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Symbol Class

The Symbol class contains the results to API.SymbolInfo.

Property Summary

  • Property AcceptRollup As Boolean
  • Property BalanceType As String
  • Property Children As Symbol()
  • Property ChildSort As String
  • Property Description As String
  • Property Index As Long
  • Property IsLeaf As Boolean
  • Property Level As Long
  • Property Name As String
  • Property NumOfChildren As Long
  • Property Parent As Symbol
  • Property Priority As Long
  • Property SymbolType As String
  • Property TotalDescendants As Long
  • Property Virtual As Boolean
  • Property Weight As String


Parameter Description


Property AcceptRollup As Boolean

Indicates whether the specified symbol receives rollup data from its child symbols. Possible values for AcceptRollup include the following:

  • TRUE — The symbol receives rollup data from its child symbols.
  • FALSE — The symbol does not receive rollup data from its child symbols.


Property BalanceType As String

The balance type of the specified symbol. Possible values for BalanceType include the following:

  • Debit — The symbol is a debit symbol.
  • Credit — The symbol is a credit symbol.
  • Neither — The symbol is not a credit or a debit symbol.

Note: Debit and Credit balance types apply to symbols in the ACCOUNTS dimension only. Symbols in all other dimensions have a balance type of Neither.


Property Children As Symbol()

The immediate child symbols for the specified symbol.


Property ChildSort As String

Indicates how child symbols of the specified symbol are sorted in the hierarchy. Possible values for ChildSort include the following:

  • Manual — Child symbols are sorted manually by symbol priority.
  • Ascending — Child symbols are sorted by name in alphabetical order.
  • Descending — Child symbols are sorted by name in reverse-alphabetical order.


Property Description As String

The English language description of the specified symbol.


Property IsLeaf As Boolean

Indicates whether the specified symbol is a leaf symbol.


Property Level As Long

The number of levels the specified symbol is below the root symbol of the current symbol query.


Property Name As String

The symbol name of the specified symbol.


Property Parent As Symbol

The parent symbol of the specified symbol.


Property Priority As Long

The specified symbol’s priority.

Priority is a number that designates a symbol's position in the hierarchy relative to its parent. Symbols are listed in order of ascending priority, with zeroes falling at the bottom of the list. A symbol can have multiple parents and a different priority relative to each parent.


Property SymbolType As String

The symbol type of the specified symbol. Possible values for SymbolType include the following:

  • Standard — Standard symbols roll up normally (for example, months adding to quarters adding to years). Most symbols are standard.
  • Carry Forward — Carry forward symbols roll up the last child time period symbol’s value to its parent. This symbol type is used only for account and time period symbols to identify rollup behavior of business accounts in the time periods dimension.
  • Static — Static symbols do not roll up to the parent symbol in any dimension. They override the symbol types of any symbol that they intersect with in other dimensions.


Property TotalDescendants As Long

The total number of parent and child symbols below the symbol in the hierarchy.


Property Virtual As Boolean

Indicates whether the specified symbol is a virtual symbol. A virtual symbol is a parent symbol whose data is not stored in the data server repository like other symbols. Instead, the value for the parent is calculated on the server side when it is queried. The data for virtual parent symbols is calculated only when specifically requested. Symbols for quarters in the TIMEPER dimension are often virtual parent symbols.

Possible values for Virtual include the following:

  • TRUE — The symbol is a virtual symbol.
  • FALSE — The symbol is not a virtual symbol.


Property Weight As String

Indicates the effect that the specified symbol has on its parent. Possible values for Weight include the following:

  • 1 — The symbol is added to its parent.
  • -1 — The symbol is subtracted from its parent.
  • 0 — The symbol has no mathematical effect on its parent.

Sample Usage:

Dim LVAPI As Longview.API

Set LVAPI = New Longview.API


Dim symbol As Longview.symbol

Set symbol = New Longview.symbol


Dim result As Variant


result = LVAPI.RetrieveSymbolInfo("TIMEPERIODS", "A2020", symbol)

Range("I8").Value = symbol.Name

Range("J8").Value = symbol.Description

Range("K8").Value = symbol.BalanceType

Range("L8").Value = symbol.TotalDescendants

Range("M8").Value = symbol.Weight

Range("N8").Value = symbol.SymbolType


Symbol Class

The Symbol class contains the results to API.SymbolInfo.

Property Summary

  • Property AcceptRollup As Boolean
  • Property BalanceType As String
  • Property Children As Symbol()
  • Property ChildSort As String
  • Property Description As String
  • Property Index As Long
  • Property IsLeaf As Boolean
  • Property Level As Long
  • Property Name As String
  • Property NumOfChildren As Long
  • Property Parent As Symbol
  • Property Priority As Long
  • Property SymbolType As String
  • Property TotalDescendants As Long
  • Property Virtual As Boolean
  • Property Weight As String


Parameter Description


Property AcceptRollup As Boolean

Indicates whether the specified symbol receives rollup data from its child symbols. Possible values for AcceptRollup include the following:

  • TRUE — The symbol receives rollup data from its child symbols.
  • FALSE — The symbol does not receive rollup data from its child symbols.


Property BalanceType As String

The balance type of the specified symbol. Possible values for BalanceType include the following:

  • Debit — The symbol is a debit symbol.
  • Credit — The symbol is a credit symbol.
  • Neither — The symbol is not a credit or a debit symbol.

Note: Debit and Credit balance types apply to symbols in the ACCOUNTS dimension only. Symbols in all other dimensions have a balance type of Neither.


Property Children As Symbol()

The immediate child symbols for the specified symbol.


Property ChildSort As String

Indicates how child symbols of the specified symbol are sorted in the hierarchy. Possible values for ChildSort include the following:

  • Manual — Child symbols are sorted manually by symbol priority.
  • Ascending — Child symbols are sorted by name in alphabetical order.
  • Descending — Child symbols are sorted by name in reverse-alphabetical order.


Property Description As String

The English language description of the specified symbol.


Property IsLeaf As Boolean

Indicates whether the specified symbol is a leaf symbol.


Property Level As Long

The number of levels the specified symbol is below the root symbol of the current symbol query.


Property Name As String

The symbol name of the specified symbol.


Property Parent As Symbol

The parent symbol of the specified symbol.


Property Priority As Long

The specified symbol’s priority.

Priority is a number that designates a symbol's position in the hierarchy relative to its parent. Symbols are listed in order of ascending priority, with zeroes falling at the bottom of the list. A symbol can have multiple parents and a different priority relative to each parent.


Property SymbolType As String

The symbol type of the specified symbol. Possible values for SymbolType include the following:

  • Standard — Standard symbols roll up normally (for example, months adding to quarters adding to years). Most symbols are standard.
  • Carry Forward — Carry forward symbols roll up the last child time period symbol’s value to its parent. This symbol type is used only for account and time period symbols to identify rollup behavior of business accounts in the time periods dimension.
  • Static — Static symbols do not roll up to the parent symbol in any dimension. They override the symbol types of any symbol that they intersect with in other dimensions.


Property TotalDescendants As Long

The total number of parent and child symbols below the symbol in the hierarchy.


Property Virtual As Boolean

Indicates whether the specified symbol is a virtual symbol. A virtual symbol is a parent symbol whose data is not stored in the data server repository like other symbols. Instead, the value for the parent is calculated on the server side when it is queried. The data for virtual parent symbols is calculated only when specifically requested. Symbols for quarters in the TIMEPER dimension are often virtual parent symbols.

Possible values for Virtual include the following:

  • TRUE — The symbol is a virtual symbol.
  • FALSE — The symbol is not a virtual symbol.


Property Weight As String

Indicates the effect that the specified symbol has on its parent. Possible values for Weight include the following:

  • 1 — The symbol is added to its parent.
  • -1 — The symbol is subtracted from its parent.
  • 0 — The symbol has no mathematical effect on its parent.

Sample Usage:

Dim LVAPI As Longview.API

Set LVAPI = New Longview.API


Dim symbol As Longview.symbol

Set symbol = New Longview.symbol


Dim result As Variant


result = LVAPI.RetrieveSymbolInfo("TIMEPERIODS", "A2020", symbol)

Range("I8").Value = symbol.Name

Range("J8").Value = symbol.Description

Range("K8").Value = symbol.BalanceType

Range("L8").Value = symbol.TotalDescendants

Range("M8").Value = symbol.Weight

Range("N8").Value = symbol.SymbolType

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