The Rollover encompasses a group of processes and tools that initializes the system for the next month or the next year.
This section will provide information on the following topics:
- Rollover, create year
- Rollover, delete year
- Rollover, forecast actualization
- Rollover, roll period
- Rollover, roll year end balances
Rollover, create year
Create Year is part of system rollover that creates time period symbols for the next year in a system. Create Year is also used during initial system setup to create the initial years in the system.
Accessing create year
- Select the Consolidate module.
- Select the Administration category.
- Expand Rollover.
- Click Create Year. The Create Year dialog appears.
Creating a year
The Create Year dialog displays the year to be created and provides options for the year to be created.
Note: During initial setup, Create Year will prompt for the year to create. Enter the earliest year to be created. Subsequent executions of create year will create the next chronological year.
Select the time period types to be created. Depending on the setup of the system, the options available will list:
- Budget
- Forecast
Click OK. All required symbols for the time period types selected are created and related attributes are set.
System pattern values are set:
- 4-4-5 pattern.
- Days in month pattern.
Note: Until symbols for type Actual are created, Create Year will display the same year to be created.
Rollover, delete year
Delete Year is part of system rollover that deletes time period symbols for years no longer required for reporting in the system.
Accessing delete year
- Select the Consolidate module.
- Select the Administration category.
- Expand Rollover.
- Click Delete Year. The Delete Year dialog appears
Note: If the system currently contains fewer than three years, you will not be able to delete a year.
Deleting a year
The delete year dialog displays and provides options for the year to be deleted.
- Select the year to be deleted. Default is the earliest year in the system.
Note: The list of years to select from is based on the Actual time period type.
- Select the time period types to delete. Depending on the setup of the system, the options available will list:
- Actual
- Budget
- Forecast
- Click OK. All required symbols for the time period types selected are deleted and related attributes are updated.
Rollover, forecast actualization
Forecast actualization is part of system rollover that copies actual data in your system from the current year open period up to and including the current period, into the equivalent forecast time periods. The forecast actualization process also updates system attributes relative to the newly actualized forecast period.
Accessing forecast actualization
- Select the Consolidate module.
- Select the Administration category.
- Expand Rollover.
- Click Forecast Actualization. The Forecast Actualization dialog appears.
Running forecast actualization
The forecast actualization dialog prompts you to select the actual scenario symbol to copy from as well as the forecast scenario symbol to copy to.
Note: The FROM scenario is a leaf symbol under SCENARIOS_Actual. The TO scenario is a leaf symbol under SCENARIOS_Forecast.
Once the source and target scenarios are selected, you will get a dialog prompt to confirm you want to proceed with actualizing the forecast time periods.
The confirmation dialog will display:
- The actual scenario being copied from.
- The forecast scenario being copied to.
- The actual time period range being copied from.
Note: This would be the current actual open period up to the current actual period activity period.
- The forecast time period range being copied to.
Note: This would be the current forecast open period up to the forecast equivalent of the current actual period activity period.
To actualize the forecast:
- Click Yes.
- The forecast is actualized, performing the following tasks:
- Updates system attributes relative to the newly actualized forecast period.
Attribute Notes SGPForecast
ActualPeriodsUpdated to include up to and including the forecast equivalent of the current actual period.
ForecastPeriodsUpdated to include the forecast periods that have not yet been actualized.
In the case of forecast actualization being done for the last period of the current actual year, the value will be blank.
- Copies the following data from actual to forecast for the selected scenarios:
Accounts Entities Dataviews Currencies Custom Dimensions TB
Note: The following Calculated or Adjustment symbols will be omitted from the actual to forecast copy: CF_FX, CF_Calc, DISCOPS_Calc, DISCOPS_Adj.
- Copies acquisition and disposal balance sheet entries from the last period of actual to the remaining forecast periods, for cash flow calculations.
- Copies the global foreign exchange rates from actual to forecast.
- Copies the override foreign exchange rates from actual to forecast.
Note: All other forecast attributes not listed above will remain unchanged until a period rollover is performed.
For more information, see Rolling the Period.
- Updates system attributes relative to the newly actualized forecast period.
Rollover, roll period
Roll Period is part of system rollover that prepares your Longview system for activities related to the next fiscal period. The roll period process posts any calculated journal entries in the system, advances the period, updates attributes relative to the new period and copies data to the next period. In the case of roll period crossing years, the roll year end balances process is also executed.
Accessing roll period
- Select the Consolidate module.
- Select the Administration category.
- Expand Rollover.
- Click Roll Period. The Roll Period dialog appears.
Rolling the period
The Roll Period dialog confirms that you want to proceed with rolling the period.
In the case of rolling the period in the same fiscal year, the dialog displays:
- The current period.
- The new period.
In the case of rolling the period between fiscal years, the dialog displays:
- The current year.
- The new year.
To roll the period:
- Click Yes.
- The period is rolled, performing the following tasks:
- Posts all review posted calculated journal entries.
- Confirms the period can be rolled.
Note: The period cannot be rolled if there are any un-posted journal entries.
- Rolls the period.
- Copies data to the next period:
- Intercompany investments.
- Acquisition balance sheet.
Note: The acquisition balance sheet is not copied if the roll period crosses a year.
- Sets the neutral foreign exchange rate.
- If the roll period crosses a year, executes the roll year end balances process.
- Updates system attributes relative to the new current period (system attribute SGPCurrentPeriod).
Attribute Notes ASGPBudgetQuarter
Updated to be the budget equivalent of the new actual current quarter.
If the budget equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Updated to be the budget equivalent of the new actual current year.
If the budget equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Updated to be the budget equivalent of the new actual current period.
If the budget equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Updated to be the related period activity period of the new actual current period.
Updated to be the related quarter of the new actual current period.
Updated to be the related year of the new actual current period.
Updated to be the forecast equivalent of the new actual current quarter.
If the forecast equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank
Updated to be the forecast equivalent of the new actual current year.
If the forecast equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Updated to be the forecast equivalent of the new actual current period.
If the forecast equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Updated to be the previous period activity period to the new actual current period activity period.
Updated to be the previous quarter to the new actual current quarter.
Updated to be the previous period to the new actual current period.
Updated to be the prior year to the new actual current year.
Updated to be the prior year equivalent of the current actual period activity period.
Updated to be the prior year equivalent of the current actual quarter.
Updated to be the prior year equivalent of the current actual period.
Updated to be the budget equivalent of the new actual period activity period.
If the budget equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Updated to be the forecast equivalent of the new actual period activity period.
If the forecast equivalent year does not exist, the value will be blank.
Rollover, roll year end balances
Roll Year End Balances is part of system rollover that prepares the open period for a year by copying data from the closing balances of the prior year, resetting continuity account open balances to the end balance, and calculating override rates for foreign exchange as necessary.
Setting up continuity balance rolling
Some accounts in your system might be continuities consisting of:
- an opening balance account, and
- one or more activity accounts.
During the roll year end balances process the account balances are collapsed to the opening balance account, so that only the activity during the year is reflected in the activity accounts. An example of this in every system is retained earnings.
To configure continuity balance rolling:
- Start Application Administrator.
- Navigate to Symbols > ACCOUNTS.
- Locate the continuity account parent. For example, RE - Retained Earnings.
- Right-click on the account and select Properties.
- Click the Attributes tab.
- Locate the attribute named AZROOpenAccount and click in the Value cell.
- Click the button to open the symbol selector and select the open balance account (or type the related open balance account name).
- Click OK.
- Repeat steps 3-8 for additional continuity accounts.
- Select Actions > Maintenance to toggle maintenance mode to off.
Note: You can also set this attribute procedurally using an app or application framework.
Accessing roll year end balances
- Select the Consolidate module.
- Select the Administration category.
- Expand Rollover.
- Click Roll Year End Balances. The Roll Year End Balances dialog appears.
Rolling year end balances
The roll year end balances dialog displays the source period and target open period to roll balances to.
- Select the target open period to roll the year end balances to as well as the source period containing the year end balances and click OK.
Note: If the target open period selected was a budget or forecast period, you will have the option to select the source and target scenario corresponding to the source and target periods selected. If the target open period selected was an actual period, all actual scenarios will be copied.
- A confirmation appears displaying the source and target periods as well as the source and target scenarios. Click Yes to proceed.
- The target open period is populated:
- The closing balance sheet in the source period is copied.
- All configured continuity accounts in the balance sheet are rolled.
- Global foreign exchange rates are copied from the source period.
- Override rates are calculated as required in the open period.
- Intercompany transactions are copied from the source period for any accounts requiring override rates.
A message is displayed when the process is complete.
Note: A recalculation is required to apply the updated exchange rates.