Working With Cards In Dashboard Designer
You can access cards in the cards category in the Dashboard Designer. You can click New Card to create a new card or expand Existing Cards to modify an existing one.
You can also duplicate an existing card by either:
- Right-clicking on an existing card and selecting Duplicate.
- Opening an existing card and clicking the Duplicate button in the toolbar.
In either case a new card opens with the same properties as the duplicated card.
To delete a card:
- Right-click on the card and select Delete.
- A confirmation appears. Click Delete.
Note: Dashboard Designer will not delete the card, and will display an error if the card belongs to one or more dashboards.
Card Types
When you create a new card, Dashboard Designer will display a list of card types to select from. Each type of card is designed to allow you to quickly create cards with a specific type of content. You can also create a card with full custom html.
Select one of these card types:
- Longview Components: Allows you select one or more components to be displayed in the card. Components are displayed in the following order:
- Longview Client
- Longview Add-In for Office
- Longview Analysis and Reporting
- Longview Application Administrator
- Longview Dashboard Designer
- Longview Journal Entries
- Longview Server Manager
- Longview Workflow Designer
- Longview Documentation: Displays links to each documentation guide.
- Longview System Apps: Displays links to individual system apps contained within the Longview Client. These include:
- Data Locks
- Events
- Event Status
- Mappings
- User Submissions
- Custom List: Allows you to create a list containing a combination of:
- A link to an app
- A link to a component
- A link to a documentation guide
- A link to a report
- A link to a system app
- A custom URL
- Custom HTML: Allows you to use HTML to create custom content for a card. Custom HTML also provides you tokens to display attribute values, data, and workflow status embedded in your HTML.
- List Applications: Displays a list of published apps. It can display all published apps or apps from a single category.
- List Reports: Displays a list of published reports. It can display all published reports or reports from a single category.
Card Properties
These properties are common to all card types:
- Name: The name is a unique identifier for the card. You cannot modify the name for an existing card.
- Title: The Dashboard displays the title at the top left of the card, next to the icon.
- Color: Choose the color used for the icon and title text.
- Icon: Choose the icon to display in the top left corner of the card
Longview Components Card Properties
The Longview Components card type has these additional properties:
- Component: Select the components to display in the card
- Longview Add-In for Office
- Longview Analysis and Reporting
- Longview Application Administrator
- Longview Dashboard Designer
- Longview Journal Entries
- Longview Server Manager
- Longview Workflow
- Longview Client
- Enter title to display for Longview Client
- Enter the client file name to use
- Default is the file name defined by the system attribute
- Default is the file name defined by the system attribute
Longview Documentation Card Properties
The Longview Documentation card type has these additional properties:
- Show all Documentation, or
- Show specific Documentation:
- Longview Add-In for Office Guide
- Longview Analysis and Reporting Guide
- Longview Application Administrator Guide
- Longview Close and Plan Implementer’s Guide
- Longview Component Manager Guide
- Longview Dashboard Designer Guide
- Longview Developer’s Guide
- Longview Designer’s Guide
- Longview for Excel Guide
- Longview Installation Guide
- Longview Integration Guide
- Longview Journal Entries Guide
- Longview Transfer Pricing Implementer’s Guide
- Longview Server Manager Guide
- Longview Workflow Guide
- Longview Tax Implementer’s Guide
Longview System Apps Card Properties
The Longview Components card type has these additional properties:
- Show all System Apps, or
- Show specific System Apps:
- Data Locks
- Events
- Events Status
- Mappings
- User Submissions
Custom List Card Properties
The custom list card type allows you to build a list containing a mix of distinct types of links. Dashboard Designer displays the list of items in a table.
To add an item to the list:
- Click the Add icon.
- Select the type:
- App: to display a link to a published app
- Component: to display a link to a Longview component
- Documentation: to display a link to a documentation guide
- Report: to display a link to a report
- System App: to display a link to a system app within the Longview client
- URL: to display a link to a custom URL
Enter the title that the Dashboard will display to the user.
Note: The Dashboard only displays the title if you select the Text or Icon with Text option when you assign the card to a dashboard.
- In parameter:
- App: Select the app. Dashboard Designer displays only apps that an administrator has published to at least one group
- Component: Select the component.
- Documentation: Select the guide.
- Report: Select the report. Dashboard Designer displays only reports that an administrator has published to at least one group.
- System app: Select the system app.
- URL: Enter the URL.
Select the icon displayed to the user.
Note: The Dashboard only displays the title if you select the Text or Icon with Text option when you assign the card to a dashboard.
Custom HTML Card Properties
The custom HTML card type has no additional properties, instead it has an editor in which you can place HTML to render content in the card. You can use any valid HTML to create content. In addition, you can use web tokens to add Longview specific content, including:
- System, Symbol, and User attribute values
- Data values
- Web bridge
- Web variables
- Workflow links
- Workflow and data status
To insert a token:
- Right-click in the text editor where you want to insert a code.
- Highlight the Tokens menu.
- Select the token you want to insert.
General information on tokens
- Tokens take the format: <%[[token parameters]]%>
- Tokens can be nested: <%[[token parameters,[[token parameters]]]%>
Attribute tokens
Use this token to retrieve the value of a specific attribute.
Attribute token syntax:
<%[[ATTRIBUTE, AttributeClass, AttributeName, Object]]%>.
AttributeClass is one of the following:
- SYSTEM: to retrieve the value if a system attribute
- SYMBOL: to retrieve the value of a symbol attribute for a specified symbol
- USER: to retrieve the value of a user attribute for the current user, or a specified user
- GROUP: to retrieve the description of the current group
AttributeName is:
- A valid attribute name
- DATE for SYSTEM class
Object is:
- DBDEFAULT or omitted for SYSTEM class
- A valid symbol name for SYMBOL class
- A valid username or omitted for USER class
- Omitted for GROUP class
Data tokens
Use this token to retrieve the value of a specific intersection in the database.
Data token syntax
Base Data:
<%[[DATA, format, mode, sym1, ..., symN]]%>
Schedule Data:
<%[[SCHEDDATA, format, mode, sym1, ..., symN, schedule , esym1, ..., esymN]]%>
- Format is width.decimals (example, 10.2)
Mode is:
- ADJUSTED to retrieve the adjusted value
- UNADJUSTED to retrieve the unadjusted value
- Sym1 … symN is the name of a symbol in the corresponding (in order) dimension
- schedule is the name of the schedule
- esym1 … esymN is the name of a schedule symbol in the corresponding (in order) schedule dimension
HTTP protocol token
Use this token to retrieve the value specified by WEB_HTTPS in the application server configuration file to create custom links to Longview Apps. If WEB_HTTPS is FALSE, links resolve to http. If WEB_HTTPS is TRUE, links resolve to https. Its main use is to generate a custom URL in conjunction with the web server token and web bridge token that is flexible across environments.
HTTP protocol token syntax:
Web server token
Use this token to retrieve the WEB_SERVER parameter from the data server configuration. Its main use is to generate a custom URL in conjunction with the HTTP protocol token and web bridge token that is flexible across environments.
Web server token syntax:
Web bridge token
Use this token to retrieve the WEB_SERVER_BRIDGE parameter from the data server configuration. Its main use is to generate a custom URL in conjunction with the HTTP protocol token and web server token that is flexible across environments.
Web bridge token syntax:
To create a flexible link in a custom HTML card:
Combine the HTTP protocol, web server and web bridge tokens when creating a URL to retrieve content from the data server like this:
Web variable token
Use this token to retrieve the value of a specific web variable.
Web variable token syntax:
<%[[WEBVARIABLE, VariableName]]%>.
VariableName is:
- LongviewIdentifier to retrieve the Longview Identifier
- LongviewUserName to retrieve the username of the current user
- LongviewWebSID to retrieve the web session ID
Workflow token
The workflow token renders a list of links to workflow processes in the system. Each link will open the workflow process in a new window.
Workflow token syntax:
Workflow status token
Use this token to retrieve the status of a Workflow process.
Workflow status token syntax:
<%[[WORKFLOWSTATUS, StatusId|StatusName|StatusLink, ProcessName, StepName [, AreaName]]]%>
- StatusID retrieves the identification number of the approval status.
- StatusName retrieves the approval status.
- StatusLink retrieves a link to the approval status
- ProcessName is the name of the approval process
- StepName is the name of the approval step.
- AreaName is optional and indicates the symbol in the approval dimension for a hierarchical approval step.
Data status token
Use this token to retrieve the status of specific data intersection.
Data status token syntax:
<%[[DATASTATUS, StatusId|StatusName|StatusLink, sym1, …, symN]]%>
- StatusID retrieves the identification number of the approval status.
- 0 = Not started
- 999 = Rejected
- 1000 = In progress
- 2000 = Submitted for approval
- 3000 = Approved
- StatusName retrieves the approval status.
- StatusLink retrieves a link to the approval status
- Sym1 … symN is the name of a symbol in the corresponding (in order) dimension
Creating report and app links in custom HTML
You can create links to reports and apps inside your custom HTML card allowing a user to open a report or app from within the card.
To create an app link use:
<a class="itemLink" href="Longview.ApplicationSmartClient.application?LongviewWebSID=<%[[WEBVARIABLE, LongviewWebSID]]%>&LongviewIdentifier=<%[[WEBVARIABLE, LongviewIdentifier]]%>&LongviewWebBridge=<%[[WEBBRIDGE]]%>&LongviewLangCode=EN&LongviewApp=<App Name>.lvapp" target="_self" rel="noreferrer nofollow"><Text></a>
To create a report link use:
<a class="itemLink" href="Longview.ReportViewer.application?LongviewWebSID=<%[[WEBVARIABLE, LongviewWebSID]]%>&LongviewIdentifier=<%[[WEBVARIABLE, LongviewIdentifier]]%>&LongviewWebBridge=<%[[WEBBRIDGE]]%>&LongviewLangCode=EN&LongviewReportName=<Report Name>.rtp" target="_self" rel="noreferrer nofollow"><Text></a>
Note: When specifying <App Name> or <Report Name> use %20 instead of a space and %26 instead of &. <Text> is the text displayed to the user.
Including an image in custom HTML
You can load images stored in your web\images folder into your dashboard card.
To load an image use:
<img src="<%[[HTTPPROTOCOL]]%>://<%[[WEBSERVER]]%><%[[WEBBRIDGE]]%>?LongviewWebSID=<%[[WEBVARIABLE, LongviewWebSID]]%>&LongviewIdentifier=<%[[WEBVARIABLE, LongviewIdentifier]]%>&LongviewAction=GetFile&LongviewContentType='image/gif'&LongviewFileName='images/<filename>'" alt="<alternate text>" width="<width>" height="<width>"></img>
<filename> is the name of the image file in your web\images folder
<alternate text> is the alternate text to display if the browser cannot load the image
<width> is the width to use for the image in the dashboard
- Use 100% to have the image fill the entire width of the card, especially if the source image is wider that the space available
- Otherwise use width to specify the width of the image (in pixels) as this can improve the performance when loading images
<height> is the height to use for the image in the dashboard
- Use the height of the card (in pixels) to fill the entire height of the card, especially if the source image is taller than the space available
- Use the height of the card (in pixels) to fill the entire height of the card, especially if the source image is taller than the space available
- Otherwise use width to specify the width of the image (in pixels) as this can improve the performance when loading images
List Applications Card Properties
The List Applications card type has these additional properties:
- Show All, or
- Show all apps in a specific category, or
- Select the category from the list
- Show specific apps
- Select the apps from the list
Regardless of the choice, the dashboard will display only apps that are accessible to the signed-in user.
If you choose Show All, the card will display apps grouped into collapsed folders by category. The card will display any apps not published to a category in an uncategorized folder.
List Reports Card Properties
The List Reports card type has these additional properties:
- Show All, or
- Show all reports in a specific category, or
- Select the category from the list
- Show specific reports
- Select the reports from the list
Regardless of the choice, the dashboard will display only reports that are accessible to the signed-in user.
If you choose Show All, the card will display reports grouped into collapsed folders by category. The card will display any reports not published to a category in an uncategorized folder.