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Reviewing the deferred tax account reports

Tax Provision calculates a detailed deferred tax and deferred tax charge. Deferred taxes and tax charges are calculated by legal entity and temporary difference.

Deferred Tax Account report (NA1401)

This report contains tax-affected data for the accounts that appear in the Temporary Differences input app (NA1301) and report.

Tax Provision automatically calculates the deferred tax based on the values in the Temporary Differences input app (NA1301) and the Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201). The Tax Administrator designates temporary differences as either current or non-current, if required, in order to correctly classify the resulting deferred tax asset / (liability).

The deferred tax account shows a rollforward of the deferred tax activity from the beginning of the year to the end of the period for temporary differences, long-term capital losses, tax losses, and tax credits.

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

Note: If an element has a related Grs element, the Net element is the after-tax value of that Grs element.

  • NetNBOY_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsBOY_IAS—Opening Balance.
  • NetNDTNRPY_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Not Recognisable

    This column reflects the deferred tax not recognised from the prior year. These values are populated from the rollover process.
  • NetNBOYU_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Unadjusted

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNBOY_IAS and NetNDTNRPY_IAS.
  • NetNBRBOY_IAS—NBR BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This column represents the national benefit of region for the beginning of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the beginning of year Regional deferred balance by the applicable beginning of year national deferred tax rate.
  • NetNPYAdj_IAS—Prior Year Adjustments

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsPYAdj_IAS—Prior Year Adjustments.
  • NetNRTPCurDfd_IAS—True Up

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsRTPCurDfd_IAS—True Up.
  • NetNBRPY_IAS—NBR Prior Year Adjustment

    This column is the national benefit of region for the prior year activity. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the Regional prior year adjustment and Regional True-Up adjustment multiplied by the current year national tax rate.
  • NetNPYT_IAS—Prior Year Charge

    This is the total after-tax prior year charge amount.
  • NetNBOYA_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) as adjusted

    This is the total opening balance as adjusted.
  • NetNAcqPR_IAS—Acquisitions - Prior

    This column represents the acquisitions that were reflected from an earlier period within the same year, and is populated through the rollover process.
  • NetNAcqCUR_IAS—Acquisitions - Current

    This column represents the value of deferred tax balances acquired. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303).
  • NetNAcq_IAS—Acquisitions

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNAcqPR_IAS and NetNAcqCUR_IAS.
  • NetNRCAcqPR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR Reversal

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • NetNRCAcqCR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR Reversal

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents NetNRCAcqC_IAS_Input—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRCAcqTR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ Reversal

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCAcqPR_IAS and NetNRCAcqCR_IAS.
  • NetNDisp_IAS—Disposals

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsDisp_IAS—Disposals.
  • NetNCY_IAS—Current Year Movement

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCY_IAS—Current Year (Income Statement).
  • NetNCYOthCurDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (CT & DT Impact)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCYOthCurDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (CT & DT Impact).
  • NetNCYOthDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (DT Impact)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCYOthDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (DT Impact).
  • NetNCYTrfr_IAS—Transfers

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCYTrfr_IAS—Transfers.
  • NetNUDiff_IAS—Unexplained - Impact Provision

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Impact Provision.
  • NetNDTNRChg_IAS—Change in Deferred Tax Not Recognisable

    This column is calculated and is equal to the negative value in column NetNUR_IAS - NetNDTNRPY_IAS for accounts classified as income. These columns are reflected in the Deferred Tax Not Recognised - Proof report (NA1406).
  • NetNRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Opening Balances)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year gross temporary difference balance (GrsBOY_IAS—Opening Balance) multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates.
  • NetNRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Movement)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate.
  • NetNRCAcqP_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • NetNRCAcqC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents the value in NetNRCAcqC_IAS— Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR.
  • NetNRCAcqT_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCAcqP_IAS and NetNRCAcqC_IAS.
  • NetNRC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCBOY_IAS, NetNRCCY_IAS, and NetNRCAcqT_IAS.
  • NetNBRCYT_IAS—NBR Current Year Movement

    This column is the national benefit of region for the current year activity impacting the P/L. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the Regional current year activity multiplied by the current year national tax rate.
  • NetNCYT_IAS—Total Current Year Movement

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNCY_IAS, NetNCYOtherCurDfd_IAS, NetNCYOthDfd_IAS, NetNCYTrfr_IAS, NetNUDiff_IAS, NetNDTNRChg_IAS, NetNRC_IAS, and NetNBRCYT_IAS.

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsOCI_IAS—OCI.
  • NetNRTPOCICurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsRTPOCICurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items).
  • NetNDTNRCOCI_IAS—Change in Deferred Tax Not Recognisable - OCI

    This column is calculated and is equal to the value in column NetNDTNR_IAS less the value in column NetNDTNRPY_IAS for accounts classified as OCI. These columns are reflected in the Deferred Tax Not Recognised - Proof report (NA1406).
  • NetNOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI.
  • NetNOCIRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Opening Balances)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as OCI.
  • NetNOCIRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Movement)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • NetNOCIRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI

    This is the total change in tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • NetNBROCI_IAS—OCI NBR Adjustment

    This column is the national benefit of region for the OCI activity. It is calculated by multiplying the Regional OCI activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate
  • NetNCTABOY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Opening Balance)

    This column is populated when this report is viewed in a reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the beginning of year deferred tax translated at the beginning of year spot rate and the end of period spot rate.
  • NetNCTACY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Movement)

    This column is populated when this report is viewed in reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the current year deferred tax activity translated at the end of year period rate and the current year deferred tax activity translated at the average rate.
  • NetNCTAT_IAS—Foreign Exchange Movement

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNCTABOY_IAS and NetNCTACY_IAS.
  • NetNOCIT_IAS—Total OCI

    This is the total after-tax OCI amount.
  • NetNEQ_IAS—Equity

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsEq_IAS—Equity.
  • NetNRTPEQCurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of Equity Items)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsRTPEqCurDfd_IAS—True-up (CT & DT Impact of Equity Items)
  • NetNDTNRCEq_IAS—Deferred Tax Not Recognisable - IFRS Equity Adjustments

    This column is calculated and is equal to the value in column NetNDTNR_IAS - NetNDTNRPY_IAS for accounts classified as equity. These columns are reflected in the Deferred Tax Not Recognised - Proof report (NA1406).
  • NetNEQOth_IAS—Other Equity

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsEQOth_IAS—Other Equity.
  • NetNUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Equity

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Equity.
  • NetNEqRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Opening Balances)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as equity.
  • NetNEqRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Movement)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as equity.
  • NetNEqRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity

    This is the sum of NetNEqRCBOY_IAS and NetNEqRCCY_IAS.
  • NetNBREq_IAS—Equity NBR Adjustment

    This column is the national benefit of region for the equity activity. It is calculated by multiplying the Regional equity activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • NetNEQT_IAS—Total Equity

    This column is the total of the equity accounts.
  • NetNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This is the total deferred tax balance at the end of the year.
  • NetNRSTA_IAS—Deferred Tax Asset – Short-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term asset. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term asset multiplied by the applicable ending deferred tax rate.
  • NetNBRRSTA_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Asset - Short-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional short term asset deferred tax balance and equals the regional short term asset deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRSTAT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Asset - Short-term

    This is the total short-term deferred tax asset amount.
  • NetNRLTA_IAS—Deferred Tax Asset – Long-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term asset. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term asset multiplied by the applicable ending deferred rate.
  • NetNBRRLTA_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Asset - Long-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional long term asset deferred tax balance. It equals the regional long term asset deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRLTAT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Asset - Long-term

    This is the total long-term deferred tax asset amount.
  • NetNRSTL_IAS—Deferred Tax Liability – Short-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term liability. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term liability multiplied by the applicable ending deferred rate.
  • NetNBRRSTL_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Liability - Short-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional short-term liability deferred tax balance. It equals the regional short-term liability deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRSTLT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Liability - Short-term

    This is the total short-term deferred tax liability amount.
  • NetNRLTL_IAS—Deferred Tax Liability – Long-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term liability. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term liability multiplied by the applicable ending deferred rate.
  • NetNBRRLTL_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Liability - Long-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional long-term liability deferred tax balance. It equals the regional long-term liability deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRLTLT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Liability - Long-term

    This is the total long-term deferred tax liability amount.
  • NetNTRec_IAS—Deferred Tax Recognisable

    This is the total recognisable deferred tax amount.

To review the Deferred Tax Account report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1401 - Deferred Tax Account.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

Deferred Tax Recognised - Scheduling report (NA1402)

Entities using the deferred tax scheduling methodology use the same format and calculations as the deferred tax rollforward with the following differences:

  • The end of period deferred tax balance is based on the sum of the deferred tax balances for each of the scheduled years. Since the tax rates may differ during the years over which the temporary difference is expected to reverse, the ending balance is a sum of the calculated deferred tax balances for each year.
  • The tax rate change is based on the average deferred tax rate calculated by dividing the ending deferred tax balance as calculated by the end of period gross temporary difference and not on the deferred tax rates entered in the Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201).

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • NetNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This hierarchy represents the closing deferred tax asset/liability. For more information on the symbols in this hierarchy, see “Deferred Tax Account report (NA1401)
  • NetNEOY1_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 1

    This column represents the amount reversing in the first year.
  • NetNEOYNBR1_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 1

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the first year.
  • NetNEOYT1_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 1

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the first year.
  • NetNEOY2_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 2

    This column represents the amount reversing in the second year.
  • NetNEOYNBR2_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 1

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the second year.
  • NetNEOYT2_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 1

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the second year.
  • NetNEOY3_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 3

    This column represents the amount reversing in the third year.
  • NetNEOYNBR3_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 3

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the third year.
  • NetNEOYT3_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 3

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the third year.
  • NetNEOY4_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 4

    This column represents the amount reversing in the fourth year.
  • NetNEOYNBR4_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 4

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the fourth year.
  • NetNEOYT4_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 4

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the fourth year.
  • NetNEOY5_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 5

    This column represents the amount reversing in the fifth year.
  • NetNEOYNBR5_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 5

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the fifth year.
  • NetNEOYT5_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 5

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the fifth year.
  • NetNTYR_IAS—Total Amount Reversing Years

    This column represents the total amount reversing over the five year period.

To review the Deferred Tax Recognised - Scheduling report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1402 - Deferred Tax Recognised - Scheduling.lvapp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account data for each scheduling period.

    For information on the accounts in this report, see “Temporary Differences input app (NA1301)”.

Deferred Tax - for Tax Account Rollforward report (NA1404)

This report shows the breakdown of the deferred tax rollforward into further detail for each Element, for use in Tax Account Rollforward mappings.

The deferred tax rollforward is classified as one of the following classifications:

  • Current Deferred Tax Asset
  • Current Deferred Tax Liability
  • Non-Current Deferred Tax Asset
  • Non-Current Deferred Tax Liability

The classification of these items is based on:

  • The “Current or Non-Current” column. This setting determines whether the balance is classified in the current or non-current columns.
  • The balance in symbol RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised. If this balance is positive, the amount is classified as an asset. If this balance is negative, the amount is classified as a liability.

The deferred tax ending balance is considered an asset for all deferred tax accounts except valuation allowances if the value in element RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised is greater than zero. For the valuation allowance accounts, the balance is treated as an offset to the asset balance if the value in element RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised is less than zero. Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.

Administrators can use the Current and Deferred Tax editor to indicate the account level at which the classification of the deferred tax balances is determined. The highest level account selected is used as the classification level. For example:

  • If you want deferred tax balances to be classified at each temporary difference, select a classification level for each temporary difference account.
  • If you want deferred tax balances to be classified at the total GAAP/IFRS to STAT temporary difference level, select the classification level at the GAAP/IFRS to STAT parent temporary difference account. This overrides the classification level setting at the temporary difference account level below the parent level GAAP/IFRS to STAT temporary difference.

For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

In addition to the above classification processes, Tax Provision also reviews the classification of balances between the end of the period and the beginning of the year to determine if there has been a change in the overall classification of deferred balances (i.e. current asset at beginning of year is a current liability at the end of the period). If there is a classification change, the reclass elements provide the adjustment that is mapped to the Tax Account Rollforward to automate the reclassification adjustment (reflected in the Reclassification of Deferred Tax Accounts row of the tax account rollforward).

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised
    This parent contains the same symbols as the “Deferred Tax Recognised report (NA1405)”.

  • RecNClass_IAS—National Tax Classification - Recognised
    The parent element of the classified deferred tax rollforwards for Current Asset - Recognised, Current Liability - Recognised, Non-Current Asset - Recognised, and Non-Current Liability - Recognised, along with their related reclass adjustments.

To review the national actual Deferred Tax - for Tax Account Rollforward report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1404 - Deferred Tax - for Tax Account Rollforward.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For detailed information on the accounts in this report, see “Temporary Differences input app (NA1301)”.

Deferred Tax Recognised report (NA1405)

This report provides the recognised portion of the Deferred Tax Account report (NA1401) which is used to populate the Effective Tax Rate reports and Tax Account Rollforward. This report represents the after-tax values of the amounts in the Temporary Differences Recognised report (NA1306).

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • RecNBOY_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised beginning of year deferred tax asset / liability. This balance is equal to the amount in the recognised beginning of year gross temporary difference column multiplied by the applicable beginning of year deferred tax rate.
  • RecNBRBOY_IAS—NBR BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - Recognised

    This column represents the national benefit of region for the recognised beginning of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the beginning of year recognised regional deferred balance by the applicable beginning of year national deferred tax rate.
  • RecNPYAdj_IAS—Prior Year Adjustments - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the recognised gross prior year adjustment. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference prior year adjustment column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRTPCurDfd_IAS—True Up - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised gross true-up adjustment. This balance is equal to the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference true-up column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNBRPY_IAS—NBR Prior Year Adjustment - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised prior year activity. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the recognised regional prior year adjustment and recognised regional true-up adjustment multiplied by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNPYT_IAS—Prior Year Charge - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNPYAdj_IAS, RecNRTPCurDfd_IAS, and RectNBRPY_IAS.
  • RecNBOYA_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) as Adjusted - Recognised

    This is a total recognised opening balance as adjusted. This value is calculated and is the sum of RecNBOY_IAS, RecNBRBOY_IAS, and RecNPYT_IAS.
  • RecNAcqPR_IAS—Acquisitions Prior - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised acquisitions that were reflected from an earlier period within the current tax year and is populated through the rollover process.
  • RecNAcqCur_IAS—Acquisitions Current - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised value of the deferred tax balances acquired. The value is based on the information in the Acquisitions input app (NA1303).
  • RecNAcq_IAS—Acquisitions - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNAcqPR_IAS and RecNAcqCur_IAS.
  • RecNRCAcqPR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR Reversal - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • RecNRCAcqCR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR Reversal - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents NetNRCAcqC_IAS multiplied by -1.
  • RecNRCAcqTR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ Reversal - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCAcqPR_IAS and NetNRCAcqCR_IAS.
  • RecNDisp_IAS—Disposals - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the disposals column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNCY_IAS—Current Year Movement - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the current year movement column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNCYOthCurDfd_IAS—Other Adjustment (CT & DT Impact) - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the Other Adjustment – CT & DT Impact column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNCYOthDfd_IAS—Other Adjustment (DT Impact) - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the Other Adjustment – DT Impact column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNPYDTNR_IAS—Change in DTR Percentage - P/L - Recognised

    This element reports any adjustment to the national recognised opening deferred tax balances to reflect that the proportion of deferred tax recognised in the current period has changed compared to the prior period. Whereas the other elements within the report reflect the amount of activity recognised within a single value, any adjustments to the opening balances are shown separately to ensure that the opening recognised balances, the first column of data in the report, match the closing recognised balances in the prior period. This column will be used where the deferred tax account is set to INCOME.
  • RecNCYTrfr_IAS—Transfers - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the transfers column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNUDiff_IAS—Unexplained - Impact Provision - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the Unexplained - impact provision column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Opening Balances) - Recognised

    This column is generally calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year recognised gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates.
  • RecNRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is generally calculated by the system and is equal to the recognised current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRCAcqP_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • RecNRCAcqC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents the value in NetNRCAcqC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rate ACQ CUR.
  • RecNRCAcqT_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNRCAcqP_IAS and RecNRCAcqC_IAS.
  • RecNRC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNRCBOY_IAS, RecNRCCY_IAS, and RecNRCAcqT_IAS.
  • RecNBRCYT_IAS—NBR Current Year Movement - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised current year activity impacting the P/L. It is calculated by multiplying the recognised regional current year activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNCYT_IAS—Total Current Year Movement - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNCY_IAS, RecNCYOtherCurDfd_IAS, RecNCYOthDfd_IAS, RecNCYTrfr_IAS, RecNUDiff_IAS, RecNRC_IAS, and RecNBRCYT_IAS.
  • RecNEQ_IAS—Equity - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the equity column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRTPEQCurDfd_IAS—True-up (CT & DT Impact of Equity Items) - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the equity trueup column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate for accounts classified as equity.
  • RecNPYDTNREQ_IAS—Change in DTR Percentage - Equity - Recognised

    This column reports any adjustment to the national recognised opening deferred tax balances to reflect that the proportion of deferred tax recognised in the current period has changed compared to the prior period. Whereas the other elements within the report reflect the amount of activity recognised within a single value, any adjustments to the opening balances are shown separately to ensure that the opening recognised balances match the closing recognised balances in the prior period. This column will be used where the deferred tax account is set as EQUITY.
  • RecNEQOth_IAS—Other Equity - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the other equity column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Equity - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the unexplained - equity column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNEqRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Opening Balances) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year recognised gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as equity.
  • RecNEqRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the recognised current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as equity.
  • RecNEqRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNEqRCBOY_IAS and RecNEqRCCY_IAS.
  • RecNBREq_IAS—Equity NBR Adjustment - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised equity activity. It is calculated by multiplying the recognised regional equity activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNEQT_IAS—Total Equity - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNEQ_IAS, RecNRTPEQCurDfd_IAS, RecNEQOth_IAS, RecNCTAT_IAS, RecNEqRCT_IAS, and RecNBREq_IAS.
  • RecNOCI_IAS—OCI - Recognised

    This column represents the after-tax value of RecOCI_IAS—OCI - Recognised.
  • RecNRTPOCICurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items) - Recognised

    This column represents the after-tax value of RecRTPOCICurDfd_IAS— True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items) - Recognised.
  • RecNPYDTNROCI_IAS—Change in DTR Percentage - OCI - Recognised

    This column reports any adjustment to the national recognised opening deferred tax balances to reflect that the proportion of deferred tax recognised in the current period has changed compared to the prior period. Whereas the other elements within the report reflect the amount of activity recognised within a single value, any adjustments to the opening balances are shown separately to ensure that the opening recognised balances match the closing recognised balances in the prior period. This column will be used where the deferred tax account is classified as OCI.
  • RecNOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI - Recognised

    This column represents the aftertax value of RecOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI - Recognised.
  • RecNOCIRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Opening Balances) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year recognised gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNOCIRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the recognised current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNOCIRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI - Recognised

    This is the total change in tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNBROCI_IAS—OCI NBR Adjustment - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised OCI activity. It is calculated by multiplying the recognised regional OCI activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNCTABOY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Opening Balance) - Recognised

    This column is populated when the report is viewed in reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the recognised beginning of year deferred tax translated at the beginning of year spot rate and end of period spot rate.
  • RecNCTACY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is populated when the report is viewed in reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the recognised current year deferred tax activity translated at the end of period spot rate and the recognised current year deferred tax activity translated at the average rate.
  • RecNCTAT_IAS—Foreign Exchange Movement - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNCTABOY_IAS and RecNCTACY_IAS.
  • RecNOCIT_IAS—Total OCI - Recognised

    This is the total recognised portion for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - Recognised

    This is the deferred tax balance at the end of the year. This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNBOYA_IAS, RecNACQ_IAS, RecNRCACQTR_IAS, RecNDisp_IAS, RecNCYT_IAS, and RecNEQT_IAS.

To review the Deferred Tax Recognised report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1405 - Deferred Tax Recognised.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the deferred tax recognised for your entity.


Reviewing the deferred tax account reports

Tax Provision calculates a detailed deferred tax and deferred tax charge. Deferred taxes and tax charges are calculated by legal entity and temporary difference.

Deferred Tax Account report (NA1401)

This report contains tax-affected data for the accounts that appear in the Temporary Differences input app (NA1301) and report.

Tax Provision automatically calculates the deferred tax based on the values in the Temporary Differences input app (NA1301) and the Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201). The Tax Administrator designates temporary differences as either current or non-current, if required, in order to correctly classify the resulting deferred tax asset / (liability).

The deferred tax account shows a rollforward of the deferred tax activity from the beginning of the year to the end of the period for temporary differences, long-term capital losses, tax losses, and tax credits.

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

Note: If an element has a related Grs element, the Net element is the after-tax value of that Grs element.

  • NetNBOY_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsBOY_IAS—Opening Balance.
  • NetNDTNRPY_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Not Recognisable

    This column reflects the deferred tax not recognised from the prior year. These values are populated from the rollover process.
  • NetNBOYU_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Unadjusted

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNBOY_IAS and NetNDTNRPY_IAS.
  • NetNBRBOY_IAS—NBR BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This column represents the national benefit of region for the beginning of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the beginning of year Regional deferred balance by the applicable beginning of year national deferred tax rate.
  • NetNPYAdj_IAS—Prior Year Adjustments

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsPYAdj_IAS—Prior Year Adjustments.
  • NetNRTPCurDfd_IAS—True Up

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsRTPCurDfd_IAS—True Up.
  • NetNBRPY_IAS—NBR Prior Year Adjustment

    This column is the national benefit of region for the prior year activity. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the Regional prior year adjustment and Regional True-Up adjustment multiplied by the current year national tax rate.
  • NetNPYT_IAS—Prior Year Charge

    This is the total after-tax prior year charge amount.
  • NetNBOYA_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) as adjusted

    This is the total opening balance as adjusted.
  • NetNAcqPR_IAS—Acquisitions - Prior

    This column represents the acquisitions that were reflected from an earlier period within the same year, and is populated through the rollover process.
  • NetNAcqCUR_IAS—Acquisitions - Current

    This column represents the value of deferred tax balances acquired. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303).
  • NetNAcq_IAS—Acquisitions

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNAcqPR_IAS and NetNAcqCUR_IAS.
  • NetNRCAcqPR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR Reversal

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • NetNRCAcqCR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR Reversal

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents NetNRCAcqC_IAS_Input—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRCAcqTR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ Reversal

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCAcqPR_IAS and NetNRCAcqCR_IAS.
  • NetNDisp_IAS—Disposals

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsDisp_IAS—Disposals.
  • NetNCY_IAS—Current Year Movement

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCY_IAS—Current Year (Income Statement).
  • NetNCYOthCurDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (CT & DT Impact)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCYOthCurDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (CT & DT Impact).
  • NetNCYOthDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (DT Impact)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCYOthDfd_IAS—Other Adjustments (DT Impact).
  • NetNCYTrfr_IAS—Transfers

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsCYTrfr_IAS—Transfers.
  • NetNUDiff_IAS—Unexplained - Impact Provision

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Impact Provision.
  • NetNDTNRChg_IAS—Change in Deferred Tax Not Recognisable

    This column is calculated and is equal to the negative value in column NetNUR_IAS - NetNDTNRPY_IAS for accounts classified as income. These columns are reflected in the Deferred Tax Not Recognised - Proof report (NA1406).
  • NetNRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Opening Balances)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year gross temporary difference balance (GrsBOY_IAS—Opening Balance) multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates.
  • NetNRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Movement)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate.
  • NetNRCAcqP_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • NetNRCAcqC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents the value in NetNRCAcqC_IAS— Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR.
  • NetNRCAcqT_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCAcqP_IAS and NetNRCAcqC_IAS.
  • NetNRC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCBOY_IAS, NetNRCCY_IAS, and NetNRCAcqT_IAS.
  • NetNBRCYT_IAS—NBR Current Year Movement

    This column is the national benefit of region for the current year activity impacting the P/L. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the Regional current year activity multiplied by the current year national tax rate.
  • NetNCYT_IAS—Total Current Year Movement

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNCY_IAS, NetNCYOtherCurDfd_IAS, NetNCYOthDfd_IAS, NetNCYTrfr_IAS, NetNUDiff_IAS, NetNDTNRChg_IAS, NetNRC_IAS, and NetNBRCYT_IAS.

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsOCI_IAS—OCI.
  • NetNRTPOCICurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsRTPOCICurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items).
  • NetNDTNRCOCI_IAS—Change in Deferred Tax Not Recognisable - OCI

    This column is calculated and is equal to the value in column NetNDTNR_IAS less the value in column NetNDTNRPY_IAS for accounts classified as OCI. These columns are reflected in the Deferred Tax Not Recognised - Proof report (NA1406).
  • NetNOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI.
  • NetNOCIRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Opening Balances)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as OCI.
  • NetNOCIRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Movement)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • NetNOCIRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI

    This is the total change in tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • NetNBROCI_IAS—OCI NBR Adjustment

    This column is the national benefit of region for the OCI activity. It is calculated by multiplying the Regional OCI activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate
  • NetNCTABOY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Opening Balance)

    This column is populated when this report is viewed in a reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the beginning of year deferred tax translated at the beginning of year spot rate and the end of period spot rate.
  • NetNCTACY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Movement)

    This column is populated when this report is viewed in reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the current year deferred tax activity translated at the end of year period rate and the current year deferred tax activity translated at the average rate.
  • NetNCTAT_IAS—Foreign Exchange Movement

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNCTABOY_IAS and NetNCTACY_IAS.
  • NetNOCIT_IAS—Total OCI

    This is the total after-tax OCI amount.
  • NetNEQ_IAS—Equity

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsEq_IAS—Equity.
  • NetNRTPEQCurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of Equity Items)

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsRTPEqCurDfd_IAS—True-up (CT & DT Impact of Equity Items)
  • NetNDTNRCEq_IAS—Deferred Tax Not Recognisable - IFRS Equity Adjustments

    This column is calculated and is equal to the value in column NetNDTNR_IAS - NetNDTNRPY_IAS for accounts classified as equity. These columns are reflected in the Deferred Tax Not Recognised - Proof report (NA1406).
  • NetNEQOth_IAS—Other Equity

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsEQOth_IAS—Other Equity.
  • NetNUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Equity

    This column represents the after-tax value of GrsUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Equity.
  • NetNEqRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Opening Balances)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as equity.
  • NetNEqRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Movement)

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as equity.
  • NetNEqRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity

    This is the sum of NetNEqRCBOY_IAS and NetNEqRCCY_IAS.
  • NetNBREq_IAS—Equity NBR Adjustment

    This column is the national benefit of region for the equity activity. It is calculated by multiplying the Regional equity activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • NetNEQT_IAS—Total Equity

    This column is the total of the equity accounts.
  • NetNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This is the total deferred tax balance at the end of the year.
  • NetNRSTA_IAS—Deferred Tax Asset – Short-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term asset. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term asset multiplied by the applicable ending deferred tax rate.
  • NetNBRRSTA_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Asset - Short-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional short term asset deferred tax balance and equals the regional short term asset deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRSTAT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Asset - Short-term

    This is the total short-term deferred tax asset amount.
  • NetNRLTA_IAS—Deferred Tax Asset – Long-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term asset. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term asset multiplied by the applicable ending deferred rate.
  • NetNBRRLTA_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Asset - Long-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional long term asset deferred tax balance. It equals the regional long term asset deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRLTAT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Asset - Long-term

    This is the total long-term deferred tax asset amount.
  • NetNRSTL_IAS—Deferred Tax Liability – Short-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term liability. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a short-term liability multiplied by the applicable ending deferred rate.
  • NetNBRRSTL_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Liability - Short-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional short-term liability deferred tax balance. It equals the regional short-term liability deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRSTLT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Liability - Short-term

    This is the total short-term deferred tax liability amount.
  • NetNRLTL_IAS—Deferred Tax Liability – Long-term

    This column represents the tax impact of the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term liability. It equals the gross temporary difference balance classified as a long-term liability multiplied by the applicable ending deferred rate.
  • NetNBRRLTL_IAS—NBR Deferred Tax Liability - Long-term

    This column represents the NBR impact of the regional long-term liability deferred tax balance. It equals the regional long-term liability deferred tax balance multiplied by the ending national tax rate multiplied by -1.
  • NetNRLTLT_IAS—Total Deferred Tax Liability - Long-term

    This is the total long-term deferred tax liability amount.
  • NetNTRec_IAS—Deferred Tax Recognisable

    This is the total recognisable deferred tax amount.

To review the Deferred Tax Account report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1401 - Deferred Tax Account.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see Temporary Difference elements or Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

Deferred Tax Recognised - Scheduling report (NA1402)

Entities using the deferred tax scheduling methodology use the same format and calculations as the deferred tax rollforward with the following differences:

  • The end of period deferred tax balance is based on the sum of the deferred tax balances for each of the scheduled years. Since the tax rates may differ during the years over which the temporary difference is expected to reverse, the ending balance is a sum of the calculated deferred tax balances for each year.
  • The tax rate change is based on the average deferred tax rate calculated by dividing the ending deferred tax balance as calculated by the end of period gross temporary difference and not on the deferred tax rates entered in the Tax Rates input app (XNC0201 or XNC1201).

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • NetNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability)

    This hierarchy represents the closing deferred tax asset/liability. For more information on the symbols in this hierarchy, see “Deferred Tax Account report (NA1401)
  • NetNEOY1_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 1

    This column represents the amount reversing in the first year.
  • NetNEOYNBR1_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 1

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the first year.
  • NetNEOYT1_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 1

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the first year.
  • NetNEOY2_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 2

    This column represents the amount reversing in the second year.
  • NetNEOYNBR2_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 1

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the second year.
  • NetNEOYT2_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 1

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the second year.
  • NetNEOY3_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 3

    This column represents the amount reversing in the third year.
  • NetNEOYNBR3_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 3

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the third year.
  • NetNEOYT3_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 3

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the third year.
  • NetNEOY4_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 4

    This column represents the amount reversing in the fourth year.
  • NetNEOYNBR4_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 4

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the fourth year.
  • NetNEOYT4_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 4

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the fourth year.
  • NetNEOY5_IAS—Amt Reversing in Year 5

    This column represents the amount reversing in the fifth year.
  • NetNEOYNBR5_IAS—NBR Balance Reversing in Year 5

    This column represents the national benefit of region balance reversing in the fifth year.
  • NetNEOYT5_IAS—Total Amt Reversing in Year 5

    The sum of amount reversing and national benefit of region balance reversing in the fifth year.
  • NetNTYR_IAS—Total Amount Reversing Years

    This column represents the total amount reversing over the five year period.

To review the Deferred Tax Recognised - Scheduling report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1402 - Deferred Tax Recognised - Scheduling.lvapp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account data for each scheduling period.

    For information on the accounts in this report, see “Temporary Differences input app (NA1301)”.

Deferred Tax - for Tax Account Rollforward report (NA1404)

This report shows the breakdown of the deferred tax rollforward into further detail for each Element, for use in Tax Account Rollforward mappings.

The deferred tax rollforward is classified as one of the following classifications:

  • Current Deferred Tax Asset
  • Current Deferred Tax Liability
  • Non-Current Deferred Tax Asset
  • Non-Current Deferred Tax Liability

The classification of these items is based on:

  • The “Current or Non-Current” column. This setting determines whether the balance is classified in the current or non-current columns.
  • The balance in symbol RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised. If this balance is positive, the amount is classified as an asset. If this balance is negative, the amount is classified as a liability.

The deferred tax ending balance is considered an asset for all deferred tax accounts except valuation allowances if the value in element RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised is greater than zero. For the valuation allowance accounts, the balance is treated as an offset to the asset balance if the value in element RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised is less than zero. Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.

Administrators can use the Current and Deferred Tax editor to indicate the account level at which the classification of the deferred tax balances is determined. The highest level account selected is used as the classification level. For example:

  • If you want deferred tax balances to be classified at each temporary difference, select a classification level for each temporary difference account.
  • If you want deferred tax balances to be classified at the total GAAP/IFRS to STAT temporary difference level, select the classification level at the GAAP/IFRS to STAT parent temporary difference account. This overrides the classification level setting at the temporary difference account level below the parent level GAAP/IFRS to STAT temporary difference.

For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator’s Guide.

In addition to the above classification processes, Tax Provision also reviews the classification of balances between the end of the period and the beginning of the year to determine if there has been a change in the overall classification of deferred balances (i.e. current asset at beginning of year is a current liability at the end of the period). If there is a classification change, the reclass elements provide the adjustment that is mapped to the Tax Account Rollforward to automate the reclassification adjustment (reflected in the Reclassification of Deferred Tax Accounts row of the tax account rollforward).

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset / (Liability) - Recognised
    This parent contains the same symbols as the “Deferred Tax Recognised report (NA1405)”.

  • RecNClass_IAS—National Tax Classification - Recognised
    The parent element of the classified deferred tax rollforwards for Current Asset - Recognised, Current Liability - Recognised, Non-Current Asset - Recognised, and Non-Current Liability - Recognised, along with their related reclass adjustments.

To review the national actual Deferred Tax - for Tax Account Rollforward report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1404 - Deferred Tax - for Tax Account Rollforward.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For detailed information on the accounts in this report, see “Temporary Differences input app (NA1301)”.

Deferred Tax Recognised report (NA1405)

This report provides the recognised portion of the Deferred Tax Account report (NA1401) which is used to populate the Effective Tax Rate reports and Tax Account Rollforward. This report represents the after-tax values of the amounts in the Temporary Differences Recognised report (NA1306).

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • RecNBOY_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised beginning of year deferred tax asset / liability. This balance is equal to the amount in the recognised beginning of year gross temporary difference column multiplied by the applicable beginning of year deferred tax rate.
  • RecNBRBOY_IAS—NBR BOY Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - Recognised

    This column represents the national benefit of region for the recognised beginning of year deferred tax balance. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the beginning of year recognised regional deferred balance by the applicable beginning of year national deferred tax rate.
  • RecNPYAdj_IAS—Prior Year Adjustments - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the recognised gross prior year adjustment. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference prior year adjustment column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRTPCurDfd_IAS—True Up - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised gross true-up adjustment. This balance is equal to the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference true-up column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNBRPY_IAS—NBR Prior Year Adjustment - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised prior year activity. It is calculated by multiplying -1 by the recognised regional prior year adjustment and recognised regional true-up adjustment multiplied by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNPYT_IAS—Prior Year Charge - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNPYAdj_IAS, RecNRTPCurDfd_IAS, and RectNBRPY_IAS.
  • RecNBOYA_IAS—Opening Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) as Adjusted - Recognised

    This is a total recognised opening balance as adjusted. This value is calculated and is the sum of RecNBOY_IAS, RecNBRBOY_IAS, and RecNPYT_IAS.
  • RecNAcqPR_IAS—Acquisitions Prior - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised acquisitions that were reflected from an earlier period within the current tax year and is populated through the rollover process.
  • RecNAcqCur_IAS—Acquisitions Current - Recognised

    This column represents the recognised value of the deferred tax balances acquired. The value is based on the information in the Acquisitions input app (NA1303).
  • RecNAcq_IAS—Acquisitions - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNAcqPR_IAS and RecNAcqCur_IAS.
  • RecNRCAcqPR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR Reversal - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • RecNRCAcqCR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR Reversal - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents NetNRCAcqC_IAS multiplied by -1.
  • RecNRCAcqTR_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ Reversal - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of NetNRCAcqPR_IAS and NetNRCAcqCR_IAS.
  • RecNDisp_IAS—Disposals - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the disposals column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNCY_IAS—Current Year Movement - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the current year movement column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNCYOthCurDfd_IAS—Other Adjustment (CT & DT Impact) - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the Other Adjustment – CT & DT Impact column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNCYOthDfd_IAS—Other Adjustment (DT Impact) - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the Other Adjustment – DT Impact column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNPYDTNR_IAS—Change in DTR Percentage - P/L - Recognised

    This element reports any adjustment to the national recognised opening deferred tax balances to reflect that the proportion of deferred tax recognised in the current period has changed compared to the prior period. Whereas the other elements within the report reflect the amount of activity recognised within a single value, any adjustments to the opening balances are shown separately to ensure that the opening recognised balances, the first column of data in the report, match the closing recognised balances in the prior period. This column will be used where the deferred tax account is set to INCOME.
  • RecNCYTrfr_IAS—Transfers - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the transfers column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNUDiff_IAS—Unexplained - Impact Provision - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the Unexplained - impact provision column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Opening Balances) - Recognised

    This column is generally calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year recognised gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates.
  • RecNRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is generally calculated by the system and is equal to the recognised current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRCAcqP_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ PRIOR - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L from a prior period in the current tax year. It is populated as part of the rollover process.
  • RecNRCAcqC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates ACQ CUR - Recognised

    This column represents the portion of any tax rate change related to an acquired deferred tax balance that does not impact the P/L. This value comes from the Acquisitions input app (NA1303) and represents the value in NetNRCAcqC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rate ACQ CUR.
  • RecNRCAcqT_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates TOT ACQ - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNRCAcqP_IAS and RecNRCAcqC_IAS.
  • RecNRC_IAS—Deferred Tax Impact - Change in Tax Rates - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNRCBOY_IAS, RecNRCCY_IAS, and RecNRCAcqT_IAS.
  • RecNBRCYT_IAS—NBR Current Year Movement - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised current year activity impacting the P/L. It is calculated by multiplying the recognised regional current year activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNCYT_IAS—Total Current Year Movement - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNCY_IAS, RecNCYOtherCurDfd_IAS, RecNCYOthDfd_IAS, RecNCYTrfr_IAS, RecNUDiff_IAS, RecNRC_IAS, and RecNBRCYT_IAS.
  • RecNEQ_IAS—Equity - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the equity column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNRTPEQCurDfd_IAS—True-up (CT & DT Impact of Equity Items) - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the equity trueup column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate for accounts classified as equity.
  • RecNPYDTNREQ_IAS—Change in DTR Percentage - Equity - Recognised

    This column reports any adjustment to the national recognised opening deferred tax balances to reflect that the proportion of deferred tax recognised in the current period has changed compared to the prior period. Whereas the other elements within the report reflect the amount of activity recognised within a single value, any adjustments to the opening balances are shown separately to ensure that the opening recognised balances match the closing recognised balances in the prior period. This column will be used where the deferred tax account is set as EQUITY.
  • RecNEQOth_IAS—Other Equity - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the other equity column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNUDiffEq_IAS—Unexplained - Equity - Recognised

    This column represents the tax impact of the activity in the unexplained - equity column of the recognised gross temporary difference rollforward. This balance equals the amount in the recognised gross temporary difference column multiplied by the current year tax rate.
  • RecNEqRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Opening Balances) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year recognised gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as equity.
  • RecNEqRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the recognised current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as equity.
  • RecNEqRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on Equity - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNEqRCBOY_IAS and RecNEqRCCY_IAS.
  • RecNBREq_IAS—Equity NBR Adjustment - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised equity activity. It is calculated by multiplying the recognised regional equity activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNEQT_IAS—Total Equity - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNEQ_IAS, RecNRTPEQCurDfd_IAS, RecNEQOth_IAS, RecNCTAT_IAS, RecNEqRCT_IAS, and RecNBREq_IAS.
  • RecNOCI_IAS—OCI - Recognised

    This column represents the after-tax value of RecOCI_IAS—OCI - Recognised.
  • RecNRTPOCICurDfd_IAS—True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items) - Recognised

    This column represents the after-tax value of RecRTPOCICurDfd_IAS— True Up (CT & DT Impact of OCI Items) - Recognised.
  • RecNPYDTNROCI_IAS—Change in DTR Percentage - OCI - Recognised

    This column reports any adjustment to the national recognised opening deferred tax balances to reflect that the proportion of deferred tax recognised in the current period has changed compared to the prior period. Whereas the other elements within the report reflect the amount of activity recognised within a single value, any adjustments to the opening balances are shown separately to ensure that the opening recognised balances match the closing recognised balances in the prior period. This column will be used where the deferred tax account is classified as OCI.
  • RecNOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI - Recognised

    This column represents the aftertax value of RecOCIOth_IAS—Other OCI - Recognised.
  • RecNOCIRCBOY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Opening Balances) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the beginning of year recognised gross temporary difference balance multiplied by the difference between the ending and beginning deferred tax rates for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNOCIRCCY_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is calculated by the system and is equal to the recognised current year activity for a gross temporary difference multiplied by the difference between the ending deferred tax rate and the current year tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNOCIRCT_IAS—Change in Tax Rate on OCI - Recognised

    This is the total change in tax rate for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNBROCI_IAS—OCI NBR Adjustment - Recognised

    This column is the national benefit of region for the recognised OCI activity. It is calculated by multiplying the recognised regional OCI activity multiplied by -1 by the current year national tax rate.
  • RecNCTABOY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Opening Balance) - Recognised

    This column is populated when the report is viewed in reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the recognised beginning of year deferred tax translated at the beginning of year spot rate and end of period spot rate.
  • RecNCTACY_IAS—Exchange Difference (Movement) - Recognised

    This column is populated when the report is viewed in reporting currency for an entity that has a different functional currency. It is calculated on the difference between the recognised current year deferred tax activity translated at the end of period spot rate and the recognised current year deferred tax activity translated at the average rate.
  • RecNCTAT_IAS—Foreign Exchange Movement - Recognised

    This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNCTABOY_IAS and RecNCTACY_IAS.
  • RecNOCIT_IAS—Total OCI - Recognised

    This is the total recognised portion for accounts classified as OCI.
  • RecNEOY_IAS—Closing Deferred Tax Asset/(Liability) - Recognised

    This is the deferred tax balance at the end of the year. This column is calculated and is the sum of RecNBOYA_IAS, RecNACQ_IAS, RecNRCACQTR_IAS, RecNDisp_IAS, RecNCYT_IAS, and RecNEQT_IAS.

To review the Deferred Tax Recognised report:

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand National Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click NA1405 - Deferred Tax Recognised.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the deferred tax recognised for your entity.

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