Uninstalling Longview Server
Running the uninstall process removes Longview Data Server, web components and HTTP Proxy from your system, with the option of leaving the databases and logins, or removing them as well.
To uninstall Longview Server:
- Open Programs and Features and select Longview Server - <Instance> and Click Uninstall.
Alternatively Navigate to the install location and open theLongviewUninstallers\<Instance>
folder and double-click unins000.exe.Note: Depending on your system, a User Account Control dialog may prompt you to allow the installer to make changes to the computer. Click Yes.
- A confirmation prompt appears. Click Yes.
- The Longview Server Uninstall window appears. Depending on what was installed in the instance some options may be disabled.
- Choose one of the options:
Option Description Uninstall files from the previous install
Deletes files that were deployed by the installer. Any files that were not deployed by the installer are not removed. The Longview Database is not removed.
Uninstall files and databases from the previous install
Deletes files that were deployed by the installer. Any files that were not deployed by the installer are not removed. The Longview Database is also removed.
Uninstall everything from the previous install
Deletes files that were deployed by the installer. Any files that were not deployed by the installer are deleted as well. The Longview Database is removed.
Remove local group <groupName>
If a group was created or selected with the install that is being uninstalled, this check box will be enabled. Selecting it will delete the group from Windows.
- Click Next. If you chose to remove the database, a confirmation will appear. Click Yes to continue.
- Choose one of the options:
- The uninstall process executes.
- The completion message appears. Click OK.