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Longview Function Syntax

When you are working with Longview Functions, keep the following general syntax rule in mind. For each function parameter, you can either specify the required value, or specify a cell location that contains the required value. If you specify a value, enclose the parameter in double quotation marks ("Parameter"). If you specify a cell location, do not enclose the parameter in double quotation marks. An exception to this rule is function parameters that require a numeric value. If you specify a numeric value, do not enclose the parameter in double quotation marks.

Note: Excel expects function parameters in the language of the Operating System. If your workbooks will be used in Excel with different Language settings, you may find it useful to use a non-zero value to represent TRUE and a zero to represent FALSE for function parameters of Boolean type.

Longview Functions include the following:


Using the LVATTRIBUTE function, you can query Longview attribute data. You can use the LVATTRIBUTE function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVATTRIBUTE("Attribute_class", "Attribute_name", ["object"])


  • Attribute_class is the attribute class. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Describes the entire Longview system at the highest level.

    Attributes of this class specify system-wide characteristics. There is only one object in the SYSTEM attribute class — the Longview application itself.


    Describes the attributes of a particular user. Each user is an object in the USER attribute class.


    Describes the characteristics of individual symbols. Each symbol is an object in the SYMBOL attribute class.

  • Attribute_name is the name of the attribute. To find a list of attribute names in your data server repository, see Querying attribute information.
  • object is the object whose attribute value you want to query. The object is dependent on the value specified for Attribute_class.
    • If you specified SYSTEM for Attribute_class, specify DBDEFAULT for object, or leave the parameter blank.
    • If you specified USER for Attribute_class, specify a username for object.
    • If you specified SYMBOL for Attribute_class, specify a symbol name for object.

For example:


Querying attribute data using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query attribute data by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query attribute data:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVATTRIBUTE. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the attribute class.


    Specify the name of the attribute.


    Optionally, specify the object whose attribute value you want to query.

    For more information, see LVATTRIBUTE syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVCELL function, you can query single cell values from the Longview data server repository. This function is useful when you want to populate your Microsoft Excel reports using direct references to the data server repository. These references can be refreshed to show the latest data server repository values.

Note: You can also run a data query from a worksheet cell that contains an LVCELL function. For more information, see Analyzing LVCELL functions.

You can use the LVCELL function in the following ways:

LVCELL syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVCELL("Sym_dim1", "Sym_dim2", "Sym_dim3",…, "Sym_dimN")


  • Sym_dimN is the name of the symbol in dimension N that serves as a coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify one symbol name per dimension.

The Longview data server repository may contain a maximum of sixteen dimensions. Include as many symbols as there are dimensions. For example, if there are six dimensions in the Longview data server repository, include six symbols.

Always type the symbols in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, type the name of an account for the first symbol. To find out the order of the dimensions in the Longview data server repository, use the LVDIMNAME function. For more information, see LVDIMNAME.

For example:


Querying cell values using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a single cell value from the Longview data server repository by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a cell value:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVCELL. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.



    Specify a symbol name for each dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.

    For more information, see LVCELL syntax .

  4. Click OK. [Refresh required] appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Refresh the worksheet. For more information, see Refreshing data from cells containing Longview Functions. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVCHILD function, you can query the name of the child of a parent symbol to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVCHILD function in the following ways:

LVCHILD syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVCHILD("Dim", "Sym_name", [number])


  • Dim is the name, description, or number of the dimension containing the child symbol. If you enter a dimension description, the parameter is not case-sensitive.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_name is the name of the parent symbol.
  • number is an optional parameter that represents the numeric position of the child symbol relative to the other child symbols at the same level in the hierarchy. If you do not specify a value for number, a default value of 1 is used.

For example:


Querying child symbols using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a child symbol by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a child symbol:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVCHILD. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension containing the child symbol.


    Specify the name of the parent symbol. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Optionally, specify a number indicating the relative position of the child symbol.

    For more information, see LVCHILD syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVDESC function, you can query the description of a symbol to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVDESC function in the following ways:

LVDESC syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVDESC("Dim", "Sym_name", ["language"])


  • Dim is the name, description, or number of the dimension containing the symbol. If you enter a dimension description, the parameter is not case-sensitive.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_name is the name of the symbol.
  • language is an optional parameter for the language to use. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    The symbol description appears in English.


    The symbol description appears in the alternate language as set for the system.

    If you do not specify a value for language, the symbol description appears in English.

For example:


Querying symbol descriptions using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a symbol description by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a symbol description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension containing the symbol.


    Specify the symbol name. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Optionally, specify the language to use for the symbol description.

    For more information, see LVDESC syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVDIMDESC function, you can query the description of a dimension to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVDIMDESC function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • Dim is the name or number of the dimension.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

For example:


Querying dimension descriptions using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a dimension description by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a dimension description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVDIMDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension to query.

    For more information, see LVDIMDESC syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVDIMNAME function, you can query the name of a dimension to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVDIMNAME function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • Dim is the dimension number. The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository.

    For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6.

For example:


Querying dimension names using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a dimension name by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a dimension name:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVDIMNAME. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension number. LVDIMNAME syntax

    For more information, see LVDIMNAME syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVGROUP function, you can query the name of your current user group to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVGROUP function in the following ways:

LVGROUP syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying user group names using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the name of your current user group by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current user group name:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVGROUP. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVGROUPDESC function, you can query the description of your current user group to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVGROUPDESC function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying user group descriptions using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the description of your current user group by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current user group description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVGROUPDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVIDENTIFIER function, you can query the Longview Identifier (LID) for the system to which you are currently connected to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVIDENTIFIER function in the following ways:

Type the function syntax into a worksheet cell. For more information, see LVIDENTIFIER syntax.

Complete the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog. For more information, see Querying the Longview Identifier using the Function Arguments dialog.


In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying the Longview Identifier using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the current Longview Identifier (LID) by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current Longview Identifier:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVIDENTIFIER. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVLOCK function, you can define a section of the Longview data server repository to lock. Before you can submit data, you must lock the section of the data server repository that you plan to submit data to. This prevents conflicts with other users who are working with the server data.

Locks that you define with LVLOCK functions are not applied to the data server repository until you select one of the Apply Locks options from the Submit button in the ribbon.

For more information on applying locks, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.

Use the LVLOCK function in conjunction with the LVSUBMIT function in the data submission process. For more information, see LVSUBMIT.

You can use the LVLOCK function in the following ways:

LVLOCK syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVLOCK("SymSpecs_dim1", "SymSpecs_dim2", "SymSpecs_dim3",…, "SymSpecs_dimN", "Comment")


  • SymSpecs_dimN is the symbol specification for the symbol or symbols in dimension N to include in the locked section of the Longview data server repository. Include at least one symbol specification for each dimension in the Longview data server repository.

For each symbol specification, specify a symbol name and the level of symbols below that symbol in the hierarchy to include in the locked section of the Longview data server repository. You can use the following:

Symbol specification Description




all leaf symbols under symbol


all symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol


all parent symbols under symbol n levels down


all parent symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol

If you specify multiple symbol specifications for a dimension, they must be delimited by commas ( , ).

Always type the symbol specifications in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, enter an account for the first symbol specification. To find out the order of the dimensions in the Longview data server repository, use the LVDIMNAME function. For more information, see LVDIMNAME.

Comment is a parameter that specifies a brief description of the lock. If you do not specify a comment, the lock description is left blank.

For example:

=LVLOCK("TOTASSET#99","FINYEAR#99","CHICAGOT","CUSD","DIM4SET#99","Longview Total Assets Lock")

Defining data to be locked using the Function Arguments dialog

You can define a section of the Longview data server repository to lock by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To define data to be locked:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVLOCK. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields, where N is the total number of dimensions in your system:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.



    Specify at least one symbol specification for each dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.


    Enter a brief description of the lock.

    For more information, see LVLOCK syntax.

  4. Click OK. LVLOCK: Ready to lock appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Proceed to apply the lock to the data server repository. For more information, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.


Using the LVPARENT function, you can query the name of a parent symbol to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVPARENT function in the following ways:

  1. Type the function syntax into a worksheet cell. For more information, see LVPARENT syntax.
  2. Complete the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog. For more information, see Querying parent symbols using the Function Arguments dialog.


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVPARENT("Dim", "Sym_name", ["sym_root"])


  • Dim is the name, description, or number of the dimension containing the parent symbol. If you enter a dimension description, the parameter is not case sensitive.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_name is the name of the child symbol.
  • sym_root is an optional parameter for the name of the root symbol of the hierarchy containing the parent symbol. Specify a root symbol if the child symbol specified for Sym_name belongs to multiple parent symbols. If you do not specify a value for sym_root, the first parent symbol in the hierarchy is returned.

For example:


Querying parent symbols using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a parent symbol by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a parent symbol:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVPARENT. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension containing the parent symbol.


    Specify the name of the child symbol. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Optionally, specify the name of the root symbol of the hierarchy containing the parent symbol.

    For more information, see LVPARENT syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVREFRESHDATETIME function, you can query the date and time when the cell location was last refreshed.

You can use the LVREFRESHDATETIME function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • long_format is an optional parameter for the date and time format. Specify one of the following values:
    Values Description


    The refresh date and time appear in the long format, as specified in your system.


    The refresh date and time appear in the short format, as specified in your system.

If you do not specify a value for long_format, the refresh date and time appear in the short format, as specified in your system.

For example:


Querying the refresh date and time using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the refresh date and time by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the refresh date and time:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVREFRESHDATETIME. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Optionally, specify the date and time format.

    For more information, see LVREFRESHDATETIME syntax.

  4. Click OK. [Refresh required] appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Refresh the worksheet. For more information, see Refreshing data from cells containing Longview Functions. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVSCELL function, you can query single schedule values from the Longview data server repository. This function is useful when you want to populate your Microsoft Excel reports using direct references to the data server repository. These references can be refreshed to show the latest data server repository values.

You can use the LVSCELL function in the following ways:

  • Type the function syntax into a worksheet cell. For more information, see LVSCell syntax.

LVSCell syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVSCELL(“ScheduleName”, "Sym_dim1", "Sym_dim2", "Sym_dim3",…, "Sym_dimN", “ESym_dimN”)


  • ScheduleName is the name of the schedule.
  • Sym_dimN is the name of the symbol in dimension N that serves as a coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify one symbol name per dimension.
  • ESym_dimN is the name of the symbol in schedule dimension N that serves as a schedule coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify one symbol name per schedule dimension.

The Longview data server repository may contain a maximum of sixteen dimensions and eight schedule dimensions. Include as many symbols as there are dimensions. For example, if there are six base dimensions and 1 schedule dimension in the schedule in the Longview data server repository, include six symbols and 1 schedule symbol.

Always type the symbols in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, type the name of an account for the first symbol.

For example:

=LVSCELL("ICStandard","11300", "A17_09_YTD", "E11120", "CONS_IC", "PRODUCTS_TB", "DEPARTMENTS_TB","SCENARIOS_A001", "USD", "E13100")

Querying schedule cell values using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a single schedule cell value from the Longview data server repository by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a schedule cell value:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSCELL. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.


    Specify the name of the schedule.



    Specify a symbol name for each dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.

    Sym_schedule Dim1...


    Specify a symbol name for each schedule dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.

    For more information, see LVSCell syntax.

  4. Click OK. [Refresh required] appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Refresh the worksheet. For more information, see Refreshing data from cells containing Longview Functions. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVSESSION function, you can query various session properties for the system to which you are currently connected to a worksheet cell. You can use the LVSESSION function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • property is the property you wish to retrieve. Specify one of the following values:
    Field Description


    The current user group is returned.


    The current name of the host application server is returned.


    The http protocol for the current system is returned.


    The current Identifier for the system is returned.


    Returns a boolean indicating whether the connection is a Longview connection to a Longview data source.


    Returns a boolean indicating whether the connection is a Tidemark connection to a Tidemark data source.


    Returns a boolean indicating that the session object has been initialized.


    The current port for the application server is returned.


    The current RDBMS for the system is returned.


    The current session id is returned.


    The current user id is returned.


    The web bridge for the current system is returned.


    The web bridge path for the current system is returned.


    The web server for the current system is returned.

For example:


Querying Session Properties using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the current Session Properties by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current Session Properties:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSESSION. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the property to retrieve.

    For more information, see LVSESSION syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVSUBMIT function, you can define a data value to be submitted to the Longview data server repository. Before you submit data, you must lock the section of the data server repository that you plan to submit data to. For more information, see LVLOCK.

Data values that you define with LVSUBMIT functions are not submitted to the data server repository until you select one of the Submit options from the Submit button in the ribbon. For more information, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.

Keep in mind the following when using this function:

  • You can submit one value at a time for each cell containing an LVSUBMIT function.
  • You can submit data only to leaf cells or static parents in the Longview data server repository.
  • You can submit base data only. You cannot submit schedule data.

Note: Longview recommends that you avoid using two or more LVSUBMIT functions that specify the exact same coordinates for a data server repository cell but different data values, in the same worksheet. If you use LVSUBMIT functions in this way, unexpected behavior can occur.

You can use the LVSUBMIT function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVSUBMIT("Sym_dim1", "Sym_dim2", "Sym_dim3",…, "Sym_dimN", Value)


  • Sym_dimN is the name of the symbol in dimension N that serves as a coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify only one symbol name per dimension.

The Longview data server repository may contain a maximum of sixteen dimensions. Include as many symbols as there are dimensions. For example, if there are six dimensions in the Longview data server repository, include six symbols.

Always type the symbols in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, type the name of an account for the first symbol. To find out the order of the dimensions in the Longview data server repository, use the LVDIMNAME function. For more information, see LVDIMNAME.

Value is the value to be submitted to the data server repository. If the value to submit is a character string, enclose it in double quotation marks. If the value to submit is numeric, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

For example:


Defining data to be submitted using the Function Arguments dialog

You can define a data value to be submitted to the Longview data server repository by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To define data to be submitted:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSUBMIT. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields, where N is the total number of dimensions in your system:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.



    Specify one symbol specification for each dimension in your system.


    Enter the value to be submitted to the data server repository.

    For more information, see LVSUBMIT syntax.

  4. Click OK. LVSUBMIT: Ready to submit (Value) appears in the worksheet cell, where Value is the value entered in the Value field.
  5. Proceed to submit data from the LVSUBMIT cell to the data server. For more information, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.


Using the LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function, you can insert a Symbol Selector into any cell in a worksheet. Users can double-click a cell containing an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function to open the Symbol Selector dialog, and select one or more symbols from the symbol hierarchy. The symbol names of the selected symbol or symbols appear in the worksheet cell.

Note: If multiple symbols are selected, the symbol names that appear in the cell are delimited with semicolons ( ; ).

Note: Excel expects function parameters in the language of the Operating System. If your workbooks will be used in Excel with different Language settings, you may find it useful to use a non-zero value to represent TRUE and a zero to represent FALSE for function parameters of Boolean type.

A cell that contains an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function is indicated by a yellow background.

For more information on the Symbol Selector, see Using the Symbol Selector.

You can use the LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVSYMBOLSELECTOR("Dim", "Sym_spec", "Initial_sym", Allow_leaf, "Allowable_parents", Allow_readonly, Allow_multiple, "Attribute_filter")


  • Dim is the name or number of the dimension whose hierarchy you want to appear in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_spec is the level of symbols to display in the Symbol Selector hierarchy, in relation to a specified symbol name.

    The following specifications are possible for Sym_spec:

    Specification Meaning


    all leaf symbols under symbol


    all symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol


    all parent symbols under symbol n levels down


    all parent symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol


    all roots of symbol


    all symbols exactly n levels down from symbol


    all ancestors of symbol that are n levels above symbol, including symbol


    all symbols above symbol n levels up, under root, including symbol, where root is the root symbol (e.g., BALSHEET##^2:TRIALBAL)

    If you do not specify a value for Sym_spec, all symbols in the dimension specified for Dim display in the Symbol Selector hierarchy.

  • Initial_sym is the name of the symbol that is automatically selected when the Symbol Selector dialog opens.

    The symbol name also appears in the cell that contains the LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function. If you do not specify a value for Initial_sym, [Double-click to select symbol] appears in the cell.

  • Allow_leaf specifies whether users can select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users cannot select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    If you do not specify a value for Allow_leaf, users cannot select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Allowable_parents specifies the parent symbols that users can select in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select all parent symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users cannot select any parent symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users can select static parent symbols only in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Allow_readonly specifies whether users can select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users cannot select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    If you do not specify a value for Allow_readonly, users cannot select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Allow_multiple specifies whether users can select multiple symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select multiple symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users can select only one symbol in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    If you do not specify a value for Allow_multiple, users can select only one symbol in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Attribute_filter specifies an attribute filter, or attribute filters. Attribute filters restrict the symbols that appear in the Symbol Selector hierarchy to symbols that meet the filter condition.

    You can specify up to two attribute filters linked by AND or OR, enclosed in double quotations marks, using the following syntax:



    Syntax Description


    Specifies the method to use to search the hierarchy for symbols matching the filter criteria. Specify one of the following values:

    • ALL — To find only the symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, with no descendants.
    • PARENT — Starting from the top of the hierarchy, to find the symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, including all descendants. This only checks symbols that are parents to other symbols.
    • LEAF — Starting from the bottom of the hierarchy, to find the symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, including all ancestors. This only checks symbols that are leaf symbols; that is, that have no descendants.
    • ROOT — Searching only the top of the hierarchy to find root symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, including all descendants.

    If you specify two attribute filters, FilterType must be the same for both filters.


    The name of a Symbol attribute. You can use an attribute query to learn the names of all Symbol attributes in your system. For more information, see Querying attribute information.


    Specifies the operation to filter the attributes by. Specify one of the following values:

    • EQ — Filters for attributes that are exactly equal to (exactly match) the string specified for Expression.
    • NE — Filters for attributes that are not equal to (do not exactly match) the string specified for Expression.


    A string. If the expression contains spaces, enclose the expression in double quotation marks preceded with a backslash (\"expression with spaces\"). If the expression is a list, separate multiple items with a pipe ( | ).

    For Non-List Attributes, the filter behaves as follows:

    • AttrName{EQ{Expression — Matches only if the attribute is an exact match of the expression.
    • AttrName{NE{Expression — Matches if the attribute is not an exact match of the expression.

    For List Attributes, the filter behaves as follows:

    • AttrName{EQ{Expression — Matches if the attribute is an exact match of the expression, or is a list of values, any one of which exactly matches the expression.
    • AttrName{NE{Expression — Matches if the attribute is empty or a list of values, none of which exactly matches the expression.

    If you specify two attribute filters, enclose each filter in parentheses, for example "(attributefilter1) AND (attributefilter2)".

    If you don’t include an attribute filter, enter two double quotation marks

    ( "" ).

For example:






After a symbol is selected for a cell that contains an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function, that cell can be used as a cell location containing a symbol name for parameters in other Longview Functions that require a symbol name.

Consider the following example:

If an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function, specified as follows:

=LVSYMBOLSELECTOR("ACCOUNTS",,,,"ALL",,FALSE,"") used to select the symbol 11100 - Total cash in cell A1, then cell A1 can be used as a cell location containing a symbol name in the following Longview Function:


For more information, see Longview Function syntax.

Note: This functionality applies to Symbol Selectors when one symbol is selected.

Inserting a Symbol Selector using the Function Arguments dialog

You can insert a Symbol Selector into a worksheet cell by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To insert a Symbol Selector:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSYMBOLSELECTOR. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension.


    Specify the symbol and the level of symbols to display in

    the Symbol Selector hierarchy. You may use the Symbol Spec Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Specify the name of the symbol that is automatically selected when the Symbol Selector dialog opens. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Specify whether users can select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify the type of parent symbols that users can select in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify whether users can select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify whether users can select multiple symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify an attribute filter, or attribute filters. Attribute filters restrict the symbols that appear in the Symbol Selector hierarchy to symbols that meet the filter condition.

    For more information, see LVSYMBOLSELECTOR syntax.

  4. Click OK. The symbol selector appears in the worksheet cell, with a yellow background applied. If you specified a symbol for Initial_sym, that symbol name appears in the cell. Otherwise, [Double-click to select symbol] appears in the cell.


Using the LVUSER function, you can query your current username to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVUSER function in the following ways:

LVUSER syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying the current username using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query your current username by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current username:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVUSER. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVUSERDESC function, you can query your current user description to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVUSERDESC function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying the current user description using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query your current user description by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current user description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVUSERDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Longview Function Syntax

When you are working with Longview Functions, keep the following general syntax rule in mind. For each function parameter, you can either specify the required value, or specify a cell location that contains the required value. If you specify a value, enclose the parameter in double quotation marks ("Parameter"). If you specify a cell location, do not enclose the parameter in double quotation marks. An exception to this rule is function parameters that require a numeric value. If you specify a numeric value, do not enclose the parameter in double quotation marks.

Note: Excel expects function parameters in the language of the Operating System. If your workbooks will be used in Excel with different Language settings, you may find it useful to use a non-zero value to represent TRUE and a zero to represent FALSE for function parameters of Boolean type.

Longview Functions include the following:


Using the LVATTRIBUTE function, you can query Longview attribute data. You can use the LVATTRIBUTE function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVATTRIBUTE("Attribute_class", "Attribute_name", ["object"])


  • Attribute_class is the attribute class. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Describes the entire Longview system at the highest level.

    Attributes of this class specify system-wide characteristics. There is only one object in the SYSTEM attribute class — the Longview application itself.


    Describes the attributes of a particular user. Each user is an object in the USER attribute class.


    Describes the characteristics of individual symbols. Each symbol is an object in the SYMBOL attribute class.

  • Attribute_name is the name of the attribute. To find a list of attribute names in your data server repository, see Querying attribute information.
  • object is the object whose attribute value you want to query. The object is dependent on the value specified for Attribute_class.
    • If you specified SYSTEM for Attribute_class, specify DBDEFAULT for object, or leave the parameter blank.
    • If you specified USER for Attribute_class, specify a username for object.
    • If you specified SYMBOL for Attribute_class, specify a symbol name for object.

For example:


Querying attribute data using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query attribute data by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query attribute data:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVATTRIBUTE. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the attribute class.


    Specify the name of the attribute.


    Optionally, specify the object whose attribute value you want to query.

    For more information, see LVATTRIBUTE syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVCELL function, you can query single cell values from the Longview data server repository. This function is useful when you want to populate your Microsoft Excel reports using direct references to the data server repository. These references can be refreshed to show the latest data server repository values.

Note: You can also run a data query from a worksheet cell that contains an LVCELL function. For more information, see Analyzing LVCELL functions.

You can use the LVCELL function in the following ways:

LVCELL syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVCELL("Sym_dim1", "Sym_dim2", "Sym_dim3",…, "Sym_dimN")


  • Sym_dimN is the name of the symbol in dimension N that serves as a coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify one symbol name per dimension.

The Longview data server repository may contain a maximum of sixteen dimensions. Include as many symbols as there are dimensions. For example, if there are six dimensions in the Longview data server repository, include six symbols.

Always type the symbols in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, type the name of an account for the first symbol. To find out the order of the dimensions in the Longview data server repository, use the LVDIMNAME function. For more information, see LVDIMNAME.

For example:


Querying cell values using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a single cell value from the Longview data server repository by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a cell value:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVCELL. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.



    Specify a symbol name for each dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.

    For more information, see LVCELL syntax .

  4. Click OK. [Refresh required] appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Refresh the worksheet. For more information, see Refreshing data from cells containing Longview Functions. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVCHILD function, you can query the name of the child of a parent symbol to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVCHILD function in the following ways:

LVCHILD syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVCHILD("Dim", "Sym_name", [number])


  • Dim is the name, description, or number of the dimension containing the child symbol. If you enter a dimension description, the parameter is not case-sensitive.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_name is the name of the parent symbol.
  • number is an optional parameter that represents the numeric position of the child symbol relative to the other child symbols at the same level in the hierarchy. If you do not specify a value for number, a default value of 1 is used.

For example:


Querying child symbols using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a child symbol by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a child symbol:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVCHILD. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension containing the child symbol.


    Specify the name of the parent symbol. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Optionally, specify a number indicating the relative position of the child symbol.

    For more information, see LVCHILD syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVDESC function, you can query the description of a symbol to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVDESC function in the following ways:

LVDESC syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVDESC("Dim", "Sym_name", ["language"])


  • Dim is the name, description, or number of the dimension containing the symbol. If you enter a dimension description, the parameter is not case-sensitive.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_name is the name of the symbol.
  • language is an optional parameter for the language to use. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    The symbol description appears in English.


    The symbol description appears in the alternate language as set for the system.

    If you do not specify a value for language, the symbol description appears in English.

For example:


Querying symbol descriptions using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a symbol description by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a symbol description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension containing the symbol.


    Specify the symbol name. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Optionally, specify the language to use for the symbol description.

    For more information, see LVDESC syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVDIMDESC function, you can query the description of a dimension to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVDIMDESC function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • Dim is the name or number of the dimension.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

For example:


Querying dimension descriptions using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a dimension description by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a dimension description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVDIMDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension to query.

    For more information, see LVDIMDESC syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVDIMNAME function, you can query the name of a dimension to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVDIMNAME function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • Dim is the dimension number. The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository.

    For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6.

For example:


Querying dimension names using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a dimension name by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a dimension name:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVDIMNAME. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension number. LVDIMNAME syntax

    For more information, see LVDIMNAME syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVGROUP function, you can query the name of your current user group to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVGROUP function in the following ways:

LVGROUP syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying user group names using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the name of your current user group by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current user group name:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVGROUP. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVGROUPDESC function, you can query the description of your current user group to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVGROUPDESC function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying user group descriptions using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the description of your current user group by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current user group description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVGROUPDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVIDENTIFIER function, you can query the Longview Identifier (LID) for the system to which you are currently connected to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVIDENTIFIER function in the following ways:

Type the function syntax into a worksheet cell. For more information, see LVIDENTIFIER syntax.

Complete the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog. For more information, see Querying the Longview Identifier using the Function Arguments dialog.


In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying the Longview Identifier using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the current Longview Identifier (LID) by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current Longview Identifier:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVIDENTIFIER. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVLOCK function, you can define a section of the Longview data server repository to lock. Before you can submit data, you must lock the section of the data server repository that you plan to submit data to. This prevents conflicts with other users who are working with the server data.

Locks that you define with LVLOCK functions are not applied to the data server repository until you select one of the Apply Locks options from the Submit button in the ribbon.

For more information on applying locks, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.

Use the LVLOCK function in conjunction with the LVSUBMIT function in the data submission process. For more information, see LVSUBMIT.

You can use the LVLOCK function in the following ways:

LVLOCK syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVLOCK("SymSpecs_dim1", "SymSpecs_dim2", "SymSpecs_dim3",…, "SymSpecs_dimN", "Comment")


  • SymSpecs_dimN is the symbol specification for the symbol or symbols in dimension N to include in the locked section of the Longview data server repository. Include at least one symbol specification for each dimension in the Longview data server repository.

For each symbol specification, specify a symbol name and the level of symbols below that symbol in the hierarchy to include in the locked section of the Longview data server repository. You can use the following:

Symbol specification Description




all leaf symbols under symbol


all symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol


all parent symbols under symbol n levels down


all parent symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol

If you specify multiple symbol specifications for a dimension, they must be delimited by commas ( , ).

Always type the symbol specifications in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, enter an account for the first symbol specification. To find out the order of the dimensions in the Longview data server repository, use the LVDIMNAME function. For more information, see LVDIMNAME.

Comment is a parameter that specifies a brief description of the lock. If you do not specify a comment, the lock description is left blank.

For example:

=LVLOCK("TOTASSET#99","FINYEAR#99","CHICAGOT","CUSD","DIM4SET#99","Longview Total Assets Lock")

Defining data to be locked using the Function Arguments dialog

You can define a section of the Longview data server repository to lock by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To define data to be locked:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVLOCK. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields, where N is the total number of dimensions in your system:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.



    Specify at least one symbol specification for each dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.


    Enter a brief description of the lock.

    For more information, see LVLOCK syntax.

  4. Click OK. LVLOCK: Ready to lock appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Proceed to apply the lock to the data server repository. For more information, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.


Using the LVPARENT function, you can query the name of a parent symbol to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVPARENT function in the following ways:

  1. Type the function syntax into a worksheet cell. For more information, see LVPARENT syntax.
  2. Complete the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog. For more information, see Querying parent symbols using the Function Arguments dialog.


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVPARENT("Dim", "Sym_name", ["sym_root"])


  • Dim is the name, description, or number of the dimension containing the parent symbol. If you enter a dimension description, the parameter is not case sensitive.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_name is the name of the child symbol.
  • sym_root is an optional parameter for the name of the root symbol of the hierarchy containing the parent symbol. Specify a root symbol if the child symbol specified for Sym_name belongs to multiple parent symbols. If you do not specify a value for sym_root, the first parent symbol in the hierarchy is returned.

For example:


Querying parent symbols using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a parent symbol by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a parent symbol:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVPARENT. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension containing the parent symbol.


    Specify the name of the child symbol. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Optionally, specify the name of the root symbol of the hierarchy containing the parent symbol.

    For more information, see LVPARENT syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVREFRESHDATETIME function, you can query the date and time when the cell location was last refreshed.

You can use the LVREFRESHDATETIME function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • long_format is an optional parameter for the date and time format. Specify one of the following values:
    Values Description


    The refresh date and time appear in the long format, as specified in your system.


    The refresh date and time appear in the short format, as specified in your system.

If you do not specify a value for long_format, the refresh date and time appear in the short format, as specified in your system.

For example:


Querying the refresh date and time using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the refresh date and time by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the refresh date and time:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVREFRESHDATETIME. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Optionally, specify the date and time format.

    For more information, see LVREFRESHDATETIME syntax.

  4. Click OK. [Refresh required] appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Refresh the worksheet. For more information, see Refreshing data from cells containing Longview Functions. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVSCELL function, you can query single schedule values from the Longview data server repository. This function is useful when you want to populate your Microsoft Excel reports using direct references to the data server repository. These references can be refreshed to show the latest data server repository values.

You can use the LVSCELL function in the following ways:

  • Type the function syntax into a worksheet cell. For more information, see LVSCell syntax.

LVSCell syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVSCELL(“ScheduleName”, "Sym_dim1", "Sym_dim2", "Sym_dim3",…, "Sym_dimN", “ESym_dimN”)


  • ScheduleName is the name of the schedule.
  • Sym_dimN is the name of the symbol in dimension N that serves as a coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify one symbol name per dimension.
  • ESym_dimN is the name of the symbol in schedule dimension N that serves as a schedule coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify one symbol name per schedule dimension.

The Longview data server repository may contain a maximum of sixteen dimensions and eight schedule dimensions. Include as many symbols as there are dimensions. For example, if there are six base dimensions and 1 schedule dimension in the schedule in the Longview data server repository, include six symbols and 1 schedule symbol.

Always type the symbols in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, type the name of an account for the first symbol.

For example:

=LVSCELL("ICStandard","11300", "A17_09_YTD", "E11120", "CONS_IC", "PRODUCTS_TB", "DEPARTMENTS_TB","SCENARIOS_A001", "USD", "E13100")

Querying schedule cell values using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query a single schedule cell value from the Longview data server repository by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query a schedule cell value:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSCELL. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.


    Specify the name of the schedule.



    Specify a symbol name for each dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.

    Sym_schedule Dim1...


    Specify a symbol name for each schedule dimension in your system. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in each symbol name.

    For more information, see LVSCell syntax.

  4. Click OK. [Refresh required] appears in the worksheet cell.
  5. Refresh the worksheet. For more information, see Refreshing data from cells containing Longview Functions. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVSESSION function, you can query various session properties for the system to which you are currently connected to a worksheet cell. You can use the LVSESSION function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:



  • property is the property you wish to retrieve. Specify one of the following values:
    Field Description


    The current user group is returned.


    The current name of the host application server is returned.


    The http protocol for the current system is returned.


    The current Identifier for the system is returned.


    Returns a boolean indicating whether the connection is a Longview connection to a Longview data source.


    Returns a boolean indicating whether the connection is a Tidemark connection to a Tidemark data source.


    Returns a boolean indicating that the session object has been initialized.


    The current port for the application server is returned.


    The current RDBMS for the system is returned.


    The current session id is returned.


    The current user id is returned.


    The web bridge for the current system is returned.


    The web bridge path for the current system is returned.


    The web server for the current system is returned.

For example:


Querying Session Properties using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query the current Session Properties by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current Session Properties:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSESSION. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the property to retrieve.

    For more information, see LVSESSION syntax.

  4. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVSUBMIT function, you can define a data value to be submitted to the Longview data server repository. Before you submit data, you must lock the section of the data server repository that you plan to submit data to. For more information, see LVLOCK.

Data values that you define with LVSUBMIT functions are not submitted to the data server repository until you select one of the Submit options from the Submit button in the ribbon. For more information, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.

Keep in mind the following when using this function:

  • You can submit one value at a time for each cell containing an LVSUBMIT function.
  • You can submit data only to leaf cells or static parents in the Longview data server repository.
  • You can submit base data only. You cannot submit schedule data.

Note: Longview recommends that you avoid using two or more LVSUBMIT functions that specify the exact same coordinates for a data server repository cell but different data values, in the same worksheet. If you use LVSUBMIT functions in this way, unexpected behavior can occur.

You can use the LVSUBMIT function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVSUBMIT("Sym_dim1", "Sym_dim2", "Sym_dim3",…, "Sym_dimN", Value)


  • Sym_dimN is the name of the symbol in dimension N that serves as a coordinate for the specific data server repository cell. Specify only one symbol name per dimension.

The Longview data server repository may contain a maximum of sixteen dimensions. Include as many symbols as there are dimensions. For example, if there are six dimensions in the Longview data server repository, include six symbols.

Always type the symbols in the same sequence as the dimensions in the Longview data server repository. For example, if ACCOUNTS is the first dimension in the Longview data server repository, type the name of an account for the first symbol. To find out the order of the dimensions in the Longview data server repository, use the LVDIMNAME function. For more information, see LVDIMNAME.

Value is the value to be submitted to the data server repository. If the value to submit is a character string, enclose it in double quotation marks. If the value to submit is numeric, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

For example:


Defining data to be submitted using the Function Arguments dialog

You can define a data value to be submitted to the Longview data server repository by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To define data to be submitted:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSUBMIT. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields, where N is the total number of dimensions in your system:
    Field Description


    If you have user defaults defined in the UGPDNInputDefault or UGPDNQueryDefault attributes, you may select from this drop list to quickly populate the symbol fields below.



    Specify one symbol specification for each dimension in your system.


    Enter the value to be submitted to the data server repository.

    For more information, see LVSUBMIT syntax.

  4. Click OK. LVSUBMIT: Ready to submit (Value) appears in the worksheet cell, where Value is the value entered in the Value field.
  5. Proceed to submit data from the LVSUBMIT cell to the data server. For more information, see Submitting data using the Longview Add-In for Office.


Using the LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function, you can insert a Symbol Selector into any cell in a worksheet. Users can double-click a cell containing an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function to open the Symbol Selector dialog, and select one or more symbols from the symbol hierarchy. The symbol names of the selected symbol or symbols appear in the worksheet cell.

Note: If multiple symbols are selected, the symbol names that appear in the cell are delimited with semicolons ( ; ).

Note: Excel expects function parameters in the language of the Operating System. If your workbooks will be used in Excel with different Language settings, you may find it useful to use a non-zero value to represent TRUE and a zero to represent FALSE for function parameters of Boolean type.

A cell that contains an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function is indicated by a yellow background.

For more information on the Symbol Selector, see Using the Symbol Selector.

You can use the LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:

=LVSYMBOLSELECTOR("Dim", "Sym_spec", "Initial_sym", Allow_leaf, "Allowable_parents", Allow_readonly, Allow_multiple, "Attribute_filter")


  • Dim is the name or number of the dimension whose hierarchy you want to appear in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    Note: The dimension number is an integer corresponding to the order of the dimension as it appears in the Longview data server repository. For example, if you have six dimensions in your system, the dimensions are numbered from 1 to 6. If you specify a dimension number for Dim, do not enclose it in double quotation marks.

  • Sym_spec is the level of symbols to display in the Symbol Selector hierarchy, in relation to a specified symbol name.

    The following specifications are possible for Sym_spec:

    Specification Meaning


    all leaf symbols under symbol


    all symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol


    all parent symbols under symbol n levels down


    all parent symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol


    all roots of symbol


    all symbols exactly n levels down from symbol


    all ancestors of symbol that are n levels above symbol, including symbol


    all symbols above symbol n levels up, under root, including symbol, where root is the root symbol (e.g., BALSHEET##^2:TRIALBAL)

    If you do not specify a value for Sym_spec, all symbols in the dimension specified for Dim display in the Symbol Selector hierarchy.

  • Initial_sym is the name of the symbol that is automatically selected when the Symbol Selector dialog opens.

    The symbol name also appears in the cell that contains the LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function. If you do not specify a value for Initial_sym, [Double-click to select symbol] appears in the cell.

  • Allow_leaf specifies whether users can select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users cannot select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    If you do not specify a value for Allow_leaf, users cannot select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Allowable_parents specifies the parent symbols that users can select in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select all parent symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users cannot select any parent symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users can select static parent symbols only in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Allow_readonly specifies whether users can select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users cannot select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    If you do not specify a value for Allow_readonly, users cannot select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Allow_multiple specifies whether users can select multiple symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog. Specify one of the following values:
    Value Description


    Users can select multiple symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Users can select only one symbol in the Symbol Selector dialog.

    If you do not specify a value for Allow_multiple, users can select only one symbol in the Symbol Selector dialog.

  • Attribute_filter specifies an attribute filter, or attribute filters. Attribute filters restrict the symbols that appear in the Symbol Selector hierarchy to symbols that meet the filter condition.

    You can specify up to two attribute filters linked by AND or OR, enclosed in double quotations marks, using the following syntax:



    Syntax Description


    Specifies the method to use to search the hierarchy for symbols matching the filter criteria. Specify one of the following values:

    • ALL — To find only the symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, with no descendants.
    • PARENT — Starting from the top of the hierarchy, to find the symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, including all descendants. This only checks symbols that are parents to other symbols.
    • LEAF — Starting from the bottom of the hierarchy, to find the symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, including all ancestors. This only checks symbols that are leaf symbols; that is, that have no descendants.
    • ROOT — Searching only the top of the hierarchy to find root symbols whose attributes match the filter criteria, including all descendants.

    If you specify two attribute filters, FilterType must be the same for both filters.


    The name of a Symbol attribute. You can use an attribute query to learn the names of all Symbol attributes in your system. For more information, see Querying attribute information.


    Specifies the operation to filter the attributes by. Specify one of the following values:

    • EQ — Filters for attributes that are exactly equal to (exactly match) the string specified for Expression.
    • NE — Filters for attributes that are not equal to (do not exactly match) the string specified for Expression.


    A string. If the expression contains spaces, enclose the expression in double quotation marks preceded with a backslash (\"expression with spaces\"). If the expression is a list, separate multiple items with a pipe ( | ).

    For Non-List Attributes, the filter behaves as follows:

    • AttrName{EQ{Expression — Matches only if the attribute is an exact match of the expression.
    • AttrName{NE{Expression — Matches if the attribute is not an exact match of the expression.

    For List Attributes, the filter behaves as follows:

    • AttrName{EQ{Expression — Matches if the attribute is an exact match of the expression, or is a list of values, any one of which exactly matches the expression.
    • AttrName{NE{Expression — Matches if the attribute is empty or a list of values, none of which exactly matches the expression.

    If you specify two attribute filters, enclose each filter in parentheses, for example "(attributefilter1) AND (attributefilter2)".

    If you don’t include an attribute filter, enter two double quotation marks

    ( "" ).

For example:






After a symbol is selected for a cell that contains an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function, that cell can be used as a cell location containing a symbol name for parameters in other Longview Functions that require a symbol name.

Consider the following example:

If an LVSYMBOLSELECTOR function, specified as follows:

=LVSYMBOLSELECTOR("ACCOUNTS",,,,"ALL",,FALSE,"") used to select the symbol 11100 - Total cash in cell A1, then cell A1 can be used as a cell location containing a symbol name in the following Longview Function:


For more information, see Longview Function syntax.

Note: This functionality applies to Symbol Selectors when one symbol is selected.

Inserting a Symbol Selector using the Function Arguments dialog

You can insert a Symbol Selector into a worksheet cell by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To insert a Symbol Selector:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVSYMBOLSELECTOR. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    Field Description


    Specify the dimension.


    Specify the symbol and the level of symbols to display in

    the Symbol Selector hierarchy. You may use the Symbol Spec Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Specify the name of the symbol that is automatically selected when the Symbol Selector dialog opens. You may use the Symbol Selector control or manually type in the symbol name.


    Specify whether users can select leaf symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify the type of parent symbols that users can select in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify whether users can select read-only symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify whether users can select multiple symbols in the Symbol Selector dialog.


    Specify an attribute filter, or attribute filters. Attribute filters restrict the symbols that appear in the Symbol Selector hierarchy to symbols that meet the filter condition.

    For more information, see LVSYMBOLSELECTOR syntax.

  4. Click OK. The symbol selector appears in the worksheet cell, with a yellow background applied. If you specified a symbol for Initial_sym, that symbol name appears in the cell. Otherwise, [Double-click to select symbol] appears in the cell.


Using the LVUSER function, you can query your current username to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVUSER function in the following ways:

LVUSER syntax

In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying the current username using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query your current username by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current username:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVUSER. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.


Using the LVUSERDESC function, you can query your current user description to a worksheet cell.

You can use the LVUSERDESC function in the following ways:


In the worksheet cell, type:


Querying the current user description using the Function Arguments dialog

You can query your current user description by completing the function parameters in the Function Arguments dialog.

To query the current user description:

  1. Click the Longview tab.
  2. In the Formulas group, click Longview Functions, and click LVUSERDESC. The Function Arguments dialog opens.
  3. Click OK. The query data appears in the worksheet.

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