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Configuring system settings

Longview Tax provides an editor to configure systems settings related to your Tax Provision or Task Management system. Items in the System Settings editor change depending on the products you have purchased. If you have installed both Tax Provision and Task Management, all settings display.

Configuring system settings for Tax Provision

Before you can use Tax Provision, you must configure some system settings that determine the behavior of certain functionality.

Configuring system switches

Before you can use your Tax Provision system, there are certain system switches that you should set, including:

  • The tax accounting standard. IAS 12 (International Accounting Standard) is the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) used for income taxes in most areas of the world. The other common standard is ASC 740 (US GAAP), which is used predominantly in the United States. Tax Provision supports both the IAS 12 and ASC 740 tax accounting standards. Because Tax Provision calculations differ depending on the accounting standard, you must specify the tax accounting standard for your system before you configure any other Tax Provision settings.
  • The number of periods per year. Tax Provision lets you define the number of time period symbols in the system so that you can report on an annual, quarterly, or monthly basis. You must specify the number of time period symbols for your system.
  • Whether your system should allow the use of certain classifications.

To configure system switches for Tax Provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the System Switches section, complete the following fields:
    Tax Accounting StandardThis field displays the tax accounting standard used for the system (as configured during installation).
    Number of Periods Per YearSpecify the number of periods to use per year.
    • 12—Use this value to set the system to report monthly.
    • 4—Use this value to set the system to report quarterly.
    • 1—Use this value to set the system to report annually.

      Note: This setting can be changed only when the system attribute ASCurrentPeriod has a value of 12; that is, when the system is in the year end.

    The Longview default for this setting is 12.

    This field sets the ASTaxNumPeriods attribute.

    Use Current/Non-Current Setting

    Select this option to allow the use of the Current/ Non-Current classification. If you do not select this option, all accounts are classified as Non-Current, and the Use Current/Non-Current setting is not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow Current/Non-Current classification.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseCurrentNonCurrent attribute.

    Display Current/Non-Current Setting

    Select this option to display the Current/Non-Current column in the relevant preconfigured input apps.

    The Longview default for this setting is to display the Current/Non-Current column.

    This field sets the ASTaxDisplayCurrentNonCurrent attribute.

    Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting

    Select this option to allow the use of Income/Equity/ OCI classification. If you do not select this option, all accounts are classified as Income and the Income/ Equity/OCI setting is not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor, the Net Income Before Tax editor, or the Book-Tax Differences editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow the use of Income/Equity/OCI classification.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseIncomeEquity attribute.

    Display Income/Equity/OCI

    Select this option to display the Income/Equity/OCI column in the relevant preconfigured input apps. The Longview default for this setting is to display the income/Equity/OCI column.

    This field sets the ASTaxDisplayIncomeEquityOCI attribute.

    Use Rate Change Treatment Setting

    This setting applies only to ASC systems.

    Select this option to allow rate change to be treated differently for income, equity, and OCI accounts. If you do not select this option, the rate change is treated the same for all income, equity, and OCI accounts and the Rate Change Treatment setting is not available in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. The Longview default value for this setting is to not use rate change treatment setting.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseRateChange attribute.

    Use Short-Term Classification

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Select this option to use short-term classification of tax assets in your system.

    The Longview default value for this setting is to use short-term classification.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseSTClassification attribute.

    Temporary Difference Classification Default

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Specify the default temporary difference classification calculation.

    • LT—Use this value to define the default classification method for temporary differences as Long-Term Recognised.
    • ST—Use this value to define the default classification method for temporary differences as Short-Term Recognised. This option is available only if Use Short-Term Classification is selected.
    • NR—Use this value to define the default classification method for temporary differences as Not Recognised.

    The Longview default value for this setting is LT.

    This field sets the ASTaxTDClassDefault attribute.

    Deferred Tax Recognised Method

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Specify the method used to recognise deferred tax details.

    • PROPORTIONAL—Use this value to recognise all deferred tax details proportionately, based on a calculated rate.
    • LIFO—Use this value to define the last deferred tax details as the first to be considered recognisable.
    • FIFO—Use this value to define the first deferred tax details as the first to be considered recognisable.

    The Longview default value for this setting is PROPORTIONAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTRMethod attribute.

    Use Deferred Tax Not Recognised

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Select this option to calculate the deferred tax not recognised percentage. If you do not select this option, the recognised percentage is set to 100% for all accounts.

    The Longview default for this setting is to calculate the deferred tax not recognised percentage.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseDTNR attribute.

    Use Deferred Tax Netting

    Select this option to allow netting of deferred tax assets and liabilities in the Entities editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow netting.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseNetting attribute.

    Use Entity Calculation Level Setting

    Specify whether to allow entity parent-level calculation of deferred tax classification and netting and valuation allowance allocation and enable the Calculation Level setting in the Entities editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to disable entity-level calculation of deferred tax classification, netting, and valuation allowances.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseEntityCalcLevel attribute.

    Segment Classification Level SettingSelect the symbols in the SGEMENTS dimension to perform deferred tax classification calculations.

    Note: This option is for future use and has no impact in the Fall ‘20 release.

    Use Loss Carryforward Automation

    Select this option to allow the automation of loss carry forward.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow loss carry forward automation.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseLossCfwdAutomation attribute.

    Use Loss and Credit Expiration Schedule

    Select this option to use the Losses and Credits Expiration balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    The Longview default for this attribute is to use the Losses and Credits Expiration balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseLossCreditExpire attribute.

    Use Loss and Credit Utilization Schedule

    This field applies only to IAS systems.

    Select this option to use the Losses and Credits Utilization balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    The Longview default for this setting is to not use the Losses and Credits Utilization balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseLossCreditUtilization

    Use Combined Reporting

    Select this option to all the use of combined reporting.

    This fields set the ASTaxUseCombinedReporting attribute.

    Use Comments

    Select this option to allow the use of comments in the preconfigured input apps. The Longview default for this setting is to allow comments.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseComments attribute.

    Use File Attachments

    This setting applies only if File Attachments are enabled in the server configuration.

    Select this option to allow users to attach files to cells in the preconfigured input apps. The Longview default for this setting is to allow file attachments.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseFileAttachments attribute.

Configuring system preferences

Before you make the Tax Provision system available to users, you can configure system preferences to customize the system for your company.

To configure system preferences:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the System Preferences section, complete the following fields:
    National Level Label

    By default, the national level label in the Data Collection and Reports categories of the Longview Tax navigation pane is National. If your company uses a different term for the national level, for example, Federal, use this setting to change the label.

    This label applies to the following locations:

    • The folders in the related categories in the Tax Provision navigation pane
    • The titles in the preconfigured input apps and reports

    The Longview default for this setting is National.

    This field sets the ASTaxNationalLabel attribute.

    Regional Level Label

    By default, the regional level label in the Data Collection and Reports categories of the Longview Tax navigation pane is Regional. If your company uses a different term for the regional level, for example, State or Provincial, use this setting to change this label.

    This label applies to the following locations:

    • The folders in the related categories in the Tax Provision navigation pane
    • The titles in the preconfigured input apps and reports

    The Longview default for this setting is Regional.

    This field sets the ASTaxRegionalLabel attribute.

Configuring Current Tax automation settings

Current Tax automation is the automation of your permanent and temporary differences from the chart of accounts and can be defined globally or at an entity level in the Book-Tax Differences editor.

To configure Current Tax automation:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Current Tax Automation section, complete the following fields:
    Current Tax Automation – Allow Automation of Current Tax

    Select this option to allow the automation of current tax for book-tax differences.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow the automation of current tax for book-tax differences.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateCurrentTax attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Display Automation Settings

    Select this option to display automation settings in the Book-Tax Differences editor. This setting applies only if Current Tax Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax is cleared. If it is selected, settings are always displayed.

    The Longview default for this setting is to hide automation settings.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateCurrentTaxVisible attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Custom Actuals

    Calculation Methods

    Optionally, if you have created any custom processes, you can use this setting to provide them to your users in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Type the name for your custom process. Separate processes with a pipe ( | ).

    For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method” in the Tax Provision Implementer’s Guide.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTACustomMethods attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Accounts

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector.
    The Longview default for this setting is TRIALBAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidAccounts attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Details Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidDetails attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Target Detail Symbol

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source details to one target detail symbol for current tax and NIBT automation.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Details dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Details are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source details are not available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor and the Net Income Before Tax editor.
    • You must update the PTA_Details and NIBT_Details hierarchies to assign all source leaf symbols in the Details dimension for the automation of current tax and NIBT amounts.

    The default for this setting is SummDet.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTATargetDetail attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Segments Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source segments symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidSegments attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Target Segment Symbol

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source segments to one target segment symbol for current tax and NIBT automation.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Segments dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Segments are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source segments are not available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor and the Net Income Before Tax editor.
    • You must update the PTA_Segments and NIBT_Segments hierarchies to assign all source leaf symbols in the Segments dimension for the automation of current tax and NIBT amounts.

    The Longview default for this setting is SummSeg.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTATargetSegment attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Reporting Methods

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidElements attribute.

Configuring Deferred Tax automation settings

Deferred Tax automation is the automation of your deferred tax accounts from the tax basis and can be defined globally or at an entity level in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

To configure Deferred Tax automation:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Deferred Tax Automation section, complete the following fields:
    Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method

    Specify the Deferred Tax automation method to use for your system.

    • Balance Sheet—Uses the balance sheet method to define the book-tax basis difference and the portion that may be permanent in nature to calculate the ending cumulative temporary difference.
    • Temporary Difference—Uses a deferred tax proof analysis to view the gross and deferred tax balances. This process allows users to define the accounting basis, the tax basis, and the portion that may be permanent in nature from which the system calculates the ending cumulative temporary difference.
    • No Automation—Uses no automation for the calculation of ending cumulative temporary difference. Users must manually input activity to ensure the ending cumulative temporary difference is correct.

    The Longview default for this setting is No Automation.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateTempEOY attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Display Automation Settings

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation. If it is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference, settings always display.

    Specify whether to display automation settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    • Display Balance Sheet Method Settings—Displays balance sheet method settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • Display Temporary Difference Method Settings—Displays Temporary Difference Method settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • Hide Settings—Hides automation settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is Hide Settings.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateTempEOYVisible attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Valid Source Accounts

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRIALBAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidAccounts attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Valid Source Details Symbols

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidDetails attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Target Detail Symbol

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source details to one target detail symbol. Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Details dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Details are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source details are not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • You must update the DTA_Details hierarchy to assign all source leaf symbols in the details dimension for the automation of deferred tax.

    The Longview default for this setting is SummDet.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTATargetDetail attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Valid Source Segments Symbols

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source segment symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidSegments attribute.

    Temporary Differences Ending Balances Automation – Target Segment Symbol

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source segments to one target segment symbol. Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Segments dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Segments are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source segments are not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • You must update the DTA_Segments hierarchy to assign all source leaf symbols in the Segments dimension for the automation of deferred tax.

    The Longview default for this setting is SummSeg.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTATargetSegment attribute.

    Temporary Differences Ending Balances Automation – Valid Source Reporting Methods

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference. Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidElements attribute.

Configuring Net Income Before Tax automation settings

Net Income Before Tax automation is the automation of your NIBT from the income statement. You can define NIBT automation globally or at an entity level using the Net Income Before Tax editor.

To configure Net Income Before Tax automation:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the NIBT Automation section, complete the following fields:
    NIBT Automation -Custom Actuals Calculation Methods

    Optionally, if you have created a custom process, you can type the name of the process to provide it to your users. Separate processes with a pipe ( | ).

    For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method” in the Tax Provision Implementer’s Guide.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTCustomMethods attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Accounts

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols that the user can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRIALBAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidAccounts attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Details  Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols that the user can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidDetails attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source segments symbols that users can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidSegments attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols that users can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor.

    Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidElements attribute.

    Note: The Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol and Current Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol system settings also affect NIBT Automation. For more information, see “Configuring Current Tax automation settings”.

Configuring Tax Account Rollforward data transfer

Tax account rollforward data transfer is the transfer of data from the deferred tax, current provision (current tax charge), and chart of accounts to the Tax Account Rollforward and can be defined using the Tax Account Rollforward Data Transfer editor.

To configure Tax Account Rollforward data transfer:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Tax Account Rollforward Data Transfer section, complete the following fields:
    TARF Transfer – Valid Source Accounts

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols to make available for selection in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:





    RegCurrentDet_IAS|RegDefTax_ASC|RegDefTax_IAS |

    RegTPDet_ASC|RegDefTaxExclVA_ASC|NatIPT_ASC |


    This field sets the ASTaxTARFValidAccounts attribute.

    TARF Transfer – Valid Source Elements

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols to make available for selection in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    NetNDIFF_ASC|NetNDiff_IAS|NetRDiff_ASC|NetRDiff _IAS|



    Statutory_Total|Tax_Base_Total|IFRS_GA AP_TAX|



    This field sets the ASTaxTARFValidElements attribute.

    TARF Transfer – Valid Source Details

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols to make available for selection in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    TARF Transfer – Target Details

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target details symbol to receive the sum of the values from the Source Details column set in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. If no symbol is defined and the system is not using Multi- Regional Provision, all details symbols that trigger the Tax Account Rollforward calculation will be populated, and the Source Details column will be suppressed in the Tax Account Rollforward editor.

    If the system is using Multi-Regional Provision, a target details symbol does not need to be defined. In this case, the Tax Account Rollforward calculation will use the default target details symbol of SummDet.

Configuring Interim settings

If your company prepares an interim provision, you can use these settings to configure interim calculation behavior. By default, Tax Provision calculates the interim effective tax rate at the legal entity level. Your company can also choose to calculate the interim effective tax rate at a consolidated or sub-consolidated parent level. In this case, the legal entities are then adjusted to match the parent entity’s interim effective tax rate, unless they are excluded from the interim ETR calculation.

Note: Legal entities that are not included in the interim ETR calculation are adjusted to a net ETR of 0. For more information on including/excluding entities from the interim ETR calculation, see “Adding legal, branch, and branch elimination entities”.

To configure interim settings:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Interim section, complete the following fields:
    Interim Automation - Forecast Element

    Specify the element to which all manual adjustments for your forecast will be submitted as an annual total.

    This field sets the ASTaxIPForecastElement attribute.

    Interim Automation - Custom InterimCalculation Methods

    Optionally, if you have created any custom processes, you can use this setting to provide them to your users in the Book-Tax Differences and Net Income Before Tax editor for Interim Calculation Method. Type the name for your custom process. Separate processes with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method” in the Tax Provision Implementer’s Guide.

    This field sets the ASTaxIPCustomMethods attribute.

    Interim Automation - Allow Automation of Discrete Items

    Select this option to allow the automation of discrete items.

    The Longview default for this setting is to not allow automation of discrete items.

    This field sets the ASTaxIPAutomateDiscreteItems attribute.

    Entity Level for Interim ETR

    Select the global interim ETR entity level.

    • Legal Entity—Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at the legal entity level.
    • Sub-Consolidated—Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at a sub-consolidated entity level. If you use this value, you must specify a sub-consolidation parent for the Consolidation/Sub- Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR. If you select this option, you do not have the option to specify the Entity Level for Interim ETR in the Entities editor; however, you can select a symbol for the sub-consolidation parent.
    • Consolidated—Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at a consolidated entity level. If you use this value, you must specify a consolidation root for the Consolidation/Sub-Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR. If you select this option, you do not have the option to specify the Entity Level for Interim ETR or the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR in the Entities editor, since it is automatically set to the root symbol of the hierarchy you select for Consolidation/Sub-Consolidation hierarchy for Interim ETR.
    • Defined by Entity—Use this value to allow the Entity Level for Interim ETR to be set at the legal entity level. If any of the entities in a hierarchy will be calculated using different methods, you must use this setting. If you use this value, you must specify the consolidation parent for the Consolidation/ Sub-Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR. If you select this option, you have the option to specify both the Entity Level for Interim ETR and the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR in the Entities editor.

    The default for this setting is Legal Entity.

    Consolidation/Sub- Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR

    If you selected Sub-Consolidated,  Consolidated, or Defined by Entity as the Entity Level for Interim ETR, you must specify the consolidation/sub-consolidation parent symbol to use for the interim ETR calculation.

    This setting determines the hierarchy that displays (and therefore the symbols available for selection) in the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR field in the Entities editor.

    Valid values are TENTITIES, Jurisdictions, or alternate hierarchies created under the roots EntitiesHier1, EntitiesHier2, EntitiesHier3, EntitiesHier4, EntitiesHier5.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting is unavailable.

Configuring Multi-Regional Provision

Multi-Regional Provision is an add-on to Tax Provision. If you have purchased and installed Multi-Regional Provision, a new category of settings appears in the System Settings editor.

To configure Multi-Regional Provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Multi-Regional Provision section, complete the following fields:
    Use Multi-Regional Provision

    Select this option to activate Multi-Regional Provision in your system. If you clear this option, functionality related to Multi-Regional Provision is hidden.

    By default, this option is selected.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseMSP attribute.

    Regional Deferred Tax Calculation Method

    Specify the regional deferred tax calculation method:

    • Region by Region – select this option if you want to calculate the regional deferred provision on a region-by-region basis.
    • Blended Deferred – select this option if you want to calculate the regional deferred provision based on a blended tax rate and the current provision on a region-by-region basis. By default, this option is selected.
    • Hybrid Deferred - Not available yet

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPUseBlendedDeferred attribute.

    Use Regional Deferred Tax NettingSpecify whether to calculate deferred tax netting at the regional level.
    Use Apportionment Factors

    Specify whether to use apportionment factors. If you choose to use apportionment factors, they will be based on the input methods in the subsequent fields.

    If you clear this option, apportionment factors will be set to 100%.

    By default, this option is selected.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPUseAppFactor attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - Separate Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected.

    Specify the apportionment factor input method for separate filing using one of the following options:

    • Full Input—Select this option if you want to input all apportionment data and have the system calculate a weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor, as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors, and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to input the weighted average apportionment factor manually.

    The Longview default for this setting is Full Input.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethod attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - Group Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected. Specify the apportionment factor input method for group filing using one of the following options:

    • Full Input—Select this option if you want to input all apportionment data and have the system calculate a weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to directly input the weighted average apportionment factor.

    The Longview default for this setting is Full Input.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethodGroup attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - BOY Separate Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected. Specify the apportionment factor input method for beginning of year separate filing using one of the following options:

    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor, as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors, and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to directly input the weighted average apportionment factor manually.

    The Longview default for this setting is Override Totals.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethodBOY attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - BOY Group Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected.  Specify the apportionment factor input method for beginning of year group filing using one of

    the following options:

    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to directly input the weighted average apportionment factor.

    The Longview default for this setting is Override Totals.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethodGroupBOY attribute.

    Regional Rates Input Level

    Specify the input level for regional rates using one of the following values:

    • Region—Select this option if you want to enter tax rates by region and apply these rates to all entities.
    • Region and Entity—Select this option if you want to enter tax rates for the region/entity combination. Use this option when certain entities are subject to different tax rates within the same region.

    The Longview default for this setting is Region.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPRegRatesInputLevel attribute

    Account Default Setting for Multi-Regional Deferred Tax Method

    Specify the default for the Multi-Regional Deferred Tax Method setting in the Current and Deferred Tax editor using one of the following options:

    • Tax Rate—Sets the default to Tax Rate.
    • Apportionment Factors—Sets the default to Apportionment Factors.
    • Both—Sets the default to Both.

    The Longview default for this setting is Both.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPUseAppFctrDefault attribute.

Configuring symbol defaults

Tax Provision allows you to set defaults for symbols. Generally, the defaults are set for symbols that appear in the administrative editors.

To configure symbol defaults:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Symbol Default section, complete the following fields:
    Time Period Default Setting for Calculation of Regional Provision

    Specify whether the Calculate Regional Provision setting is set to TRUE or FALSE by default for a time period. If you want to change the setting for each time period, you must do so in Longview Application Administrator.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the SZTaxCalcRegionalProvisionTP attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Current/Non-Current

    Specify whether the default setting for the account is Current or Non-Current in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    This setting is available only if the Use Current/Non-Current Setting is selected. If the Use Current/Non-Current Setting is cleared, this setting is automatically set to Non-Current.

    The Longview default for this setting is Current.

    This field sets the ASTaxCurNonCurDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI

    Specify whether the default setting for the account is Income, Equity or OCI in the Current and Deferred Tax editor, the Net Income Before Tax editor, and the Book-Tax Differences editor.

    This setting is available only if the Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting is selected. If the Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting is cleared, this setting is automatically set to Income.

    The Longview default for this setting is Income.

    This field sets the ASTaxIncEqDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Rate Change Treatment

    Specify whether the default setting for rate change treatment is Income, Equity, or OCI in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    This setting is available only if the Use Rate Change Treatment Setting is selected. If the Use Rate Change Treatment Setting is cleared, this setting is automatically set to Income.

    The Longview default for this setting is Income.

    This field sets the ASTaxRateChangeDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Value Entered as Gross

    Specify whether the default setting for the account is to accept deferred tax account values as gross amounts in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    • TRUE—Use this value to use gross amounts and to calculate tax-affected amounts by default.
    • FALSE—Use this value to enter tax-affected amounts by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the ASTaxValGrossDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax National Benefit of Region Calculation

    Specify the default setting for the Include in NBR setting in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    • TRUE—Use this value to include accounts in the NBR calculation by default.
    • FALSE—Use this value to exclude accounts from the NBR calculation by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the ASTaxIncludeNBRDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Asset Sign

    Specify the default sign for deferred tax assets in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. This sign is used when classifying an account as an asset or liability.

    • + classifies a positive amount as an asset and a negative amount as a liability.
    • - classifies a positive amount as a liability and a negative amount as an asset.

    The Longview default for this setting is +.

    This field sets the ASTaxAssetSignDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Automation of Temporary Differences Ending Balances

    This field is available only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Temporary Difference.

    Specify the default setting for Automate Temporary Differences Ending Balance in the Current and Deferred Tax editor using one of the following values:

    • TRUE—Selects the Automation of Temporary Differences Ending Balance setting by default.
    • FALSE—Clears the Automation of Temporary Differences Ending Balance setting by default.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateTempEOYAcctDefault

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate Regional Provision

    Specify whether Calculate Regional Provision is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate Regional Provision is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate Regional Provision is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalcRegionalProvisionEnt attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate National Benefit of Region

    This field is available only if Entity Default Setting for Calculate Regional Provision is TRUE.

    Specify whether Calculate National Benefit of Region is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate National Benefit of Region is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate National Benefit of Region is cleared by default.

    If Entity Default Setting for Calculate Regional Provision is FALSE, this parameter should also be set to FALSE. The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalculateNBR attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Use Deferred Tax Scheduling

    Specify whether Use Deferred Tax Scheduling is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • Scheduling—Use Deferred Tax Scheduling is selected by default.
    • Regular—Use Deferred Tax Scheduling is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is Regular.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTSchedulingDefault attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate Netting Adjustment

    Specify whether Calculate Netting Adjustment is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate Netting Adjustment is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate Netting adjustment is cleared by default.

    This setting is available only if Use Deferred Tax Netting is selected. If Use Deferred Tax Netting is cleared, this parameter is automatically set to FALSE.

    The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalculateNetting attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Automate Deferred Tax Amounts

    Specify whether Automate Deferred Tax Amounts is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Automate Deferred Tax Amounts is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Automate Deferred Tax Amounts is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxAutomateTempEOY attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Automate Current Tax Amounts

    Specify whether Automate Current Tax Amounts is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Automate Current Tax Amounts is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Automate Current Tax Amounts is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxAutomateCurrentTax attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Automate Loss Carryforward Adjustment

    Specify whether Automate Loss Carry forward Adjustment is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Automate Loss Carry forward Adjustment is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Automate Loss Carry forward

    Adjustment is cleared by default.

    This setting is available only if Use Loss Carry forward Automation is selected.

    If Use Loss Carry forward Automation is cleared, this setting is automatically set to FALSE. The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxLossCfwdAuto attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for TARF Actual Timeframe

    Specify the default TARF Actual timeframe symbol for the Entities editor. You can specify any child in the TARFTypes hierarchy in the Details dimension.

    The Longview default for this setting is TFActual.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxTARFActualTimeframe attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate Interim

    Specify whether Calculate Interim is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate Interim is selected by default and TARF Interim Transfer Timeframe is set to TFInterim by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate Interim is cleared by default and TARF Interim Transfer Timeframe is set to TFActuals by default.

    The default value for this setting also applies to time period symbols.

    The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalculateInterim attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Entity Level for Interim ETR

    This setting is available only if the Entity Level for Interim ETR system setting is set to Defined by Entity.

    Specify the default Entity Level for Interim ETR setting for the Entities editor.

    • Legal Entity
    • Sub-Consolidated

    For information on these settings, see “Entity Level for Interim ETR” in “Configuring Interim settings.”

    The Longview default for this setting is Legal Entity.

Configuring hierarchy settings

Before you can use your Tax Provision system, you must specify hierarchy information for the system.

To configure hierarchy settings:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Hierarchy section, complete the following fields:
    Tax Jurisdiction Hierarchy

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the symbol for the Tax Provision jurisdiction hierarchy. This symbol must be a root. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is the Jurisdictions hierarchy.

    This field sets the ASTaxJurisdictionHierarchy attribute.

    Partnership Income Account

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the symbol that stores the result of the partnership income calculation. Valid values for this setting are leaf symbols in the NIBTAdj hierarchy.

    The Longview default for this setting is NIBTAdj01.

    This field sets the ASTaxPartnershipIncome attribute.

    NIBT Account Parent Symbol

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the parent symbol to use for net income before tax accounts. Valid values for this setting are parent symbols in the NIBT_LS hierarchy, excluding GPerm, GTemp, and NIBT_LS itself.

    The Longview default for this setting is NIBTAdj.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBRt attribute.

    Hide Accounts Symbols

    Specify the Accounts symbols that you want to hide when displaying preconfigured input apps. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ).

    List symbols at the level at which they should be hidden. For example, the TempT parent includes both GTemp and StTemp; however, GTemp is found under NIBT_LS as well. If you hide these symbols at the TempT level, GTemp will not be hidden under NIBT_LS.

    This field sets the ASTaxHideAccounts attribute.

    Hide Elements Symbols

    Specify the Elements symbols that you want to hide when displayed in a preconfigured input app. Separate symbol with a pipe ( | ).

    List symbols at the level at which they should be hidden.

    This field sets the ASTaxHideElements attribute.

    Details Provision Parent Symbol

    Specify the provision parent symbol in the DETAILS dimension to restrict the Details drop-down list to in the Default Symbols dialog, which opens from the Longview Tax toolbar, and the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. If you do not specify a provision parent, the system uses DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxUIProvisionDetail attribute.

    Segments Provision Parent Symbol

    Specify the provision parent symbol in the SEGMENTS dimension to restrict the Segments drop-down list to in the Default Symbols dialog, which opens from the Longview Tax toolbar, and the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. If you do not specify a provision parent, the system uses SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxUIProvisionSegment attribute.

    Entities that Load Chart of Accounts Data

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of symbols in the ENTITIES dimension to which to load chart of accounts data. These symbols must be roots. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is TENTITIES|PShip.

    This field sets the ASTaxEntitiesCOALoad attribute.

    Details Chart of Accounts Parent Symbol

    Specify the chart of accounts parent symbol in the DETAILS dimension to restrict the Details drop-down list to in the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. You can specify any leaf or parent symbol the Details dimension.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxCOADetail attribute.

    Segments Chart of Accounts Parent Symbol

    Specify the chart of accounts parent symbol in the Segments dimension to restrict the  segments dropdown list to in the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. You can specify any leaf or parent symbol in the Segments dimension.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxCOASegment attribute.

Configuring rounding factors

Tax Provision rounds calculation amounts based on the settings you specify. You must specify the rounding factor for both integers and percentages.

To configure rounding factors:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Rounding section, complete the following fields:
    Tax Calculation Rounding Factor

    Specify the rounding factor for integers for your Tax Provision system. You can round 0 to 9 decimals.

    The Longview default for this setting is 0.

    This field sets the ASTaxRound attribute.

    Tax Percentage Rounding Factor

    Specify the rounding factor for percentages for your Tax Provision system. You can round 0 to 9 decimals.

    The Longview default for this setting is 4.

    This field sets the ASTaxRdPct attribute.

Configuring folder paths

You can include links to Excel workbooks in the navigation pane in Tax Provision. You must specify the file path for Tax Provision to link to these workbooks.

To configure folder paths:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Folder Path section, complete the following fields:
    Default Browse Folder Path

    Optionally, specify the default file path that should appear in any Tax Provision file browser.

    The Longview default for this setting is the current user’s desktop folder.

    This field sets the ASTaxBrowseFolderPath attribute.

Configuring Global Transparency

To configure global transparency:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Global Transparency section, complete the following fields:
    Country by Country Analytics Period DefaultSelect the Tax Period default for Country-by-Country Analytics:
    • Actuals
    • Return

Configuring Task Management

This section is available in Tax systems with the Task Management component. Refer to section “Configuring Task Management settings” of the Task Management Administrator’s guide for details on configuring these parameters.


Configuring system settings

Longview Tax provides an editor to configure systems settings related to your Tax Provision or Task Management system. Items in the System Settings editor change depending on the products you have purchased. If you have installed both Tax Provision and Task Management, all settings display.

Configuring system settings for Tax Provision

Before you can use Tax Provision, you must configure some system settings that determine the behavior of certain functionality.

Configuring system switches

Before you can use your Tax Provision system, there are certain system switches that you should set, including:

  • The tax accounting standard. IAS 12 (International Accounting Standard) is the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard) used for income taxes in most areas of the world. The other common standard is ASC 740 (US GAAP), which is used predominantly in the United States. Tax Provision supports both the IAS 12 and ASC 740 tax accounting standards. Because Tax Provision calculations differ depending on the accounting standard, you must specify the tax accounting standard for your system before you configure any other Tax Provision settings.
  • The number of periods per year. Tax Provision lets you define the number of time period symbols in the system so that you can report on an annual, quarterly, or monthly basis. You must specify the number of time period symbols for your system.
  • Whether your system should allow the use of certain classifications.

To configure system switches for Tax Provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the System Switches section, complete the following fields:
    Tax Accounting StandardThis field displays the tax accounting standard used for the system (as configured during installation).
    Number of Periods Per YearSpecify the number of periods to use per year.
    • 12—Use this value to set the system to report monthly.
    • 4—Use this value to set the system to report quarterly.
    • 1—Use this value to set the system to report annually.

      Note: This setting can be changed only when the system attribute ASCurrentPeriod has a value of 12; that is, when the system is in the year end.

    The Longview default for this setting is 12.

    This field sets the ASTaxNumPeriods attribute.

    Use Current/Non-Current Setting

    Select this option to allow the use of the Current/ Non-Current classification. If you do not select this option, all accounts are classified as Non-Current, and the Use Current/Non-Current setting is not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow Current/Non-Current classification.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseCurrentNonCurrent attribute.

    Display Current/Non-Current Setting

    Select this option to display the Current/Non-Current column in the relevant preconfigured input apps.

    The Longview default for this setting is to display the Current/Non-Current column.

    This field sets the ASTaxDisplayCurrentNonCurrent attribute.

    Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting

    Select this option to allow the use of Income/Equity/ OCI classification. If you do not select this option, all accounts are classified as Income and the Income/ Equity/OCI setting is not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor, the Net Income Before Tax editor, or the Book-Tax Differences editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow the use of Income/Equity/OCI classification.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseIncomeEquity attribute.

    Display Income/Equity/OCI

    Select this option to display the Income/Equity/OCI column in the relevant preconfigured input apps. The Longview default for this setting is to display the income/Equity/OCI column.

    This field sets the ASTaxDisplayIncomeEquityOCI attribute.

    Use Rate Change Treatment Setting

    This setting applies only to ASC systems.

    Select this option to allow rate change to be treated differently for income, equity, and OCI accounts. If you do not select this option, the rate change is treated the same for all income, equity, and OCI accounts and the Rate Change Treatment setting is not available in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. The Longview default value for this setting is to not use rate change treatment setting.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseRateChange attribute.

    Use Short-Term Classification

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Select this option to use short-term classification of tax assets in your system.

    The Longview default value for this setting is to use short-term classification.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseSTClassification attribute.

    Temporary Difference Classification Default

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Specify the default temporary difference classification calculation.

    • LT—Use this value to define the default classification method for temporary differences as Long-Term Recognised.
    • ST—Use this value to define the default classification method for temporary differences as Short-Term Recognised. This option is available only if Use Short-Term Classification is selected.
    • NR—Use this value to define the default classification method for temporary differences as Not Recognised.

    The Longview default value for this setting is LT.

    This field sets the ASTaxTDClassDefault attribute.

    Deferred Tax Recognised Method

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Specify the method used to recognise deferred tax details.

    • PROPORTIONAL—Use this value to recognise all deferred tax details proportionately, based on a calculated rate.
    • LIFO—Use this value to define the last deferred tax details as the first to be considered recognisable.
    • FIFO—Use this value to define the first deferred tax details as the first to be considered recognisable.

    The Longview default value for this setting is PROPORTIONAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTRMethod attribute.

    Use Deferred Tax Not Recognised

    This setting applies only to IAS systems.

    Select this option to calculate the deferred tax not recognised percentage. If you do not select this option, the recognised percentage is set to 100% for all accounts.

    The Longview default for this setting is to calculate the deferred tax not recognised percentage.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseDTNR attribute.

    Use Deferred Tax Netting

    Select this option to allow netting of deferred tax assets and liabilities in the Entities editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow netting.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseNetting attribute.

    Use Entity Calculation Level Setting

    Specify whether to allow entity parent-level calculation of deferred tax classification and netting and valuation allowance allocation and enable the Calculation Level setting in the Entities editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is to disable entity-level calculation of deferred tax classification, netting, and valuation allowances.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseEntityCalcLevel attribute.

    Segment Classification Level SettingSelect the symbols in the SGEMENTS dimension to perform deferred tax classification calculations.

    Note: This option is for future use and has no impact in the Fall ‘20 release.

    Use Loss Carryforward Automation

    Select this option to allow the automation of loss carry forward.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow loss carry forward automation.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseLossCfwdAutomation attribute.

    Use Loss and Credit Expiration Schedule

    Select this option to use the Losses and Credits Expiration balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    The Longview default for this attribute is to use the Losses and Credits Expiration balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseLossCreditExpire attribute.

    Use Loss and Credit Utilization Schedule

    This field applies only to IAS systems.

    Select this option to use the Losses and Credits Utilization balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    The Longview default for this setting is to not use the Losses and Credits Utilization balancing calculation for the supplementary schedule.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseLossCreditUtilization

    Use Combined Reporting

    Select this option to all the use of combined reporting.

    This fields set the ASTaxUseCombinedReporting attribute.

    Use Comments

    Select this option to allow the use of comments in the preconfigured input apps. The Longview default for this setting is to allow comments.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseComments attribute.

    Use File Attachments

    This setting applies only if File Attachments are enabled in the server configuration.

    Select this option to allow users to attach files to cells in the preconfigured input apps. The Longview default for this setting is to allow file attachments.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseFileAttachments attribute.

Configuring system preferences

Before you make the Tax Provision system available to users, you can configure system preferences to customize the system for your company.

To configure system preferences:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the System Preferences section, complete the following fields:
    National Level Label

    By default, the national level label in the Data Collection and Reports categories of the Longview Tax navigation pane is National. If your company uses a different term for the national level, for example, Federal, use this setting to change the label.

    This label applies to the following locations:

    • The folders in the related categories in the Tax Provision navigation pane
    • The titles in the preconfigured input apps and reports

    The Longview default for this setting is National.

    This field sets the ASTaxNationalLabel attribute.

    Regional Level Label

    By default, the regional level label in the Data Collection and Reports categories of the Longview Tax navigation pane is Regional. If your company uses a different term for the regional level, for example, State or Provincial, use this setting to change this label.

    This label applies to the following locations:

    • The folders in the related categories in the Tax Provision navigation pane
    • The titles in the preconfigured input apps and reports

    The Longview default for this setting is Regional.

    This field sets the ASTaxRegionalLabel attribute.

Configuring Current Tax automation settings

Current Tax automation is the automation of your permanent and temporary differences from the chart of accounts and can be defined globally or at an entity level in the Book-Tax Differences editor.

To configure Current Tax automation:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Current Tax Automation section, complete the following fields:
    Current Tax Automation – Allow Automation of Current Tax

    Select this option to allow the automation of current tax for book-tax differences.

    The Longview default for this setting is to allow the automation of current tax for book-tax differences.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateCurrentTax attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Display Automation Settings

    Select this option to display automation settings in the Book-Tax Differences editor. This setting applies only if Current Tax Automation - Allow Automation of Current Tax is cleared. If it is selected, settings are always displayed.

    The Longview default for this setting is to hide automation settings.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateCurrentTaxVisible attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Custom Actuals

    Calculation Methods

    Optionally, if you have created any custom processes, you can use this setting to provide them to your users in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Type the name for your custom process. Separate processes with a pipe ( | ).

    For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method” in the Tax Provision Implementer’s Guide.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTACustomMethods attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Accounts

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector.
    The Longview default for this setting is TRIALBAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidAccounts attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Details Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidDetails attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Target Detail Symbol

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source details to one target detail symbol for current tax and NIBT automation.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Details dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Details are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source details are not available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor and the Net Income Before Tax editor.
    • You must update the PTA_Details and NIBT_Details hierarchies to assign all source leaf symbols in the Details dimension for the automation of current tax and NIBT amounts.

    The default for this setting is SummDet.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTATargetDetail attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Segments Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source segments symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidSegments attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Target Segment Symbol

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source segments to one target segment symbol for current tax and NIBT automation.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Segments dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Segments are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source segments are not available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor and the Net Income Before Tax editor.
    • You must update the PTA_Segments and NIBT_Segments hierarchies to assign all source leaf symbols in the Segments dimension for the automation of current tax and NIBT amounts.

    The Longview default for this setting is SummSeg.

    This field sets the ASTaxPTATargetSegment attribute.

    Current Tax Automation – Valid Source Reporting Methods

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols to make available for selection in the Book-Tax Differences editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    This field sets the ASTaxPTAValidElements attribute.

Configuring Deferred Tax automation settings

Deferred Tax automation is the automation of your deferred tax accounts from the tax basis and can be defined globally or at an entity level in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

To configure Deferred Tax automation:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Deferred Tax Automation section, complete the following fields:
    Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method

    Specify the Deferred Tax automation method to use for your system.

    • Balance Sheet—Uses the balance sheet method to define the book-tax basis difference and the portion that may be permanent in nature to calculate the ending cumulative temporary difference.
    • Temporary Difference—Uses a deferred tax proof analysis to view the gross and deferred tax balances. This process allows users to define the accounting basis, the tax basis, and the portion that may be permanent in nature from which the system calculates the ending cumulative temporary difference.
    • No Automation—Uses no automation for the calculation of ending cumulative temporary difference. Users must manually input activity to ensure the ending cumulative temporary difference is correct.

    The Longview default for this setting is No Automation.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateTempEOY attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Display Automation Settings

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is No Automation. If it is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference, settings always display.

    Specify whether to display automation settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    • Display Balance Sheet Method Settings—Displays balance sheet method settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • Display Temporary Difference Method Settings—Displays Temporary Difference Method settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • Hide Settings—Hides automation settings in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    The Longview default for this setting is Hide Settings.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateTempEOYVisible attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Valid Source Accounts

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRIALBAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidAccounts attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Valid Source Details Symbols

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidDetails attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Target Detail Symbol

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source details to one target detail symbol. Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Details dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Details are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source details are not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • You must update the DTA_Details hierarchy to assign all source leaf symbols in the details dimension for the automation of deferred tax.

    The Longview default for this setting is SummDet.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTATargetDetail attribute.

    Deferred Tax Automation – Valid Source Segments Symbols

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source segment symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidSegments attribute.

    Temporary Differences Ending Balances Automation – Target Segment Symbol

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference.

    Optionally, use this setting to transfer multiple source segments to one target segment symbol. Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target symbol in the Segments dimension. This symbol must be a leaf. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    If you do not specify a symbol:

    • Segments are transferred from and to the same symbols, and source segments are not available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.
    • You must update the DTA_Segments hierarchy to assign all source leaf symbols in the Segments dimension for the automation of deferred tax.

    The Longview default for this setting is SummSeg.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTATargetSegment attribute.

    Temporary Differences Ending Balances Automation – Valid Source Reporting Methods

    This setting applies only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Balance Sheet or Temporary Difference. Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols to make available for selection in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    This field sets the ASTaxDTAValidElements attribute.

Configuring Net Income Before Tax automation settings

Net Income Before Tax automation is the automation of your NIBT from the income statement. You can define NIBT automation globally or at an entity level using the Net Income Before Tax editor.

To configure Net Income Before Tax automation:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the NIBT Automation section, complete the following fields:
    NIBT Automation -Custom Actuals Calculation Methods

    Optionally, if you have created a custom process, you can type the name of the process to provide it to your users. Separate processes with a pipe ( | ).

    For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method” in the Tax Provision Implementer’s Guide.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTCustomMethods attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Accounts

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols that the user can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRIALBAL.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidAccounts attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Details  Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols that the user can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidDetails attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Segments Symbols

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source segments symbols that users can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidSegments attribute.

    NIBT Automation - Valid Source Reporting Methods

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols that users can specify in the Net Income Before Tax editor.

    Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    This field sets the ASTaxNIBTValidElements attribute.

    Note: The Current Tax Automation - Target Detail Symbol and Current Tax Automation - Target Segment Symbol system settings also affect NIBT Automation. For more information, see “Configuring Current Tax automation settings”.

Configuring Tax Account Rollforward data transfer

Tax account rollforward data transfer is the transfer of data from the deferred tax, current provision (current tax charge), and chart of accounts to the Tax Account Rollforward and can be defined using the Tax Account Rollforward Data Transfer editor.

To configure Tax Account Rollforward data transfer:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Tax Account Rollforward Data Transfer section, complete the following fields:
    TARF Transfer – Valid Source Accounts

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source account symbols to make available for selection in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:





    RegCurrentDet_IAS|RegDefTax_ASC|RegDefTax_IAS |

    RegTPDet_ASC|RegDefTaxExclVA_ASC|NatIPT_ASC |


    This field sets the ASTaxTARFValidAccounts attribute.

    TARF Transfer – Valid Source Elements

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source element symbols to make available for selection in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is:


    NetNDIFF_ASC|NetNDiff_IAS|NetRDiff_ASC|NetRDiff _IAS|



    Statutory_Total|Tax_Base_Total|IFRS_GA AP_TAX|



    This field sets the ASTaxTARFValidElements attribute.

    TARF Transfer – Valid Source Details

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of source details symbols to make available for selection in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    TARF Transfer – Target Details

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the target details symbol to receive the sum of the values from the Source Details column set in the Tax Account Rollforward editor. If no symbol is defined and the system is not using Multi- Regional Provision, all details symbols that trigger the Tax Account Rollforward calculation will be populated, and the Source Details column will be suppressed in the Tax Account Rollforward editor.

    If the system is using Multi-Regional Provision, a target details symbol does not need to be defined. In this case, the Tax Account Rollforward calculation will use the default target details symbol of SummDet.

Configuring Interim settings

If your company prepares an interim provision, you can use these settings to configure interim calculation behavior. By default, Tax Provision calculates the interim effective tax rate at the legal entity level. Your company can also choose to calculate the interim effective tax rate at a consolidated or sub-consolidated parent level. In this case, the legal entities are then adjusted to match the parent entity’s interim effective tax rate, unless they are excluded from the interim ETR calculation.

Note: Legal entities that are not included in the interim ETR calculation are adjusted to a net ETR of 0. For more information on including/excluding entities from the interim ETR calculation, see “Adding legal, branch, and branch elimination entities”.

To configure interim settings:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Interim section, complete the following fields:
    Interim Automation - Forecast Element

    Specify the element to which all manual adjustments for your forecast will be submitted as an annual total.

    This field sets the ASTaxIPForecastElement attribute.

    Interim Automation - Custom InterimCalculation Methods

    Optionally, if you have created any custom processes, you can use this setting to provide them to your users in the Book-Tax Differences and Net Income Before Tax editor for Interim Calculation Method. Type the name for your custom process. Separate processes with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Creating a custom calculation method” in the Tax Provision Implementer’s Guide.

    This field sets the ASTaxIPCustomMethods attribute.

    Interim Automation - Allow Automation of Discrete Items

    Select this option to allow the automation of discrete items.

    The Longview default for this setting is to not allow automation of discrete items.

    This field sets the ASTaxIPAutomateDiscreteItems attribute.

    Entity Level for Interim ETR

    Select the global interim ETR entity level.

    • Legal Entity—Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at the legal entity level.
    • Sub-Consolidated—Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at a sub-consolidated entity level. If you use this value, you must specify a sub-consolidation parent for the Consolidation/Sub- Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR. If you select this option, you do not have the option to specify the Entity Level for Interim ETR in the Entities editor; however, you can select a symbol for the sub-consolidation parent.
    • Consolidated—Use this value to calculate the interim ETR at a consolidated entity level. If you use this value, you must specify a consolidation root for the Consolidation/Sub-Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR. If you select this option, you do not have the option to specify the Entity Level for Interim ETR or the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR in the Entities editor, since it is automatically set to the root symbol of the hierarchy you select for Consolidation/Sub-Consolidation hierarchy for Interim ETR.
    • Defined by Entity—Use this value to allow the Entity Level for Interim ETR to be set at the legal entity level. If any of the entities in a hierarchy will be calculated using different methods, you must use this setting. If you use this value, you must specify the consolidation parent for the Consolidation/ Sub-Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR. If you select this option, you have the option to specify both the Entity Level for Interim ETR and the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR in the Entities editor.

    The default for this setting is Legal Entity.

    Consolidation/Sub- Consolidation Hierarchy for Interim ETR

    If you selected Sub-Consolidated,  Consolidated, or Defined by Entity as the Entity Level for Interim ETR, you must specify the consolidation/sub-consolidation parent symbol to use for the interim ETR calculation.

    This setting determines the hierarchy that displays (and therefore the symbols available for selection) in the Sub-Consolidation Entity for Interim ETR field in the Entities editor.

    Valid values are TENTITIES, Jurisdictions, or alternate hierarchies created under the roots EntitiesHier1, EntitiesHier2, EntitiesHier3, EntitiesHier4, EntitiesHier5.

    If the Entity Level for Interim ETR is Legal Entity, this setting is unavailable.

Configuring Multi-Regional Provision

Multi-Regional Provision is an add-on to Tax Provision. If you have purchased and installed Multi-Regional Provision, a new category of settings appears in the System Settings editor.

To configure Multi-Regional Provision:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Multi-Regional Provision section, complete the following fields:
    Use Multi-Regional Provision

    Select this option to activate Multi-Regional Provision in your system. If you clear this option, functionality related to Multi-Regional Provision is hidden.

    By default, this option is selected.

    This field sets the ASTaxUseMSP attribute.

    Regional Deferred Tax Calculation Method

    Specify the regional deferred tax calculation method:

    • Region by Region – select this option if you want to calculate the regional deferred provision on a region-by-region basis.
    • Blended Deferred – select this option if you want to calculate the regional deferred provision based on a blended tax rate and the current provision on a region-by-region basis. By default, this option is selected.
    • Hybrid Deferred - Not available yet

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPUseBlendedDeferred attribute.

    Use Regional Deferred Tax NettingSpecify whether to calculate deferred tax netting at the regional level.
    Use Apportionment Factors

    Specify whether to use apportionment factors. If you choose to use apportionment factors, they will be based on the input methods in the subsequent fields.

    If you clear this option, apportionment factors will be set to 100%.

    By default, this option is selected.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPUseAppFactor attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - Separate Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected.

    Specify the apportionment factor input method for separate filing using one of the following options:

    • Full Input—Select this option if you want to input all apportionment data and have the system calculate a weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor, as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors, and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to input the weighted average apportionment factor manually.

    The Longview default for this setting is Full Input.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethod attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - Group Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected. Specify the apportionment factor input method for group filing using one of the following options:

    • Full Input—Select this option if you want to input all apportionment data and have the system calculate a weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to directly input the weighted average apportionment factor.

    The Longview default for this setting is Full Input.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethodGroup attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - BOY Separate Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected. Specify the apportionment factor input method for beginning of year separate filing using one of the following options:

    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor, as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors, and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to directly input the weighted average apportionment factor manually.

    The Longview default for this setting is Override Totals.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethodBOY attribute.

    Apportionment Factor Input Method - BOY Group Filing

    This setting applies only when Use Apportionment Factors is selected.  Specify the apportionment factor input method for beginning of year group filing using one of

    the following options:

    • Override Factors—Select this option if you want to input each apportionment factor as well as the applicable weighting related to each of the factors and have the system calculate the weighted average apportionment factor.
    • Override Totals—Select this option if you want to directly input the weighted average apportionment factor.

    The Longview default for this setting is Override Totals.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPAppFactorMethodGroupBOY attribute.

    Regional Rates Input Level

    Specify the input level for regional rates using one of the following values:

    • Region—Select this option if you want to enter tax rates by region and apply these rates to all entities.
    • Region and Entity—Select this option if you want to enter tax rates for the region/entity combination. Use this option when certain entities are subject to different tax rates within the same region.

    The Longview default for this setting is Region.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPRegRatesInputLevel attribute

    Account Default Setting for Multi-Regional Deferred Tax Method

    Specify the default for the Multi-Regional Deferred Tax Method setting in the Current and Deferred Tax editor using one of the following options:

    • Tax Rate—Sets the default to Tax Rate.
    • Apportionment Factors—Sets the default to Apportionment Factors.
    • Both—Sets the default to Both.

    The Longview default for this setting is Both.

    This field sets the ASTaxMSPUseAppFctrDefault attribute.

Configuring symbol defaults

Tax Provision allows you to set defaults for symbols. Generally, the defaults are set for symbols that appear in the administrative editors.

To configure symbol defaults:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Symbol Default section, complete the following fields:
    Time Period Default Setting for Calculation of Regional Provision

    Specify whether the Calculate Regional Provision setting is set to TRUE or FALSE by default for a time period. If you want to change the setting for each time period, you must do so in Longview Application Administrator.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the SZTaxCalcRegionalProvisionTP attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Current/Non-Current

    Specify whether the default setting for the account is Current or Non-Current in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    This setting is available only if the Use Current/Non-Current Setting is selected. If the Use Current/Non-Current Setting is cleared, this setting is automatically set to Non-Current.

    The Longview default for this setting is Current.

    This field sets the ASTaxCurNonCurDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Income/Equity/OCI

    Specify whether the default setting for the account is Income, Equity or OCI in the Current and Deferred Tax editor, the Net Income Before Tax editor, and the Book-Tax Differences editor.

    This setting is available only if the Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting is selected. If the Use Income/Equity/OCI Setting is cleared, this setting is automatically set to Income.

    The Longview default for this setting is Income.

    This field sets the ASTaxIncEqDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Rate Change Treatment

    Specify whether the default setting for rate change treatment is Income, Equity, or OCI in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    This setting is available only if the Use Rate Change Treatment Setting is selected. If the Use Rate Change Treatment Setting is cleared, this setting is automatically set to Income.

    The Longview default for this setting is Income.

    This field sets the ASTaxRateChangeDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Value Entered as Gross

    Specify whether the default setting for the account is to accept deferred tax account values as gross amounts in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    • TRUE—Use this value to use gross amounts and to calculate tax-affected amounts by default.
    • FALSE—Use this value to enter tax-affected amounts by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the ASTaxValGrossDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax National Benefit of Region Calculation

    Specify the default setting for the Include in NBR setting in the Current and Deferred Tax editor.

    • TRUE—Use this value to include accounts in the NBR calculation by default.
    • FALSE—Use this value to exclude accounts from the NBR calculation by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the ASTaxIncludeNBRDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Deferred Tax Asset Sign

    Specify the default sign for deferred tax assets in the Current and Deferred Tax editor. This sign is used when classifying an account as an asset or liability.

    • + classifies a positive amount as an asset and a negative amount as a liability.
    • - classifies a positive amount as a liability and a negative amount as an asset.

    The Longview default for this setting is +.

    This field sets the ASTaxAssetSignDefault attribute.

    Account Default Setting for Automation of Temporary Differences Ending Balances

    This field is available only if Deferred Tax Automation - Automation Method is Temporary Difference.

    Specify the default setting for Automate Temporary Differences Ending Balance in the Current and Deferred Tax editor using one of the following values:

    • TRUE—Selects the Automation of Temporary Differences Ending Balance setting by default.
    • FALSE—Clears the Automation of Temporary Differences Ending Balance setting by default.

    This field sets the ASTaxAutomateTempEOYAcctDefault

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate Regional Provision

    Specify whether Calculate Regional Provision is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate Regional Provision is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate Regional Provision is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalcRegionalProvisionEnt attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate National Benefit of Region

    This field is available only if Entity Default Setting for Calculate Regional Provision is TRUE.

    Specify whether Calculate National Benefit of Region is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate National Benefit of Region is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate National Benefit of Region is cleared by default.

    If Entity Default Setting for Calculate Regional Provision is FALSE, this parameter should also be set to FALSE. The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalculateNBR attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Use Deferred Tax Scheduling

    Specify whether Use Deferred Tax Scheduling is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • Scheduling—Use Deferred Tax Scheduling is selected by default.
    • Regular—Use Deferred Tax Scheduling is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is Regular.

    This field sets the ASTaxDTSchedulingDefault attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate Netting Adjustment

    Specify whether Calculate Netting Adjustment is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate Netting Adjustment is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate Netting adjustment is cleared by default.

    This setting is available only if Use Deferred Tax Netting is selected. If Use Deferred Tax Netting is cleared, this parameter is automatically set to FALSE.

    The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalculateNetting attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Automate Deferred Tax Amounts

    Specify whether Automate Deferred Tax Amounts is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Automate Deferred Tax Amounts is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Automate Deferred Tax Amounts is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxAutomateTempEOY attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Automate Current Tax Amounts

    Specify whether Automate Current Tax Amounts is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Automate Current Tax Amounts is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Automate Current Tax Amounts is cleared by default.

    The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxAutomateCurrentTax attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Automate Loss Carryforward Adjustment

    Specify whether Automate Loss Carry forward Adjustment is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Automate Loss Carry forward Adjustment is selected by default.
    • FALSE—Automate Loss Carry forward

    Adjustment is cleared by default.

    This setting is available only if Use Loss Carry forward Automation is selected.

    If Use Loss Carry forward Automation is cleared, this setting is automatically set to FALSE. The Longview default for this setting is TRUE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxLossCfwdAuto attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for TARF Actual Timeframe

    Specify the default TARF Actual timeframe symbol for the Entities editor. You can specify any child in the TARFTypes hierarchy in the Details dimension.

    The Longview default for this setting is TFActual.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxTARFActualTimeframe attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Calculate Interim

    Specify whether Calculate Interim is selected by default in the Entities editor.

    • TRUE—Calculate Interim is selected by default and TARF Interim Transfer Timeframe is set to TFInterim by default.
    • FALSE—Calculate Interim is cleared by default and TARF Interim Transfer Timeframe is set to TFActuals by default.

    The default value for this setting also applies to time period symbols.

    The Longview default for this setting is FALSE.

    This field sets the default value for the AZTaxCalculateInterim attribute.

    Entity Default Setting for Entity Level for Interim ETR

    This setting is available only if the Entity Level for Interim ETR system setting is set to Defined by Entity.

    Specify the default Entity Level for Interim ETR setting for the Entities editor.

    • Legal Entity
    • Sub-Consolidated

    For information on these settings, see “Entity Level for Interim ETR” in “Configuring Interim settings.”

    The Longview default for this setting is Legal Entity.

Configuring hierarchy settings

Before you can use your Tax Provision system, you must specify hierarchy information for the system.

To configure hierarchy settings:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Hierarchy section, complete the following fields:
    Tax Jurisdiction Hierarchy

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the symbol for the Tax Provision jurisdiction hierarchy. This symbol must be a root. For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is the Jurisdictions hierarchy.

    This field sets the ASTaxJurisdictionHierarchy attribute.

    Partnership Income Account

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the symbol that stores the result of the partnership income calculation. Valid values for this setting are leaf symbols in the NIBTAdj hierarchy.

    The Longview default for this setting is NIBTAdj01.

    This field sets the ASTaxPartnershipIncome attribute.

    NIBT Account Parent Symbol

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the parent symbol to use for net income before tax accounts. Valid values for this setting are parent symbols in the NIBT_LS hierarchy, excluding GPerm, GTemp, and NIBT_LS itself.

    The Longview default for this setting is NIBTAdj.

    This field sets the ASTaxNIBRt attribute.

    Hide Accounts Symbols

    Specify the Accounts symbols that you want to hide when displaying preconfigured input apps. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ).

    List symbols at the level at which they should be hidden. For example, the TempT parent includes both GTemp and StTemp; however, GTemp is found under NIBT_LS as well. If you hide these symbols at the TempT level, GTemp will not be hidden under NIBT_LS.

    This field sets the ASTaxHideAccounts attribute.

    Hide Elements Symbols

    Specify the Elements symbols that you want to hide when displayed in a preconfigured input app. Separate symbol with a pipe ( | ).

    List symbols at the level at which they should be hidden.

    This field sets the ASTaxHideElements attribute.

    Details Provision Parent Symbol

    Specify the provision parent symbol in the DETAILS dimension to restrict the Details drop-down list to in the Default Symbols dialog, which opens from the Longview Tax toolbar, and the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. If you do not specify a provision parent, the system uses DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxUIProvisionDetail attribute.

    Segments Provision Parent Symbol

    Specify the provision parent symbol in the SEGMENTS dimension to restrict the Segments drop-down list to in the Default Symbols dialog, which opens from the Longview Tax toolbar, and the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. If you do not specify a provision parent, the system uses SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxUIProvisionSegment attribute.

    Entities that Load Chart of Accounts Data

    Type a symbol name or use the Symbol Selector to specify the list of symbols in the ENTITIES dimension to which to load chart of accounts data. These symbols must be roots. Separate symbols with a pipe ( | ). For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

    The Longview default for this setting is TENTITIES|PShip.

    This field sets the ASTaxEntitiesCOALoad attribute.

    Details Chart of Accounts Parent Symbol

    Specify the chart of accounts parent symbol in the DETAILS dimension to restrict the Details drop-down list to in the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. You can specify any leaf or parent symbol the Details dimension.

    The Longview default for this setting is DetailsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxCOADetail attribute.

    Segments Chart of Accounts Parent Symbol

    Specify the chart of accounts parent symbol in the Segments dimension to restrict the  segments dropdown list to in the Symbol Selection dialog in input apps and reports. You can specify any leaf or parent symbol in the Segments dimension.

    The Longview default for this setting is SegmentsT.

    This field sets the ASTaxCOASegment attribute.

Configuring rounding factors

Tax Provision rounds calculation amounts based on the settings you specify. You must specify the rounding factor for both integers and percentages.

To configure rounding factors:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Rounding section, complete the following fields:
    Tax Calculation Rounding Factor

    Specify the rounding factor for integers for your Tax Provision system. You can round 0 to 9 decimals.

    The Longview default for this setting is 0.

    This field sets the ASTaxRound attribute.

    Tax Percentage Rounding Factor

    Specify the rounding factor for percentages for your Tax Provision system. You can round 0 to 9 decimals.

    The Longview default for this setting is 4.

    This field sets the ASTaxRdPct attribute.

Configuring folder paths

You can include links to Excel workbooks in the navigation pane in Tax Provision. You must specify the file path for Tax Provision to link to these workbooks.

To configure folder paths:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Folder Path section, complete the following fields:
    Default Browse Folder Path

    Optionally, specify the default file path that should appear in any Tax Provision file browser.

    The Longview default for this setting is the current user’s desktop folder.

    This field sets the ASTaxBrowseFolderPath attribute.

Configuring Global Transparency

To configure global transparency:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Global Transparency section, complete the following fields:
    Country by Country Analytics Period DefaultSelect the Tax Period default for Country-by-Country Analytics:
    • Actuals
    • Return

Configuring Task Management

This section is available in Tax systems with the Task Management component. Refer to section “Configuring Task Management settings” of the Task Management Administrator’s guide for details on configuring these parameters.

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