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Reviewing temporary difference rollforward activity

Once regional temporary difference rollforward activity has been updated in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301), you can review the related reports. Use the following table to determine the related reports to use for the temporary difference method used by your company:


Reports to use…

Temporary Difference method

Deferred Tax Proof report (RA0300)

Temporary Differences report (RA0301)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Temporary Difference method with scheduling

Deferred Tax Proof report (RA0300)

Temporary Differences report (RA0301)

Temporary Differences - Scheduling report (RA0302)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Balance Sheet method

Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0321)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Balance Sheet method with scheduling

Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0321)

Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0322)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Deferred Tax Proof report (RA0300)

If you are using the Temporary Difference method, you can use a deferred tax proof analysis to review national gross and deferred tax balances. To input data related to the Deferred Tax Proof, use the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

This report contains the Deferred Tax Proof elements.

To review the regional Deferred Tax Proof report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0300 - Deferred Tax Proof.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences report (RA0301)

This report shows the breakdown of the temporary differences into one of the following classifications:

  • current asset
  • current liability
  • non-current asset
  • non-current liability

The ending balance is considered an asset if:

  • For all temporary differences except valuation allowances:

    GrsEOY_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC > 0

  • For valuation allowance accounts, the sign is reversed:

    GrsEOY_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC < 0

Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • GrsCA_ASC—CT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current asset.
  • GrsCL_ASC—CT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current liability.
  • GrsNA_ASC—NCT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current asset.
  • GrsNL_ASC—NCT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current liability.
  • GrsT_ASC—Gross Classification

    This column represents the total classification.

To review the regional Temporary Differences Classification report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual. 
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0304 - Temporary Differences Classification.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences - Scheduling report (RA0302)

This report contains the Temporary Differences elements and the Scheduling elements.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

To review the regional Temporary Differences - Scheduling report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0302 - Temporary Differences - Scheduling.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0321)

Use this report to review the adjustments made to the regional automated amounts pre-tax income and permanent/temporary differences.

This report contains the Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

To review the regional Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0321 - Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0322)

For entities that use deferred tax scheduling, you can review the end of period gross temporary difference balance based on when the temporary difference is expected to reverse.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

Use this report for any entities that schedule to review fluctuating regional deferred tax rates. The entire amount is defaulted to the fifth year. You can review the allocation across the other years, which allows Longview Tax to calculate the proper end of period deferred tax balance.

This report contains the Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements and the Scheduling elements.

To review the Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0322 - Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

This report shows the breakdown of the temporary differences into one of the following classifications:

  • current asset
  • current liability
  • non-current asset
  • non-current liability

The ending balance is considered an asset if:

  • For all temporary differences except valuation allowances:

    GrsEOY_ASC > 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC > 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC > 0

  • For valuation allowance accounts, the sign is reversed:

    GrsEOY_ASC < 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC < 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC < 0

Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • GrsCA_ASC—CT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current asset.
  • GrsCL_ASC—CT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current liability.
  • GrsNA_ASC—NCT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current asset.
  • GrsNL_ASC—NCT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current liability.
  • GrsT_ASC—Gross Classification

    This column represents the total classification.

To review the regional Temporary Differences Classification report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0304 - Temporary Differences Classification.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".



Reviewing temporary difference rollforward activity

Once regional temporary difference rollforward activity has been updated in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301), you can review the related reports. Use the following table to determine the related reports to use for the temporary difference method used by your company:


Reports to use…

Temporary Difference method

Deferred Tax Proof report (RA0300)

Temporary Differences report (RA0301)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Temporary Difference method with scheduling

Deferred Tax Proof report (RA0300)

Temporary Differences report (RA0301)

Temporary Differences - Scheduling report (RA0302)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Balance Sheet method

Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0321)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Balance Sheet method with scheduling

Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0321)

Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0322)

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

Deferred Tax Proof report (RA0300)

If you are using the Temporary Difference method, you can use a deferred tax proof analysis to review national gross and deferred tax balances. To input data related to the Deferred Tax Proof, use the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301).

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

This report contains the Deferred Tax Proof elements.

To review the regional Deferred Tax Proof report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0300 - Deferred Tax Proof.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences report (RA0301)

This report shows the breakdown of the temporary differences into one of the following classifications:

  • current asset
  • current liability
  • non-current asset
  • non-current liability

The ending balance is considered an asset if:

  • For all temporary differences except valuation allowances:

    GrsEOY_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC > 0

  • For valuation allowance accounts, the sign is reversed:

    GrsEOY_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC < 0

Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • GrsCA_ASC—CT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current asset.
  • GrsCL_ASC—CT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current liability.
  • GrsNA_ASC—NCT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current asset.
  • GrsNL_ASC—NCT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current liability.
  • GrsT_ASC—Gross Classification

    This column represents the total classification.

To review the regional Temporary Differences Classification report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual. 
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0304 - Temporary Differences Classification.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences - Scheduling report (RA0302)

This report contains the Temporary Differences elements and the Scheduling elements.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

To review the regional Temporary Differences - Scheduling report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0302 - Temporary Differences - Scheduling.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0321)

Use this report to review the adjustments made to the regional automated amounts pre-tax income and permanent/temporary differences.

This report contains the Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

To review the regional Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0321 - Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method report (RA0322)

For entities that use deferred tax scheduling, you can review the end of period gross temporary difference balance based on when the temporary difference is expected to reverse.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

Use this report for any entities that schedule to review fluctuating regional deferred tax rates. The entire amount is defaulted to the fifth year. You can review the allocation across the other years, which allows Longview Tax to calculate the proper end of period deferred tax balance.

This report contains the Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements and the Scheduling elements.

To review the Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0322 - Temporary Differences - Scheduling - Balance Sheet Method.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".

Temporary Differences Classification report (RA0304)

This report shows the breakdown of the temporary differences into one of the following classifications:

  • current asset
  • current liability
  • non-current asset
  • non-current liability

The ending balance is considered an asset if:

  • For all temporary differences except valuation allowances:

    GrsEOY_ASC > 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC > 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC > 0

  • For valuation allowance accounts, the sign is reversed:

    GrsEOY_ASC < 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC < 0 or

    GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC < 0

Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.

Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".

This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):

  • GrsCA_ASC—CT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current asset.
  • GrsCL_ASC—CT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current liability.
  • GrsNA_ASC—NCT Asset

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current asset.
  • GrsNL_ASC—NCT Liability

    This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current liability.
  • GrsT_ASC—Gross Classification

    This column represents the total classification.

To review the regional Temporary Differences Classification report

  1. In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
  2. Expand Regional Annual.
  3. Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.

    For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.

  4. Click RA0304 - Temporary Differences Classification.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
  5. Review the account values for each appropriate element.

    For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (RA0301)".


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