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The Example Export Allocations App

The Solutions Framework contains an example Export Allocations app, that is always up to date with the latest changes. Use this app to create an initial Export Allocations app, or to compare an existing Export Allocations app to the latest example.

To start configuration of the Export Allocations app:

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. In the Apps category, expand Configuration.
  3. Expand Free Form.
  4. Expand Existing Apps.
  5. Click on Export Allocations to open it.
  6. Click the Customize button.
  7. Click Save.

Modifying the Export Allocations app

Export Allocations allows the user to export all allocations within the system to a .csv file. If time period specific allocations are being used, allocations can be exported for a selected time period

Export Allocations is implemented as a free form app and can be modified in the Apps category of the Design tab of the client.

Execute Procedure

This is the controlling procedure for exporting allocations. The following steps are performed:

  • The export initialization procedure is run.
  • The allocation initialization procedure is run
  • A time period selection form is displayed if time period specific allocations are being used.
  • A filter for the allocations to be downloaded by timeperiod is set up if time period specific allocations are being used.
  • The Generate Documents procedure is run to create the export file and datatable definition file based on the columns in the APP_ALLOC table.
  • The datatable dtAllocations is created and downloaded containing all allocations stored in the APP_ALLOC database table. If time period specific allocations are being used, only the allocations related to the time period selected will be downloaded.
  • The export file path and file name are set. By default, the export file name is Allocations.csv and will be exported to the <LID>\logs\Export Allocations\YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS folder. This can be changed by updating the EXP.FileName property.
  • The export confirmation caption and message variables are set. This is the text displayed on the form once the export is complete.
  • The export complete form is displayed.

Export Specs - Script

The app contains an AllocationsH (Header), AllocationsF (Footer) and AllocationsSetDefine (for the Set and Define statements) of the allocation export spec. These are used in the Generate Documents procedure to build the export spec file that defines what is exported from the allocations table. All allocation columns are exported except for the attachments as they cannot be exported to a .csv file.


The SelectTimeperiod form is used to display a time period selection for export, if time period specific allocations are being used.

Export Procedure

The app contains an Export Procedure. This procedure runs the export spec on the dtAllocations table.

Generate Documents Procedure

This procedure creates both the export file and datatable definition file based on the columns in the APP_ALLOC table.

Table Definition - Script

The app contains the Allocations data table definition. This queries the APP_ALLOC table. The table definition will include a time period filter if time period specific allocations are being used.

Publishing the export allocations app

The export allocations app should be published to the Import and Export category.

To publish the export allocations app:

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. In the Administration category, select Apps Publisher.
  3. From the list of Apps, select Export Allocations.
  4. From the list of User Groups, select the user groups that will require access to the export allocations app.
  5. From the list of Categories, select MTCEIMPEXP - Maintenance - Import and Export.

The app should now be accessible from the Administration category of the Tax, Close, Plan or Transfer Pricing modules.


The Example Export Allocations App

The Solutions Framework contains an example Export Allocations app, that is always up to date with the latest changes. Use this app to create an initial Export Allocations app, or to compare an existing Export Allocations app to the latest example.

To start configuration of the Export Allocations app:

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. In the Apps category, expand Configuration.
  3. Expand Free Form.
  4. Expand Existing Apps.
  5. Click on Export Allocations to open it.
  6. Click the Customize button.
  7. Click Save.

Modifying the Export Allocations app

Export Allocations allows the user to export all allocations within the system to a .csv file. If time period specific allocations are being used, allocations can be exported for a selected time period

Export Allocations is implemented as a free form app and can be modified in the Apps category of the Design tab of the client.

Execute Procedure

This is the controlling procedure for exporting allocations. The following steps are performed:

  • The export initialization procedure is run.
  • The allocation initialization procedure is run
  • A time period selection form is displayed if time period specific allocations are being used.
  • A filter for the allocations to be downloaded by timeperiod is set up if time period specific allocations are being used.
  • The Generate Documents procedure is run to create the export file and datatable definition file based on the columns in the APP_ALLOC table.
  • The datatable dtAllocations is created and downloaded containing all allocations stored in the APP_ALLOC database table. If time period specific allocations are being used, only the allocations related to the time period selected will be downloaded.
  • The export file path and file name are set. By default, the export file name is Allocations.csv and will be exported to the <LID>\logs\Export Allocations\YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS folder. This can be changed by updating the EXP.FileName property.
  • The export confirmation caption and message variables are set. This is the text displayed on the form once the export is complete.
  • The export complete form is displayed.

Export Specs - Script

The app contains an AllocationsH (Header), AllocationsF (Footer) and AllocationsSetDefine (for the Set and Define statements) of the allocation export spec. These are used in the Generate Documents procedure to build the export spec file that defines what is exported from the allocations table. All allocation columns are exported except for the attachments as they cannot be exported to a .csv file.


The SelectTimeperiod form is used to display a time period selection for export, if time period specific allocations are being used.

Export Procedure

The app contains an Export Procedure. This procedure runs the export spec on the dtAllocations table.

Generate Documents Procedure

This procedure creates both the export file and datatable definition file based on the columns in the APP_ALLOC table.

Table Definition - Script

The app contains the Allocations data table definition. This queries the APP_ALLOC table. The table definition will include a time period filter if time period specific allocations are being used.

Publishing the export allocations app

The export allocations app should be published to the Import and Export category.

To publish the export allocations app:

  1. Select the Design module.
  2. In the Administration category, select Apps Publisher.
  3. From the list of Apps, select Export Allocations.
  4. From the list of User Groups, select the user groups that will require access to the export allocations app.
  5. From the list of Categories, select MTCEIMPEXP - Maintenance - Import and Export.

The app should now be accessible from the Administration category of the Tax, Close, Plan or Transfer Pricing modules.

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