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Working With User Groups

User groups help you organize the users in your Longview system. Your Longview system contains some preconfigured user groups, and you can also add custom user groups specific to your company.

For more information on preconfigured user groups, see Understanding Preconfigured Users and User Groups.

Users that are members of a user group receive all access permissions assigned to the user group, in addition to their own permissions. In some circumstances, it may be more practical to set certain access permissions at the user group level to simplify maintenance.

Note: When access permissions differ between a user and a user group that the user is a member of, the user’s access permissions take priority. For example, if a user has write access to a symbol and a user group they are a member of has read-only access to the same symbol, the user’s write access takes priority.

Tasks that involve user groups include:

Note: To access the User Groups editor, you must have User Group Administration authorization at the user or user group level. This authorization can be granted using the Users editor, or the User Groups editor. For more information, see Configuring Users and User Groups Authorization for Users, or Configuring Users and User Groups Authorization for User Groups.

Adding user groups

You can use the User Groups editor to add user groups with permissions that are specific to your company.

To add a user group:

  1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
  2. Click User Group. A new row appears at the bottom of the user groups list.
  3. Complete the following fields:
    1. Name: Type a name for the user group. The user group name:

      • can be a combination of both letters and numbers
      • can have a maximum of 31 characters
      • can include the underscore ( _ )
      • cannot contain spaces
    2. Description: Type a description for the user group. The description can have a maximum of 100 characters.
    3. Profile: This field does not apply, so the only selection available is No Profile.
    4. <No Profile> — No profile is assigned to the user group. This is the default setting.

  • Click Save. The user group appears in the user groups list and the properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
  • To set other properties for the user group, proceed to Modifying User Group Properties.
  • Note: In Longview Tax if you wish to create a group like Administrators that also has access to Tax Editors, you need to list the group in the system attribute ASTaxAdminGroups.

    Modifying user group properties

    The User Groups editor properties area is divided into several sections. Each section allows you to modify a different aspect of the selected user group’s properties.

    Tasks that involve modifying user group properties include:

    Note: The following do not apply if your system is on the ISW platform:

    • Configuring user group application access
    • Configuring user group data access
    • Configuring user group maintenance access
    • Configuring user and groups authorizations for user groups

    Modifying user group information

    You can use the User Groups editor to modify the basic information for an existing user group.

    To modify user group information:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group whose properties you want to modify. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the User Group Information, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Name: Type a new name for the user group. The user group name:

        • can be a combination of both letters and numbers
        • can have a maximum of 31 characters
        • can include the underscore ( _ )
        • cannot contain spaces
      2. Description: Type a new description for the user group. The description can have a maximum of 100 characters. 

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Assigning users to a user group

    You can use the User Groups editor to assign users to an existing user group.

    To assign users to a user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to assign users to. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the User Assignment section, click the Edit button in the Assigned Users field. The User Assignment dialog opens.
    4. Select Assign beside each user that you want to assign to the selected user group.
    5. Click OK. The assigned users appear in the Assigned Users field.
    6. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring symbol access for user groups

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group access to symbols in each of the dimensions in your Longview system.

    Longview recommends that you set symbol access for all dimensions at the user group level, except for the ENTITIES and CURRENCIES dimensions. Longview recommends that you set symbol access for the ENTITIES and CURRENCIES dimensions at the user level.

    For more information, see Configuring Symbol Access for Users.

    To configure user group symbol access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group that you want to configure symbol access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Symbol Access section, click the Edit button to the right of the dimension you want to configure symbol access for. The Symbol Access dialog opens.
    4. For Access, choose one of the following options:
      1. Symbol List: Select this option to specify a list of symbols to give the user group access to. Proceed to step 5.

      2. Inherit Role Access: Select this option to give the user group all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role, for the selected dimension. Proceed to step 9.

      3. Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

  • For Symbol, select a symbol to give the user group access to. You can type the symbol name, use the drop-down list, or use the symbol selector to select the symbol.
  • Click the add button. The selected symbol appears in the symbol list.
  • Modify the following fields as necessary:
    1. Access: Select R (read-only access) or W (write access) from the drop-down list.

    2. Level: Enter a number between 0 and 99 designating how many levels of child symbols below the selected symbol the user group has access to.
    3. Priority: Enter a number greater than zero designating the precedence for the access type, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user group has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user group will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.
    4. Note: Assigning a priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

  • Repeat step 5 to step 7 for each symbol you want to add to the symbol list.

    Note: Click the remove button to remove a selected symbol from the symbol list.

  • When you are finished adding symbols to the symbol list, click OK. The selected symbols appear in the dimension field.
  • Repeat step 3 to step 9 for each dimension that you want to configure symbol access for.
  • When you are finished, click Save.
  • Configuring user group application access

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group access to Longview applications and functionality.

    To configure user group application access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure application access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Application Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Longview Add-In for Office: Select this option to give the user access to the Longview Add-In for Office. If you specify this authorization, links to Excel workbooks in the navigation pane will open using Longview Add-In for Office.

        Note: You must also select the Connect to Application Framework option in the Data Access Authorization section to allow users to access the Longview Add-In for Office.

      2. Longview Add-In for Office - Submit Data: This option is available only if Longview Add-In for Office is selected. Select this option to allow the user group to submit data in the Longview Add-In for Office.

      3. Longview Application Administrator: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Application Administrator.

      4. Longview Analysis and Reporting Role: Select one of the following Longview Analysis and Reporting roles for the user group from the drop-down list:

        • No Access — The user cannot access Longview Analysis and Reporting. This is the default setting.

        • Publisher — Users assigned a Publisher role can create, format, and publish reports.

        • Author — Users assigned an Author role can create their own report views for analysis purposes, and run reports.

        • User — Users assigned a User role can use the reports created by a Publisher to analyze data.

          • For more information, see the Longview Analysis and Reporting Guide.
      5. Longview Dashboard Designer: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Dashboard Designer.

      6. Longview Designer: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Designer.

        Note: You must also select the Connect to Application Framework option in the Data Access Authorization section to allow users to access Longview Designer.

      7. Data Import Apps - Create: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to create data import apps in Longview Designer.

      8. Data Import Apps - Modify: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to edit data import apps in Longview Designer.

      9. Data Import Apps - Delete: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to delete data import apps in Longview Designer.

      10. Data Import Apps - Publish: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to publish Longview Apps in Longview Designer.

      11. Longview Apps - Publish: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to publish Longview Apps in Longview Designer.

      12. Longview Server Manager: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Server Manager.

      13. Start/Stop Servers, Turn On/Off Dynamic Calculations: Select this option to allow the user group to start and stop the servers, and turn Dynamic Calculations on and off.

      14. Longview Workflow Designer: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Workflow Designer.

    4. In the Editors and Tools Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Mappings Editor: Select this option to give the user group access to the Mappings editor.

        Note: You must also select the Connect to Application Framework option in the Data Access Authorization section to allow users to access the Mappings editor.

      2. Mappings Editor - Manage Maps: This option is available only if Mappings Editor is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to create, modify, and delete maps.

      3. Mappings Editor - Manage Mappings: This option is available only if Mappings Editor is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to create, modify, and delete mappings.

    5. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring user group data access

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group authorization related to data access.

    To configure user group data access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure data access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Data Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Connect to Application Framework: Select this option to allow the user group to connect to Longview Application Framework.

        Note: You must select this option to allow user groups to access Longview Apps, Longview Designer, Longview tools and editors, the Longview Add-In for Office, and Longview Client.

      2. View Data: Select this option to allow the user group to view data.

      3. Modify Data: Select this option to allow the user group to modify data.

      4. Delete Comments: Select this option to allow the user group to delete any existing comments in the Data Server. User groups without Delete Comments authorization can delete only their own comments before they are submitted to the database.

        Note: Delete existing comments functionality is available in Data Grids only.

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring user group maintenance access

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group authorization related to maintenance access.

    To configure user group data access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure maintenance access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Maintenance Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Batches and Events: Select this option to give the user group Batches and Events authorization. User groups without Batches and Events authorization can view batches and events using the User Submissions Tool or Longview Client. Users with Batches and Events authorization can:

        • View and delete batches and events in Longview Application Administrator.

        • View and delete batches and events using the User Submissions Tool or Longview Client.

      2. Locks: Select this option to give the user group Locks authorization. Users with Locks authorization can delete any lock in the system with the Data Locks tool, while users without Locks authorization can delete their own locks only.

      3. Rules: Select this option to allow the user group to maintain server rules.

      4. Schedules: Select this option to allow the user group to maintain Schedules.

      5. System Attributes - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create system attributes.

      6. System Attributes - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify system attributes.

      7. System Attributes - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete system attributes.

      8. Symbol Attributes - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create symbol attributes.

      9. Symbol Attributes - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify symbol attributes.

      10. Symbol Attributes - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete symbol attributes.

      11. User Attributes - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create user attributes.

      12. User Attributes - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify user attributes.

      13. User Attributes - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete user attributes.

      14. Symbols - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create symbols.

      15. Symbols - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify symbols.

      16. Symbols - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete symbols.

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring users and user groups authorization for user groups

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group authorization related to other users and user groups.

    Users and user groups authorizations include the following:



    User Administration*

    Allows the user group to add and modify users in the system, via the Users editor.***

    Reset Passwords

    Allows the user group to reset passwords in the system, via the Users editor.***

    User Symbol Access**

    Allows the user group to configure symbol access for users.

    User Group Administration*

    Allows the user group to add and modify user groups in the system, via the User Groups editor.

    User Group Symbol Access**

    Allows the user group to configure symbol access for user groups.

    Role Symbol Access**

    Allows the user group to configure symbol access for symbol access roles in Longview Application Administrator.

    For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

    * User groups can modify only authorizations that they themselves have. For example, if a user group does not have Longview for Excel authorization, they cannot modify that authorization in other users and user groups.

    ** User groups can give symbol access only at a level that they themselves have.

    For more information, see Configuring symbol access for user groups.

    *** To access the Users editor, the user group must have User Administration or Reset Passwords authorization to the AllUsers user group. When User Administration or Reset Passwords authorization is granted at the user group level, authorization to the AllUsers user group is granted automatically.

    For more information on AllUsers, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

    To configure users and user groups authorization:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure users and user groups authorization for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Users & User Groups Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. User Administration: Select this option to allow the user group to add and modify users.

      2. Reset Passwords: If User Administration is selected, Reset Passwords is automatically selected and cannot be cleared. Select this option to allow the user group to reset user passwords.

      3. User Symbol Access: This option is available only if User Administration is selected. Select this option to allow the user group to configure symbol access for users.

      4. User Group Administration: Select this option to allow the user group to add and modify user groups.

      5. User Group Symbol Access: This option is available only if User Group Administration is selected. Select this option to allow the user group to configure symbol access for user groups.

      6. Role Symbol Access: Select this option to allow the user group to configure symbol access for symbol access roles in Longview Application Administrator.

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Copying user group properties

    You can use the User Groups editor to copy user group properties from one user group to another. This functionality is useful when you have added a user group and want to save time by using the properties of an existing user group instead of entering them manually.

    When you copy user group properties, all values in each section in the properties area are copied, except for the following:

    • Name
    • Description

    To copy the properties of an existing user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group whose properties you want to replace. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. Click Copy User Group Properties. The Copy User Group Properties dialog opens.
    4. Select the user group whose properties you want to copy and click Copy. The copied properties appear in the properties area.
    5. Click Save.

    Deleting user groups

    You can use the User Groups editor to delete a user group.

    To delete a user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
    2. Expand System, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    3. In the user groups list, select the user group that you want to delete, and click Delete. A confirmation dialog opens. 

      Caution: You cannot undo the deletion of a user group; you must re-add any deleted user groups.

    4. Click Delete. The user group is removed from the system.

      Note: You cannot undo the deletion of a user group; you must re-add any deleted user groups.


    Working With User Groups

    User groups help you organize the users in your Longview system. Your Longview system contains some preconfigured user groups, and you can also add custom user groups specific to your company.

    For more information on preconfigured user groups, see Understanding Preconfigured Users and User Groups.

    Users that are members of a user group receive all access permissions assigned to the user group, in addition to their own permissions. In some circumstances, it may be more practical to set certain access permissions at the user group level to simplify maintenance.

    Note: When access permissions differ between a user and a user group that the user is a member of, the user’s access permissions take priority. For example, if a user has write access to a symbol and a user group they are a member of has read-only access to the same symbol, the user’s write access takes priority.

    Tasks that involve user groups include:

    Note: To access the User Groups editor, you must have User Group Administration authorization at the user or user group level. This authorization can be granted using the Users editor, or the User Groups editor. For more information, see Configuring Users and User Groups Authorization for Users, or Configuring Users and User Groups Authorization for User Groups.

    Adding user groups

    You can use the User Groups editor to add user groups with permissions that are specific to your company.

    To add a user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. Click User Group. A new row appears at the bottom of the user groups list.
    3. Complete the following fields:
      1. Name: Type a name for the user group. The user group name:

        • can be a combination of both letters and numbers
        • can have a maximum of 31 characters
        • can include the underscore ( _ )
        • cannot contain spaces
      2. Description: Type a description for the user group. The description can have a maximum of 100 characters.
      3. Profile: This field does not apply, so the only selection available is No Profile.
      4. <No Profile> — No profile is assigned to the user group. This is the default setting.

  • Click Save. The user group appears in the user groups list and the properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
  • To set other properties for the user group, proceed to Modifying User Group Properties.
  • Note: In Longview Tax if you wish to create a group like Administrators that also has access to Tax Editors, you need to list the group in the system attribute ASTaxAdminGroups.

    Modifying user group properties

    The User Groups editor properties area is divided into several sections. Each section allows you to modify a different aspect of the selected user group’s properties.

    Tasks that involve modifying user group properties include:

    Note: The following do not apply if your system is on the ISW platform:

    • Configuring user group application access
    • Configuring user group data access
    • Configuring user group maintenance access
    • Configuring user and groups authorizations for user groups

    Modifying user group information

    You can use the User Groups editor to modify the basic information for an existing user group.

    To modify user group information:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group whose properties you want to modify. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the User Group Information, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Name: Type a new name for the user group. The user group name:

        • can be a combination of both letters and numbers
        • can have a maximum of 31 characters
        • can include the underscore ( _ )
        • cannot contain spaces
      2. Description: Type a new description for the user group. The description can have a maximum of 100 characters. 

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Assigning users to a user group

    You can use the User Groups editor to assign users to an existing user group.

    To assign users to a user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to assign users to. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the User Assignment section, click the Edit button in the Assigned Users field. The User Assignment dialog opens.
    4. Select Assign beside each user that you want to assign to the selected user group.
    5. Click OK. The assigned users appear in the Assigned Users field.
    6. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring symbol access for user groups

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group access to symbols in each of the dimensions in your Longview system.

    Longview recommends that you set symbol access for all dimensions at the user group level, except for the ENTITIES and CURRENCIES dimensions. Longview recommends that you set symbol access for the ENTITIES and CURRENCIES dimensions at the user level.

    For more information, see Configuring Symbol Access for Users.

    To configure user group symbol access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group that you want to configure symbol access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Symbol Access section, click the Edit button to the right of the dimension you want to configure symbol access for. The Symbol Access dialog opens.
    4. For Access, choose one of the following options:
      1. Symbol List: Select this option to specify a list of symbols to give the user group access to. Proceed to step 5.

      2. Inherit Role Access: Select this option to give the user group all symbol access assigned to the V3_Compatible_Access role, for the selected dimension. Proceed to step 9.

      3. Note: For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

  • For Symbol, select a symbol to give the user group access to. You can type the symbol name, use the drop-down list, or use the symbol selector to select the symbol.
  • Click the add button. The selected symbol appears in the symbol list.
  • Modify the following fields as necessary:
    1. Access: Select R (read-only access) or W (write access) from the drop-down list.

    2. Level: Enter a number between 0 and 99 designating how many levels of child symbols below the selected symbol the user group has access to.
    3. Priority: Enter a number greater than zero designating the precedence for the access type, where 1 is the highest priority. For example, if a user group has read-only access to a leaf symbol with a priority of 1, but write access to that symbol’s parent with a priority of 50, the user group will have write access to all symbols under the parent with the exception of that read-only leaf symbol.
    4. Note: Assigning a priority of 0 gives precedence to any other non-zero value.

  • Repeat step 5 to step 7 for each symbol you want to add to the symbol list.

    Note: Click the remove button to remove a selected symbol from the symbol list.

  • When you are finished adding symbols to the symbol list, click OK. The selected symbols appear in the dimension field.
  • Repeat step 3 to step 9 for each dimension that you want to configure symbol access for.
  • When you are finished, click Save.
  • Configuring user group application access

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group access to Longview applications and functionality.

    To configure user group application access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure application access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Application Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Longview Add-In for Office: Select this option to give the user access to the Longview Add-In for Office. If you specify this authorization, links to Excel workbooks in the navigation pane will open using Longview Add-In for Office.

        Note: You must also select the Connect to Application Framework option in the Data Access Authorization section to allow users to access the Longview Add-In for Office.

      2. Longview Add-In for Office - Submit Data: This option is available only if Longview Add-In for Office is selected. Select this option to allow the user group to submit data in the Longview Add-In for Office.

      3. Longview Application Administrator: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Application Administrator.

      4. Longview Analysis and Reporting Role: Select one of the following Longview Analysis and Reporting roles for the user group from the drop-down list:

        • No Access — The user cannot access Longview Analysis and Reporting. This is the default setting.

        • Publisher — Users assigned a Publisher role can create, format, and publish reports.

        • Author — Users assigned an Author role can create their own report views for analysis purposes, and run reports.

        • User — Users assigned a User role can use the reports created by a Publisher to analyze data.

          • For more information, see the Longview Analysis and Reporting Guide.
      5. Longview Dashboard Designer: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Dashboard Designer.

      6. Longview Designer: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Designer.

        Note: You must also select the Connect to Application Framework option in the Data Access Authorization section to allow users to access Longview Designer.

      7. Data Import Apps - Create: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to create data import apps in Longview Designer.

      8. Data Import Apps - Modify: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to edit data import apps in Longview Designer.

      9. Data Import Apps - Delete: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to delete data import apps in Longview Designer.

      10. Data Import Apps - Publish: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to publish Longview Apps in Longview Designer.

      11. Longview Apps - Publish: This option is available only if Longview Designer is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to publish Longview Apps in Longview Designer.

      12. Longview Server Manager: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Server Manager.

      13. Start/Stop Servers, Turn On/Off Dynamic Calculations: Select this option to allow the user group to start and stop the servers, and turn Dynamic Calculations on and off.

      14. Longview Workflow Designer: Select this option to give the user group access to Longview Workflow Designer.

    4. In the Editors and Tools Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Mappings Editor: Select this option to give the user group access to the Mappings editor.

        Note: You must also select the Connect to Application Framework option in the Data Access Authorization section to allow users to access the Mappings editor.

      2. Mappings Editor - Manage Maps: This option is available only if Mappings Editor is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to create, modify, and delete maps.

      3. Mappings Editor - Manage Mappings: This option is available only if Mappings Editor is selected. Select this option to give the user group access to create, modify, and delete mappings.

    5. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring user group data access

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group authorization related to data access.

    To configure user group data access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure data access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Data Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Connect to Application Framework: Select this option to allow the user group to connect to Longview Application Framework.

        Note: You must select this option to allow user groups to access Longview Apps, Longview Designer, Longview tools and editors, the Longview Add-In for Office, and Longview Client.

      2. View Data: Select this option to allow the user group to view data.

      3. Modify Data: Select this option to allow the user group to modify data.

      4. Delete Comments: Select this option to allow the user group to delete any existing comments in the Data Server. User groups without Delete Comments authorization can delete only their own comments before they are submitted to the database.

        Note: Delete existing comments functionality is available in Data Grids only.

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring user group maintenance access

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group authorization related to maintenance access.

    To configure user group data access:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure maintenance access for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Maintenance Access Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. Batches and Events: Select this option to give the user group Batches and Events authorization. User groups without Batches and Events authorization can view batches and events using the User Submissions Tool or Longview Client. Users with Batches and Events authorization can:

        • View and delete batches and events in Longview Application Administrator.

        • View and delete batches and events using the User Submissions Tool or Longview Client.

      2. Locks: Select this option to give the user group Locks authorization. Users with Locks authorization can delete any lock in the system with the Data Locks tool, while users without Locks authorization can delete their own locks only.

      3. Rules: Select this option to allow the user group to maintain server rules.

      4. Schedules: Select this option to allow the user group to maintain Schedules.

      5. System Attributes - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create system attributes.

      6. System Attributes - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify system attributes.

      7. System Attributes - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete system attributes.

      8. Symbol Attributes - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create symbol attributes.

      9. Symbol Attributes - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify symbol attributes.

      10. Symbol Attributes - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete symbol attributes.

      11. User Attributes - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create user attributes.

      12. User Attributes - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify user attributes.

      13. User Attributes - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete user attributes.

      14. Symbols - Create: Select this option to allow the user group to create symbols.

      15. Symbols - Modify: Select this option to allow the user group to modify symbols.

      16. Symbols - Delete: Select this option to allow the user group to delete symbols.

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Configuring users and user groups authorization for user groups

    Note: This section does not apply to systems that are on the ISW platform.

    You can use the User Groups editor to give a user group authorization related to other users and user groups.

    Users and user groups authorizations include the following:



    User Administration*

    Allows the user group to add and modify users in the system, via the Users editor.***

    Reset Passwords

    Allows the user group to reset passwords in the system, via the Users editor.***

    User Symbol Access**

    Allows the user group to configure symbol access for users.

    User Group Administration*

    Allows the user group to add and modify user groups in the system, via the User Groups editor.

    User Group Symbol Access**

    Allows the user group to configure symbol access for user groups.

    Role Symbol Access**

    Allows the user group to configure symbol access for symbol access roles in Longview Application Administrator.

    For more information on symbol access roles, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

    * User groups can modify only authorizations that they themselves have. For example, if a user group does not have Longview for Excel authorization, they cannot modify that authorization in other users and user groups.

    ** User groups can give symbol access only at a level that they themselves have.

    For more information, see Configuring symbol access for user groups.

    *** To access the Users editor, the user group must have User Administration or Reset Passwords authorization to the AllUsers user group. When User Administration or Reset Passwords authorization is granted at the user group level, authorization to the AllUsers user group is granted automatically.

    For more information on AllUsers, see the Longview Application Administrator Guide.

    To configure users and user groups authorization:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group you want to configure users and user groups authorization for. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. In the Users & User Groups Authorization section, modify the following fields as necessary:
      1. User Administration: Select this option to allow the user group to add and modify users.

      2. Reset Passwords: If User Administration is selected, Reset Passwords is automatically selected and cannot be cleared. Select this option to allow the user group to reset user passwords.

      3. User Symbol Access: This option is available only if User Administration is selected. Select this option to allow the user group to configure symbol access for users.

      4. User Group Administration: Select this option to allow the user group to add and modify user groups.

      5. User Group Symbol Access: This option is available only if User Group Administration is selected. Select this option to allow the user group to configure symbol access for user groups.

      6. Role Symbol Access: Select this option to allow the user group to configure symbol access for symbol access roles in Longview Application Administrator.

    4. When you are finished, click Save.

    Copying user group properties

    You can use the User Groups editor to copy user group properties from one user group to another. This functionality is useful when you have added a user group and want to save time by using the properties of an existing user group instead of entering them manually.

    When you copy user group properties, all values in each section in the properties area are copied, except for the following:

    • Name
    • Description

    To copy the properties of an existing user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration, expand Security, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    2. In the user groups list, select the user group whose properties you want to replace. The properties area opens in the bottom half of the workspace, displaying the selected user group’s properties with all sections expanded.
    3. Click Copy User Group Properties. The Copy User Group Properties dialog opens.
    4. Select the user group whose properties you want to copy and click Copy. The copied properties appear in the properties area.
    5. Click Save.

    Deleting user groups

    You can use the User Groups editor to delete a user group.

    To delete a user group:

    1. In the navigation pane, click Administration.
    2. Expand System, and then click User Groups. The User Groups editor opens in the workspace.
    3. In the user groups list, select the user group that you want to delete, and click Delete. A confirmation dialog opens. 

      Caution: You cannot undo the deletion of a user group; you must re-add any deleted user groups.

    4. Click Delete. The user group is removed from the system.

      Note: You cannot undo the deletion of a user group; you must re-add any deleted user groups.

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