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Running User And User Group Reports

User and User Group reports allow you to review information for both users and groups within the system. Information supplied by the reports will include names, descriptions, last login activity and a password update history through to system access in terms of authorization and symbol access.

User Reports

You can run a report to review information about the users in your system.

To run a user report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select Users. The users report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report, along with four tabs:

User information

The user information tab provides general information about the users in your system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

User Domain

User’s domain

User Description

User’s description

User Status

The status will be one of:

  • Blank, for an active user
  • “Deleted”, for a user that has been deleted
  • “Deactivated” for a user that has been deactivated
  • “Locked” for a user that has been locked
  • “Deleted, Locked”, for a user that was locked and then deleted
  • “Deleted, Deactivated”, for a user that was deactivated then deleted
  • “Deactivated, Locked”, for a user that was locked then deactivated
  • “Deleted, Deactivated, Locked”, for a user that was locked, then deactivated, then deleted

First Name

User’s first name

Last Name

User’s last name


User’s email address

Office Phone

User’s office phone number

Home Phone

User’s home phone number

Last Login

The last time the user logged into the system

Last Updated

The last time the user’s information was updated (i.e: user’s description or email)


The date the user was created

User password activity

The user password activity tab provides information on when user’s have changed their password. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Password Update History

The date the user changed their password. Multiple password changes would be shown as separate lines in the user password activity tab.

User authorizations

The user authorizations tab provides information on the user’s authorizations in the system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Authorization Name

The name of the authorization

Authorization Description

The description of the authorization

Restricted to Group

The user group to which the authorization is restricted to. This only applies to user administration authorizations. For example, a user may only have the USERRESETPASSWORD authorization restricted to the SampleFinanceGroup.

Authorization Last Updated

The date the authorization was last updated.

User attributes

The user attributes tab provides information on the user’s attribute settings in the system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Attribute Name

The name of the attribute

Attribute Description

The description of the attribute

Attribute Value

The value of the attribute set on the user

Default Numeric Value

The numeric default for this attribute (if the attribute is of a numeric type)

Default String Value

The string default for this attribute (if the attribute is of a string type)

User Group Reports

You can run a report to review information about the groups in your system.

To run a user group report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select User Groups. The User Groups report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report, along with three tabs:

Group information

The group information tab provides general information about the groups in your system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name

Group Description

Group’s description


The date the group was created

Last Updated

The last time the group’s information was updated (i.e: group description)

Group authorizations

The group authorizations tab provides information on the group’s authorizations in the system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name

Authorization Name

The name of the authorization

Authorization Description

The description of the authorization

Restricted to Group

The user group to which the authorization is restricted to. This only applies to user administration authorizations. For example, a group may only have the USERRESETPASSWORD authorization restricted to the SampleFinanceGroup.

Authorization Last Updated

The date the authorization was last updated.

Group members

The group members tab provides information about what users belong to which groups. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name

Group Description

Group’s description

User Name

User’s name

User Domain

User’s domain

User Description

User’s description

User Access Report

You can run a report to review information about user access in your system.

To run a user access report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select User Access.
  5. Select the user you want to view the access for, or select All Users to view all user access. The User Access report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name


The dimension the user has access to


The symbol the user has access to

Access Type

Whether the user has write (W) or read (R) access to the symbol

Access Priority

The priority for the symbol access, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.

Note: A priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

Access Level

How many levels of child symbols below the symbol the user has access to


If this is enabled, the user has all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role in that dimension.

Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Role Name

The name of the access role

User Group Access Report

You can run a report to review information about user group access in your system.

To run a group access report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select User Group Access.
  5. Select the group you want to view the access for, or select All Groups to view all user group access. The User Group Access report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name


The dimension the user group has access to


The symbol the user group has access to

Access Type

Whether the user group has write (W) or read (R) access to the symbol.

Access Priority

The priority for the symbol access, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user group has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user group will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.

Note: A priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

Access Level

How many levels of child symbols below the symbol the user group has access to.


If this is enabled, the user group has all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role in that dimension.

Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Role Name

The name of the access role

Effective User Access Report

You can run a report to review information about the effective user access in your system bringing together user and group access as it applies to the selected user. This is especially helpful when a user belongs to multiple user groups.

To run a user access report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select Effective User Access.
  5. Select the user you want to view the access for, or select All Users to view all user access.
  6. Select the group you want to view the access for, or select All Groups to view all group access. The Effective User Access report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Group Name

Group’s name


The dimension the user has access to within that user group.


The symbol the user has access to within that user group.

Access Type

Whether the user has write (W) or read (R) access to the symbol with that user group.

Access Priority

The priority for the symbol access within that user group, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.

Note: A priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

Access Level

How many levels of child symbols below the symbol the user has access to within that user group.


If this is enabled, the user within that user group has all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role in that dimension.

Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Role Name

The name of the user access role


Running User And User Group Reports

User and User Group reports allow you to review information for both users and groups within the system. Information supplied by the reports will include names, descriptions, last login activity and a password update history through to system access in terms of authorization and symbol access.

User Reports

You can run a report to review information about the users in your system.

To run a user report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select Users. The users report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report, along with four tabs:

User information

The user information tab provides general information about the users in your system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

User Domain

User’s domain

User Description

User’s description

User Status

The status will be one of:

  • Blank, for an active user
  • “Deleted”, for a user that has been deleted
  • “Deactivated” for a user that has been deactivated
  • “Locked” for a user that has been locked
  • “Deleted, Locked”, for a user that was locked and then deleted
  • “Deleted, Deactivated”, for a user that was deactivated then deleted
  • “Deactivated, Locked”, for a user that was locked then deactivated
  • “Deleted, Deactivated, Locked”, for a user that was locked, then deactivated, then deleted

First Name

User’s first name

Last Name

User’s last name


User’s email address

Office Phone

User’s office phone number

Home Phone

User’s home phone number

Last Login

The last time the user logged into the system

Last Updated

The last time the user’s information was updated (i.e: user’s description or email)


The date the user was created

User password activity

The user password activity tab provides information on when user’s have changed their password. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Password Update History

The date the user changed their password. Multiple password changes would be shown as separate lines in the user password activity tab.

User authorizations

The user authorizations tab provides information on the user’s authorizations in the system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Authorization Name

The name of the authorization

Authorization Description

The description of the authorization

Restricted to Group

The user group to which the authorization is restricted to. This only applies to user administration authorizations. For example, a user may only have the USERRESETPASSWORD authorization restricted to the SampleFinanceGroup.

Authorization Last Updated

The date the authorization was last updated.

User attributes

The user attributes tab provides information on the user’s attribute settings in the system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Attribute Name

The name of the attribute

Attribute Description

The description of the attribute

Attribute Value

The value of the attribute set on the user

Default Numeric Value

The numeric default for this attribute (if the attribute is of a numeric type)

Default String Value

The string default for this attribute (if the attribute is of a string type)

User Group Reports

You can run a report to review information about the groups in your system.

To run a user group report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select User Groups. The User Groups report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report, along with three tabs:

Group information

The group information tab provides general information about the groups in your system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name

Group Description

Group’s description


The date the group was created

Last Updated

The last time the group’s information was updated (i.e: group description)

Group authorizations

The group authorizations tab provides information on the group’s authorizations in the system. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name

Authorization Name

The name of the authorization

Authorization Description

The description of the authorization

Restricted to Group

The user group to which the authorization is restricted to. This only applies to user administration authorizations. For example, a group may only have the USERRESETPASSWORD authorization restricted to the SampleFinanceGroup.

Authorization Last Updated

The date the authorization was last updated.

Group members

The group members tab provides information about what users belong to which groups. This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name

Group Description

Group’s description

User Name

User’s name

User Domain

User’s domain

User Description

User’s description

User Access Report

You can run a report to review information about user access in your system.

To run a user access report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select User Access.
  5. Select the user you want to view the access for, or select All Users to view all user access. The User Access report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name


The dimension the user has access to


The symbol the user has access to

Access Type

Whether the user has write (W) or read (R) access to the symbol

Access Priority

The priority for the symbol access, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.

Note: A priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

Access Level

How many levels of child symbols below the symbol the user has access to


If this is enabled, the user has all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role in that dimension.

Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Role Name

The name of the access role

User Group Access Report

You can run a report to review information about user group access in your system.

To run a group access report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select User Group Access.
  5. Select the group you want to view the access for, or select All Groups to view all user group access. The User Group Access report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

Group Name

Group’s name


The dimension the user group has access to


The symbol the user group has access to

Access Type

Whether the user group has write (W) or read (R) access to the symbol.

Access Priority

The priority for the symbol access, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user group has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user group will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.

Note: A priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

Access Level

How many levels of child symbols below the symbol the user group has access to.


If this is enabled, the user group has all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role in that dimension.

Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Role Name

The name of the access role

Effective User Access Report

You can run a report to review information about the effective user access in your system bringing together user and group access as it applies to the selected user. This is especially helpful when a user belongs to multiple user groups.

To run a user access report:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand Security.
  3. Expand Reports.
  4. Select Effective User Access.
  5. Select the user you want to view the access for, or select All Users to view all user access.
  6. Select the group you want to view the access for, or select All Groups to view all group access. The Effective User Access report opens in the workspace.

The number of rows returned and the time and date stamp of when the report was generated will appear at the top of the report.

This report contains the following columns:

Column Description

User Name

User’s name

Group Name

Group’s name


The dimension the user has access to within that user group.


The symbol the user has access to within that user group.

Access Type

Whether the user has write (W) or read (R) access to the symbol with that user group.

Access Priority

The priority for the symbol access within that user group, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.

Note: A priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

Access Level

How many levels of child symbols below the symbol the user has access to within that user group.


If this is enabled, the user within that user group has all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role in that dimension.

Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

Role Name

The name of the user access role

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