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Completing the pre-provision process

The following table outlines the pre-provision process for Tax Provision:

Note: If an owner of a partnership is locked for input, the partnership calculations will fail if changes are submitted to the partnership entity. You can correct this by running the failed partnership calculations for the partnership entity from the Tax Calculations interface once the lock on the owner is released.

StepInput apps/reports to use…
Review the chart of accounts data that was loaded for your entity.

Book Balance Sheet report (NCC001)

Book Income Statement report (NCC002)


Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Methodreport (NCC003)

Book Income Statement by Reporting Methodreport (NCC004)

Update and review the national tax rates for the current and deferred provision/tax charge.

Consolidated Tax Rates input app (XNC0200or XNC1200)

Consolidated Tax Rates report

Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201)

Tax Rates report

Return Tax Rates input app (XNC0202 orXNC1202)

Return Tax Rates report

Override Tax Rates input app (XNC0205 orXNC1205)

Override Tax Rates report

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XNC0204 orXNC1204)

Scheduling Tax Rates report

If applicable, update and review the regional tax rates for the current and deferred provision/tax charge.

Tax Rates input app (XRC0201 or XRC1201)

Tax Rates report

Return Tax Rates input app (XRC0202 orXRC1202)

Return Tax Rates report

Override Tax Rates input app (XRC0205 orXRC1205)

Override Tax Rates report

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XRC0204 orXRC1204)

Scheduling Tax Rates report

Update and review the national actual return to provision/prior year adjustment.

For ASC systems:

Return to Provision input app (NA0101)

Return to Provision report (NA0101)

For IAS systems:

Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101)

Prior Year Adjustment report (NA1101)

If you are also completing the regional process, update and review the regional actual return to provision/prior year adjustment.

For ASC systems:

Return to Provision input app (RA0101)

Return to Provision report (RA0101)

For IAS systems:

Prior Year Adjustment input app (RA1101)

Prior Year Adjustment report (RA1101)

If your Administrator has disabled the automatic transfer of return to provision/prior year adjustment, you must manually transfer the national and regional return to provision/prior year adjustment amounts to the national and regional current provisions/current tax charge.

For ASC systems:

Return to Provision Transfer tool

For IAS systems:

Prior Year Adjustment Transfer tool

Update and review the tax basis balance sheet.

For ASC systems:

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA0701)

Tax Basis Balance Sheet report (NA0701)

For IAS systems:

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA1701)

Reviewing chart of accounts data

The Tax Administrator loads general ledger data directly into Tax Provision during implementation. You can then view the balance sheet and income statement reports to see the imported data. In addition, Tax Provision automatically loads and calculates permanent and temporary differences (for example, meals and entertainment, and bad debt reserves) between book and taxable income. You can view the details behind automated book-tax differences loaded to Tax Provision using a book income/tax difference report.

Book Balance Sheet report (NCC001)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Balance Sheet report to review the balance sheet details for the prior and current year.

To review the Book Balance Sheet report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC001 - Book Balance Sheet.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book balance sheet data for your entity.

Book Income Statement report (NCC002)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Income Statement report to review the income statement details for the current year. This report contains accounts that are specific to your company.

To review the Book Income Statement report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC002 - Book Income Statement.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book income statement data for your entity.

Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Method report (NCC003)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Balance Sheet report to review the balance sheet details for the current year for the broken down into IFRS, statutory, and tax base reporting methods.

To review the Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Method report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC003 - Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book balance sheet data for your entity.

Book Income Statement by Reporting Method report (NCC004)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Income Statement report to review the income statement details for the current year broken down into IFRS, statutory, and tax base reporting methods. This report contains accounts that are specific to your company.

To review the Book Income Statement by Reporting Method report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC004 - Book Income Statement by Reporting Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book income statement data for your entity.

Updating and reviewing national tax rates

Administrators are often responsible for updating the national tax rates for the current and deferred provisions; however, in some cases, you may be required to do so as well. Tax Provision is designed to allow for current and future tax rates, which allows you to calculate deferred taxes by using future tax rates instead of using the rates from the most recent return. This capability provides increased accuracy of national deferred taxes and provisions if there are enacted legislative changes to a country’s tax rates.

Note: If an entity uses the scheduling process, you must use the scheduled (5 years out) rates.

Typically, you specify an entity’s tax rates when you create the entity; however, if an entity’s tax rates change for the upcoming cycle, you must enter the new rates manually.

Consolidated Tax Rates input app (XNC0200 or XNC1200)

Use this input app to input the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate for the provision/ tax charge. This tax rate is used in the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate Actual (NA0503 - ASC or NA1503 - IAS) report.

To view the current configuration settings for Consolidated Tax Rates, use the Consolidated Tax Rates (XNC0200 - ASC or XNC1200 - IAS) report.

To update the consolidated national tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0200 - Consolidated Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1200 - Consolidated Tax Rates.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  4. For CETRCYR—Consolidated Effective Tax Rate, specify the consolidated effective tax rate for the provision. This rate is used in the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate report.
  5. When you are finished, click Submit.

Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201)

Use this input app to specify the national tax rates for each entity. You must enter national tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00. This input app allows you to enter tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/tax charge.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified current.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified non-current.

To view the current configuration settings for the national tax rates, use the Tax Rates National (XNC0201 - ASC or XNC1201 - IAS) reports.

To update the national tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0201 - Tax Rates National.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1201 - Tax Rates National.lvapp.
  5. Enter the following tax rates:
    NATPYR—National Tax Rate PYRThe national statutory tax rate for the prior year. This rate is used in the calculation of the return to provision/prior year adjustment.
    NATCYR—National Tax Rate CYRThe national statutory tax rate for the current year or period and is used in the calculation of:
    • the current provision/current tax charge
    • the current year activity in the deferred tax account
    • the foreign rate differential in the consolidated Effective Tax Rate Report
    • the current year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATCURBOY—Current Deferred Tax Rate - BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax balance for temporary differences classified as current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATCUREOY—Current Deferred Tax Rate - EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCBOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCBOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCBOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCEOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate to be used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the ending deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Return Tax Rates input app (XNC0202 or XNC1202)

Use this input app to enter the national return tax rates by entity. The national return tax rates are entered as the gross rate, so if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

The input app is designed to enter return tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/tax charge.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified current.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified non-current.

To view the current configuration settings for the national return tax rates, use the Return Tax Rates National (XNC0202 - ASC or XNC1202 - IAS) report.

To update the national return tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  4. Enter the return tax rate for the following symbols, for each entity:
    NATCYR—National Tax Rate CYREnter the national return tax rates for each leaf entity.
  5. When you are finished, click Submit.

Override Tax Rates input app (XNC0205 or XNC1205)

Use this input app to specify override tax rates for an entity.

To view the current configuration settings for the override tax rates, use the Override Tax Rates report (XNC0205/XNC1205).

To update the override tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
  5. The input app opens in the workspace.
  6. Enter the following tax rates:
    NatBOY_Ovr_ASC—National Override Deferred Tax Rate - BoYThe beginning of year override tax rate.
    NatCYr_Ovr_ASC—National Override Deferred Tax Rate - AvgThe average override tax rate.
    NatEOY_Ovr_ASC—National Override Deferred Tax Rate - EoYThe end of year override tax rate.

    Note: The XNC1205 - Override Tax Rates (IAS) schedule is the same as XNC0205 - Override Tax Rates (ASC), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  7. When you are finished, click Submit.

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XNC0204 or XNC1204)

Use this input app to specify the scheduled tax rates for entities that use scheduling. You must enter national tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

To view the current configuration settings for Scheduling Tax Rates, use the Scheduling Tax Rates (XNC0204 - ASC or XNC1204 - IAS) report.

To update scheduling tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
  4. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. For each entity, enter the rate for amounts reversing in each of the following columns:
    GrsEOY1_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 1Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year one.
    GrsEOY2_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 2Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year two.
    GrsEOY3_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 3Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year three.
    GrsEOY4_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 4Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year four.
    GrsEOY5_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 5Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year five.

    Note: The XNC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates National (ASC) schedule is the same as XNC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates National (IAS), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Updating and reviewing regional tax rates

If your company plans to use regional tax rates in Tax Provision, the regional tax rates must be updated for each entity for the current and prior years before the national tax rates can be updated.

Administrators are often responsible for updating the regional tax rates for the current and deferred provisions; however, in some cases, you may be required to do so as well.

Note: If an entity uses the scheduling process, you must use the scheduled (5 years out) rates.

Tax Rates input app (XRC0201 or XRC1201)

Use this input app to specify the regional tax rates for each entity. You must enter regional tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00. This input app allows you to enter tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/charge
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • the deferred tax provision/charge for temporary differences classified current
  • the deferred tax provision/charge for temporary differences classified non-current

To view the current configuration settings for the regional tax rates, use the Tax Rates Regional (XRC0201 - ASC or XRC1201 - IAS) report.

To update the regional tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0201 - Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1201 - Tax Rates.lvapp.
  5. The input app opens in the workspace.
  6. Enter the following tax rates:
    REGPYR—Regional Tax Rate PYRThe regional statutory tax rate for the prior year. This rate is used in the calculation of the return to provision/prior year adjustment.
    REGCYR—Regional Tax Rate CYRThe regional statutory tax rate for the current year or period and is used in the calculation of:
    • the current provision/current tax charge
    • the current year activity in the deferred tax account
    • the foreign rate differential in the consolidated Effective Tax Rate Report
    • the current year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGCURBOY—Regional Current Deferred Tax Rate - BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax balance for temporary differences classified as current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGCUREOY—Regional Current Deferred Tax Rate - EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCBOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCBOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCBOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non- urrent and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCEOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate to be used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the ending deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
  7. When you are finished, click Submit.

Return Tax Rates input app (XRC0202 or XRC1202)

Use this input app to enter the regional return tax rates by entity. The regional return tax rates are entered as the gross rate, so if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

The input app is designed to enter regional return tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/tax charge.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified current (ASC).
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified non-current (ASC).

To view the current configuration settings for the national return tax rates, use the Return Tax Rates (XRC0202 - ASC or XRC1202 - IAS) report.

To update the regional return tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp.
  4. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Enter the regional return tax rate for the following symbols, for each entity:
    REGCYR—Regional Tax Rate CYREnter the regional return tax rates for each leaf entity.
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Override Tax Rates input app (XRC0205 or XRC1205)

Use this input app to specify override tax rates for an entity.

To view the current configuration settings for regional Override Tax Rates, use the regional Override Tax Rates report (XRC0205/XRC1205).

To update the override tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
  4. Enter the following tax rates:
    RegBOY_Ovr_ASC—Regional Override Deferred Tax Rate – BoYThe beginning of year override tax rate.
    RegCYr_Ovr_ASC—Regional Override Deferred Tax Rate – AvgThe average override tax rate.
    RegEOY_Ovr_ASC—Regional Override Deferred Tax Rate – EoYThe end of year override tax rate.

    Note: The XRC0205 - Override Tax Rates Regional (ASC) schedule is the same as XRC1205 - Override Tax Rates Regional (IAS), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  5. When you are finished, click Submit.

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XRC0204 or XRC1204)

Use this input app to specify the regional scheduled tax rates for entities that use scheduling. You must enter regional tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

To view the current configuration settings for regional Scheduling Tax Rates, use the regional Scheduling Tax Rates report (XRC0204/XRC1204).

To update scheduling tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
  5. The input app opens in the workspace.
  6. For each entity, enter the rate for amounts reversing in each of the following columns:
    GrsEOY1_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 1Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year one.
    GrsEOY2_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 2Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year two.
    GrsEOY3_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 3Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year three.
    GrsEOY4_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 4Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year four.
    GrsEOY5_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 5Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year five.

    Note: The XRC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates (ASC) schedule is the same as XRC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates (IAS), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  7. When you are finished, click Submit.

Updating and reviewing the return to provision/prior year adjustment

The return to provision/prior year adjustment process accounts for the tax impact of differences between the prior year annual provision/tax charge and the actual amounts reported in the tax return. Tax Provision provides the ability to enter final adjustments to reflect any changes needed to arrive at the amounts to report in the tax return.

You can also view the related reports, which details the adjustments and the related tax impact.

Return to Provision input app (NA0101)

Use this input app to enter amounts reported on the tax return and add adjustments to true-up the prior year provision amounts. Any data changes to the input app initiate automatic calculations to determine the return to provision adjustments required in the current period provision for income taxes (i.e. current provision, deferred provision, etc).

The amounts computed flow to the current provision as additional provision items, and into the gross temporary difference input app, where the system default assumes all return to provision adjustments impact deferred tax expenses only.

Any return to provision adjustments that pertain to years other than the immediate prior year, for example, a true-up for FY07 in FY09, are calculated separately. You should input these additional provision items in the Current Provision (NA0201) input app (for any return to provision adjustments with a current/deferred tax impact) and as either an Other adjustment – deferred and current (if the impact is current and deferred) or as an RTP – deferred only adjustment (if the impact is deferred and total tax only) in the temporary difference input app.

The return to provision may be computed and booked during different quarters depending on the entity. For example, Canadian entities may book it in Q3; US entities may book it in Q4; therefore, Tax Provision is set up to compute a return to provision difference only when a user opens the input app and submits to the database. This input app should be opened and submitted by users only when the RTP is expected to be computed and booked.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_ASC—Prior Year End Provision

    The current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the Current Provision element GrsCY_ASC - Current Year from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYNPEq_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GEqPerm, StEqPerm, and RegEqPerm that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GrsCY_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYNPOCI_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GOCIPerm, StOCIPerm, and RegOCIPerm that had a nonprovision OCI adjustment (GrsCY_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_ASC—Prior Year Return

    The actual amounts recorded in the tax return. You must input values for this symbol manually.
  • GrsRPA_ASC—Return to Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year provision calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. Any difference in the temporary difference accounts (temporary differences, net operating losses, or tax credits) is transferred in the account line in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements in the GrsRTPCurDfd_ASC—RTP Current and Deferred Impact column. Any difference in the NATRTPT—Total National Return Provision column is transferred to the Current Provision in the NatAddCurrentS001_ASC—Return to Provision - Current Tax Expense symbol.
  • GrsRPAInc_ASC—Return to Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact the P/L in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPDFD_ASC (RTP – Deferred Only Impact) in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPANPEq_ASC—Return to Provision Equity Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPEQDFD_ASC (RTP – Equity) in the Temporary Difference elements.
  • GrsRPANPOCI_ASC—Return to Provision OCI Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPOCIDFD_ASC (RTP – OCI) in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

To update the Return to Provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA0101 - Return to Provision.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Expand the Taxable Income/(Loss) Before Net Operating Losses category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NIBTAdj—Company-specificCompany-specific accounts for net income before tax adjustments.
    GPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific accounts for net income before tax adjustments.
    GEQPERMxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific adjustments to GAAP to STAT equity permanent differences. Every calculated permanent difference has an associated manual adjustments account.
    GOCIPERMxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific adjustments to GAAP to STAT OCI permanent differences. Every calculated permanent difference has an associated manual adjustments account.
    GTxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific GAAP to STAT temporary differences.
    SPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax income permanent differences.
    STEQPERM1A—Equity Perm 1 - AdjustmentCompany-specific STAT to Tax income permanent differences.
    STxxx—Company- specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax temporary differences.
    ReturnRegIncTax— Regional Income Taxes - P/LRegional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxEq— Regional Income Taxes - EquityEquity regional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxOCI— Regional Income Taxes - OCIOCI regional income taxes to deduct.
    OthIncTax—Other Income TaxesOther income taxes to deduct.
  6. Expand the Taxable Income/(Loss) After Net Operating Losses category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    CharNC—Charitable Contributions Carryforward - Non-CurrentNon-current charitable contributions carried forward from the previous year.
    CharCY—Charitable Contributions Carryforward - CurrentCurrent charitable contributions carried forward from the previous year.
    LTCapLossNC—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - Non-CurrentNon-current long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
    LTCapLossCY—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - CurrentCurrent long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
    NLossCYGA—Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU—Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA—Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
    NLossNC—Net Operating Loss - Non-CurrentAny other activity related to net operating losses that are non-current.
    SpecDedM—Special Deductions - ManualAdditional deductions not included in income taxes or net operating losses.
  7. Expand the TaxCrPrmT—Total Tax Credits - Permanent category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForPrmM—Foreign Tax Credits - Permanent - ManualPermanent national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - PermanentPermanent creditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmNC—Non- creditable Foreign Tax Credits - PermanentPermanent non-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrPrmOth—Other Tax Credits - Permanent - ManualOther permanent national tax credits.
  8. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForNC—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—General Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  9. Expand the NatAddReturnM_ASC—Additional Provision Items - Manual category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NatAddCurrentM002_ASC—Other TaxesUse this symbol to enter any other taxes (e.g. capital taxes, foreign taxes) that impact the current tax provision and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM003_ASC—Tax HolidayUse this symbol to enter the impact of any Tax Holidays from jurisdictions in which there is currently no tax rate or a lower tax rate. The value entered impacts the current tax provision and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004_ASC—Stock Based CompensationUse this symbol to input any tax impact from Stock Based Compensation or Share Based Payments. This could represent an additional impact to the current income tax expense or a reduction of the current income tax expense for an amount that should impact OCI.
  10. When you are finished, click Submit.

Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101)

Use this input app to enter the amounts used to prepare the income tax return in order to generate the true-up adjustment. This input app contains the prior year’s tax account amounts as rolled over at the end of the previous year. Any data changes to the input app initiate calculations to determine the true-up adjustments required in the current period tax charge for income taxes.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_IAS—Prior Year End Provision

    The current charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the Current Tax Charge element GrsCY_IAS - Current Year (Income Statement) from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GEqPerm, StEqPerm, and RegEqPerm that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GOCIPerm, StOCIPerm, and RegOCIPerm that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_IAS—Prior Year Return

    This column represents the actual amounts recorded in your tax return. You must input data for this column manually.
  • GrsRPA_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Adjustment

    This column represents the differences between the prior year tax charge calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. The final adjustment number is transferred to the Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) and Statutory Effective Tax Rate report (NA1501).
  • GrsRPAInc_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Income in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Equity Adjusment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPEqCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision OCI Adjusment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as OCI. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact OCI in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPOCICurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

To modify the Prior Year Adjustment input app:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1101 - Prior Year Adjustment.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Expand the NatRTaxIncomeBeforeLoss_IAS—Taxable Income/(Loss) Before Losses category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NIBTADJxx—Company-specificIFRS Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax Adjustments. These accounts are specific to your company.
    GPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific accounts for net income before tax adjustments.
    GTxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific GAAP to STAT temporary differences.
    SPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax income permanent differences.
    STxxx—Company- specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax temporary differences.
    PensIS_IAS—PensionsCurrent tax income statement pension adjustment.
    NatCurrent_SBPAcChg_IAS—SBPs – Accounting ChargeShare Based Payments – Accounting Charge adjustment.
    NatCurrent_SBPDed_IAS—SBPs – Sch 23 deductionShare Based Payments – Tax Deduction adjustment.
    NatCurrent_SBPT_IAS—Share Based PaymentsTotal share-based payments.
    ReturnRegIncTax— Regional Income Taxes - P/LRegional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxEq— Regional Income Taxes - EquityEquity regional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxOCI— Regional Income Taxes - OCIOCI regional income taxes to deduct.
    OthIncTax—Other Income TaxesOther income taxes to deduct.
  6. Expand the LTCapLossT—Total Long-Term Capital Loss Carryforward category and enter data for the following symbols:
    LTCapLossNC—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - Non-CurrentNon-current long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
    LTCapLossCY—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - CurrentCurrent long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
  7. Expand the NLossT_IAS—Tax Total Loss category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NLossCYGA_IAS—Tax Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU_IAS—Tax Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA_IAS—Tax Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
  8. For SpecDedM—Special Deductions - Manual, enter any additional deductions not included in income taxes or tax losses.
  9. Expand the TaxCrPrmT—Total Tax Credits - Permanent category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForPrmM—Foreign Tax Credits - Permanent - ManualPermanent national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits – PermanentPermanent creditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmNC—Non- creditable Foreign Tax Credits - PermanentPermanent non-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrPrmOth—Other Tax Credits - Permanent – ManualOther permanent national tax credits.
  10. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForNC—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—General Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  11. Expand the AddPrv_IAS—Additional Charges category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NatAddCurrentM001_IAS—Other Additional ChargesThis account can be used to enter any other additional charges that impact the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report.

    The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.

    NatAddCurrentM002_IAS—Other TaxesThis account can be used to enter any other taxes (e.g. capital taxes, foreign taxes) that impact the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM003_IAS—Tax HolidayThis account can be used to enter the impact of any Tax Holidays from jurisdictions in which there is currently no tax rate or a lower tax rate. The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004A_IAS—UTP Tax - Permanent Differences - NationalUse this symbol to manually enter the tax impact from National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP) related to permanent differences. The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004B_IAS—UTP Tax - Temporary Differences - NationalUse this symbol to manually enter the tax impact from National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP) related to temporary differences. The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004T_IAS—UTP Tax - NationalThis symbol represents the UTP Tax National total. This symbol is the sum of account NatAddCurrentM004A_IAS and account NatAddCurrentM004B_IAS.
    NatAddCurrentM005_IAS—UTP InterestUse this symbol to manually enter the current period interest accrued related to National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP). The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM006_IAS—UTP PenaltyUse this symbol to manually enter the current period penalties related to National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP). The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM007_IAS—UTP National Tax re: Interest PaidUse this symbol to manually enter the current period interest paid related to National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP). The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    RepCurAdjCurrent—Reporting Currency Only Adjustment - CurrentThis symbol represents the reporting currency adjustment for current tax charge. It is automatically populated from the NIBT Reporting Currency Only Adjustments input app (NA1299). This account is used to make any adjustments in the reporting currency for any translation differences that may exist between the Tax Provision system and the general ledger or consolidation system.
    NatAddCurrentM_IAS—Additional Current Charges - ManualThis symbol represents the total manual Additional Current Charges. This symbol is the sum of the above symbols.
    NatAddCurrentS001_IAS—Rate Differential For Temporary DifferencesThis symbol is automated and only applies when deferred tax override rates are used. It represents the difference in tax rates for the activity of those temporary differences and carryforward accounts that impact both the deferred tax charge and calculation of taxable income. For more information on tax override rates, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    An example of the deferred tax override rate process is as follows:

    • Assumes a temporary difference with a current year activity (activity impacting both the current tax charge and the gross temporary difference roll forward) of 100,000.
    • Assumes the entity has a current year tax rate of 35%.
    • Assumes that all activity related to this temporary difference is subject to a tax rate of 20% for the calculation of the deferred tax.

    In this case, the tax impact on the current tax charge from this temporary difference is 35,000 (100,000 multiplied by 35%) compared to the impact on the deferred tax charge of 20,000 (100,000 multiplied by 20%), a difference of 15,000.

    This 15,000 is reflected as an additional provision item in the current tax charge to ensure that the rate differential does not impact the effective tax rate.

    NatAddCurrentS002_IAS—Deferred Adjustments - Impact both Deferred and CurrentThis symbol represents the deferred adjustments that impact both the current and deferred charge. It is equal to the value at the intersection of account DEFTAX_IAS and element NetNCYOthCurDfd_IAS in the deferred tax report.
    NatAddCurrentS_IAS—Additional Current Charges - SystemThis symbol represents the total system Additional Current Charges. This symbol is the sum of NatAddCurrentS001_IAS and NatAddCurrentS002_IAS.
  12. Expand the NatEQPYAT—Equity Prior Year Adjustments category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    SBPEq—SBP’s - SORIE (equity)Share-based payments - equity/OCI amounts.
    PensEQ_IAS—Pensions - SORIEPensions - equity/OCI amounts.
  13. For SBPIS—SBP’s - Income Statement, enter the share-based payments - temporary difference income statement amounts.
  14. When you are finished, click Submit.

Updating and reviewing the regional return to provision/prior year adjustment

The return to provision/prior year adjustment process accounts for the tax impact of differences between the prior year annual provision/tax charge and the actual amounts reported in the tax return. Tax Provision provides the ability to enter final adjustments to reflect any changes needed to arrive at the amounts to report in the tax return.

You can also view the related reports, which details the adjustments and the related tax impact.

Return to Provision input app (RA0101)

Use this input app to enter amounts reported on the tax return and add adjustments to true-up the prior year provision amounts.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_ASC—Prior Year End Provision

    The regional current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the regional Current Provision element GrsCY_ASC - Current Year from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYNPEq_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-pro- vision equity adjustment (GRSNPOTH_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (RA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYNPOCI_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GRSNPOCI_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (RA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_ASC—Prior Year Return

    This column represents the actual amounts recorded in your tax return. You must input data for this column manually.
  • GrsRPA_ASC—Return to Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year provision calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. Any difference in the temporary difference accounts (temporary differences, net operating losses, or tax credits) are transferred in the account line in the Deferred Tax Roll forward report (RA0401) in the GrsRTPCurDfd_ASC—RTP Current and Deferred Impact column. Any difference in the RegRTPT—Total Regional Return Provision column is transferred to the Current Provision in the RegAddCurrentS001_ASC— Regional Return to Provision - Current Tax Expense symbol.
  • GrsRPAInc_ASC—Return to Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact the P/L in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPDFD_ASC (RTP – Deferred Only Impact) in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).
  • GrsRPANPEq_ASC—Return to Provision Equity Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPEQDFD_ASC (RTP – Equity) in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).
  • GrsRPANPOCI_ASC—Return to Provision OCI Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPOCIDFD_ASC (RTP – OCI) in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).

To update the regional return to provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0101 - Return to Provision.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the following values populated from the National Return to Provision process:
    • GAAP net income/loss before tax adjusted
    • Permanent GAAP differences
    • Temporary GAAP differences
    • STAT to Tax permanent differences
    • STAT to Tax temporary differences
    • Regional and additional taxes
    • Regional and additional taxes - reversal
  6. Expand the RegRINCTB—Regional Tax Base category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RPxxxA—Company-specificCompany-specific adjustments to regional permanent differences. Every calculated permanent difference has an associated manual adjustments account. For example, Meals & Entertainment - Adjustment.
    RTxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific regional temporary differences.
  7. Expand the RegNLossT—Total Regional Net Operating Loss category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RegNLossCYGA—Regional Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    RegNLossCYU—Regional Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    RegNLossCA—Regional Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
    RegNLossNC—Regional Net Operating Loss - Non-CurrentAny other activity related to net operating losses that are non-current.
  8. For RegTaxCrPrm—Regional Tax Credits - Permanent, enter the Permanent regional foreign tax credits.
  9. Expand the RegTaxCrT—Total Regional Tax Credits category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RegOthTaxCY—Regional Other Tax Credits - CurrentRegional current other tax credits.
    RegOthTaxNC—Regional Other Tax Credits - Non-CurrentRegional non-current other tax credits.
  10. Expand the RegAddReturnM_ASC—Regional Additional Provision Items - Manual category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RegAddCurrentM006_ASC— Regional Stock Based CompensationUse this symbol to input any tax impact from Stock Based Compensation or Share Based Payments. This could represent an additional impact to the current income tax expense or a reduction of the current income tax expense for an amount that should impact Other Comprehensive Income (OCI).
    RegAddCurrentM007_ASC— Regional Tax Other AdjustmentsUse this account to enter any other taxes (e.g. capital taxes, Texas Margin Tax, franchise taxes) that impact the current tax provision and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
  11. When you are finished, click Submit.

Prior Year Adjustment input app (RA1101)

Use this input app to enter amounts reported on the tax return and add adjustments to true-up the prior year provision amounts. This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_IAS—Prior Year End Provision

    The current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the Current Tax Charge element GrsCY_IAS - Current Year (Income Statement) from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GEqPerm, StEqPerm, and RegEqPerm that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (RA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPyOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GOCIPerm, StOCIPerm, and RegOCIPerm that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (RA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_IAS—Prior Year Return

    This column represents the actual amounts recorded in your tax return. You must input data for this column manually.
  • GrsRPA_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Adjustment

    This column represents the differences between the prior year tax charge calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. The final adjustment number is transferred to the Current Tax Charge input app (RA1201) and Statutory Effective Tax Rate report (RA1501).
  • GrsRPAInc_IAS—Return to Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Income in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Dif ference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAEq—Return to Provision Income Equity Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPEqCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAOCI_IAS—Return to Provision OCI Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as OCI. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact OCI in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPOCICurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

To update the regional prior year adjustment:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA1101 - Prior Year Adjustment.lvapp. The input app opens in the work- space.
  5. Enter data for the relevant accounts.
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Transferring the return to provision amount/prior year adjustment to the current provision/charge

By default, the system transfers return to provision/prior year adjustment amounts automatically.

If your Administrator has disabled the automatic transfer of return to provision/prior year adjustment amounts, use the Return to Provision Transfer tool or the Prior Year Adjustment Transfer tool to manually transfer the data from the Return to Provision input app (NA0101) or Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101) for the prior year to the Current Provision input app (NA0201) or Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) for the current year.

Prior Year Adjustment Transfer tool

If your company has configured the PYA transfer to be manual, use this tool to transfer the data for a specific entity.

To initiate Prior Year Adjustment Transfer:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Calculations.
  3. Click Prior Year Adjustment Transfer. The Prior Year Adjustment Transfer dialog opens.
  4. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  5. Click OK. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Return to Provision Transfer tool

If your company has configured the RTP transfer to be manual, use this tool to transfer the data for a specific entity.

To initiate Return to Provision Transfer:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Calculations.
  3. Click Return to Provision Transfer. The Return to Provision Transfer dialog opens.
  4. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  5. Click OK. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Updating and reviewing the tax basis balance sheet

Tax Provision automatically loads the book basis assets/liabilities and the end of period gross temporary differences to create the tax basis balance sheet. You can then access an input app to enter tax basis adjustments as necessary and view a report to confirm the results.

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA0701)

Use this input app to enter tax basis adjustments.

This input app includes Analyze functionality. For more information, see “Analyzing data for automation source information.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • TaxBasBBS_ASC—Book Basis Balance Sheet

    Book basis balance sheet amounts – Automated from the balance sheet in the Longview system.
  • TaxBasBBSEOY—Temporary Differences EOY

    End of period temporary differences. This column is populated during the rollover process from the temporary difference rollforward report from the previous year.
  • GrsTBBSAdj_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustments

    This column represents manually entered adjustments to the system calculated value for the expected ending balance in the Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements. It is populated during the rollover process from the previous year.
  • GrsPYPR_ASC—Prior Year End Provision

    The current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the current provision from the previous year.
  • GrsPYNPEq_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This column is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GRSNPOTH_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYNPOCI_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This column is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GRSNPOCI_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_ASC—Current Year

    The actual amounts recorded in the prior year tax return. This column is input into the Return to Provision input app (NA0101).
  • GrsRPA_ASC—Return to Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year provision calculated in the system and the prior year tax return (GrsCY_ASC - GrsPYPR_ASC).
  • TaxBasTen_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet – Tentative

    This column represents the Tax Basis Balance Sheet - Tentative and is calculated as (TaxBasBBS_ASC + TaxBasBBSEOY_ASC +GrsTBBSAdj_ASC + GrsRPA_ASC).
  • TaxBasBSAdj_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustment

    This column represents the manual adjustments to reflect any book-tax basis differences that may come from sources other than the gross temporary differences.
  • TaxBasT_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjusted

    This column represents the adjusted tax basis balance sheet and is calculated as (TaxBasTen_ASC + TaxBasBSAdj_ASC).
  • TaxBasAct_ASC—Actual Tax Basis

    This column represents the tax return as filed (beginning of period only). These values must be added manually.
  • TaxBasActDiff_ASC—Tax Basis – Difference

    This column represents the difference between tax return as filed and adjusted tax basis balance sheet. This difference does not flow automatically into the provision. You must assess the impact on the provision before making necessary adjustments. This column is calculated.

To make manual adjustments to the Tax Basis Balance Sheet:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA0701 - Tax Basis Balance Sheet.lvapp. The input app opens in the work- space.
  5. Expand the TBTOTASSET—Total Assets category and enter any assets for company-specific accounts.
  6. Expand the TBLIABSHEQ—Total Liabilities & Equity category and enter any liabilities and equity for company-specific accounts.
  7. Expand the NLossT—Total Net Operating Loss category and enter any net operating losses for company-specific accounts under the following symbols:
    NLossCYGA—Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU—Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA—Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
    NLossNC—Net Operating Loss - Non-CurrentAny other activity related to net operating losses that are non-current.
  8. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits – TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—General Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  9. When you are finished, click Submit.

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA1701)

Use this input app to enter tax basis adjustments. This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • TaxBasBBS_IAS—Book Basis Balance Sheet

    Book basis balance sheet amounts – Automated from the balance sheet in the Longview system.
  • TaxBasBBSEOY—Temporary Differences EOY

    End of period temporary differences. This column is populated during the rollover process from the temporary difference rollforward report from the previous year.
  • GrsTBBSAdj_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustments

    This column represents manually entered adjustments to the system calculated value for the expected ending balance in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements. It is populated during the rollover process from the previous year.
  • GrsPYPR_IAS—Prior Year End Provision

    The current tax charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the income current tax charge from the previous year.
  • GrsPYEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – Equity

    The equity current tax charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the equity current tax charge from the previous year.
  • GrsPYOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – OCI

    The OCI current tax charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the OCI current tax charge from the previous year.
  • GrsCY_IAS—Current Year (Income statement)

    The actual amounts recorded in the prior year tax return. This column is input in the Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101).
  • GrsRPA_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year charge calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. Any difference in the temporary difference accounts (temporary differences, net operating losses, or tax credits) is transferred in the account line in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements in the GrsRTPDfd_IAS—RTP Current and Deferred Impact column. Any difference in the NATRTPT—Total National Return Provision column is transferred to the Current Tax Charge in the NatAddCurrentS001_IAS—Return to Provision - Current Tax Expense symbol.
  • TaxBasTen_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet – Tentative

    This column represents the Tax Basis Balance Sheet - Tentative and is calculated as (TaxBasBBS_IAS + TaxBasBBSEOY_IAS + GrsTBBSAdj_IAS + GrsRPA_IAS).
  • TaxBasBSAdj_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustment

    This column represents the manual adjustments to reflect any book-tax basis differences that may come from sources other than the gross temporary differences.
  • TaxBasT_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjusted

    This column represents the adjusted tax basis balance sheet and is calculated as (TaxBasTen_IAS + TaxBasBSAdj_IAS).
  • TaxBas12_IAS—Actual Tax Basis

    This column represents the tax return as filed (beginning of period only). These values must be input manually.
  • TaxBasActDiff_IAS—Tax Basis – Difference

    This column represents the difference between tax return as filed and adjusted tax basis balance sheet. This difference does not flow automatically into the provision. You must assess the impact on the provision before making necessary adjustments. This column is calculated.

To make manual adjustments to the Tax Basis Balance Sheet:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1701 - Tax Basis Balance Sheet.lvapp. The input app opens in the work- space.
  5. Expand the TBTOTASSET—Total Assets category and enter any assets for company-specific accounts.
  6. Expand the TBLIABSHEQ—Total Liabilities & Equity category and enter any liabilities and equity for company-specific accounts.
  7. Expand the NLossT—Total Net Operating Loss category and enter any net operating losses for company-specific accounts under the following symbols:
    NLossCYGA—Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU—Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA—Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
  8. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForNC—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—Gene ral Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  9. When you are finished, click Submit.



Completing the pre-provision process

The following table outlines the pre-provision process for Tax Provision:

Note: If an owner of a partnership is locked for input, the partnership calculations will fail if changes are submitted to the partnership entity. You can correct this by running the failed partnership calculations for the partnership entity from the Tax Calculations interface once the lock on the owner is released.

StepInput apps/reports to use…
Review the chart of accounts data that was loaded for your entity.

Book Balance Sheet report (NCC001)

Book Income Statement report (NCC002)


Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Methodreport (NCC003)

Book Income Statement by Reporting Methodreport (NCC004)

Update and review the national tax rates for the current and deferred provision/tax charge.

Consolidated Tax Rates input app (XNC0200or XNC1200)

Consolidated Tax Rates report

Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201)

Tax Rates report

Return Tax Rates input app (XNC0202 orXNC1202)

Return Tax Rates report

Override Tax Rates input app (XNC0205 orXNC1205)

Override Tax Rates report

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XNC0204 orXNC1204)

Scheduling Tax Rates report

If applicable, update and review the regional tax rates for the current and deferred provision/tax charge.

Tax Rates input app (XRC0201 or XRC1201)

Tax Rates report

Return Tax Rates input app (XRC0202 orXRC1202)

Return Tax Rates report

Override Tax Rates input app (XRC0205 orXRC1205)

Override Tax Rates report

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XRC0204 orXRC1204)

Scheduling Tax Rates report

Update and review the national actual return to provision/prior year adjustment.

For ASC systems:

Return to Provision input app (NA0101)

Return to Provision report (NA0101)

For IAS systems:

Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101)

Prior Year Adjustment report (NA1101)

If you are also completing the regional process, update and review the regional actual return to provision/prior year adjustment.

For ASC systems:

Return to Provision input app (RA0101)

Return to Provision report (RA0101)

For IAS systems:

Prior Year Adjustment input app (RA1101)

Prior Year Adjustment report (RA1101)

If your Administrator has disabled the automatic transfer of return to provision/prior year adjustment, you must manually transfer the national and regional return to provision/prior year adjustment amounts to the national and regional current provisions/current tax charge.

For ASC systems:

Return to Provision Transfer tool

For IAS systems:

Prior Year Adjustment Transfer tool

Update and review the tax basis balance sheet.

For ASC systems:

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA0701)

Tax Basis Balance Sheet report (NA0701)

For IAS systems:

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA1701)

Reviewing chart of accounts data

The Tax Administrator loads general ledger data directly into Tax Provision during implementation. You can then view the balance sheet and income statement reports to see the imported data. In addition, Tax Provision automatically loads and calculates permanent and temporary differences (for example, meals and entertainment, and bad debt reserves) between book and taxable income. You can view the details behind automated book-tax differences loaded to Tax Provision using a book income/tax difference report.

Book Balance Sheet report (NCC001)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Balance Sheet report to review the balance sheet details for the prior and current year.

To review the Book Balance Sheet report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC001 - Book Balance Sheet.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book balance sheet data for your entity.

Book Income Statement report (NCC002)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Income Statement report to review the income statement details for the current year. This report contains accounts that are specific to your company.

To review the Book Income Statement report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC002 - Book Income Statement.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book income statement data for your entity.

Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Method report (NCC003)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Balance Sheet report to review the balance sheet details for the current year for the broken down into IFRS, statutory, and tax base reporting methods.

To review the Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Method report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC003 - Book Balance Sheet by Reporting Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book balance sheet data for your entity.

Book Income Statement by Reporting Method report (NCC004)

After data is imported into the Longview Tax database, you can open the Book Income Statement report to review the income statement details for the current year broken down into IFRS, statutory, and tax base reporting methods. This report contains accounts that are specific to your company.

To review the Book Income Statement by Reporting Method report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Chart of Accounts.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NCC004 - Book Income Statement by Reporting Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the book income statement data for your entity.

Updating and reviewing national tax rates

Administrators are often responsible for updating the national tax rates for the current and deferred provisions; however, in some cases, you may be required to do so as well. Tax Provision is designed to allow for current and future tax rates, which allows you to calculate deferred taxes by using future tax rates instead of using the rates from the most recent return. This capability provides increased accuracy of national deferred taxes and provisions if there are enacted legislative changes to a country’s tax rates.

Note: If an entity uses the scheduling process, you must use the scheduled (5 years out) rates.

Typically, you specify an entity’s tax rates when you create the entity; however, if an entity’s tax rates change for the upcoming cycle, you must enter the new rates manually.

Consolidated Tax Rates input app (XNC0200 or XNC1200)

Use this input app to input the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate for the provision/ tax charge. This tax rate is used in the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate Actual (NA0503 - ASC or NA1503 - IAS) report.

To view the current configuration settings for Consolidated Tax Rates, use the Consolidated Tax Rates (XNC0200 - ASC or XNC1200 - IAS) report.

To update the consolidated national tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0200 - Consolidated Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1200 - Consolidated Tax Rates.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  4. For CETRCYR—Consolidated Effective Tax Rate, specify the consolidated effective tax rate for the provision. This rate is used in the Consolidated Effective Tax Rate report.
  5. When you are finished, click Submit.

Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201)

Use this input app to specify the national tax rates for each entity. You must enter national tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00. This input app allows you to enter tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/tax charge.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified current.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified non-current.

To view the current configuration settings for the national tax rates, use the Tax Rates National (XNC0201 - ASC or XNC1201 - IAS) reports.

To update the national tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0201 - Tax Rates National.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1201 - Tax Rates National.lvapp.
  5. Enter the following tax rates:
    NATPYR—National Tax Rate PYRThe national statutory tax rate for the prior year. This rate is used in the calculation of the return to provision/prior year adjustment.
    NATCYR—National Tax Rate CYRThe national statutory tax rate for the current year or period and is used in the calculation of:
    • the current provision/current tax charge
    • the current year activity in the deferred tax account
    • the foreign rate differential in the consolidated Effective Tax Rate Report
    • the current year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATCURBOY—Current Deferred Tax Rate - BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax balance for temporary differences classified as current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATCUREOY—Current Deferred Tax Rate - EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCBOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCBOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCBOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    NATNCEOY—Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate to be used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the ending deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Return Tax Rates input app (XNC0202 or XNC1202)

Use this input app to enter the national return tax rates by entity. The national return tax rates are entered as the gross rate, so if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

The input app is designed to enter return tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/tax charge.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified current.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified non-current.

To view the current configuration settings for the national return tax rates, use the Return Tax Rates National (XNC0202 - ASC or XNC1202 - IAS) report.

To update the national return tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  4. Enter the return tax rate for the following symbols, for each entity:
    NATCYR—National Tax Rate CYREnter the national return tax rates for each leaf entity.
  5. When you are finished, click Submit.

Override Tax Rates input app (XNC0205 or XNC1205)

Use this input app to specify override tax rates for an entity.

To view the current configuration settings for the override tax rates, use the Override Tax Rates report (XNC0205/XNC1205).

To update the override tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
  5. The input app opens in the workspace.
  6. Enter the following tax rates:
    NatBOY_Ovr_ASC—National Override Deferred Tax Rate - BoYThe beginning of year override tax rate.
    NatCYr_Ovr_ASC—National Override Deferred Tax Rate - AvgThe average override tax rate.
    NatEOY_Ovr_ASC—National Override Deferred Tax Rate - EoYThe end of year override tax rate.

    Note: The XNC1205 - Override Tax Rates (IAS) schedule is the same as XNC0205 - Override Tax Rates (ASC), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  7. When you are finished, click Submit.

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XNC0204 or XNC1204)

Use this input app to specify the scheduled tax rates for entities that use scheduling. You must enter national tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

To view the current configuration settings for Scheduling Tax Rates, use the Scheduling Tax Rates (XNC0204 - ASC or XNC1204 - IAS) report.

To update scheduling tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XNC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XNC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
  4. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. For each entity, enter the rate for amounts reversing in each of the following columns:
    GrsEOY1_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 1Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year one.
    GrsEOY2_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 2Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year two.
    GrsEOY3_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 3Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year three.
    GrsEOY4_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 4Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year four.
    GrsEOY5_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 5Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year five.

    Note: The XNC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates National (ASC) schedule is the same as XNC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates National (IAS), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Updating and reviewing regional tax rates

If your company plans to use regional tax rates in Tax Provision, the regional tax rates must be updated for each entity for the current and prior years before the national tax rates can be updated.

Administrators are often responsible for updating the regional tax rates for the current and deferred provisions; however, in some cases, you may be required to do so as well.

Note: If an entity uses the scheduling process, you must use the scheduled (5 years out) rates.

Tax Rates input app (XRC0201 or XRC1201)

Use this input app to specify the regional tax rates for each entity. You must enter regional tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00. This input app allows you to enter tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/charge
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • the deferred tax provision/charge for temporary differences classified current
  • the deferred tax provision/charge for temporary differences classified non-current

To view the current configuration settings for the regional tax rates, use the Tax Rates Regional (XRC0201 - ASC or XRC1201 - IAS) report.

To update the regional tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0201 - Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1201 - Tax Rates.lvapp.
  5. The input app opens in the workspace.
  6. Enter the following tax rates:
    REGPYR—Regional Tax Rate PYRThe regional statutory tax rate for the prior year. This rate is used in the calculation of the return to provision/prior year adjustment.
    REGCYR—Regional Tax Rate CYRThe regional statutory tax rate for the current year or period and is used in the calculation of:
    • the current provision/current tax charge
    • the current year activity in the deferred tax account
    • the foreign rate differential in the consolidated Effective Tax Rate Report
    • the current year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGCURBOY—Regional Current Deferred Tax Rate - BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax balance for temporary differences classified as current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGCUREOY—Regional Current Deferred Tax Rate - EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCBOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCBOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • ending deferred tax asset/(liability) for the current temporary differences and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCBOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate BeginningThe beginning of year deferred tax rate, which is used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the beginning of year deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non- urrent and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year rate change component in the deferred tax rollforward
    REGNCEOY—Regional Non-Current Deferred Tax Rate EndingThe end of year deferred tax rate to be used for temporary differences classified as non-current. This rate is used in the calculation of:
    • the ending deferred tax asset/liability for temporary differences classified as non-current and the related valuation allowance (ASC only)
    • the beginning of year and current year rate change components in the deferred tax rollforward
  7. When you are finished, click Submit.

Return Tax Rates input app (XRC0202 or XRC1202)

Use this input app to enter the regional return tax rates by entity. The regional return tax rates are entered as the gross rate, so if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

The input app is designed to enter regional return tax rates for the beginning of year, current year, or end of year for:

  • the current and total tax provision/tax charge.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for tax losses and related valuation allowance.
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified current (ASC).
  • deferred tax movements and balances for temporary differences classified non-current (ASC).

To view the current configuration settings for the national return tax rates, use the Return Tax Rates (XRC0202 - ASC or XRC1202 - IAS) report.

To update the regional return tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1202 - Return Tax Rates.lvapp.
  4. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Enter the regional return tax rate for the following symbols, for each entity:
    REGCYR—Regional Tax Rate CYREnter the regional return tax rates for each leaf entity.
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Override Tax Rates input app (XRC0205 or XRC1205)

Use this input app to specify override tax rates for an entity.

To view the current configuration settings for regional Override Tax Rates, use the regional Override Tax Rates report (XRC0205/XRC1205).

To update the override tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1205 - Override Tax Rates.lvapp.
  4. Enter the following tax rates:
    RegBOY_Ovr_ASC—Regional Override Deferred Tax Rate – BoYThe beginning of year override tax rate.
    RegCYr_Ovr_ASC—Regional Override Deferred Tax Rate – AvgThe average override tax rate.
    RegEOY_Ovr_ASC—Regional Override Deferred Tax Rate – EoYThe end of year override tax rate.

    Note: The XRC0205 - Override Tax Rates Regional (ASC) schedule is the same as XRC1205 - Override Tax Rates Regional (IAS), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  5. When you are finished, click Submit.

Scheduling Tax Rates input app (XRC0204 or XRC1204)

Use this input app to specify the regional scheduled tax rates for entities that use scheduling. You must enter regional tax rates using the gross rate. For example, if the tax rate is five percent, enter 5.00.

To view the current configuration settings for regional Scheduling Tax Rates, use the regional Scheduling Tax Rates report (XRC0204/XRC1204).

To update scheduling tax rates:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • For ASC, click XRC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
    • For IAS, click XRC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates.lvapp.
  5. The input app opens in the workspace.
  6. For each entity, enter the rate for amounts reversing in each of the following columns:
    GrsEOY1_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 1Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year one.
    GrsEOY2_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 2Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year two.
    GrsEOY3_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 3Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year three.
    GrsEOY4_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 4Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year four.
    GrsEOY5_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 5Specify the tax rate for amounts reversing in year five.

    Note: The XRC0204 - Scheduling Tax Rates (ASC) schedule is the same as XRC1204 - Scheduling Tax Rates (IAS), except ASC in symbol names is replaced with IAS.

  7. When you are finished, click Submit.

Updating and reviewing the return to provision/prior year adjustment

The return to provision/prior year adjustment process accounts for the tax impact of differences between the prior year annual provision/tax charge and the actual amounts reported in the tax return. Tax Provision provides the ability to enter final adjustments to reflect any changes needed to arrive at the amounts to report in the tax return.

You can also view the related reports, which details the adjustments and the related tax impact.

Return to Provision input app (NA0101)

Use this input app to enter amounts reported on the tax return and add adjustments to true-up the prior year provision amounts. Any data changes to the input app initiate automatic calculations to determine the return to provision adjustments required in the current period provision for income taxes (i.e. current provision, deferred provision, etc).

The amounts computed flow to the current provision as additional provision items, and into the gross temporary difference input app, where the system default assumes all return to provision adjustments impact deferred tax expenses only.

Any return to provision adjustments that pertain to years other than the immediate prior year, for example, a true-up for FY07 in FY09, are calculated separately. You should input these additional provision items in the Current Provision (NA0201) input app (for any return to provision adjustments with a current/deferred tax impact) and as either an Other adjustment – deferred and current (if the impact is current and deferred) or as an RTP – deferred only adjustment (if the impact is deferred and total tax only) in the temporary difference input app.

The return to provision may be computed and booked during different quarters depending on the entity. For example, Canadian entities may book it in Q3; US entities may book it in Q4; therefore, Tax Provision is set up to compute a return to provision difference only when a user opens the input app and submits to the database. This input app should be opened and submitted by users only when the RTP is expected to be computed and booked.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_ASC—Prior Year End Provision

    The current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the Current Provision element GrsCY_ASC - Current Year from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYNPEq_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GEqPerm, StEqPerm, and RegEqPerm that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GrsCY_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYNPOCI_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GOCIPerm, StOCIPerm, and RegOCIPerm that had a nonprovision OCI adjustment (GrsCY_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_ASC—Prior Year Return

    The actual amounts recorded in the tax return. You must input values for this symbol manually.
  • GrsRPA_ASC—Return to Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year provision calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. Any difference in the temporary difference accounts (temporary differences, net operating losses, or tax credits) is transferred in the account line in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements in the GrsRTPCurDfd_ASC—RTP Current and Deferred Impact column. Any difference in the NATRTPT—Total National Return Provision column is transferred to the Current Provision in the NatAddCurrentS001_ASC—Return to Provision - Current Tax Expense symbol.
  • GrsRPAInc_ASC—Return to Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact the P/L in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPDFD_ASC (RTP – Deferred Only Impact) in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPANPEq_ASC—Return to Provision Equity Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPEQDFD_ASC (RTP – Equity) in the Temporary Difference elements.
  • GrsRPANPOCI_ASC—Return to Provision OCI Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPOCIDFD_ASC (RTP – OCI) in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

To update the Return to Provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Rates.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA0101 - Return to Provision.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Expand the Taxable Income/(Loss) Before Net Operating Losses category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NIBTAdj—Company-specificCompany-specific accounts for net income before tax adjustments.
    GPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific accounts for net income before tax adjustments.
    GEQPERMxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific adjustments to GAAP to STAT equity permanent differences. Every calculated permanent difference has an associated manual adjustments account.
    GOCIPERMxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific adjustments to GAAP to STAT OCI permanent differences. Every calculated permanent difference has an associated manual adjustments account.
    GTxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific GAAP to STAT temporary differences.
    SPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax income permanent differences.
    STEQPERM1A—Equity Perm 1 - AdjustmentCompany-specific STAT to Tax income permanent differences.
    STxxx—Company- specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax temporary differences.
    ReturnRegIncTax— Regional Income Taxes - P/LRegional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxEq— Regional Income Taxes - EquityEquity regional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxOCI— Regional Income Taxes - OCIOCI regional income taxes to deduct.
    OthIncTax—Other Income TaxesOther income taxes to deduct.
  6. Expand the Taxable Income/(Loss) After Net Operating Losses category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    CharNC—Charitable Contributions Carryforward - Non-CurrentNon-current charitable contributions carried forward from the previous year.
    CharCY—Charitable Contributions Carryforward - CurrentCurrent charitable contributions carried forward from the previous year.
    LTCapLossNC—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - Non-CurrentNon-current long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
    LTCapLossCY—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - CurrentCurrent long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
    NLossCYGA—Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU—Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA—Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
    NLossNC—Net Operating Loss - Non-CurrentAny other activity related to net operating losses that are non-current.
    SpecDedM—Special Deductions - ManualAdditional deductions not included in income taxes or net operating losses.
  7. Expand the TaxCrPrmT—Total Tax Credits - Permanent category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForPrmM—Foreign Tax Credits - Permanent - ManualPermanent national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - PermanentPermanent creditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmNC—Non- creditable Foreign Tax Credits - PermanentPermanent non-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrPrmOth—Other Tax Credits - Permanent - ManualOther permanent national tax credits.
  8. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForNC—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—General Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  9. Expand the NatAddReturnM_ASC—Additional Provision Items - Manual category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NatAddCurrentM002_ASC—Other TaxesUse this symbol to enter any other taxes (e.g. capital taxes, foreign taxes) that impact the current tax provision and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM003_ASC—Tax HolidayUse this symbol to enter the impact of any Tax Holidays from jurisdictions in which there is currently no tax rate or a lower tax rate. The value entered impacts the current tax provision and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004_ASC—Stock Based CompensationUse this symbol to input any tax impact from Stock Based Compensation or Share Based Payments. This could represent an additional impact to the current income tax expense or a reduction of the current income tax expense for an amount that should impact OCI.
  10. When you are finished, click Submit.

Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101)

Use this input app to enter the amounts used to prepare the income tax return in order to generate the true-up adjustment. This input app contains the prior year’s tax account amounts as rolled over at the end of the previous year. Any data changes to the input app initiate calculations to determine the true-up adjustments required in the current period tax charge for income taxes.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_IAS—Prior Year End Provision

    The current charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the Current Tax Charge element GrsCY_IAS - Current Year (Income Statement) from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GEqPerm, StEqPerm, and RegEqPerm that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GOCIPerm, StOCIPerm, and RegOCIPerm that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_IAS—Prior Year Return

    This column represents the actual amounts recorded in your tax return. You must input data for this column manually.
  • GrsRPA_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Adjustment

    This column represents the differences between the prior year tax charge calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. The final adjustment number is transferred to the Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) and Statutory Effective Tax Rate report (NA1501).
  • GrsRPAInc_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Income in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Equity Adjusment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPEqCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision OCI Adjusment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as OCI. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact OCI in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPOCICurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

To modify the Prior Year Adjustment input app:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1101 - Prior Year Adjustment.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Expand the NatRTaxIncomeBeforeLoss_IAS—Taxable Income/(Loss) Before Losses category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NIBTADJxx—Company-specificIFRS Net Profit/(Loss) Before Tax Adjustments. These accounts are specific to your company.
    GPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific accounts for net income before tax adjustments.
    GTxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific GAAP to STAT temporary differences.
    SPxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax income permanent differences.
    STxxx—Company- specificCompany-specific STAT to Tax temporary differences.
    PensIS_IAS—PensionsCurrent tax income statement pension adjustment.
    NatCurrent_SBPAcChg_IAS—SBPs – Accounting ChargeShare Based Payments – Accounting Charge adjustment.
    NatCurrent_SBPDed_IAS—SBPs – Sch 23 deductionShare Based Payments – Tax Deduction adjustment.
    NatCurrent_SBPT_IAS—Share Based PaymentsTotal share-based payments.
    ReturnRegIncTax— Regional Income Taxes - P/LRegional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxEq— Regional Income Taxes - EquityEquity regional income taxes to deduct.
    ReturnRegIncTaxOCI— Regional Income Taxes - OCIOCI regional income taxes to deduct.
    OthIncTax—Other Income TaxesOther income taxes to deduct.
  6. Expand the LTCapLossT—Total Long-Term Capital Loss Carryforward category and enter data for the following symbols:
    LTCapLossNC—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - Non-CurrentNon-current long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
    LTCapLossCY—Long Term Capital Loss Carryforward - CurrentCurrent long-term capital losses carried forward from the previous year.
  7. Expand the NLossT_IAS—Tax Total Loss category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NLossCYGA_IAS—Tax Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU_IAS—Tax Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA_IAS—Tax Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
  8. For SpecDedM—Special Deductions - Manual, enter any additional deductions not included in income taxes or tax losses.
  9. Expand the TaxCrPrmT—Total Tax Credits - Permanent category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForPrmM—Foreign Tax Credits - Permanent - ManualPermanent national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits – PermanentPermanent creditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForPrmNC—Non- creditable Foreign Tax Credits - PermanentPermanent non-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrPrmOth—Other Tax Credits - Permanent – ManualOther permanent national tax credits.
  10. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForNC—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—General Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  11. Expand the AddPrv_IAS—Additional Charges category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    NatAddCurrentM001_IAS—Other Additional ChargesThis account can be used to enter any other additional charges that impact the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report.

    The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.

    NatAddCurrentM002_IAS—Other TaxesThis account can be used to enter any other taxes (e.g. capital taxes, foreign taxes) that impact the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM003_IAS—Tax HolidayThis account can be used to enter the impact of any Tax Holidays from jurisdictions in which there is currently no tax rate or a lower tax rate. The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004A_IAS—UTP Tax - Permanent Differences - NationalUse this symbol to manually enter the tax impact from National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP) related to permanent differences. The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004B_IAS—UTP Tax - Temporary Differences - NationalUse this symbol to manually enter the tax impact from National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP) related to temporary differences. The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM004T_IAS—UTP Tax - NationalThis symbol represents the UTP Tax National total. This symbol is the sum of account NatAddCurrentM004A_IAS and account NatAddCurrentM004B_IAS.
    NatAddCurrentM005_IAS—UTP InterestUse this symbol to manually enter the current period interest accrued related to National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP). The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM006_IAS—UTP PenaltyUse this symbol to manually enter the current period penalties related to National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP). The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    NatAddCurrentM007_IAS—UTP National Tax re: Interest PaidUse this symbol to manually enter the current period interest paid related to National level Uncertain Tax Positions (UTP). The value entered impacts the current tax charge and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
    RepCurAdjCurrent—Reporting Currency Only Adjustment - CurrentThis symbol represents the reporting currency adjustment for current tax charge. It is automatically populated from the NIBT Reporting Currency Only Adjustments input app (NA1299). This account is used to make any adjustments in the reporting currency for any translation differences that may exist between the Tax Provision system and the general ledger or consolidation system.
    NatAddCurrentM_IAS—Additional Current Charges - ManualThis symbol represents the total manual Additional Current Charges. This symbol is the sum of the above symbols.
    NatAddCurrentS001_IAS—Rate Differential For Temporary DifferencesThis symbol is automated and only applies when deferred tax override rates are used. It represents the difference in tax rates for the activity of those temporary differences and carryforward accounts that impact both the deferred tax charge and calculation of taxable income. For more information on tax override rates, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

    An example of the deferred tax override rate process is as follows:

    • Assumes a temporary difference with a current year activity (activity impacting both the current tax charge and the gross temporary difference roll forward) of 100,000.
    • Assumes the entity has a current year tax rate of 35%.
    • Assumes that all activity related to this temporary difference is subject to a tax rate of 20% for the calculation of the deferred tax.

    In this case, the tax impact on the current tax charge from this temporary difference is 35,000 (100,000 multiplied by 35%) compared to the impact on the deferred tax charge of 20,000 (100,000 multiplied by 20%), a difference of 15,000.

    This 15,000 is reflected as an additional provision item in the current tax charge to ensure that the rate differential does not impact the effective tax rate.

    NatAddCurrentS002_IAS—Deferred Adjustments - Impact both Deferred and CurrentThis symbol represents the deferred adjustments that impact both the current and deferred charge. It is equal to the value at the intersection of account DEFTAX_IAS and element NetNCYOthCurDfd_IAS in the deferred tax report.
    NatAddCurrentS_IAS—Additional Current Charges - SystemThis symbol represents the total system Additional Current Charges. This symbol is the sum of NatAddCurrentS001_IAS and NatAddCurrentS002_IAS.
  12. Expand the NatEQPYAT—Equity Prior Year Adjustments category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    SBPEq—SBP’s - SORIE (equity)Share-based payments - equity/OCI amounts.
    PensEQ_IAS—Pensions - SORIEPensions - equity/OCI amounts.
  13. For SBPIS—SBP’s - Income Statement, enter the share-based payments - temporary difference income statement amounts.
  14. When you are finished, click Submit.

Updating and reviewing the regional return to provision/prior year adjustment

The return to provision/prior year adjustment process accounts for the tax impact of differences between the prior year annual provision/tax charge and the actual amounts reported in the tax return. Tax Provision provides the ability to enter final adjustments to reflect any changes needed to arrive at the amounts to report in the tax return.

You can also view the related reports, which details the adjustments and the related tax impact.

Return to Provision input app (RA0101)

Use this input app to enter amounts reported on the tax return and add adjustments to true-up the prior year provision amounts.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_ASC—Prior Year End Provision

    The regional current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the regional Current Provision element GrsCY_ASC - Current Year from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYNPEq_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-pro- vision equity adjustment (GRSNPOTH_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (RA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYNPOCI_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GRSNPOCI_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (RA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_ASC—Prior Year Return

    This column represents the actual amounts recorded in your tax return. You must input data for this column manually.
  • GrsRPA_ASC—Return to Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year provision calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. Any difference in the temporary difference accounts (temporary differences, net operating losses, or tax credits) are transferred in the account line in the Deferred Tax Roll forward report (RA0401) in the GrsRTPCurDfd_ASC—RTP Current and Deferred Impact column. Any difference in the RegRTPT—Total Regional Return Provision column is transferred to the Current Provision in the RegAddCurrentS001_ASC— Regional Return to Provision - Current Tax Expense symbol.
  • GrsRPAInc_ASC—Return to Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact the P/L in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPDFD_ASC (RTP – Deferred Only Impact) in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).
  • GrsRPANPEq_ASC—Return to Provision Equity Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPEQDFD_ASC (RTP – Equity) in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).
  • GrsRPANPOCI_ASC—Return to Provision OCI Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_ASC for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the return to provision adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPNPOCIDFD_ASC (RTP – OCI) in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).

To update the regional return to provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0101 - Return to Provision.lvapp. The input app opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the following values populated from the National Return to Provision process:
    • GAAP net income/loss before tax adjusted
    • Permanent GAAP differences
    • Temporary GAAP differences
    • STAT to Tax permanent differences
    • STAT to Tax temporary differences
    • Regional and additional taxes
    • Regional and additional taxes - reversal
  6. Expand the RegRINCTB—Regional Tax Base category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RPxxxA—Company-specificCompany-specific adjustments to regional permanent differences. Every calculated permanent difference has an associated manual adjustments account. For example, Meals & Entertainment - Adjustment.
    RTxxx—Company-specificCompany-specific regional temporary differences.
  7. Expand the RegNLossT—Total Regional Net Operating Loss category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RegNLossCYGA—Regional Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    RegNLossCYU—Regional Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    RegNLossCA—Regional Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
    RegNLossNC—Regional Net Operating Loss - Non-CurrentAny other activity related to net operating losses that are non-current.
  8. For RegTaxCrPrm—Regional Tax Credits - Permanent, enter the Permanent regional foreign tax credits.
  9. Expand the RegTaxCrT—Total Regional Tax Credits category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RegOthTaxCY—Regional Other Tax Credits - CurrentRegional current other tax credits.
    RegOthTaxNC—Regional Other Tax Credits - Non-CurrentRegional non-current other tax credits.
  10. Expand the RegAddReturnM_ASC—Regional Additional Provision Items - Manual category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    RegAddCurrentM006_ASC— Regional Stock Based CompensationUse this symbol to input any tax impact from Stock Based Compensation or Share Based Payments. This could represent an additional impact to the current income tax expense or a reduction of the current income tax expense for an amount that should impact Other Comprehensive Income (OCI).
    RegAddCurrentM007_ASC— Regional Tax Other AdjustmentsUse this account to enter any other taxes (e.g. capital taxes, Texas Margin Tax, franchise taxes) that impact the current tax provision and Effective Tax Rate report. The value in this account is entered on an after-tax basis.
  11. When you are finished, click Submit.

Prior Year Adjustment input app (RA1101)

Use this input app to enter amounts reported on the tax return and add adjustments to true-up the prior year provision amounts. This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI

    Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.
  • GrsPYPR_IAS—Prior Year End Provision

    The current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the Current Tax Charge element GrsCY_IAS - Current Year (Income Statement) from the previous year. The exception to this process is the value for the account REGINCTAX - Regional Income Taxes for the prior year is copied to the account ReturnRegIncTax - Regional Income Taxes - P/L.
  • GrsPYEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GEqPerm, StEqPerm, and RegEqPerm that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (RA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPyOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This element is populated through the rollover process for permanent difference accounts under the parents GOCIPerm, StOCIPerm, and RegOCIPerm that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GrsCY_IAS) in the Current Tax Charge input app (RA1201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_IAS—Prior Year Return

    This column represents the actual amounts recorded in your tax return. You must input data for this column manually.
  • GrsRPA_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Adjustment

    This column represents the differences between the prior year tax charge calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. The final adjustment number is transferred to the Current Tax Charge input app (RA1201) and Statutory Effective Tax Rate report (RA1501).
  • GrsRPAInc_IAS—Return to Provision Income Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Income. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Income in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Dif ference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAEq—Return to Provision Income Equity Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as Equity. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact Equity in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPEqCurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.
  • GrsRPAOCI_IAS—Return to Provision OCI Adjustment

    This column is populated from element GRSRPA_IAS for accounts classified as OCI. It represents the portion of the prior year adjustment that should impact OCI in the current time period. The value flows into element GRSRTPOCICurDfd_IAS in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

To update the regional prior year adjustment:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA1101 - Prior Year Adjustment.lvapp. The input app opens in the work- space.
  5. Enter data for the relevant accounts.
  6. When you are finished, click Submit.

Transferring the return to provision amount/prior year adjustment to the current provision/charge

By default, the system transfers return to provision/prior year adjustment amounts automatically.

If your Administrator has disabled the automatic transfer of return to provision/prior year adjustment amounts, use the Return to Provision Transfer tool or the Prior Year Adjustment Transfer tool to manually transfer the data from the Return to Provision input app (NA0101) or Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101) for the prior year to the Current Provision input app (NA0201) or Current Tax Charge input app (NA1201) for the current year.

Prior Year Adjustment Transfer tool

If your company has configured the PYA transfer to be manual, use this tool to transfer the data for a specific entity.

To initiate Prior Year Adjustment Transfer:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Calculations.
  3. Click Prior Year Adjustment Transfer. The Prior Year Adjustment Transfer dialog opens.
  4. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  5. Click OK. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Return to Provision Transfer tool

If your company has configured the RTP transfer to be manual, use this tool to transfer the data for a specific entity.

To initiate Return to Provision Transfer:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Calculations.
  3. Click Return to Provision Transfer. The Return to Provision Transfer dialog opens.
  4. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  5. Click OK. A confirmation message appears.
  6. Click OK to close the dialog.

Updating and reviewing the tax basis balance sheet

Tax Provision automatically loads the book basis assets/liabilities and the end of period gross temporary differences to create the tax basis balance sheet. You can then access an input app to enter tax basis adjustments as necessary and view a report to confirm the results.

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA0701)

Use this input app to enter tax basis adjustments.

This input app includes Analyze functionality. For more information, see “Analyzing data for automation source information.

This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • TaxBasBBS_ASC—Book Basis Balance Sheet

    Book basis balance sheet amounts – Automated from the balance sheet in the Longview system.
  • TaxBasBBSEOY—Temporary Differences EOY

    End of period temporary differences. This column is populated during the rollover process from the temporary difference rollforward report from the previous year.
  • GrsTBBSAdj_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustments

    This column represents manually entered adjustments to the system calculated value for the expected ending balance in the Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements. It is populated during the rollover process from the previous year.
  • GrsPYPR_ASC—Prior Year End Provision

    The current provision from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the current provision from the previous year.
  • GrsPYNPEq_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – Equity

    This column is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-provision equity adjustment (GRSNPOTH_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsPYNPOCI_ASC—Prior Year End Provision - Non-Provision – OCI

    This column is populated through the rollover process for accounts that had a non-provision OCI adjustment (GRSNPOCI_ASC) in the Current Provision input app (NA0201) for the prior year.
  • GrsCY_ASC—Current Year

    The actual amounts recorded in the prior year tax return. This column is input into the Return to Provision input app (NA0101).
  • GrsRPA_ASC—Return to Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year provision calculated in the system and the prior year tax return (GrsCY_ASC - GrsPYPR_ASC).
  • TaxBasTen_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet – Tentative

    This column represents the Tax Basis Balance Sheet - Tentative and is calculated as (TaxBasBBS_ASC + TaxBasBBSEOY_ASC +GrsTBBSAdj_ASC + GrsRPA_ASC).
  • TaxBasBSAdj_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustment

    This column represents the manual adjustments to reflect any book-tax basis differences that may come from sources other than the gross temporary differences.
  • TaxBasT_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjusted

    This column represents the adjusted tax basis balance sheet and is calculated as (TaxBasTen_ASC + TaxBasBSAdj_ASC).
  • TaxBasAct_ASC—Actual Tax Basis

    This column represents the tax return as filed (beginning of period only). These values must be added manually.
  • TaxBasActDiff_ASC—Tax Basis – Difference

    This column represents the difference between tax return as filed and adjusted tax basis balance sheet. This difference does not flow automatically into the provision. You must assess the impact on the provision before making necessary adjustments. This column is calculated.

To make manual adjustments to the Tax Basis Balance Sheet:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA0701 - Tax Basis Balance Sheet.lvapp. The input app opens in the work- space.
  5. Expand the TBTOTASSET—Total Assets category and enter any assets for company-specific accounts.
  6. Expand the TBLIABSHEQ—Total Liabilities & Equity category and enter any liabilities and equity for company-specific accounts.
  7. Expand the NLossT—Total Net Operating Loss category and enter any net operating losses for company-specific accounts under the following symbols:
    NLossCYGA—Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU—Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA—Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
    NLossNC—Net Operating Loss - Non-CurrentAny other activity related to net operating losses that are non-current.
  8. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits – TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—General Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  9. When you are finished, click Submit.

Tax Basis Balance Sheet input app (NA1701)

Use this input app to enter tax basis adjustments. This input app contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • TaxBasBBS_IAS—Book Basis Balance Sheet

    Book basis balance sheet amounts – Automated from the balance sheet in the Longview system.
  • TaxBasBBSEOY—Temporary Differences EOY

    End of period temporary differences. This column is populated during the rollover process from the temporary difference rollforward report from the previous year.
  • GrsTBBSAdj_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustments

    This column represents manually entered adjustments to the system calculated value for the expected ending balance in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements. It is populated during the rollover process from the previous year.
  • GrsPYPR_IAS—Prior Year End Provision

    The current tax charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the income current tax charge from the previous year.
  • GrsPYEq_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – Equity

    The equity current tax charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the equity current tax charge from the previous year.
  • GrsPYOCI_IAS—Prior Year End Provision – OCI

    The OCI current tax charge from the prior year. This column is populated during the rollover process from the OCI current tax charge from the previous year.
  • GrsCY_IAS—Current Year (Income statement)

    The actual amounts recorded in the prior year tax return. This column is input in the Prior Year Adjustment input app (NA1101).
  • GrsRPA_IAS—Prior Year End Provision Adjustment

    The difference between the prior year charge calculated in the system and the prior year tax return. Any difference in the temporary difference accounts (temporary differences, net operating losses, or tax credits) is transferred in the account line in the Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements in the GrsRTPDfd_IAS—RTP Current and Deferred Impact column. Any difference in the NATRTPT—Total National Return Provision column is transferred to the Current Tax Charge in the NatAddCurrentS001_IAS—Return to Provision - Current Tax Expense symbol.
  • TaxBasTen_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet – Tentative

    This column represents the Tax Basis Balance Sheet - Tentative and is calculated as (TaxBasBBS_IAS + TaxBasBBSEOY_IAS + GrsTBBSAdj_IAS + GrsRPA_IAS).
  • TaxBasBSAdj_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustment

    This column represents the manual adjustments to reflect any book-tax basis differences that may come from sources other than the gross temporary differences.
  • TaxBasT_IAS—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjusted

    This column represents the adjusted tax basis balance sheet and is calculated as (TaxBasTen_IAS + TaxBasBSAdj_IAS).
  • TaxBas12_IAS—Actual Tax Basis

    This column represents the tax return as filed (beginning of period only). These values must be input manually.
  • TaxBasActDiff_IAS—Tax Basis – Difference

    This column represents the difference between tax return as filed and adjusted tax basis balance sheet. This difference does not flow automatically into the provision. You must assess the impact on the provision before making necessary adjustments. This column is calculated.

To make manual adjustments to the Tax Basis Balance Sheet:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1701 - Tax Basis Balance Sheet.lvapp. The input app opens in the work- space.
  5. Expand the TBTOTASSET—Total Assets category and enter any assets for company-specific accounts.
  6. Expand the TBLIABSHEQ—Total Liabilities & Equity category and enter any liabilities and equity for company-specific accounts.
  7. Expand the NLossT—Total Net Operating Loss category and enter any net operating losses for company-specific accounts under the following symbols:
    NLossCYGA—Net Operating Loss - CY Generated - AdjustmentManual adjustment for the calculated net operating loss.
    NLossCYU—Net Operating Loss - CY UtilizedUtilization of an existing net operating loss carryforward in the current period.
    NLossCA—Net Operating Loss - Consolidating AdjustmentImpact of any consolidated level adjustment to net operating losses at the legal entity level.
  8. Expand the TaxCrT—Total Tax Credits - Temporary category, and enter data for the following symbols:
    TaxCrForM—Foreign Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualTemporary national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForCY—Creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryCreditable national foreign tax credits.
    NatTaxCrForNC—Non-creditable Foreign Tax Credits - TemporaryNon-creditable national foreign tax credits.
    TaxCrAMT—US Alternative Minimum TaxUS Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
    GenBusCr—Gene ral Business CreditsGeneral business credits.
    TaxCrOth—Other Tax Credits - Temporary - ManualOther temporary national tax credits.
  9. When you are finished, click Submit.


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