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Monitoring Events

With the Events tool, you can view information for events that have been triggered in the system.

Accessing the Events tool

You can access the Events tool from the following locations, depending on the setup of your system and the products you have purchased:

  • Longview Close — The Events tool is available from the Consolidate module in the Administration category of the navigation pane under the Monitoring folder.
  • Longview Dashboard — The Events tool is included with Longview Dashboard Designer as a system panel. Your System Administrator must add this panel to the appropriate Dashboard pages for you to access it.
  • Longview Transfer Pricing — The Events tool is available from the Transfer Pricing module in the Administration category of the navigation pane under the Monitoring folder.
  • Longview Tax — The Events tool is available from the Tax Provision module in the Administration category of the navigation pane under the Monitoring folder.

To access the Events tool in Close:

  1. From the Consolidate module, click on the Administration category.
  2. Expand the Monitoring folder.
  3. Click Events. The Events tool opens in the workspace.

To access the Events tool from your Longview Dashboard:

  1. On your Longview Dashboard page, click the View Events link in the Events panel. The Events tool opens in a new window.

To access the Events tool in Longview Transfer Pricing:

  1. From the Transfer Pricing module, click on the Administration category.
  2. Expand the Monitoring folder.
  3. Click Events. The Events tool opens in the workspace.

To access the Events tool in Tax Provision:

  1. From the Tax Provision module, click on the Administration category.
  2. Expand the Monitoring folder.
  3. Click Events. The Events tool opens in the workspace.

Viewing Event information

You can use the Events tool to view information for all events on the Data Server and search events based on appropriate criteria.

To view event information:

  1. Open the Events tool using the appropriate method.

  2. Review the following information:
    1. ID: The system-assigned ID of the event.

    2. Rule ID: The rule ID for the event.

    3. Description: The description of the event.

    4. Status: The status of the event. Possible values are:

      • Completed — The event completed successfully.
      • Error — The event encountered an error and failed to complete.
      • In Progress — The event is in progress.
      • Incomplete — The event did not complete successfully.
      • Pending — The event is in the queue waiting to be processed.
    5. Created: The date and time of creation of the event.

    6. Completed: The date and time of the completion of the event, if available, in the format mm/dd/yyyyhh:mm:ss.

    7. Elapsed Time: The amount of time required for the event to complete (if it completed successfully), displayed in the format mm/dd/yyyyhh:mm:ss.

  3. If your system is configured to do so, you may be able to access log, error, and history files from the following columns:
    1. Log File: Click the link adjacent to an event to open its log file.

    2. Error File: Click the link adjacent to an event to open its error file.

    3. History File: Click the link adjacent to an event to open its history file.

  4. To search by event ID or description, type the characters that you want to search for in the Search Events field. Matching characters are highlighted in the appropriate column.
    1. Click Next to select the next event row containing highlighted characters.
    2. Click X to clear the Search Events field and remove all highlighting.
  5. To refresh the events list at any time, click Refresh. This updates the list to reflect events currently in the system and removes any highlighting applied by a search.

Note: Clicking Refresh does not remove an applied filter or return a sorted list to the default sort order.

Filtering Events

You can apply a filter to the events list so that only events that match the specified criteria display. You can also remove a filter that you have applied.

To filter events:

  1. In the Events tool, click Filter. The Filter dialog opens.

  2. Complete one or more of the following fields:
    1. Description: Type all or part of a description to filter the events list for events matching a specific description.

    2. Status: Select a status from the drop-down list to filter the events list for events that have that status.

    3. Created: To filter the events list for all events created in a range between two specified dates. All dates are displayed in mm:dd:yyyy format.

      Note: If the default language in your system is set to French, dates are displayed in dd:mm:yyyy format.

      • From — Type a date for the first day of the range to filter for or click the Calendar icon to select the date from the Calendar GUI. The default value for From is Anytime.

      • To — Type a date for the last day of the range to filter for or click the Calendar icon to select the date from the Calendar GUI. The default value for To is Today.

        Note: You cannot enter a date past the current date.

  3. Click OK. Events that match your specified filter criteria display in the list.

    Note: Applying a filter automatically removes an existing filter.

  4. To remove filters, you have applied to the events list, click Remove Filter.

Viewing related symbols

If your administrator has configured Data Area Monitoring, you can view the symbols modified by one or more batches that triggered the selected event.

If you are familiar with Longview Application Framework, these symbols correspond to the values stored by the E_dimension variables for the dimensions that are included in Data Area Monitoring Dimensions. For more information, see the Longview Server Manager Guide and the Longview Developer’s Guide.

Note: The related symbols correspond to the values stored by the E_dimension variables only when the event was not triggered using the Tax Calculations tool.

To view related symbols for an event:

  1. In the Events tool, select the row for the appropriate event.
  2. Click Related Symbols. The Related Symbols dialog opens.

  3. Review the following information in the header area:
    1. ID: The ID of the event.

    2. Rule ID: The rule ID for the event.

    3. Status: The status of the event. Possible values are:

      • Completed — The event completed successfully.
      • Error — The event encountered an error and failed to complete.
      • In Progress — The event is currently in progress.
      • Incomplete — The event did not complete.
      • Pending — The event is in the queue waiting to be processed.
    4. Created: The creation date and time of the event, in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM|PM.

    5. Completed: The completion date and time of the event, in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM|PM.

    6. Elapsed Time: The total time for the event to complete, in the format hh:mm:ss.

    7. Description: The description of the event.

  4. In the symbols list, review the symbols modified by the batch that triggered the event.

    Note: Click Copy details to clipboard if you want to copy the event information to the Microsoft Office clipboard.

  5. When you are finished, click OK to return to the Events list.

Deleting Event information

If the events list becomes excessively long, you may be able to manage it by deleting event information, depending on your authorization and system settings.

If you have Batches and Events authorization, you can delete event information for all events in the system. For more information, contact your System Administrator.

Note: If Data Audit Trail is ON, you cannot delete event information. To delete event information when Data Audit Trail is ON, the System Administrator must reset the audit tables through Longview Application Administrator. This deletes all event information.

To delete event information:

  1. In the Events list, select the events you want to delete using the following shortcuts:
    1. To select a single event, click the row for the event.
    2. To select multiple events, press and hold down Ctrl and select the appropriate events.
    3. To select a range of events, click the first event in the range, press and hold down Shift, and click the last event in the range.
    4. To select all events, press Ctrl +A. The Delete button becomes available.

    Note: If you do not have authorization to delete event information, the Delete button is unavailable.

  2. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog opens.

    Caution: If you delete event information, it cannot be recovered, and the related log, error, and history files are also deleted. Use this function with caution.

  3. Click Delete to delete the event information and return to the Events list.


Monitoring Events

With the Events tool, you can view information for events that have been triggered in the system.

Accessing the Events tool

You can access the Events tool from the following locations, depending on the setup of your system and the products you have purchased:

  • Longview Close — The Events tool is available from the Consolidate module in the Administration category of the navigation pane under the Monitoring folder.
  • Longview Dashboard — The Events tool is included with Longview Dashboard Designer as a system panel. Your System Administrator must add this panel to the appropriate Dashboard pages for you to access it.
  • Longview Transfer Pricing — The Events tool is available from the Transfer Pricing module in the Administration category of the navigation pane under the Monitoring folder.
  • Longview Tax — The Events tool is available from the Tax Provision module in the Administration category of the navigation pane under the Monitoring folder.

To access the Events tool in Close:

  1. From the Consolidate module, click on the Administration category.
  2. Expand the Monitoring folder.
  3. Click Events. The Events tool opens in the workspace.

To access the Events tool from your Longview Dashboard:

  1. On your Longview Dashboard page, click the View Events link in the Events panel. The Events tool opens in a new window.

To access the Events tool in Longview Transfer Pricing:

  1. From the Transfer Pricing module, click on the Administration category.
  2. Expand the Monitoring folder.
  3. Click Events. The Events tool opens in the workspace.

To access the Events tool in Tax Provision:

  1. From the Tax Provision module, click on the Administration category.
  2. Expand the Monitoring folder.
  3. Click Events. The Events tool opens in the workspace.

Viewing Event information

You can use the Events tool to view information for all events on the Data Server and search events based on appropriate criteria.

To view event information:

  1. Open the Events tool using the appropriate method.

  2. Review the following information:
    1. ID: The system-assigned ID of the event.

    2. Rule ID: The rule ID for the event.

    3. Description: The description of the event.

    4. Status: The status of the event. Possible values are:

      • Completed — The event completed successfully.
      • Error — The event encountered an error and failed to complete.
      • In Progress — The event is in progress.
      • Incomplete — The event did not complete successfully.
      • Pending — The event is in the queue waiting to be processed.
    5. Created: The date and time of creation of the event.

    6. Completed: The date and time of the completion of the event, if available, in the format mm/dd/yyyyhh:mm:ss.

    7. Elapsed Time: The amount of time required for the event to complete (if it completed successfully), displayed in the format mm/dd/yyyyhh:mm:ss.

  3. If your system is configured to do so, you may be able to access log, error, and history files from the following columns:
    1. Log File: Click the link adjacent to an event to open its log file.

    2. Error File: Click the link adjacent to an event to open its error file.

    3. History File: Click the link adjacent to an event to open its history file.

  4. To search by event ID or description, type the characters that you want to search for in the Search Events field. Matching characters are highlighted in the appropriate column.
    1. Click Next to select the next event row containing highlighted characters.
    2. Click X to clear the Search Events field and remove all highlighting.
  5. To refresh the events list at any time, click Refresh. This updates the list to reflect events currently in the system and removes any highlighting applied by a search.

Note: Clicking Refresh does not remove an applied filter or return a sorted list to the default sort order.

Filtering Events

You can apply a filter to the events list so that only events that match the specified criteria display. You can also remove a filter that you have applied.

To filter events:

  1. In the Events tool, click Filter. The Filter dialog opens.

  2. Complete one or more of the following fields:
    1. Description: Type all or part of a description to filter the events list for events matching a specific description.

    2. Status: Select a status from the drop-down list to filter the events list for events that have that status.

    3. Created: To filter the events list for all events created in a range between two specified dates. All dates are displayed in mm:dd:yyyy format.

      Note: If the default language in your system is set to French, dates are displayed in dd:mm:yyyy format.

      • From — Type a date for the first day of the range to filter for or click the Calendar icon to select the date from the Calendar GUI. The default value for From is Anytime.

      • To — Type a date for the last day of the range to filter for or click the Calendar icon to select the date from the Calendar GUI. The default value for To is Today.

        Note: You cannot enter a date past the current date.

  3. Click OK. Events that match your specified filter criteria display in the list.

    Note: Applying a filter automatically removes an existing filter.

  4. To remove filters, you have applied to the events list, click Remove Filter.

Viewing related symbols

If your administrator has configured Data Area Monitoring, you can view the symbols modified by one or more batches that triggered the selected event.

If you are familiar with Longview Application Framework, these symbols correspond to the values stored by the E_dimension variables for the dimensions that are included in Data Area Monitoring Dimensions. For more information, see the Longview Server Manager Guide and the Longview Developer’s Guide.

Note: The related symbols correspond to the values stored by the E_dimension variables only when the event was not triggered using the Tax Calculations tool.

To view related symbols for an event:

  1. In the Events tool, select the row for the appropriate event.
  2. Click Related Symbols. The Related Symbols dialog opens.

  3. Review the following information in the header area:
    1. ID: The ID of the event.

    2. Rule ID: The rule ID for the event.

    3. Status: The status of the event. Possible values are:

      • Completed — The event completed successfully.
      • Error — The event encountered an error and failed to complete.
      • In Progress — The event is currently in progress.
      • Incomplete — The event did not complete.
      • Pending — The event is in the queue waiting to be processed.
    4. Created: The creation date and time of the event, in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM|PM.

    5. Completed: The completion date and time of the event, in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM|PM.

    6. Elapsed Time: The total time for the event to complete, in the format hh:mm:ss.

    7. Description: The description of the event.

  4. In the symbols list, review the symbols modified by the batch that triggered the event.

    Note: Click Copy details to clipboard if you want to copy the event information to the Microsoft Office clipboard.

  5. When you are finished, click OK to return to the Events list.

Deleting Event information

If the events list becomes excessively long, you may be able to manage it by deleting event information, depending on your authorization and system settings.

If you have Batches and Events authorization, you can delete event information for all events in the system. For more information, contact your System Administrator.

Note: If Data Audit Trail is ON, you cannot delete event information. To delete event information when Data Audit Trail is ON, the System Administrator must reset the audit tables through Longview Application Administrator. This deletes all event information.

To delete event information:

  1. In the Events list, select the events you want to delete using the following shortcuts:
    1. To select a single event, click the row for the event.
    2. To select multiple events, press and hold down Ctrl and select the appropriate events.
    3. To select a range of events, click the first event in the range, press and hold down Shift, and click the last event in the range.
    4. To select all events, press Ctrl +A. The Delete button becomes available.

    Note: If you do not have authorization to delete event information, the Delete button is unavailable.

  2. Click Delete. A confirmation dialog opens.

    Caution: If you delete event information, it cannot be recovered, and the related log, error, and history files are also deleted. Use this function with caution.

  3. Click Delete to delete the event information and return to the Events list.

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