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Preparing Import Files For Parameters

Tax Provision includes the following Excel import files to help you configure symbol parameters in bulk during implementation. You can rename files, but the file prefixes must remain the same.

The following table lists the file prefixes for parameters import files:

File prefix Description


Use this import file to import settings for foreign exchange. For more information, see Preparing import files for foreign exchange settings.


Use this import file to import settings for entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for entity settings.


Use this import file to import settings for legal entity groupings. For more information, see Preparing import files for legal entity grouping settings.


Use this import file to import settings for partnership entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for partnership entity settings.


Use this import file to import partnership owner settings for partnership entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for partnership owner settings.


Use this import file to import settings for branch entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for branch settings.


Use this import file to import settings for net income before tax accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for net income before tax settings.


Use this import file to import settings for book-tax difference accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for book-tax difference settings.


Use this import file to import settings for current and deferred tax accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for current and deferred tax settings.


Use this import file to import settings for interim accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for interim account settings.


Use this file to import target element settings for tax account rollforward. For more information, see Preparing import files for TARF target element settings.


Use this import file to import settings for tax account rollforward. For more information, see Preparing import files for TARF settings.

Note: If you decide to create your own import files, the column headers must match the headers in the provided templates exactly.

If you leave a parameter blank in a parameters file, the existing value for that parameter is retained in the database. If the parameter is not stored as data, two double quotation marks ( "" ) clear the existing value. If the parameter is stored as data, two double quotation marks are not a valid value, and you must use 0 to clear the existing value.

Preparing import files for foreign exchange settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you load foreign exchange settings in bulk during implementation.

For information on the default tax method rate table settings, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

To prepare an import file for foreign exchange settings

  1. Open the FXSetup_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Element [R]

    Specify the translation element from the TrnEle hierarchy.

    Account [R]

    Specify the translation account. Specify from the following:

    • Global — Use this value to specify a global tax method rate for all accounts.
    • Children of TrnAcc — Specify a translation account from the TrnAcc hierarchy to override the global settings for that account.

    Tax Method Rate

    Specify the method rate to use for the specified account/ element.

    • RPerTax — Use this value to use the income statement period average rate.
    • RPerTaxB — Use this value to use the beginning of year spot rate.
    • RPerTaxE — Use this value to use the end of year spot rate.
    • RPerTaxQ1 — Use this value to use the Q1 spot rate.
    • RPerTaxQ2 — Use this value to use the Q2 spot rate.
    • RPerTaxQ3 — Use this value to use the Q3 spot rate.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to Importing And Exporting.

Preparing import files for entity settings

Tax Provision includes import files that help you to load entity settings during implementation. Longview recommends that you use the provided template files; however, you can also create your own .csv files as long as the column headers match those in the included templates. You must include any columns that end in [R], but you can omit other columns as necessary.

The following import templates are available:

Import Template Description


Use this import file to import settings for entities.


Use this import file to import settings for legal entity groupings.


Use this import file to import settings for partnership entities.


Use this import file to import partnership owner settings for partnership entities.


Use this import file to import settings for branch entities.

Preparing import files for legal and branch entity settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for legal and branch entities. To import settings for a partnership, use the PartnershipEntity_Parameters.csv file. For more information, see “Preparing import files for partnership entity settings”.

To prepare an import file for entity settings:

  1. Open the Entity_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Entity [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to import settings. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy of the following types:

    • Legal Entity
    • Branch
    • Branch Elimination

    Country Code

    This column applies only for Global Transparency. Specify the ISO 2 Alpha Identifier for the country. Valid codes are as specified in the Countries.lvapp.

    Country Description

    This column applies only for Global Transparency. Specify the description for the country.

    Jurisdiction [R]

    Specify the jurisdiction for the entity. Valid symbols are entities with the Jurisdiction type.

    Legal Entity

    Grouping [R]

    Specify the legal entity grouping for the entity. Valid entities are legal entity groupings that have the AZTaxJurisdiction attribute set to the value specified for Jurisdiction.

    Automation Group

    If you want to assign an entity to an automation group, specify the appropriate automation group. If you specify an automation group, the entity uses the automation settings assigned to the automation group for net income before tax, book-tax differences, or current and deferred tax accounts, unless you set an entity-specific override.

    Note: To specify an automation group, you must first create automation groups. For more information see “Preparing import files for automation groups”

    Calculate Regional Provision

    Specify whether to calculate a regional provision for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a regional provision for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the regional provision calculation.

    Calculate National

    Specify whether to calculate the national benefit of region.

    Benefit of Region

    This setting is valid only if Calculate Regional Provision is set to TRUE or the AZTaxCalculateRegionalProvisionEnt attribute is already set for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to calculate national benefit of region values for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to refrain from calculating a regional provision for the entity.

    Use Deferred Tax Scheduling

    Specify the scheduling method to use for the entity.

    • Scheduling — Use this option to calculate deferred tax scheduling for the entity.
    • Regular — Use this option to exclude the entity from the deferred tax scheduling calculation.

    Discontinued Operation

    Specify whether the entity is classified as a discontinued operation.

    • TRUE — Use this option to categorize the entity as a discontinued operation.
    • FALSE — Use this option to categorize the entity as a continued operation.

    Calculate Netting Adjustment

    This setting applies only if Use Deferred Tax Netting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify whether to calculate a netting adjustment for the entity.

    Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to use jurisdictional netting for deferred tax assets and liabilities for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the jurisdictional netting for deferred tax assets and liabilities calculation.

    Automate Deferred Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is set to No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify whether to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    Automate Current

    Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when both Current Tax

    Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax and Current Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings are set to FALSE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to input current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences manually for this entity.

    Automate Loss Carryforward Adjustment

    This setting does not apply when Use Loss Carryforward Automation is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file

    Specify whether to automate the loss carryforward adjustment for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the loss carryforward adjustment.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the loss carryforward adjustment.

    TARF Actual Timeframe

    Specify the TARF mapping for the entity to use for the actuals timeframe. Select one of the following:

    • TFACTUAL — Use this option to use the actuals TARF mappings. Longview recommends that you use this value.
    • TFINTERIM — Use this option to use the interim TARF mappings.
    • Custom — Use this option to use custom TARF mappings. For information on creating a custom TARF timeframe, see “Creating a custom timeframe for tax account rollforward data transfer”.

    Calculate Interim

    Specify whether to include the entity in the interim calculation.

    • TRUE — Use this option to calculate an interim provision for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to exclude the entity from the interim provision calculation.

    Entity Level for Interim ETR

    Specify the interim ETR entity level for the entity.

    • Legal Entity — Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at the legal entity level.
    • Sub-Consolidated — Use this value to calculate the interim ETR for the entity at a sub-consolidated level. If you use this value, you must specify a subconsolidation parent for the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR.

    This setting applies only if the Entity Level for Interim ETR system setting is set to Defined by Entity.


    Entity for Interim ETR

    If you specified Sub-Consolidated as the Entity Level for Interim ETR, you must specify the sub-consolidation parent symbol to use for the interim ETR calculation. Valid parent symbols are those in the hierarchy specified by the Consolidation/Sub-Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR system setting. If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply. This setting applies only if the Entity Level for Interim ETR system setting is set to Sub-Consolidated or Defined by Entity.

    Include in National

    Current Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a national current interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a national current interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the national current interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s national current interim ETR is adjusted to 0.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Include in National

    Deferred Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a national deferred interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a national deferred interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the national deferred interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s national deferred interim ETR is adjusted to 0. If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Include in Regional

    Current Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a regional current interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a regional current interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the regional current interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s regional current interim ETR is adjusted to 0.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Include in Regional

    Deferred Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a regional deferred interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a regional deferred interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the regional deferred interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s regional deferred interim ETR is adjusted to 0.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Interim Rate Change Type

    This setting applies to ASC systems only. Specify the interim rate change type. This parameter is required only if Calculate Interim is set to TRUE.

    Specify one of the following:

    • Actual — to base the interim rate change on the actuals rate change.
    • Forecast — to base the interim rate change on the full year forecasted amount.
    • Prorate — to base the interim rate change on the prorated forecasted amount; prorated by number of months elapsed to total months in the year.

    TARF Interim Timeframe

    Specify the TARF mapping for the entity to use for the interim timeframe. Specify one of the following:

    • TFACTUAL — Use this option to use the actuals TARF mappings. If you set Calculate Interim to FALSE, Longview recommends that you use this value.
    • TFINTERIM — Use this option to use the interim TARF mappings. If you set Calculate Interim to TRUE, Longview recommends that you use this value.
    • Custom — Use this option to use custom TARF
    • mappings. For information on creating a custom TARF timeframe, see “Creating a custom timeframe for tax account rollforward data transfer”.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for legal entity grouping settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for legal entity groupings. To import settings for legal entities, use the Entity_Parameters.csv file. For more information, see Preparing import files for entity settings.

To prepare an import file for legal entity grouping settings:

  1. Open the LegalEntityGroupings_Parameters file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Entity [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to import settings. Valid entities are those in the Jurisdiction hierarchy with the Legal Entity Grouping type.

    Calculate Netting Adjustment

    This setting applies only if Use Deferred Tax Netting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify whether to calculate a netting adjustment for the entity.

    Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to use jurisdictional netting for
    • deferred tax assets and liabilities for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to refrain from using
    • jurisdictional netting for deferred tax assets and liabilities for this entity.

    Loss Position

    This setting applies only if Use Loss Carryforward Automation is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify the loss position for the entity.

    Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to specify that the legal entity grouping is in a loss position.
    • FALSE — Use this value to specify that the
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”

Preparing import files for partnership entity settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for partnership entities. For information on import files for owner entities, see “Preparing import files for partnership owner settings”. For information on import files for legal entities, see “Preparing import files for entity settings”.

To import partnership entity settings:

  1. Open the PartnershipEntity_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Partnership [R]

    Specify the partnership entity name for which to specify settings.

    Automation Group

    If you want to assign an entity to an automation group, specify the appropriate automation group. If you specify an automation group, the entity uses the automation settings assigned to the automation group for net income before tax, book-tax differences, or current and deferred tax accounts, unless you set an entity-specific override.

    Note: To specify an automation group, you must first create automation groups. For more information, see “Preparing import files for automation groups”.

    Use Deferred Tax Scheduling

    Specify the scheduling method to use for the entity.

    • Scheduling — Use this option to use the entity to calculate deferred tax scheduling.
    • Regular — Use this option to refrain from using the entity to calculate deferred tax scheduling.

    Automate Deferred Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is set to No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display

    Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    Automate Current Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when both Current Tax Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax and Current Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings are set to FALSE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to input current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences manually for this entity

    Automate Loss



    This setting does not apply when Use Loss Carryforward Automation is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automate the loss carryforward adjustment for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the loss carryforward adjustment.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the loss carryforward adjustment.

    Calculate Interim

    Specify whether to include the entity in the interim calculation.

    • TRUE — Use this option to calculate an interim provision for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to exclude the entity from the interim provision calculation.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for partnership owner settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for partnership owners. For information on import files for partnership entities, see “Preparing import files for partnership entity settings”. For information on import files for legal entities, see “Preparing import files for entity settings”.

To import partnership owner settings:

  1. Open the PartnershipOwner_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Partnership [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to assign owners. Valid symbols are leafs in the PShip hierarchy.


    Specify the entity you want to assign to the partnership. Valid symbols are leafs in the TENTITIES hierarchy. Each partnership can contain a maximum of 20 owners.

    Ownership n

    Specify the percentage owned by this entity. For example, for 35%, type 35. You must specify a related ownership for each Owner. For example, if you specify an Owner 12, you must specify a percentage for Ownership 12. The total ownership percentage cannot exceed 100. Each partnership can have a maximum of 20 owner entities.

  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for branch settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for branch entities. To import settings for a legal entity, use the Entity_Parameters.csv file. For more information, see “Preparing import files for entity settings”.

Caution: The import process removes all previously existing branch settings.

To prepare an import file for branch settings:

  1. Open the Branch_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Entity [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to import settings. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy with the type Legal Entity.

    Branch [R]

    Specify the name of the associated branch entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy.

    To clear out this setting, use two double quotation marks ( "" ). If you clear out this setting, you must also clear out Elimination.

    Elimination [R]

    Specify the name of the associated branch elimination entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy.

    To clear out this setting, use two double quotation marks ( "" ). If you clear out this setting, you must also clear out Branch.

    Note: This file must contain all branch settings, because branches and branch elimination entities must be assigned to only one legal entity. Therefore, all previous branch settings will be removed during the import process.

  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”

Preparing import files for account settings

Tax Provision includes import files that help you to load account settings during implementation. Longview suggests that you use the provided template file; however, you can also create your own .csv file as long as the column headers match the included templates. You must include any columns that end in [R], but you can omit other columns as necessary.

Preparing import files for net income before tax settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for net income before tax accounts.

To import settings for net income before tax accounts:

  1. Open the NIBT_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the NIBT account for which to set parameters. Valid accounts are leaf symbols in the hierarchy specified for NIBT Account Parent Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file. The Longview default for this setting is NIBTAdj.

    Global/Entity [R]

    Specify if the settings apply to all entities or override the settings for a specific entity using one of the following values:

    • Global — Sets the global settings for the account. These settings apply to all entities unless an entity-specific override is specified.
    • Entity — Specify an entity name to override account settings for that entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES and PShip hierarchies.


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity [R] is set to Global. Specify the Income/Equity/OCI classification for the account using one of the following values:

    • Income — Classifies the account as an Income account.
    • Equity — Classifies the account as an Equity account.
    • OCI — Classifies the account as an Other Comprehensive Income account.

    If you are using an import to modify Income/ Equity/OCI for a NIBT account that has a calculation method set for Actuals Calculation Method, you must also update Target Elements (for both global settings and any entity override settings) to a valid value for the new Income/ Equity/OCI classification.

    The Longview default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Automate NIBT Amounts

    Specify if data is automatically transferred or manually input to the current provision (current tax charge) for the NIBT account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automatically transfers data to the current provision (current tax charge) for the NIBT account. The amounts may be transferred to the current year, equity, and OCI columns, depending on the value set for Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting in the System_Settings.csv import file and the Target Elements setting for the NIBT account. Amounts automatically transferred into the current year column are also reported in the Effective Tax Rate reports. This automation can be performed for functional currency or functional and reporting currency net income before tax values included in the general ledger. If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE for the global settings or any other entity, the NIBT account is set to read-only for all entities.
    • FALSE — Specifies that current provision (current tax charge) amounts are manually input for the NIBT account.

    Actuals Calculation Method

    This setting is required if Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE. If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to No Calculation or "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method to use for actuals, using one of the following values:

    • No Calculation — No actuals calculation method is set for the NIBT account. No data is transferred for actuals.
    • Year-To-Date Balance — Multiplies a single or multiple accounts by the specified percentage to calculate the values for the current year column of the current provision (current tax charge). For example, you can set up NIBT to be equal to the pre-tax income. This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are income statement accounts.
    • Change In Balance — Uses the difference between the current year-to-date amount and the prior year ending balance of a single or multiple accounts multiplied by the specified percentage to calculate the current year column of the current provision (current tax charge). This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are balance sheet accounts.
    • Custom — If your company has set up any custom calculation methods, you can specify them here. For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method”.


    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to 0. If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount. The percentage must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    Source Accounts

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source accounts for the NIBT account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source accounts are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Reporting Methods

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source reporting methods for the account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source reporting methods are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Currencies

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source currencies for the NIBT account using one of the following values:

    • Functional — Transfers functional currencies (native currencies) from the chart of accounts to the current provision (current tax charge), and translates the NIBT account. If the NIBT account is not automated or if you do not specify a source currencies value, the account is treated as if Functional was specified.
    • All — Transfers functional and reporting currencies from the chart of accounts to the current provision (current tax charge), and does not translate the NIBT account. You can specify All only if Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE for the default settings of the NIBT account.

    Note: Source currencies can be specified for global settings only. The source currencies setting cannot be overridden for a specific entity.

    Source Details

    This setting applies only if a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source details for the NIBT account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source details are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Segments

    This setting applies only if a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source segments for the NIBT account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source segments are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Target Elements

    This setting applies only if Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the target elements for the NIBT account. The valid target elements values are dependent on the setting for Income/Equity/OCI.

    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Income, the valid value is Income.
    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Equity, the valid values are Equity or Equity and Income.
    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to OCI, the valid values are OCI or OCI and Income.

    Interim Calculation Method

    This setting is required if Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to No Calculation or "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method for interim using one of the following values:

    • No Calculation — No interim calculation method is set for the NIBT account. No data is transferred for interim.
    • Annualize — Calculates the forecast current year column value by annualizing the current yearto-date balance. The interim current year column is equal to the current year-to-date amount divided by the current period multiplied by the number of remaining periods in the year. The forecast current year column is the sum of the current year-to-date column and the interim current year column. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, the interim current year column is calculated as (3000/3) * (12-3). The annualized value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 9000.
    • Prior Year — Calculates the forecast current year column value by using the year-to-date balance of the prior year-end current provision. The value in the interim current year column equals the prior year ending balance less the current year-to-date amount. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, and the prior year ending balance was 24000, the interim current year column is calculated as 24000 - 3000. The prior year value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 21000.
  1. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  2. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for book-tax difference settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for book-tax difference accounts.

To prepare a book-tax difference settings import file:

  1. Open the BookTaxDifferences_Parameters.csv in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the difference account for which to set parameters. You must specify the parent of the calculated and adjustment leaf accounts.

    Global/Entity [R]

    Specify if the settings apply to all entities or override the settings for a specific entity using one of the following values:

    • Global — Sets the global settings for the account. These settings apply to all entities unless an entityspecific override is specified.
    • Entity — Specify an entity name to override account settings for that entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES and PShip hierarchies.


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity [R] is set to Global.

    Specify the Income/Equity/OCI classification for the account using one of the following values:

    • Income — Classifies the account as an Income account.
    • Equity — Classifies the account as an Equity account.
    • OCI — Classifies the account as an Other Comprehensive Income account.

    If you are using an import to modify Income/ Equity/OCI for an account that has a calculation method set for Actuals Calculation Method, you must also update Target Elements (for both global settings and any entity override settings) to a valid value for the new Income/Equity/OCI classification.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Automate Current Tax Amounts

    If Current Tax Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax and Current Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings are both set to FALSE in the System_Settings.csv import file, you must set this value to FALSE.

    Specify if data is automatically transferred or manually input to the current provision (current tax charge) and current year column in the gross temporary difference rollforward for the difference account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Calculates values in the current provision (for permanent and temporary difference accounts) and in the gross temporary difference rollforward for temporary difference accounts. The amounts may be calculated to the current year, equity, and OCI columns, depending on the value set for Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file and the Target Elements setting for the difference account. Amounts automated into the current year column for temporary differences provides for an offset between the current provision and deferred provision with no impact to the ETR.
    • FALSE — Specifies that current tax amounts are manually input for the difference account.

    Actuals Calculation Method

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method to use for actuals, using one of the following values:

    • Year-To-Date Balance — Multiplies a single or multiple accounts by the specified percentage to calculate the values for the current year column of the gross temporary difference rollforward. For example, you can set up the YTD meals & entertainment book-tax difference to be calculated by multiplying the applicable meals and entertainment accounts by a certain percentage (for example, by 50% for an entity). This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are income statement accounts.
    • Change In Balance — Uses the difference between the current year-to-date amount and the prior year ending balance of a single or multiple accounts multiplied by the specified percentage to calculate the current year column of the gross temporary difference rollforward. For example, if the end of period balance for a reserve for doubtful accounts is 200 and the beginning of year balance is 50, the amount populated into the current year column is 150. This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are balance sheet accounts.
    • Custom — If your company has set up any custom calculation methods, you can specify them here. For information on creating a custom calculation method, see “Creating a custom calculation method”.


    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to 0. If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The percentage must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    Source Accounts

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source accounts for the difference account. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source accounts are those set for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Details

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source details for the difference account.

    You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If no value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file, you must leave this field blank. If a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol, you must specify at least one Details symbol from the hierarchy defined for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Segments

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source segments for the difference account. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If no value is set for Current Tax Automation -

    Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file, you must leave this field blank. If a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol, you must specify at least one Segments symbol from the hierarchy defined for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Reporting


    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE. If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source reporting methods for the difference account. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source reporting methods are those set for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    For more information, see the Loading Chart of Accounts data section in the LongviewTax Administrator’s Guide.

    Target Elements

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    This setting applies only if Use Income/Equity/ OCI Setting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the target elements for the account. The valid target elements values are dependent on the setting for Income/Equity/OCI.

    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Income, the valid value is Income.
    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Equity, the valid values are Equity or Equity and Income.

      Note: Equity and Income is not a valid value for temporary difference accounts

    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to OCI, the valid values are OCI or OCI and Income.

      Note: OCI and Income is not a valid value for temporary difference accounts.

    Interim Calculation Method

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    This setting applies only to accounts where the Global/Entity setting is set to Global; if it is set to Entity, leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method for interim using one of the following values:

    • Annualize — Calculates the forecast current year column value by annualizing the current year-to-date balance. The interim current year column is equal to the current year-to-date amount divided by the current period multiplied by the number of remaining periods in the year. The forecast current year column is the sum of the current year to date column and the interim current year column. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, the interim current year column is calculated as (3000/3) * (12-3). The annualized value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 9000.
    • Prior Year — Calculates the forecast current year column value by using the year-to-date balance of the prior year-end current provision. The value in the interim current year column equals the prior year ending balance less the current year-to-date amount. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, and the prior year ending balance was 24000, the interim current year column is calculated as 24000 - 3000. The prior year value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 21000.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”

Preparing import files for current and deferred tax settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for current and deferred tax accounts.

To prepare a current and deferred tax settings import file:

  1. Open the CurrentAndDeferredTax_Parameters.csv in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the current or deferred tax account for which to set parameters. Valid accounts are symbols in the NatDefTax_ASC, RegDefTax_ASC, NatCurrentDet_ASC, and RegCurrentDet_ASC hierarchies for an ASC system or NatDefTax_IAS, RegDefTax_IAS, TaxIncome_IAS, TXCTC, RegTaxIncome_IAS, and REGTXCTC hierarchies for an IAS system.

    For temporary difference accounts, you must specify the parent of the calculated and adjustment leaf accounts.


    This column is required if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Specify one of the following:

    • Global — Use this option to set the global parameters for the account. These parameters apply to all entities unless an entity-specific override is specified.
    • Entity — Type an entity name to use this option to specify an entity-specific override for the account parameters. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES and PShip hierarchies.


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether the deferred tax account should be classified as current or non-current using one of the following values:

    • Current — Classifies the account as current.
    • Non-Current — Classifies the account as noncurrent.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Current/Non-Current in the System_Settings.csv import file


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for current and deferred tax leaf accounts. To set permanent or temporary difference accounts, use the BookTaxDifferences_Parameters.csv import file. To set NIBT accounts, use the NIBT_Parameters.csv import file.

    Specify the way the current or deferred tax account is classified using one of the following values:

    • Income — Classifies the account as an Income account.
    • Equity — Classifies the account as an Equity account.
    • OCI — Classifies the account as an Other Comprehensive Income account.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Rate Change Treatment

    This setting is available only for ASC systems. This setting applies only if Use Rate Change Treatment Setting is TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether rate change for the deferred tax account is treated as income, equity, or OCI using one of the following values:

    • Income — Calculates the rate change as income rate change.
    • Equity — Calculates the rate change as equity rate change.
    • OCI — Calculates the rate change as OCI rate change.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Rate Change Treatment in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Values Entered as Gross

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether users enter values for this account as gross amounts using of the following values:

    • TRUE — Use this value to enter gross amounts and to calculate tax-affected amounts.
    • FALSE — Use this value to enter tax-affected amounts manually. If you specify this option, the amount from the Temporary Differences input template will be transferred to the Deferred Tax report without applying the tax rate.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Value Entered as Gross in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Include in NBR Calc

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts and applies only for entities that calculate a regional provision and are eligible for a regional deduction.

    Specify whether to include the deferred tax account when calculating National Benefit of Region using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Includes the account in the national benefit of region.
    • FALSE — Omits the account from the national benefit of region.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax National Benefit of Region Calculation in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Classification Level

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. Specify a parent symbol that designates the level at which the system ignores child symbols and classifies each deferred tax account based on the specified parent. The topmost level selected is the level used for the classification.

    Specify one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Use this value to designate the account as a classification level.
    • FALSE — Use this value when the account is not a classification level.

    Asset Sign

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts. Specify the asset sign for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • + classifies a positive amount as an asset and a negative amount as a liability.
    • - classifies a positive amount as a liability and a negative amount as an asset.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Asset Sign in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Multi-Regional Deferred Tax Method

    This setting applies only to systems with Multi- Regional Provision. For National Deferred Tax, this setting applies only to temporary difference accounts.

    Specify the deferred tax method for Multi-Regional Provision from one of the following:

    • Apportionment Factors — Calculates the deferred tax by multiplying the gross values by the apportionment factors entered in the related input app.
    • Tax Rate — Calculates the deferred tax by multiplying the gross values by the tax rate entered in the related input app.
    • Both — Calculates the deferred tax by multiplying the gross values by both the apportionment factors and tax rate entered in the related input apps.

    Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Deferred Tax Automation – Display

    Automation Settings is Display Balance Sheet Method Settings. For more information, see “Preparing an import file for system settings”. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether to automate temporary difference ending balances for the deferred tax account. Use this automation to calculate the value in the unexplained difference column to automate the end of year balance in the gross temporary difference rollforward. Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to automate temporary difference ending balances for the account.
    • FALSE — Use this value to set temporary difference ending balances to manual for the account.

    If Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank.


    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts. Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The amount must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places. If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "" or 0. If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Accounts

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source accounts for the ending balance. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Reporting Difference Ending Balances

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Methods is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source elements for the ending balance. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). For more information, see “Loading chart of accounts data” in the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide”.

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Details

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source details for the ending balance. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv file before you can specify a source detail. If this setting is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Segments

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source segments for the ending balance. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Temporary Differences Ending Balances Automation - Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source segment. If this field is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Automate Temporary Difference Ending

    Balances - Temporary Difference Method

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Temporary Difference or Deferred Tax Automation - Display Settings is Display Temporary Difference Method Settings. For more information, see “Preparing an import file for system settings”.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Use this automation to calculate the value in the unexplained difference column to automate the end of year balance in the gross temporary difference rollforward. Specify whether to automate temporary difference ending balances for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automates temporary difference ending balances for the account.
    • FALSE — Sets temporary difference ending balances to manual for the account.

    If Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation is Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank.

    Automate Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Temporary Difference or Deferred Tax Automation - Display Settings is Display Temporary Difference Method Settings. For more information, see “Preparing an import file for system settings”.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether to automate the accounting basis for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automates the accounting basis for the account.
    • FALSE — Sets the accounting basis to manual for the account.

    If Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is set to No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank. If you leave the Automate Temporary Differences Ending Balances - Temporary Difference Method field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    % - Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The amount must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "" or 0. If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Accounts - Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source accounts for the accounting basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Reporting Methods - Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts. Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source elements for the accounting basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    For more information, see “Loading chart of accounts data” in the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Details - Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source details for the accounting basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols.

    Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source detail. If Deferred

    Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbols is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Segments -

    Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source segments for the accounting basis.

    You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax - Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source segment. If Deferred Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Automate Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances - Temporary Difference Method is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether to automate the tax basis for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automates the tax basis for the account.
    • FALSE — Sets the tax basis to manual for the account.

    If Automate Temporary Difference Ending

    Balances - Temporary Difference Method is FALSE, or if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation

    Settings is set to Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank. If you leave the Automate Temporary Differences Ending Balances - Temporary Difference Method field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    % - Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The amount must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "" or 0. If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Accounts – Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source accounts for the tax basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Reporting

    Methods - Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source elements for the tax basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    For more information, see “Loading chart of accounts data” in the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Details – Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv file.

    Specify the source details for the tax basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source detail. If Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for interim account settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for interim accounts.

To import settings for interim accounts:

  1. Open the InterimAccount_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the interim account for which to set parameters. Valid accounts are symbols in the NatCurrentIPDet_ASC, RegIP_ASC, NatCurrentIPDet_IAS, and RegIP_IAS hierarchies.

    Valid symbols are:

    • permanent and temporary difference parent symbols (AZTaxPermTempAccount set to TRUE).
    • leaf symbols that are not permanent and temporary differences (AZTaxPermTempAccount set to FALSE).

    Allocation Method [R]

    Specify one of the following interim account types for the account:

    • Current — Specifies that the amount is moved to leafs under GrsCYCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current.
    • Reversal — Specifies that the amount is moved to both GrsCyCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current and GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred, and the sign is reversed.
    • Deferred+ — Specifies that the amount is moved to leafs under GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred, and the sign is unchanged.
    • Deferred- — Specifies that the amount is moved to leafs under GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred, and the sign is reversed.
    • NoAllocation — Specifies that the amount is not moved to either GrsCyCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current or GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for TARF target element settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to define which elements are automated for tax account rollforward data transfer. You can also use import files to clear data for all tax account rollforward accounts for an element.

To prepare an import file for TARF target element settings:

  1. Open the TARFTargetElement_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Target Element [R]

    Specify the target element for which to specify settings for tax account rollforward data transfer. Valid values are leaf symbols in the RFwdDiff_ASC or RFwdDiff_IAS hierarchy, depending on your system.

    The following symbols are not valid:

    • RFwdBalanceCTA_ASC/RFwdBalanceCTA_IAS


    Specify whether tax account rollforward data transfer should be automated for this element.

    • YES — Use this value to automate tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified element.
    • NO — Use this value to manually input tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified element.

    Clear Data

    Specify whether data input for the target element should be cleared.

    • YES — Use this value to clear data for the target element.
    • NO — Use this value to retain the current data values for the target element.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for TARF settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for tax account rollforward data transfer.

To prepare an import file for TARF settings:

  1. Open the TARF_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Target Account [R]

    Specify the tax account rollforward account for which to specify settings. Valid accounts are leaf symbols in the TARF_ASC and TARF_IAS hierarchies.

    Automated Element [R]

    Specify the tax account rollforward element for which to import the tax account settings. Valid elements are leaf symbols in the TARF_Elements_Target_ASC and TARF_Elements_Target_IAS hierarchies.

    Timeframe [R]

    Specify one of the following timeframes for the data transfer:

    • TFACTUAL — Use this option to use the actuals TARF mappings.
    • TFINTERIM — Use this option to use the interim TARF mappings.
    • Custom — Use this option to use custom TARF mappings. For information on creating a custom TARF timeframe, see “Creating a custom timeframe for tax account rollforward data transfer”.

    Manual [R]

    Specify whether tax account rollforward data transfer should be manual for the specified account.

    • YES — Use this value to manually input tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified account.
    • NO — Use this value to automate tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified account.

    Source Accounts

    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, select one or more source accounts for the target data. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). Valid symbols are those set for TARF Transfer - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".

    Source Details

    This column applies only for Multi-Regional Provision.

    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, select one or more source details for the target data. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). Valid symbols are those set for TARF Transfer - Valid Source Details in the System_Settings.csv import file.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".

    Source Elements

    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, select one or more source elements for the target data. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). Valid symbols are those set for TARF Transfer - Valid Source Elements in the System_Settings.csv import file.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".


    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, specify the sign (+ or ) to use for the transfer.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to Importing and Exporting.


Preparing Import Files For Parameters

Tax Provision includes the following Excel import files to help you configure symbol parameters in bulk during implementation. You can rename files, but the file prefixes must remain the same.

The following table lists the file prefixes for parameters import files:

File prefix Description


Use this import file to import settings for foreign exchange. For more information, see Preparing import files for foreign exchange settings.


Use this import file to import settings for entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for entity settings.


Use this import file to import settings for legal entity groupings. For more information, see Preparing import files for legal entity grouping settings.


Use this import file to import settings for partnership entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for partnership entity settings.


Use this import file to import partnership owner settings for partnership entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for partnership owner settings.


Use this import file to import settings for branch entities. For more information, see Preparing import files for branch settings.


Use this import file to import settings for net income before tax accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for net income before tax settings.


Use this import file to import settings for book-tax difference accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for book-tax difference settings.


Use this import file to import settings for current and deferred tax accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for current and deferred tax settings.


Use this import file to import settings for interim accounts. For more information, see Preparing import files for interim account settings.


Use this file to import target element settings for tax account rollforward. For more information, see Preparing import files for TARF target element settings.


Use this import file to import settings for tax account rollforward. For more information, see Preparing import files for TARF settings.

Note: If you decide to create your own import files, the column headers must match the headers in the provided templates exactly.

If you leave a parameter blank in a parameters file, the existing value for that parameter is retained in the database. If the parameter is not stored as data, two double quotation marks ( "" ) clear the existing value. If the parameter is stored as data, two double quotation marks are not a valid value, and you must use 0 to clear the existing value.

Preparing import files for foreign exchange settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you load foreign exchange settings in bulk during implementation.

For information on the default tax method rate table settings, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

To prepare an import file for foreign exchange settings

  1. Open the FXSetup_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Element [R]

    Specify the translation element from the TrnEle hierarchy.

    Account [R]

    Specify the translation account. Specify from the following:

    • Global — Use this value to specify a global tax method rate for all accounts.
    • Children of TrnAcc — Specify a translation account from the TrnAcc hierarchy to override the global settings for that account.

    Tax Method Rate

    Specify the method rate to use for the specified account/ element.

    • RPerTax — Use this value to use the income statement period average rate.
    • RPerTaxB — Use this value to use the beginning of year spot rate.
    • RPerTaxE — Use this value to use the end of year spot rate.
    • RPerTaxQ1 — Use this value to use the Q1 spot rate.
    • RPerTaxQ2 — Use this value to use the Q2 spot rate.
    • RPerTaxQ3 — Use this value to use the Q3 spot rate.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to Importing And Exporting.

Preparing import files for entity settings

Tax Provision includes import files that help you to load entity settings during implementation. Longview recommends that you use the provided template files; however, you can also create your own .csv files as long as the column headers match those in the included templates. You must include any columns that end in [R], but you can omit other columns as necessary.

The following import templates are available:

Import Template Description


Use this import file to import settings for entities.


Use this import file to import settings for legal entity groupings.


Use this import file to import settings for partnership entities.


Use this import file to import partnership owner settings for partnership entities.


Use this import file to import settings for branch entities.

Preparing import files for legal and branch entity settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for legal and branch entities. To import settings for a partnership, use the PartnershipEntity_Parameters.csv file. For more information, see “Preparing import files for partnership entity settings”.

To prepare an import file for entity settings:

  1. Open the Entity_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Entity [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to import settings. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy of the following types:

    • Legal Entity
    • Branch
    • Branch Elimination

    Country Code

    This column applies only for Global Transparency. Specify the ISO 2 Alpha Identifier for the country. Valid codes are as specified in the Countries.lvapp.

    Country Description

    This column applies only for Global Transparency. Specify the description for the country.

    Jurisdiction [R]

    Specify the jurisdiction for the entity. Valid symbols are entities with the Jurisdiction type.

    Legal Entity

    Grouping [R]

    Specify the legal entity grouping for the entity. Valid entities are legal entity groupings that have the AZTaxJurisdiction attribute set to the value specified for Jurisdiction.

    Automation Group

    If you want to assign an entity to an automation group, specify the appropriate automation group. If you specify an automation group, the entity uses the automation settings assigned to the automation group for net income before tax, book-tax differences, or current and deferred tax accounts, unless you set an entity-specific override.

    Note: To specify an automation group, you must first create automation groups. For more information see “Preparing import files for automation groups”

    Calculate Regional Provision

    Specify whether to calculate a regional provision for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a regional provision for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the regional provision calculation.

    Calculate National

    Specify whether to calculate the national benefit of region.

    Benefit of Region

    This setting is valid only if Calculate Regional Provision is set to TRUE or the AZTaxCalculateRegionalProvisionEnt attribute is already set for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to calculate national benefit of region values for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to refrain from calculating a regional provision for the entity.

    Use Deferred Tax Scheduling

    Specify the scheduling method to use for the entity.

    • Scheduling — Use this option to calculate deferred tax scheduling for the entity.
    • Regular — Use this option to exclude the entity from the deferred tax scheduling calculation.

    Discontinued Operation

    Specify whether the entity is classified as a discontinued operation.

    • TRUE — Use this option to categorize the entity as a discontinued operation.
    • FALSE — Use this option to categorize the entity as a continued operation.

    Calculate Netting Adjustment

    This setting applies only if Use Deferred Tax Netting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify whether to calculate a netting adjustment for the entity.

    Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to use jurisdictional netting for deferred tax assets and liabilities for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the jurisdictional netting for deferred tax assets and liabilities calculation.

    Automate Deferred Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is set to No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify whether to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    Automate Current

    Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when both Current Tax

    Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax and Current Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings are set to FALSE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to input current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences manually for this entity.

    Automate Loss Carryforward Adjustment

    This setting does not apply when Use Loss Carryforward Automation is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file

    Specify whether to automate the loss carryforward adjustment for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the loss carryforward adjustment.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the loss carryforward adjustment.

    TARF Actual Timeframe

    Specify the TARF mapping for the entity to use for the actuals timeframe. Select one of the following:

    • TFACTUAL — Use this option to use the actuals TARF mappings. Longview recommends that you use this value.
    • TFINTERIM — Use this option to use the interim TARF mappings.
    • Custom — Use this option to use custom TARF mappings. For information on creating a custom TARF timeframe, see “Creating a custom timeframe for tax account rollforward data transfer”.

    Calculate Interim

    Specify whether to include the entity in the interim calculation.

    • TRUE — Use this option to calculate an interim provision for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to exclude the entity from the interim provision calculation.

    Entity Level for Interim ETR

    Specify the interim ETR entity level for the entity.

    • Legal Entity — Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at the legal entity level.
    • Sub-Consolidated — Use this value to calculate the interim ETR for the entity at a sub-consolidated level. If you use this value, you must specify a subconsolidation parent for the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR.

    This setting applies only if the Entity Level for Interim ETR system setting is set to Defined by Entity.


    Entity for Interim ETR

    If you specified Sub-Consolidated as the Entity Level for Interim ETR, you must specify the sub-consolidation parent symbol to use for the interim ETR calculation. Valid parent symbols are those in the hierarchy specified by the Consolidation/Sub-Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR system setting. If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply. This setting applies only if the Entity Level for Interim ETR system setting is set to Sub-Consolidated or Defined by Entity.

    Include in National

    Current Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a national current interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a national current interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the national current interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s national current interim ETR is adjusted to 0.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Include in National

    Deferred Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a national deferred interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a national deferred interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the national deferred interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s national deferred interim ETR is adjusted to 0. If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Include in Regional

    Current Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a regional current interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a regional current interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the regional current interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s regional current interim ETR is adjusted to 0.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Include in Regional

    Deferred Interim ETR

    Specify whether to calculate a regional deferred interim ETR for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this value to calculate a regional deferred interim ETR for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to exclude the entity from the regional deferred interim ETR calculation. If you specify this value, the entity’s regional deferred interim ETR is adjusted to 0.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting does not apply.

    Interim Rate Change Type

    This setting applies to ASC systems only. Specify the interim rate change type. This parameter is required only if Calculate Interim is set to TRUE.

    Specify one of the following:

    • Actual — to base the interim rate change on the actuals rate change.
    • Forecast — to base the interim rate change on the full year forecasted amount.
    • Prorate — to base the interim rate change on the prorated forecasted amount; prorated by number of months elapsed to total months in the year.

    TARF Interim Timeframe

    Specify the TARF mapping for the entity to use for the interim timeframe. Specify one of the following:

    • TFACTUAL — Use this option to use the actuals TARF mappings. If you set Calculate Interim to FALSE, Longview recommends that you use this value.
    • TFINTERIM — Use this option to use the interim TARF mappings. If you set Calculate Interim to TRUE, Longview recommends that you use this value.
    • Custom — Use this option to use custom TARF
    • mappings. For information on creating a custom TARF timeframe, see “Creating a custom timeframe for tax account rollforward data transfer”.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for legal entity grouping settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for legal entity groupings. To import settings for legal entities, use the Entity_Parameters.csv file. For more information, see Preparing import files for entity settings.

To prepare an import file for legal entity grouping settings:

  1. Open the LegalEntityGroupings_Parameters file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Entity [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to import settings. Valid entities are those in the Jurisdiction hierarchy with the Legal Entity Grouping type.

    Calculate Netting Adjustment

    This setting applies only if Use Deferred Tax Netting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify whether to calculate a netting adjustment for the entity.

    Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to use jurisdictional netting for
    • deferred tax assets and liabilities for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this value to refrain from using
    • jurisdictional netting for deferred tax assets and liabilities for this entity.

    Loss Position

    This setting applies only if Use Loss Carryforward Automation is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file. Specify the loss position for the entity.

    Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to specify that the legal entity grouping is in a loss position.
    • FALSE — Use this value to specify that the
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”

Preparing import files for partnership entity settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for partnership entities. For information on import files for owner entities, see “Preparing import files for partnership owner settings”. For information on import files for legal entities, see “Preparing import files for entity settings”.

To import partnership entity settings:

  1. Open the PartnershipEntity_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Partnership [R]

    Specify the partnership entity name for which to specify settings.

    Automation Group

    If you want to assign an entity to an automation group, specify the appropriate automation group. If you specify an automation group, the entity uses the automation settings assigned to the automation group for net income before tax, book-tax differences, or current and deferred tax accounts, unless you set an entity-specific override.

    Note: To specify an automation group, you must first create automation groups. For more information, see “Preparing import files for automation groups”.

    Use Deferred Tax Scheduling

    Specify the scheduling method to use for the entity.

    • Scheduling — Use this option to use the entity to calculate deferred tax scheduling.
    • Regular — Use this option to refrain from using the entity to calculate deferred tax scheduling.

    Automate Deferred Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is set to No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display

    Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the temporary difference ending balances for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    Automate Current Tax Amounts

    This setting does not apply when both Current Tax Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax and Current Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings are set to FALSE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.

    For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automatically transfer current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences for this entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to input current tax amounts for Book-Tax Differences manually for this entity

    Automate Loss



    This setting does not apply when Use Loss Carryforward Automation is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify whether to automate the loss carryforward adjustment for the entity.

    • TRUE — Use this option to automate the loss carryforward adjustment.
    • FALSE — Use this option to manually enter the loss carryforward adjustment.

    Calculate Interim

    Specify whether to include the entity in the interim calculation.

    • TRUE — Use this option to calculate an interim provision for the entity.
    • FALSE — Use this option to exclude the entity from the interim provision calculation.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for partnership owner settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for partnership owners. For information on import files for partnership entities, see “Preparing import files for partnership entity settings”. For information on import files for legal entities, see “Preparing import files for entity settings”.

To import partnership owner settings:

  1. Open the PartnershipOwner_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Partnership [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to assign owners. Valid symbols are leafs in the PShip hierarchy.


    Specify the entity you want to assign to the partnership. Valid symbols are leafs in the TENTITIES hierarchy. Each partnership can contain a maximum of 20 owners.

    Ownership n

    Specify the percentage owned by this entity. For example, for 35%, type 35. You must specify a related ownership for each Owner. For example, if you specify an Owner 12, you must specify a percentage for Ownership 12. The total ownership percentage cannot exceed 100. Each partnership can have a maximum of 20 owner entities.

  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for branch settings

Tax Provision includes an import file to help you import settings for branch entities. To import settings for a legal entity, use the Entity_Parameters.csv file. For more information, see “Preparing import files for entity settings”.

Caution: The import process removes all previously existing branch settings.

To prepare an import file for branch settings:

  1. Open the Branch_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Entity [R]

    Specify the entity name for which to import settings. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy with the type Legal Entity.

    Branch [R]

    Specify the name of the associated branch entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy.

    To clear out this setting, use two double quotation marks ( "" ). If you clear out this setting, you must also clear out Elimination.

    Elimination [R]

    Specify the name of the associated branch elimination entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES hierarchy.

    To clear out this setting, use two double quotation marks ( "" ). If you clear out this setting, you must also clear out Branch.

    Note: This file must contain all branch settings, because branches and branch elimination entities must be assigned to only one legal entity. Therefore, all previous branch settings will be removed during the import process.

  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”

Preparing import files for account settings

Tax Provision includes import files that help you to load account settings during implementation. Longview suggests that you use the provided template file; however, you can also create your own .csv file as long as the column headers match the included templates. You must include any columns that end in [R], but you can omit other columns as necessary.

Preparing import files for net income before tax settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for net income before tax accounts.

To import settings for net income before tax accounts:

  1. Open the NIBT_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the NIBT account for which to set parameters. Valid accounts are leaf symbols in the hierarchy specified for NIBT Account Parent Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file. The Longview default for this setting is NIBTAdj.

    Global/Entity [R]

    Specify if the settings apply to all entities or override the settings for a specific entity using one of the following values:

    • Global — Sets the global settings for the account. These settings apply to all entities unless an entity-specific override is specified.
    • Entity — Specify an entity name to override account settings for that entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES and PShip hierarchies.


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity [R] is set to Global. Specify the Income/Equity/OCI classification for the account using one of the following values:

    • Income — Classifies the account as an Income account.
    • Equity — Classifies the account as an Equity account.
    • OCI — Classifies the account as an Other Comprehensive Income account.

    If you are using an import to modify Income/ Equity/OCI for a NIBT account that has a calculation method set for Actuals Calculation Method, you must also update Target Elements (for both global settings and any entity override settings) to a valid value for the new Income/ Equity/OCI classification.

    The Longview default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Automate NIBT Amounts

    Specify if data is automatically transferred or manually input to the current provision (current tax charge) for the NIBT account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automatically transfers data to the current provision (current tax charge) for the NIBT account. The amounts may be transferred to the current year, equity, and OCI columns, depending on the value set for Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting in the System_Settings.csv import file and the Target Elements setting for the NIBT account. Amounts automatically transferred into the current year column are also reported in the Effective Tax Rate reports. This automation can be performed for functional currency or functional and reporting currency net income before tax values included in the general ledger. If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE for the global settings or any other entity, the NIBT account is set to read-only for all entities.
    • FALSE — Specifies that current provision (current tax charge) amounts are manually input for the NIBT account.

    Actuals Calculation Method

    This setting is required if Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE. If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to No Calculation or "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method to use for actuals, using one of the following values:

    • No Calculation — No actuals calculation method is set for the NIBT account. No data is transferred for actuals.
    • Year-To-Date Balance — Multiplies a single or multiple accounts by the specified percentage to calculate the values for the current year column of the current provision (current tax charge). For example, you can set up NIBT to be equal to the pre-tax income. This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are income statement accounts.
    • Change In Balance — Uses the difference between the current year-to-date amount and the prior year ending balance of a single or multiple accounts multiplied by the specified percentage to calculate the current year column of the current provision (current tax charge). This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are balance sheet accounts.
    • Custom — If your company has set up any custom calculation methods, you can specify them here. For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method”.


    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to 0. If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount. The percentage must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    Source Accounts

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source accounts for the NIBT account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source accounts are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Reporting Methods

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source reporting methods for the account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source reporting methods are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Currencies

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source currencies for the NIBT account using one of the following values:

    • Functional — Transfers functional currencies (native currencies) from the chart of accounts to the current provision (current tax charge), and translates the NIBT account. If the NIBT account is not automated or if you do not specify a source currencies value, the account is treated as if Functional was specified.
    • All — Transfers functional and reporting currencies from the chart of accounts to the current provision (current tax charge), and does not translate the NIBT account. You can specify All only if Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE for the default settings of the NIBT account.

    Note: Source currencies can be specified for global settings only. The source currencies setting cannot be overridden for a specific entity.

    Source Details

    This setting applies only if a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source details for the NIBT account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source details are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Segments

    This setting applies only if a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source segments for the NIBT account. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source segments are those set for NIBT Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Target Elements

    This setting applies only if Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the target elements for the NIBT account. The valid target elements values are dependent on the setting for Income/Equity/OCI.

    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Income, the valid value is Income.
    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Equity, the valid values are Equity or Equity and Income.
    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to OCI, the valid values are OCI or OCI and Income.

    Interim Calculation Method

    This setting is required if Automate NIBT Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate NIBT Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to No Calculation or "". If the Automate NIBT Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method for interim using one of the following values:

    • No Calculation — No interim calculation method is set for the NIBT account. No data is transferred for interim.
    • Annualize — Calculates the forecast current year column value by annualizing the current yearto-date balance. The interim current year column is equal to the current year-to-date amount divided by the current period multiplied by the number of remaining periods in the year. The forecast current year column is the sum of the current year-to-date column and the interim current year column. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, the interim current year column is calculated as (3000/3) * (12-3). The annualized value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 9000.
    • Prior Year — Calculates the forecast current year column value by using the year-to-date balance of the prior year-end current provision. The value in the interim current year column equals the prior year ending balance less the current year-to-date amount. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, and the prior year ending balance was 24000, the interim current year column is calculated as 24000 - 3000. The prior year value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 21000.
  1. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  2. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for book-tax difference settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for book-tax difference accounts.

To prepare a book-tax difference settings import file:

  1. Open the BookTaxDifferences_Parameters.csv in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the difference account for which to set parameters. You must specify the parent of the calculated and adjustment leaf accounts.

    Global/Entity [R]

    Specify if the settings apply to all entities or override the settings for a specific entity using one of the following values:

    • Global — Sets the global settings for the account. These settings apply to all entities unless an entityspecific override is specified.
    • Entity — Specify an entity name to override account settings for that entity. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES and PShip hierarchies.


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity [R] is set to Global.

    Specify the Income/Equity/OCI classification for the account using one of the following values:

    • Income — Classifies the account as an Income account.
    • Equity — Classifies the account as an Equity account.
    • OCI — Classifies the account as an Other Comprehensive Income account.

    If you are using an import to modify Income/ Equity/OCI for an account that has a calculation method set for Actuals Calculation Method, you must also update Target Elements (for both global settings and any entity override settings) to a valid value for the new Income/Equity/OCI classification.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Automate Current Tax Amounts

    If Current Tax Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax and Current Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings are both set to FALSE in the System_Settings.csv import file, you must set this value to FALSE.

    Specify if data is automatically transferred or manually input to the current provision (current tax charge) and current year column in the gross temporary difference rollforward for the difference account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Calculates values in the current provision (for permanent and temporary difference accounts) and in the gross temporary difference rollforward for temporary difference accounts. The amounts may be calculated to the current year, equity, and OCI columns, depending on the value set for Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file and the Target Elements setting for the difference account. Amounts automated into the current year column for temporary differences provides for an offset between the current provision and deferred provision with no impact to the ETR.
    • FALSE — Specifies that current tax amounts are manually input for the difference account.

    Actuals Calculation Method

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method to use for actuals, using one of the following values:

    • Year-To-Date Balance — Multiplies a single or multiple accounts by the specified percentage to calculate the values for the current year column of the gross temporary difference rollforward. For example, you can set up the YTD meals & entertainment book-tax difference to be calculated by multiplying the applicable meals and entertainment accounts by a certain percentage (for example, by 50% for an entity). This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are income statement accounts.
    • Change In Balance — Uses the difference between the current year-to-date amount and the prior year ending balance of a single or multiple accounts multiplied by the specified percentage to calculate the current year column of the gross temporary difference rollforward. For example, if the end of period balance for a reserve for doubtful accounts is 200 and the beginning of year balance is 50, the amount populated into the current year column is 150. This type of method is generally used when the source accounts are balance sheet accounts.
    • Custom — If your company has set up any custom calculation methods, you can specify them here. For information on creating a custom calculation method, see “Creating a custom calculation method”.


    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to 0. If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The percentage must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    Source Accounts

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source accounts for the difference account. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source accounts are those set for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Details

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source details for the difference account.

    You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If no value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file, you must leave this field blank. If a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol, you must specify at least one Details symbol from the hierarchy defined for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Segments

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source segments for the difference account. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If no value is set for Current Tax Automation -

    Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file, you must leave this field blank. If a value is set for Current Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol, you must specify at least one Segments symbol from the hierarchy defined for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Source Reporting


    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE. If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the source reporting methods for the difference account. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    Valid source reporting methods are those set for Current Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    For more information, see the Loading Chart of Accounts data section in the LongviewTax Administrator’s Guide.

    Target Elements

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    This setting applies only if Use Income/Equity/ OCI Setting is set to TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    If Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If the Automate Current Tax Amounts field is blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Specify the target elements for the account. The valid target elements values are dependent on the setting for Income/Equity/OCI.

    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Income, the valid value is Income.
    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to Equity, the valid values are Equity or Equity and Income.

      Note: Equity and Income is not a valid value for temporary difference accounts

    • If Income/Equity/OCI is set to OCI, the valid values are OCI or OCI and Income.

      Note: OCI and Income is not a valid value for temporary difference accounts.

    Interim Calculation Method

    This setting is required only if Automate Current Tax Amounts is set to TRUE.

    This setting applies only to accounts where the Global/Entity setting is set to Global; if it is set to Entity, leave this field blank.

    Specify the calculation method for interim using one of the following values:

    • Annualize — Calculates the forecast current year column value by annualizing the current year-to-date balance. The interim current year column is equal to the current year-to-date amount divided by the current period multiplied by the number of remaining periods in the year. The forecast current year column is the sum of the current year to date column and the interim current year column. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, the interim current year column is calculated as (3000/3) * (12-3). The annualized value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 9000.
    • Prior Year — Calculates the forecast current year column value by using the year-to-date balance of the prior year-end current provision. The value in the interim current year column equals the prior year ending balance less the current year-to-date amount. For example, assuming the value of an account at the end of the first quarter is 3000, and the prior year ending balance was 24000, the interim current year column is calculated as 24000 - 3000. The prior year value in the forecast current year column is 3000 + 21000.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”

Preparing import files for current and deferred tax settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for current and deferred tax accounts.

To prepare a current and deferred tax settings import file:

  1. Open the CurrentAndDeferredTax_Parameters.csv in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the current or deferred tax account for which to set parameters. Valid accounts are symbols in the NatDefTax_ASC, RegDefTax_ASC, NatCurrentDet_ASC, and RegCurrentDet_ASC hierarchies for an ASC system or NatDefTax_IAS, RegDefTax_IAS, TaxIncome_IAS, TXCTC, RegTaxIncome_IAS, and REGTXCTC hierarchies for an IAS system.

    For temporary difference accounts, you must specify the parent of the calculated and adjustment leaf accounts.


    This column is required if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Specify one of the following:

    • Global — Use this option to set the global parameters for the account. These parameters apply to all entities unless an entity-specific override is specified.
    • Entity — Type an entity name to use this option to specify an entity-specific override for the account parameters. Valid entities are leaf symbols in the TENTITIES and PShip hierarchies.


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether the deferred tax account should be classified as current or non-current using one of the following values:

    • Current — Classifies the account as current.
    • Non-Current — Classifies the account as noncurrent.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Current/Non-Current in the System_Settings.csv import file


    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for current and deferred tax leaf accounts. To set permanent or temporary difference accounts, use the BookTaxDifferences_Parameters.csv import file. To set NIBT accounts, use the NIBT_Parameters.csv import file.

    Specify the way the current or deferred tax account is classified using one of the following values:

    • Income — Classifies the account as an Income account.
    • Equity — Classifies the account as an Equity account.
    • OCI — Classifies the account as an Other Comprehensive Income account.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Rate Change Treatment

    This setting is available only for ASC systems. This setting applies only if Use Rate Change Treatment Setting is TRUE in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether rate change for the deferred tax account is treated as income, equity, or OCI using one of the following values:

    • Income — Calculates the rate change as income rate change.
    • Equity — Calculates the rate change as equity rate change.
    • OCI — Calculates the rate change as OCI rate change.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Rate Change Treatment in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Values Entered as Gross

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether users enter values for this account as gross amounts using of the following values:

    • TRUE — Use this value to enter gross amounts and to calculate tax-affected amounts.
    • FALSE — Use this value to enter tax-affected amounts manually. If you specify this option, the amount from the Temporary Differences input template will be transferred to the Deferred Tax report without applying the tax rate.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Value Entered as Gross in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Include in NBR Calc

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts and applies only for entities that calculate a regional provision and are eligible for a regional deduction.

    Specify whether to include the deferred tax account when calculating National Benefit of Region using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Includes the account in the national benefit of region.
    • FALSE — Omits the account from the national benefit of region.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax National Benefit of Region Calculation in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Classification Level

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global. Specify a parent symbol that designates the level at which the system ignores child symbols and classifies each deferred tax account based on the specified parent. The topmost level selected is the level used for the classification.

    Specify one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Use this value to designate the account as a classification level.
    • FALSE — Use this value when the account is not a classification level.

    Asset Sign

    This setting applies only if Global/Entity is set to Global.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts. Specify the asset sign for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • + classifies a positive amount as an asset and a negative amount as a liability.
    • - classifies a positive amount as a liability and a negative amount as an asset.

    The default for this setting is based on the value set for Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Asset Sign in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Multi-Regional Deferred Tax Method

    This setting applies only to systems with Multi- Regional Provision. For National Deferred Tax, this setting applies only to temporary difference accounts.

    Specify the deferred tax method for Multi-Regional Provision from one of the following:

    • Apportionment Factors — Calculates the deferred tax by multiplying the gross values by the apportionment factors entered in the related input app.
    • Tax Rate — Calculates the deferred tax by multiplying the gross values by the tax rate entered in the related input app.
    • Both — Calculates the deferred tax by multiplying the gross values by both the apportionment factors and tax rate entered in the related input apps.

    Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Deferred Tax Automation – Display

    Automation Settings is Display Balance Sheet Method Settings. For more information, see “Preparing an import file for system settings”. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether to automate temporary difference ending balances for the deferred tax account. Use this automation to calculate the value in the unexplained difference column to automate the end of year balance in the gross temporary difference rollforward. Specify one of the following:

    • TRUE — Use this value to automate temporary difference ending balances for the account.
    • FALSE — Use this value to set temporary difference ending balances to manual for the account.

    If Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank.


    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts. Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The amount must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places. If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "" or 0. If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Accounts

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source accounts for the ending balance. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Reporting Difference Ending Balances

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Methods is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source elements for the ending balance. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). For more information, see “Loading chart of accounts data” in the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide”.

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Details

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source details for the ending balance. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv file before you can specify a source detail. If this setting is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Segments

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source segments for the ending balance. You can specify one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Temporary Differences Ending Balances Automation - Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source segment. If this field is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Automate Temporary Difference Ending

    Balances - Temporary Difference Method

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Temporary Difference or Deferred Tax Automation - Display Settings is Display Temporary Difference Method Settings. For more information, see “Preparing an import file for system settings”.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Use this automation to calculate the value in the unexplained difference column to automate the end of year balance in the gross temporary difference rollforward. Specify whether to automate temporary difference ending balances for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automates temporary difference ending balances for the account.
    • FALSE — Sets temporary difference ending balances to manual for the account.

    If Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation is Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank.

    Automate Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Temporary Difference or Deferred Tax Automation - Display Settings is Display Temporary Difference Method Settings. For more information, see “Preparing an import file for system settings”.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether to automate the accounting basis for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automates the accounting basis for the account.
    • FALSE — Sets the accounting basis to manual for the account.

    If Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is set to No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation Settings is set to Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank. If you leave the Automate Temporary Differences Ending Balances - Temporary Difference Method field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    % - Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The amount must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "" or 0. If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Accounts - Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source accounts for the accounting basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Reporting Methods - Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts. Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source elements for the accounting basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    For more information, see “Loading chart of accounts data” in the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Details - Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source details for the accounting basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols.

    Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source detail. If Deferred

    Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbols is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Segments -

    Accounting Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Accounting Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source segments for the accounting basis.

    You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax - Target Segment Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source segment. If Deferred Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Accounting Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Accounting Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Automate Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Temporary Difference Ending Balances - Temporary Difference Method is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify whether to automate the tax basis for the deferred tax account using one of the following values:

    • TRUE — Automates the tax basis for the account.
    • FALSE — Sets the tax basis to manual for the account.

    If Automate Temporary Difference Ending

    Balances - Temporary Difference Method is FALSE, or if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation and Deferred Tax Automation - Display Automation

    Settings is set to Hide Settings, you must leave this field blank. If you leave the Automate Temporary Differences Ending Balances - Temporary Difference Method field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    % - Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Specify the percentage of the amount to transfer. The amount transferred is the percentage specified multiplied by the source amount.

    The amount must be a number from -100 through 100 and can have a maximum of two decimal places.

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "" or 0. If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Accounts – Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source accounts for the tax basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols from the chart of accounts. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Reporting

    Methods - Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE.

    This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods in the System_Settings.csv import file.

    Specify the source elements for the tax basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    For more information, see “Loading chart of accounts data” in the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

    Source Details – Tax Basis

    This setting applies only if Automate Tax Basis is TRUE. This field can be set only for deferred tax leaf or temporary difference accounts.

    Valid symbols are those set in Deferred Tax Automation - Valid Source Details Symbols in the System_Settings.csv file.

    Specify the source details for the tax basis. You can select one or more parent or leaf symbols. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ).

    You must set Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol in the System_Settings.csv import file before you can specify a source detail. If Deferred Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol is not set, you must leave this field blank, or set this value to "".

    If you set Automate Tax Basis to FALSE, you must set this value to "". If you leave the Automate Tax Basis field blank, you must also leave this field blank.

  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for interim account settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for interim accounts.

To import settings for interim accounts:

  1. Open the InterimAccount_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Account [R]

    Specify the interim account for which to set parameters. Valid accounts are symbols in the NatCurrentIPDet_ASC, RegIP_ASC, NatCurrentIPDet_IAS, and RegIP_IAS hierarchies.

    Valid symbols are:

    • permanent and temporary difference parent symbols (AZTaxPermTempAccount set to TRUE).
    • leaf symbols that are not permanent and temporary differences (AZTaxPermTempAccount set to FALSE).

    Allocation Method [R]

    Specify one of the following interim account types for the account:

    • Current — Specifies that the amount is moved to leafs under GrsCYCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current.
    • Reversal — Specifies that the amount is moved to both GrsCyCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current and GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred, and the sign is reversed.
    • Deferred+ — Specifies that the amount is moved to leafs under GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred, and the sign is unchanged.
    • Deferred- — Specifies that the amount is moved to leafs under GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred, and the sign is reversed.
    • NoAllocation — Specifies that the amount is not moved to either GrsCyCurFcst_ASC — Forecast Current or GrsCyDfdFcst_ASC — Forecast Deferred.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for TARF target element settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to define which elements are automated for tax account rollforward data transfer. You can also use import files to clear data for all tax account rollforward accounts for an element.

To prepare an import file for TARF target element settings:

  1. Open the TARFTargetElement_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Target Element [R]

    Specify the target element for which to specify settings for tax account rollforward data transfer. Valid values are leaf symbols in the RFwdDiff_ASC or RFwdDiff_IAS hierarchy, depending on your system.

    The following symbols are not valid:

    • RFwdBalanceCTA_ASC/RFwdBalanceCTA_IAS


    Specify whether tax account rollforward data transfer should be automated for this element.

    • YES — Use this value to automate tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified element.
    • NO — Use this value to manually input tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified element.

    Clear Data

    Specify whether data input for the target element should be cleared.

    • YES — Use this value to clear data for the target element.
    • NO — Use this value to retain the current data values for the target element.
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to “Importing and exporting”.

Preparing import files for TARF settings

You can use import files in Tax Provision to import settings for tax account rollforward data transfer.

To prepare an import file for TARF settings:

  1. Open the TARF_Parameters.csv file in Microsoft Excel. For information on obtaining template files, see Obtaining import template files.
  2. Complete these fields:
    Field Description

    Target Account [R]

    Specify the tax account rollforward account for which to specify settings. Valid accounts are leaf symbols in the TARF_ASC and TARF_IAS hierarchies.

    Automated Element [R]

    Specify the tax account rollforward element for which to import the tax account settings. Valid elements are leaf symbols in the TARF_Elements_Target_ASC and TARF_Elements_Target_IAS hierarchies.

    Timeframe [R]

    Specify one of the following timeframes for the data transfer:

    • TFACTUAL — Use this option to use the actuals TARF mappings.
    • TFINTERIM — Use this option to use the interim TARF mappings.
    • Custom — Use this option to use custom TARF mappings. For information on creating a custom TARF timeframe, see “Creating a custom timeframe for tax account rollforward data transfer”.

    Manual [R]

    Specify whether tax account rollforward data transfer should be manual for the specified account.

    • YES — Use this value to manually input tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified account.
    • NO — Use this value to automate tax account rollforward data transfer for the specified account.

    Source Accounts

    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, select one or more source accounts for the target data. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). Valid symbols are those set for TARF Transfer - Valid Source Accounts in the System_Settings.csv import file.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".

    Source Details

    This column applies only for Multi-Regional Provision.

    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, select one or more source details for the target data. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). Valid symbols are those set for TARF Transfer - Valid Source Details in the System_Settings.csv import file.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".

    Source Elements

    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, select one or more source elements for the target data. Separate multiple symbols with a semicolon ( ; ). Valid symbols are those set for TARF Transfer - Valid Source Elements in the System_Settings.csv import file.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".


    Do one of the following:

    • If you set the Manual field to NO, specify the sign (+ or ) to use for the transfer.
    • If you set the Manual field to YES, type "".
  3. When you are finished, save the template as a comma-delimited (.csv) file.

    Note: You can rename the file, but the file prefix must remain the same. For a list of file prefixes, see Preparing import files for parameters.

  4. If you are ready to import the data, continue to Importing and Exporting.

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