Use this function to calculate the internal rate of return (the rate that sets the NPV of cash flows to 0) or a series of cash flows. For each period, net inflow = inflow - outflow (outflow is expected to be a positive value). IRR must be used in conjunction with the BY function. The symbols in the BY dimension hold the series of values. The result of IRR is stored in the first symbol in the range of symbols in the BY dimension as specified in the calculation block.
Note: To specify the range of symbols in the BY dimension, enter the first and last symbols in the range, separated by a colon. For example, A0601:A0612.
IRR (InflowSym [, OutflowSym])
- InflowSym is the symbol that contains the cash flows (positive and negative).
- OutflowSym is an optional symbol that contains expenditures.
CalculationBlock(Accounts;TimePeriods A0101:A0112)
BY TimePeriods
target = IRR (ChiBalIn, ChiBalOut)
End CalculationBlock
Note: If there is no solution to the equation, a value of 0 is returned.
See also