Get Mappings
Use this command to retrieve one or all mappings in the LV_SYM_MAPPINGS table to a comma delimited csv file. This command is useful during system migration.
Mappings are output in the following format:
SymbolName, MapMethod, Expression
- MapMethod is Exact|Range|Wildcard
- Expression is enclosed in double quotes.
The naming convention of the mapping files that are output are in the following format: MapName>.csv
GET MAPPINGS Map|All [TargetFolder]
- Map is the name of the map or All Maps.
- TargetFolder is the folder in which the specified Mapping or all Mappings will be stored.
The TargetFolder may include a path; if no path is specified, the current default working folder is used. If there are spaces in the file name or file path, enclose the path or file name in double quotation marks.
Syntax example
GET MAPPINGS "MyAccountMapping"
GET MAPPINGS All "C:\temp\Mappings"