Reviewing temporary difference rollforward activity
Once regional temporary difference rollforward activity has been updated in the Temporary Differences input app (SA0301/SG0301), you can review the related reports.
Understanding Elements for temporary differences
The elements that display in the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301) change depending on the method you are using.
Method | Elements that display in the input app… |
Temporary Difference method | Deferred Tax Proof elements Temporary Differences elements |
Temporary Difference method with scheduling | Deferred Tax Proof elements Temporary Differences elements Scheduling elements |
Balance Sheet method | Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements |
Balance Sheet method with scheduling | Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements Scheduling elements |
Deferred Tax Proof elements
If you are using the Temporary Difference method, you can use deferred tax proof analysis to view regional gross and deferred tax balances. This process allows you to define the accounting basis, the tax basis, and the portion that may be permanent in nature. The system then uses this information to calculate the ending regional cumulative temporary difference.
If you are using the Temporary Difference method, the following elements appear in the input app:
GrsTD_Accounting_Calc_ASC—Accounting Basis - Calc
This element represents the calculated ending accounting basis for a temporary difference or other carryforward account based on the deferred tax automation settings.GrsTD_Accounting_Adj_ASC—Accounting Basis - Adj
If you are automating the ending accounting basis, you can use this element to adjust the value in the calculated element. If you are not automating the accounting basis, use this element to input the ending accounting basis value.GrsTD_AccountingTotal_ASC—Accounting Total
This element represents the sum of GrsTD_Accounting_Calc_ASC and GrsTD_Accounting_Adj_ASC.GrsTD_Tax_Calc_ASC—STAT/Tax Basis - Calc
This element represents the calculated ending tax basis for a temporary difference or other carryforward account based on the deferred tax automation settings.GrsTD_Tax_Adj_ASC—STAT/Tax Basis - Adj
If you are automating the STAT/Tax Basis, you can use this element to adjust the value in the calculated element. If you are not automating the STAT/Tax Basis, use this element to input the ending STAT/Tax Basis value.GrsTD_TaxTotal_ASC—STAT/Tax Basis - Total
This element represents the sum of GrsTD_Tax_Calc_ASC and GrsTD_Tax_Adj_ASC.GrsTD_BasisDifference_ASC—Basis Difference
This element represents the value in element GrsTD_TaxTotal_ASC less the value in GrsTD_AccountingTotal_ASC.GrsTD_PermBasis_ASC—Permanent Component
Use this element to enter the portion of the difference between the ending tax basis and accounting basis that is permanent in nature.GrsTD_TemporaryDifference_ASC—Total Temporary Difference
This element represents the value in element GrsTD_BasisDifference_ASC less the value in the permanent portion element.
Temporary Differences elements
If you are using the Temporary Difference method, the following elements appear in the input app:
CURNONCUR—Current or Non-Current
This column identifies the temporary difference account as current or non-current.ISEQCAT—Income, Equity, or OCI
Specifies whether the account is classified as Income, Equity, or OCI.GrsBOY_ASC—Beginning of Year
This column represents the prior year end gross temporary differences. It is populated automatically through the annual and monthly rollover process.GrsPY_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - BOY Impact
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsBOYA_ASC—BoY - as Adjusted
This column represents the beginning of year balance after adjustments and is calculated (GrsBOY_ASC + GrsPY_ASC).GrsCY_ASC—Current Year
The current year Schedule M-1 difference is input in the Current Provision input app (RA0201) and automatically flows to the Temporary Differences input app (RA0301). Amounts for this column are input for any non-automated temporary differences or for adjustments to any automated temporary differences. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsPYAdjDFd_ASC—Prior Year Adjustments - Deferred Only Impact
Unlike GrsPY_ASC, this column impacts the deferred provision. This column allows you to enter any adjustments to the gross temporary difference other than the current year book-tax differences entered in the Current Provision input app (NA0201). The tax impact of this amount is reflected in the symbol NetNPYAdjDfd_ASC in the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (NA0401). This tax impact is a deferred provision only adjustment and has no impact on the current provision. As a result, the tax impact of this adjustment is also reflected in the effective tax rate report and total provision report.GrsRTPDfd_ASC—RTP - Deferred Only Impact
Current year return to provision true-up from the return to provision process. The tax impact of this adjustment is treated as a deferred only provision adjustment and flows into the effective tax rate report. Automated from the Return to Provision input app (NA0101).GrsRARDfd_ASC—RAR - Deferred Only Impact
Current year Revenue Agent’s Report true-up. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetNRARCurDfd_ASC on the deferred tax rollforward. The tax impact of this adjustment impacts the deferred provision in NetNRARCurDfd_ASC and the effective tax rate report and total provision national actual report. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsCurDfd_ASC—Other Adjustments - Current and Deferred Impact
Other current year adjustments to the gross temporary difference. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in the NetNCurDfd_ASC symbol on the deferred tax rollforward. The tax impact of this adjustment impacts the deferred provision in NetNCurDfd_ASC and also impacts the current provision in an equal and opposite amount in symbol NAddCurrentS002. The purpose of this process is that there is no impact to an entity’s total provision resulting from temporary differences. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsDfd_ASC—Other Adjustments - Deferred Only
Current year other adjustments. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetNDfd_ASC on the deferred tax rollforward. The tax impact of this adjustment impacts the deferred provision in NetNDfd_ASC and the effective tax rate report and total provision national actual report. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsTrfrCurDfd_ASC—Transfers - Current and Deferred Impact
This column represents transfers of gross temporary differences which can be (a) used to transfer temporary differences between entities, (b) reclass temporary differences between GAAP and STAT and STAT and TAX or (c) for other reasons. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetNTrfrCurDfd_ASC on the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). The tax impact also impacts the current provision in an equal and opposite amount in the NATAddCurrentS005_ASC symbol.GrsTrfrDfd_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - P&L Impact
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsTot_ASC—Total P/L Activity
This column represents the total P/L activity and is the sum of GrsCY_ASC, GrsPYAdjDFd_ASC, GrsRTPDfd_ASC, GrsRARDfd_ASC, GrsCurDfd_ASC, GrsDfd_ASC, GrsTrfrCurDfd_ASC, GrsTrfrDfd_ASC.GrsAcqPR_ASC—Acquisitions Prior
This column represents the temporary differences acquired, and is populated in the Acquisitions input app (NA0303). The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetNAcqPR_ASC on the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). The tax impact of this is a non-provision adjustment and has no impact on the total tax provision. This element is used to roll prior period acquisitions during the current year to enable additional acquisitions in the GrsAcqCur_ASC element.GrsAcqCur_ASC—Acquisitions Gross
This column represents the temporary differences acquired, and is populated in the Acquisitions National input app. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetNAcqCur_ASC on the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). The tax impact of this is a non-provision adjustment and has no impact on the total tax provision. This element is used to record current period acquisitions and is input in the Acquisitions input app (SS0303).GrsAcq_ASC—Acquisitions
This column represents the total acquisitions and is the sum of GrsAcqPR_ASC and GrsAcqCur_ASC.GrsDisp_ASC—Disposals
Gross temporary differences that are disposed of during the year. This adjustment impacts only the deferred tax balance and not the deferred provision. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsNPOCI_ASC—Non-Provision - OCI
This column represents activity during the year that increases or decreases the gross temporary difference but does not have an impact on the tax provision as the impact is to other comprehensive income. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsRTPNPOCIDfd_ASC—RTP - OCI
This column represents the current year true-up for those accounts identified as OCI from the Return to Provision input app (RA0101).GrsNPOCIOth_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - OCI
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsNPOCIT_ASC—Non-Provision - OCI Total
This column represents the total non-provision other comprehensive income and is the sum of GrsNPOCI_ASC, GrsRTPNPOCIDfd_ASC, and GrsNPOCIOth_ASC.GrsNP123_ASC—Non-Provision - Stock Based Compensation
This column represents activity during the year which increases or decreases the gross temporary difference but does not have an impact on the tax provision as the impact is to equity or OCI related to share-based payments. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsNPOth_ASC—Non-Provision - Equity
Use this column to enter activity during the year that increases or decreases the gross temporary difference but does not have an impact on the tax provision as the impact is to an account other than the income statement (i.e. Goodwill). You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsRTPNPEqDfd_ASC—RTP - Equity
This column represents the current year true-up for those accounts identified as equity from the Return to Provision input app (NA0101).GrsNPEqOth_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - Equity Impact
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsNPEqT_ASC—Non-Provision - Equity Total
This column represents the total non-provision equity and is the sum of GrsNP123_ASC, GrsNPOth_ASC, GrsRTPNPEqDfd_ASC, and GrsNPEqOth_ASC.GrsCTABOY_ASC—CTA - BOY
This column is populated when viewing a translated currency for the entity. It is calculated on the difference between the beginning of year deferred tax asset / (liability) translated at the beginning of year spot rate and the end of year average rate.GrsCTACY_ASC—CTA - CYr
This column is populated when viewing a translated currency for the entity. It is calculated on the difference between the end of year deferred tax asset / (liability) is translated at the end of year spot rate, the current year activity related to the deferred tax asset / (liability) is based on the average rate and the end of year average rate.GrsCTAT_ASC—CTA
This column is the total ending balance for gross temporary differences.GrsUDiff_ASC—Unexplained - Impact Provision
This column represents the unexplained difference amount required to arrive at your tax basis difference.The value in this column equals the expected ending balance minus the tax basis balance sheet adjustment less any activity already input or any activity automatically populated within the gross temporary difference rollforward for each temporary difference.
A value is present in this column if the automate temporary difference ending balances process is selected for the entity and the temporary difference account is also using the automate current tax amounts process for the same temporary difference account.
Any remaining value in this column should be classified using one of the various activity columns provided as part of the gross temporary difference rollforward.
This column automatically updates as data is submitted to the other gross temporary difference columns, ensuring that the ending balance is based on the expected ending balance less the tax basis balance sheet adjustment.
GrsUDiffEq_ASC—Unexplained - Impact Equity
This column represents the amount needed to arrive at your tax basis difference for an account identified as equity and OCI. This element will have a value populated only when an account is using both the book-tax difference automation and the automate temporary difference ending balance automation.GrsEOY_ASC—EOY Balance
The end of year gross temporary difference balance. This symbol is calculated and is the sum of the above columns.
Temporary Differences - Balance Sheet Method elements
Use these elements to manually enter the gross temporary differences that are not automated in the system. Amounts include gross temporary differences, net operating losses, tax credits, federal or state credits, and the related valuation allowances. You can also enter activity such as current year and prior year adjustments and non-provision items.
Each temporary difference is set up as either “Current” or “Non-Current” for balance sheet classification purposes. Classifications are set by the Tax Administrator. To view these classifications, open the Temporary Differences Classification report (SA0304S).
If you are using the Balance Sheet method, the following elements appear in the input app:
CURNONCUR—Current or Non-Current
This column identifies the temporary difference account as current or non-current.GrsBOY_ASC—Beginning of Year
This column represents the prior year end gross temporary differences. It is populated automatically through the annual and monthly rollover process.GrsPY_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - BOY Impact
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsBOYA_ASC—BoY - as Adjusted
This column represents the beginning of year balance after adjustments and is calculated (GrsBOY_ASC + GrsPY_ASC).GrsCY_ASC—Current Year
This column represents current year Schedule M-1 activity for temporary differences that are also used to calculate the current provision. The current year Schedule M-1 difference is input in the current provision schedule and automatically flows to the gross temporary difference rollforward input app. Amounts for this column are input for any non-automated temporary differences or for adjustments to any automated temporary differences. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsPYAdjDFd_ASC—Prior Year Adjustments - Deferred Only Impact
Unlike GrsPY_ASC, this column impacts the deferred provision. This column allows you to enter any adjustments to the gross temporary difference other than the current year book-tax differences entered on the current provision input app. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in the symbol NetRPYAdjDfd_ASC in the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). This tax impact is a deferred provision only adjustment and has no impact on the current provision. As a result, the tax impact of this adjustment is also reflected in the effective tax rate report and total provision report.GrsRTPDfd_ASC—RTP - Deferred Only Impact
Current year return to provision true-up from the return to provision process discussed above. The tax impact of this adjustment is treated as a deferred only provision adjustment and flows into the effective tax rate report. Automated from the Return to Provision input app (NA0101).GrsRARDfd_ASC—RAR - Deferred Only Impact
Current year Revenue Agent’s Report (RAR). The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetRRARCurDfd_ASC on the deferred tax rollforward. The tax impact of this adjustment impacts the deferred provision in NetRRARCurDfd_ASC and the effective tax rate report and total provision national actual report. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsCurDfd_ASC—Other Adjustments - Current and Deferred Impact
Other current year adjustments to the gross temporary difference. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in the NetRCurDfd_ASC symbol on the deferred tax rollforward. The tax impact of this adjustment impacts the deferred provision in NetRCurDfd_ASC and also impacts the current provision in an equal and opposite amount in symbol NetAddCurrentS002. The purpose of this process is that there is no impact to an entity’s total provision resulting from temporary differences. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsDfd_ASC—Other Adjustments - Deferred Only
Current year other adjustments. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetRDfd_ASC on the deferred tax rollforward. The tax impact of this adjustment impacts the deferred provision in NetRDfd_ASC and the effective tax rate report and total provision national actual report. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsAcqPR_ASC—Acquisitions Prior
This column represents the temporary differences acquired. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetRAcqPR_ASC on the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). The tax impact of this is a non-provision adjustment and has no impact on the total tax provision. This element is used to roll prior period acquisitions during the current year to enable additional acquisitions in the GrsAcqCur_ASC element.GrsAcqCur_ASC—Acquisitions Gross
This column represents the temporary differences acquired. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetRAcqCur_ASC in the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). The tax impact of this is a non-provision adjustment and has no impact on the total tax provision. This element is used to record current period acquisitions and is input in the Acquisitions input app (SS0303).GrsAcq_ASC—Acquisitions
Total Acquisitions.GrsTrfrCurDfd_ASC—Transfers - Current and Deferred Impact
This column represents transfers of gross temporary differences which can be (a) used to transfer temporary differences between entities, (b) reclass temporary differences between GAAP and STAT and STAT and TAX or (c) for other reasons. The tax impact of this amount is reflected in symbol NetRTrfrCurDfd_ASC in the Deferred Tax Rollforward report (SA0401S). The tax impact also impacts the current provision in an equal and opposite amount.GrsTrfrDfd_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - P&L Impact
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsDisp_ASC—Disposals
Gross temporary differences that are disposed of during the year. This adjustment impacts only the deferred tax balance and not the deferred provision. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsNPOCI_ASC—Non-Provision - Other Comprehensive Income
This column represents activity during the year that increases or decreases the gross temporary difference but does not have an impact on the tax provision as the impact is to other comprehensive income. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsNP123_ASC—Non-Provision - Stock Based Compensation
This column represents activity during the year which increases or decreases the gross temporary difference but does not have an impact on the tax provision as the impact is to equity or OCI related to share-based payments. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsNPOth_ASC—Non-Provision - Equity
Use this column to enter activity during the year that increases or decreases the gross temporary difference but does not have an impact on the tax provision as the impact is to an account other than the income statement (i.e. Goodwill). You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsRTPNPEqDfd_ASC—RTP - Equity
This column represents the current year true-up for those accounts identified as equity from the Return to Provision input app (SS0101 / SG0101).GrsNPEqOth_ASC—Consolidation Adj. - Equity Impact
This column is protected from input as the net value is used for the consolidation adjustment for regional groups using the group consolidation adjustment calculation method.GrsNPT_ASC—Non-Provision Total
Total Non-Provision Items. This symbol is calculated (GrsNPOCI_ASC + GrsNPPen_ASC + GrsNPOth_ASC).GrsCTABOY_ASC—CTA - BOY
This column is populated when viewing a translated currency for the entity. It is calculated on the difference between the beginning of year deferred tax asset / (liability) translated at the beginning of year spot rate and the end of year average rate.GrsCTACY_ASC—CTA - CYr
This column is populated when viewing a translated currency for the entity. It is calculated on the difference between the end of year deferred tax asset / (liability) is translated at the end of year spot rate, the current year activity related to the deferred tax asset / (liability) is based on the average rate and the end of year average rate.GrsCTAT_ASC—CTA
This column is the total ending balance for gross temporary differences.GrsUDiff_ASC—Unexplained Difference
This column represents the expected ending balance minus the tax basis balance sheet adjustment less any activity already input / automatically populated within the gross temporary difference rollforward for each temporary difference.A value appears in this column when Temporary Difference Ending Balance Automation is selected for both the entity and the temporary difference account.
Any remaining value in this column should be classified using one of the various activity columns provided as part of the gross temporary difference rollforward. This column automatically updates as data is submitted to the other gross temporary difference columns.
GrsEOY_ASC—EOY Balance
The end of the year gross temporary difference balance. This symbol is calculated and is the sum of the above columns.GrsTBBSAdj_ASC—Tax Basis Balance Sheet Adjustments
This column represents an adjustment to the system calculated value for the expected ending balance. This value is treated as a permanent adjustment and is not reflected as part of the ending gross temporary difference balance on which the deferred provision and deferred tax rollforward is prepared. This column is used when Temporary Difference Ending Balance Automation is selected. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsTBDiff_ASC—Tax Basis Difference
This column represents the tax basis difference. This symbol is calculated (GrsEOY_ASC + GrsTBBSAdj_ASC).GrsEEB_ASC—Expected Ending Balance
This column represents the expected total difference between the book basis and the tax basis. This value is calculated automatically when Temporary Differences Ending Balance Automation is selected. If any part of this total difference should not be included as part of the gross temporary difference rollforward, the difference should be entered in the tax basis balance sheet adjustment (GrsTBBSAdj_ASC). For more information, see the Longview Tax Administrator's Guide.
Scheduling elements
For entities that use deferred tax scheduling, there is an additional step required in the gross temporary difference rollforward. You must schedule the end of period gross temporary difference balance based on when the temporary difference is expected to reverse.
You must use these elements for any entities that schedule to account for fluctuating deferred tax rates. The entire amount is defaulted to the fifth year. In the input app, you can allocate across the other years, which allows Tax Provision to calculate the proper end of period deferred tax balance.
The extra columns represent the future 5 years to schedule the timing of the temporary differences.
If you are using scheduling, the following elements appear in the input app:
GrsEOY1_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 1
This column represents the amount reversing in the first year. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsEOY2_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 2
This column represents the amount reversing in the second year. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsEOY3_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 3
This column represents the amount reversing in the third year. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsEOY4_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 4
This column represents the amount reversing in the fourth year. You must enter values for this symbol manually.GrsEOY5_ASC—Amt Reversing in Year 5
This column represents the end of year balance minus amounts reversing in prior years. This symbol is calculated (GrsEOY_ASC - GrsEOY1_ASC - GrsEOY2_ASC - GrsEOY3_ASC - GrsEOY4_ASC).GrsTYr_ASC—Total Reversing Amount Years
This column represents the total amount reversing over the five year period. This symbol is calculated (GrsEOY1_ASC + GrsEOY2_ASC + GrsEOY3_ASC + GrsEOY4_ASC + GrsEOY5).
Temporary Differences Input app (SG0301)
Use this input app to update regional temporary difference accounts.
The elements in this input app differ depending on the method your company uses. For more information, see “Understanding Elements for temporary differences”.
If the region you are editing has Scheduling turned on, the element GrsTyr_ASC will be visible. For each Entity that uses scheduling, you will be able to manually enter data for GrsEOY#_ASC – Amt Reversing in Year # for years 1 thru 4. Year 5 is protected as it is calculated.
To update temporary differences:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Group.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate region. For more information, see “Using the symbol selector”.
- Expand the RegTemp – Regional Temporary Differences category and enter data for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- Expand the MSP_RegModificationsT_ASC – Total Regional Modifications category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- Expand the MSP_RegNLossT_Pre – TotalRegional Net Operating Loss – Pre Apportionment category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- Expand the Reg TaxCrT – Total Regional Tax Credits – Temporary category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- Expand the RegAttribT – Total Regional Tax Attributes category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- Expand the MSP_RegNLossT_Post – Total Regional Net Operating Loss – Post-Apportionment category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- Expand the RegValAllow – Total Regional Valuation Allowance category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- When you are finished, click Submit.
Temporary Differences Input app (SS0301)
Use this input app to update regional temporary difference accounts.
The elements in this input app differ depending on the method your company uses. For more information, see “Understanding Elements for temporary differences”.
If the entity you are editing has Scheduling turned on in any region it is a part of, the element GrsTyr_ASC will be visible. For each region that uses scheduling, you will be able to manually enter data for GrsEOY#_ASC – Amt Reversing in Year # for years 1 thru 4. Year 5 is protected as it is calculated.
To update temporary differences:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Separate.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbols elector to select the appropriate Entity. For more information, see “Using the symbol selector”.
- In the Temporary Differences tab, expand the RegTemp – Regional Temporary Differences category for each region and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the Modification tab, expand the MSP_RegModificationsT_ASC – Total Regional Modifications category for each region and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the NOLs Pre tab, expand the MSP_RegNLossT_Pre – Total Regional Net Operating Loss – Pre Apportionment category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the NOLs Pre tab, expand the MSP_RegNLossT_Pre – Total Regional Net Operating Loss – Pre Apportionment category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the Tax Credits tab, expand the RegTaxCrT – Total Regional Tax Credits – Temporary category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the Tax Attributes tab, expand the RegAttribT – Total Regional Tax Attributes category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the NOLs Post tab, expand the MSP_RegNLossT_Post – Total Regional Net Operating Loss – Post-Apportionment category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- In the Valuation Allowances tab, expand the RegValAllow – Total Regional Valuation Allowance category and enter data manually for the accounts for each appropriate symbol in the Elements dimension.
- When you are finished, click Submit.
Temporary Differences – Tabbed app (SS0301)
For a different view of the SS0301 input app, use the Temporary Differences – Tabbed app. Each region that an Entity is a part of will be in a different tab and all the accounts will be listed within the tab.
Use this app to update the regional temporary difference accounts.
The elements in this input app differ depending on the method your company uses. For more information, see “Understanding Elements for temporary differences”.
If the entity you are editing has Scheduling turned on in any region it is a part of, the element GrsTyr_ASC will be visible. For each region that uses scheduling, you will be able to manually enter data for GrsEOY#_ASC – Amt Reversing in Year # for years 1 thru 4. Year 5 is protected as it is calculated.
To update temporary differences – tabbed:
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Data Collection.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Separate.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbols elector to select the appropriate Entity. For more information, see “Using the symbol selector”.
- Enter data for the same accounts listed above in SS0301.
- When you are finished, click Submit.
Temporary Differences report (SA0301S)
You can use this report to review the gross temporary differences that are not automated in the system. Amounts include gross temporary differences, net operating losses, tax credits, federal or state credits, and the related valuation allowances. You can also review activity such as current year and prior year adjustments and non-provision items.
Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".
To review the regional Temporary Differences report
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Separate.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.
For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
- Click SA0301S - Temporary Differences.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (SS0301)".
Temporary Differences - Scheduling report (SA0302S)
This report contains the Temporary Differences elements and the Scheduling elements.
Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".
To review the regional Temporary Differences - Scheduling report
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Separate
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.
For more information, see Using the Symbol Selector.
- Click SA0302S - Temporary Differences Scheduling.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (SS0301)".
Temporary Differences Classification report (SA0304S)
This report shows the breakdown of the temporary differences into one of the following classifications:
- current asset
- current liability
- non-current asset
- non-current liability
The ending balance is considered an asset if:
- For all temporary differences except valuation allowances:
GrsEOY_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC > 0
- For valuation allowance accounts, the sign is reversed:
GrsEOY_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC < 0
Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.
Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".
This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):
GrsCA_ASC—CT Asset
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current asset.GrsCL_ASC—CT Liability
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current liability.GrsNA_ASC—NCT Asset
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current asset.GrsNL_ASC—NCT Liability
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current liability.GrsT_ASC—Gross Classification
This column represents the total classification.
To review the regional Temporary Differences Classification report
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Separate.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.
For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
- Click SA0304S - Temporary Differences Classification.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (SS0301)".
Temporary Differences report (SA0301G)
You can use this report to review the gross temporary differences that are not automated in the system. Amounts include gross temporary differences, net operating losses, tax credits, federal or state credits, and the related valuation allowances. You can also review activity such as current year and prior year adjustments and non-provision items.
Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".
To review the regional Temporary Differences report
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Group.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate region.
For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
- Click SA0301G - Temporary Differences.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (SG0301)".
Temporary Differences - Scheduling report (SA0302G)
This report contains the Temporary Differences elements and the Scheduling elements.
Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".
To review the regional Temporary Differences - Scheduling report
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Group.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate entity.
For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
- Click SA0302G - Temporary Differences Scheduling.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (SG0301)".
Temporary Differences Classification report (SA0304G)
This report shows the breakdown of the temporary differences into one of the following classifications:
- current asset
- current liability
- non-current asset
- non-current liability
The ending balance is considered an asset if:
- For all temporary differences except valuation allowances:
GrsEOY_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC > 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC > 0
- For valuation allowance accounts, the sign is reversed:
GrsEOY_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0 and GrsBOYA_ASC < 0 or GrsEOY_ASC = 0, GrsBOYA_ASC = 0, and GrsBOY_ASC < 0
Otherwise, the ending balance is considered a liability.
Note: For more information on reports, see "Working with reports".
This report contains the following symbols in the Elements dimension (across):
GrsCA_ASC—CT Asset
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current asset.GrsCL_ASC—CT Liability
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a current liability.GrsNA_ASC—NCT Asset
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current asset.GrsNL_ASC—NCT Liability
This column represents the amount of temporary differences classified as a non-current liability.GrsT_ASC—Gross Classification
This column represents the total classification.
To review the regional Temporary Differences Classification report
- In the Tax Provision navigation pane, click Reports.
- Expand Multi-Regional Annual.
- Expand Group.
- Use the drop-down list or the symbol selector to select the appropriate region.
For more information, see “Using the Symbol Selector”.
- Click SA0304G - Temporary Differences Classification.rtp. The report opens in the workspace.
- Review the account values for each appropriate element.
For more information on the accounts in this report, see "Temporary Differences input app (SG0301)".