Upgrading Longview Servers
The Longview Server upgrade process is similar to the procedure followed for a new installation. During the upgrade process, previously installed components are upgraded. If you choose to upgrade any components that were not previously installed, they are installed as for a new installation.
Upgrading Longview Servers consists of the following steps:
Backing up Longview files
Before you upgrade Longview, take a RDBMS backup of the database. Please refer to your company’s internal DBA for assistance with this if needed.
In addition, you must back up the directory in which your Data Server is installed. For example,
<LongviewIdentifier> is the Longview Identifier for your system.
Caution: This upgrade moves files in the Data Server working directory as the structures have changed and the out of box files will be separated from other files as well as making modifications to the lvsrvr.cfg. Do not skip backing up your Data Servers working directory so you can recover files in the case there is an issue with the upgrade.
Upgrading Longview Servers
The Longview Installer allows you to upgrade all Longview components in a step by step process or using a silent install approach.
Using the step-by-step process to upgrade Longview Servers
Upgrade Longview Servers by completing the following steps:
- If you haven’t previously changed Puser’s password, you must change the password before continuing.
- Sign into Longview Dashboard and open the Longview Client.
- In the Navigation pane select Profile/Change Password.
- Complete the following fields and click Apply:
Old Password: Type your original password.
New Password: Type a new password for the user that complies with your company's security policies.
Confirm Password: Type the new password again.
- Stop your Longview Servers.
Note: Longview also recommends that you stop the Longview_LID service after you have stopped the servers. (Administrative Tools > Services on the application server.)
- If either of the following parameters in the lvsrvr.cfg are set to use EXTERNAL, they will need to be updated to use either CLIENT or OFF.
- Double-click the Longview Installer-24.4.exe file received from Longview. The Longview Setup wizard opens.
Note: Depending on your system, a User Account Control dialog may prompt you to allow the installer to make changes to the computer. Click Yes.
- The Licensing Agreement for Longview software page opens.
- Read through the agreement and check I accept the terms of the license agreement to proceed.
- Click Next.
- The Specify Installation Details page opens.
- Select the Instance Name.
- Select Upgrade.
- If the French software files were not previously installed, you can select the FR check box to install the files. If French is not required, leave this check box unselected.
Note: If FR was previous installed the FR check box will be selected and deactivated.
- Click Next.
- Database: The Configure Data Server page opens.
- SQL SERVER: Complete the following:
- If no changes are required, enter the password for the DBO User and click Next. Otherwise, update the following, as required, to modify the settings for your current system:
- Database Server [\Instance Name]
- Database Name
- DBO User Name
- DBO Password (Required)
- If no changes are required, enter the password for the DBO User and click Next. Otherwise, update the following, as required, to modify the settings for your current system:
- ORACLE: Enter the password for the DBO User and click Next.
- SQL SERVER: Complete the following:
- Executables:
- SQL SERVER only: The Data Server Configuration page opens.
- If no changes are required, click Next. Otherwise, update the ODBC Data Source to change the name and click Next.
- SQL SERVER only: The Data Server Configuration page opens.
- The Completing Longview Server Setup page opens.
- Optionally, check View install log file.
- Database: Optionally, check View database log file.
- Click Finish.
Using the silent option to upgrade Longview Servers
You may use the install configuration file to perform the upgrade, with the following modification:
Change the InstallType parameter from New to Upgrade.
If you don’t have a configuration file you can make one, with the following lines:
InstanceName=<Install Instance Name>
DBOPassword=<Password of the DBO for the Longview Database>
Note: The Dir and InstanceName parameters must match the values of the original installation.
Additionally, the following lines are optional and can be added if you need to make any changes to the existing installation for these settings during the upgrade:
To upgrade Longview Servers using the silent option, complete the following:
- If you haven’t previously changed Puser’s password, you must change the password before continuing.
- Sign into Longview Dashboard and open the Longview Client.
- In the Navigation pane select Profile/Change Password.
- Complete the following fields and click Apply:
Old Password: Type your original password.
New Password: Type a new password for the user that complies with your company's security policies.
Confirm Password: Type the new password again.
- Stop your Longview Servers.
Note: Longview also recommends that you stop the Longview_LID service after you have stopped the servers. (Administrative Tools > Services on the application server.)
- If either of the following parameters in the lvsrvr.cfg are set to use EXTERNAL, they will need to be updated to use either CLIENT or OFF.
- Open an administrator command prompt.
- Execute the Longview Installer-24.4.exe with the /LOADINF=<config.ini>
- Specify /silent or /verysilent.
Upgrading the Java JDK
You must obtain a supported version of the Java JDK and place it in the appropriate folder of the Longview Data Servers. For more information, see Supported client platforms. If your previous JAVA version is no longer supported, you will need to upgrade.
To upgrade the Java JDK:
- Delete the Java JDK zip file from the \software folder of the Longview Data Servers working directory.
- Obtain a supported version of the Java JDK in .zip file format.
- Copy the Java JDK zip file to the \software folder of the Longview Data Servers working directory.
- In the File Location section of the server configuration file, update the JAVA_FILENAME to the name of the new Java JDK zip file.