus discrete tax amounts automatically calculated in the system for Return to Accrual adjustments, Taxing Authority Audit Adjustments, and Tax Impact of Enacted Rate Changes.
Note: For more information on reports, see Working with Reports.
You can use the interim allocation report to view the allocation of the interim deferred expense (element NetNDfdTIP_ASC) for each temporary difference account under DEFTAX from the source data in the ETR and Discrete Items Interim report (NF0803).
This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):
Element symbol | Description |
NetNEOYIPT_ASC — Total Forecasted Deferred Tax Expense/Benefit |
Forecasted deferred tax expense. |
NetNALLPCTIP_ASC — Interim Allocation Percentage |
Interim allocation percentage. |
NetNTDPBSIP_ASC — Interim Total Deferred Provision - BS |
Interim total deferred provision from balance sheet. |
NetNRTPDfd_ASC — RTP Deferred Only Impact |
Return to provision deferred only impact. |
NetNBRRTPDfd_ASC — Interim RTP NBR Before Discrete Items |
Interim return to provision national benefit of region before discrete items. |
NetNRARDfd_ASC — RAR Deferred Only Impact |
Revenue Agent’s Report deferred only impact. |
NetNBRRARDfd_ASC — Interim RAR NBR Before Discrete Items |
Interim RAR national benefit of region before discrete items. |
NetNRCBOYDfdIP_ASC — Tax Rate Change BOY - Deferred Tax Expense |
Beginning of year tax rate change. |
NetNBRRCBOYDfdIP_ASC — NBR Tax Rate Change BOY - Deferred Tax Expense |
Beginning of year national benefit of region tax rate change. |
NetNRCAcqDfdIP_ASC — Tax Rate Change Acquisition - Deferred Tax Expense |
Acquisitions tax rate change. |
NetNBRRCAcqDfdIP_ASC — NBR Tax Rate Change Acquisition - Deferred Tax Expense |
Acquisitions national benefit of region tax rate change. |
NetNRCCYDfdIP_ASC — Tax Rate Change CY - Deferred Tax Expense |
Current year tax rate change. |
NetNBRRCCYDfdIP_ASC — NBR Tax Rate Change CY - Deferred Tax Expense |
Current national benefit of region tax rate change. |
NetNValAllowDfdIP_ASC — Interim Valuation Allowance Deferred Tax Expense |
Interim valuation allowance. |
NetNDfdTIP_ASC — Total Interim Deferred Tax Expense/Benefit |
Sum of forecast deferred tax expense and the interim deferred tax expense. |
To review the Interim Allocation report:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand National Interim.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see Using the Symbol Selector.
- Do one of the following:
- For Provision, click NF0804 - Interim Allocation.rtp.
- For Multi-Regional Provision, click NF0804R - Interim Allocation.rtp.
The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
Deferred Tax Rollforward Interim report (NF0403 / NF0403R)
The deferred tax rollforward report shows the current period deferred tax activity for an entity for temporary differences, net operating losses, tax credits, and valuation allowances.
Note: For more information on reports, see Working with Reports.
This report contains tax-affected data for the accounts that appear in the Temporary Differences Forecast input app (NF0301).
This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension:
Element symbol | Description |
NetNBOY_ASC — BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) |
This column reflects the beginning of year deferred tax asset / liability. This balance is equal to the amount in the beginning of year gross temporary difference column multiplied by the applicable beginning of year deferred tax rate. |
NetNBRBOY_ASC — NBR BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) |
This column impacts the adjusted National level beginning of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the inverse of the beginning of year Regional deferred balance by the beginning of year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNPY_ASC — Prior Year Adjustment (Restatement) |
This column reflects the tax impact of the gross prior year adjustment. This balance equals the amount in the gross temporary difference prior year adjustment (restated) column multiplied by the applicable beginning of year deferred tax rate. |
NetNBRPY_ASC — NBR Prior Year Adjustment |
This column impacts the adjusted National level prior year adjustment deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the inverse of the beginning of year Regional deferred balance by the beginning of year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNBOYA_ASC — BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - As Adjusted |
This is a subtotal of the beginning of year balances plus the prior year adjustments. |
NetNTDPIP_ASC — Total Interim Deferred Tax Expense/Benefit |
This column represents the total interim deferred tax expense/benefit. |
NetNAcqPR_ASC — Acquisitions Prior |
This column impacts the end of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the gross temporary difference symbol by the beginning of year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNAcqCur_ASC — Acquisitions Net |
This column impacts the end of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the gross temporary difference symbol by the current year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNAcq_ASC — Acquisitions |
This column is the sum of NetNAcqPR_ASC — Acquisitions Prior and NetNAcqCur_ASC — Acquisitions Net. |
NetNRCAcqPR_ASC — Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR Reversal |
This element is protected from input as the amount in NetNRCAcqP_ASC — Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR is copied to this element with the sign reversed. |
NetNRCAcqCR_ASC — Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR Reversal |
This element is protected from input as the amount in NetNRCAcqC_ASC — Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR is copied to this element with the sign reversed. |
NetNRCAcqTR_ASC — Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ Reversal |
This is the sum of NetNRCAcqPR_ASC and NetNRCAcqCR_ASC and represents the total reversal of the adjustment to the regional deferred tax expense in the prior and current period as a result of acquisitions. |
NetNDisp_ASC — Disposals |
This column impacts the end of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the Disposals column in the gross temporary difference by the current year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNNPOCI_ASC — Non-Provision - Other Comprehensive Income |
This column impacts the end of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the non-provision OCI column in the gross temporary difference by the current year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNNP123_ASC — Non-Provision - Stock Based Compensation |
This column impacts the end of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the non-provision Stock Based Compensation column in the gross temporary difference by the current year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNNPOth_ASC — Non-Provision - Other |
This column impacts the end of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the non-provision Other column in the gross temporary difference by the current year national deferred tax rate. |
NetNBRNP_ASC — NBR Non-Provision |
This column impacts the total National level deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying the inverse of the Regional non-provision amount by the national current year tax rate. |
NetNNPT_ASC — Total Non-Provision |
Total Non-Provision Items. |
This column appears when viewing a translated currency for the entity. It is calculated on the difference between the beginning of year deferred tax asset / (liability) translated at the beginning of year spot rate and the end of year average rate. |
This column appears when viewing a translated currency for the entity. It is calculated on the difference between the end of year deferred tax asset / (liability) is translated at the end of year spot rate, the current year activity related to the deferred tax asset / (liability) is based on the average rate and the end of year average rate. |
Total CTA for deferred tax. |
NetNEOYCLSSIP — Interim EOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) |
The interim deferred tax balance at the end of the year. This symbol is calculated and is the sum of the above symbols. |
To review the Deferred Tax Rollforward Interim report:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand National Interim.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see Using the Symbol Selector.
- Do one of the following:
- For Provision, click NF0403 - Deferred Tax Rollforward Interim.rtp.
- For Multi-Regional Provision, click NF0403R - Deferred Tax Rollforward Interim.rtp.
The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element. For detailed information on the accounts in this report, see Temporary Differences Forecast input app (NF0301).