Close and Plan Data View Input examples
The example apps are included and updated in each release. The apps are intended as examples to be duplicated or copied from, but not modified as subsequent releases may include modifications.
To review an example app:
- Select the Design module.
- Select the Apps category.
- Expand Data Collection.
- Expand Data View Input.
- Expand Existing Apps.
- Click on the Example app you wish to view, or right-click on the Example app you wish to start with and select Duplicate to make a copy of it.
The following sample apps are included:
- EXAMPLE – Acquisition Balance Sheet app
- EXAMPLE – Cash Flow Adjustment app
- EXAMPLE – Discontinued Operations Adjustments app
- EXAMPLE – Supplemental Input app
- EXAMPLE – Trial Balance Input app
Common configuration
Each of the sample apps is based on the data view input template and shared common configuration settings.
Updating the User Selections
The user selections need to be updated to include the corresponding dimension names in your system.
To update the user selections for non-standard dimension names:
- Expand User Selections and double click on Dimension 1.
- Select the dimension that corresponds to TIMEPERIODS in your system. For example, select TIMEPER if that is the name of the dimension in your system.
- Expand User Selections and double click on Dimension 2.
- Select the dimension that corresponds to ENTITIES in your system. For example, select ENTITY if that is the name of the dimension in your system.
- Click Save.
Updating the Attribute Based Selection
The Attribute Based Selections need to be updated to include the corresponding dimension names in your system.
To update the attribute-based selections for non-standard dimension names:
- Expand Attribute Based Selections and double click on Dimension 1.
- Select the dimension that corresponds to CURRENCIES in your system. For example, select CURRENCY if that is the name of the dimension in your system.
- Select the dimension that corresponds to ENTITIES in your system. For example, select ENTITY if that is the name of the dimension in your system.
- Click Save.
Updating the Data Area Definitions
The data area definitions need to be updated to include symbols for all dimensions in your system.
To update the data area definitions:
- Expand Data Area Definitions.
- For each data area definition listed, select one symbol for each additional dimension. The standard dimensions are ACCOUNTS, TIMEPERIODS, ENTITIES, DATAVIEWS, SCENARIOS and CURRENCIES.
- Click Save.
Updating the Data Area Views
The data area views need to be updated to include symbols for all dimensions in your system.
To update the data area views:
- Expand Data Area Views.
- For each data area view listed:
- Select a symbol for each additional dimension. This can be done by using the option “Copy Default Selections” and select from Supplemental.
Note: The expansion level gets reset to 0 when the copy option is used.
- Expand the additional configuration section and update functions that include area specifications (semi-colon delimited symbols specifications). These functions include:
- ConditionalCellStyle
- NumericInputOnly
- Protect
- Select a symbol for each additional dimension. This can be done by using the option “Copy Default Selections” and select from Supplemental.
- Click Save.
Updating Validations
Validations need to be updated to include symbols for all dimensions in your system
To update the validations:
- Double click on Validations.
- Update the value statement to include the additional dimensions. For example, if your system has one additional dimension called PRODUCTS, the value command would need to be updated to include the products dimension.
- Click Save.
Specific configuration for EXAMPLE – Discontinued Operations Adjustment
Updating the Pre-Selection for additional data view symbols
The Pre-Selections needs to be updated to include any additional adjustments or calculated symbols to the variables in this section.
To update the pre-selection for additional data view symbols:
- Double-click on Pre-Selection.
- Update the dataviews to hide range variables (DVToHide) to include any additional data view symbols you would like to hide from the view. Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. CF_Calc2|CFFX2)
- Update the adjustment range variables (DVCFAdj) to include any additional adjustment data view symbols.
- Click Save.
Specific configuration EXAMPLE – Cash Flow Adjustment
Updating the Pre-Selection for additional data view or account symbols
The Pre-Selections needs to be updated to include any additional adjustments or calculated symbols to the variables in this section.
To update the pre-selection for additional data view or account symbols:
- Double-click on Pre-Selection.
- Update the adjustment range variable for adjustments within management reporting. (rDVTotCFAdj). Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. CF_Reclass|CF_NonCash). This variable contains the list of symbols for cash flow adjustments within management reporting.
- Update the adjustment range variable for management reporting. (rDVTotCFAdj2). Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. tCF_Reclass|tCF_NonCash). This variable contains the list of temporary symbols for cash flow adjustments for management reporting. This list must match rDVTotCFAdj in length. When adjusting a consolidated entity, these symbols will contain the adjustments from the subs within the consolidation.
- Update the adjustment range variable for adjustments within discontinued operations. (rDVTotDOAdj). Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. DISCOPS_CFReclass). This variable contains the list of symbols for cash flow adjustments within discontinued operations.
- Update the adjustment range variable for discontinued operations. (rDVTotDOAdj2). Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. tDISCOPS_CFReclass). This variable contains the list of temporary symbols for cash flow adjustments for discontinued operations. This list must match rDVTotDOAdj in length. When adjusting a consolidated entity, these symbols will contain the adjustments from the subs within the consolidation.
- Update the protect range variable for accounts (rAcctsProtect) to include any additional accounts that should not be manually adjusted. Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. $CFFX$|$CFBeg$|$CFEnd$|$CFCash$)
Note: The cash flow account symbols in the protect range are defined by the values in the corresponding attributes. For example, $CFFX$ represents the account set in attribute ASCFFX.
- Click Save.
Updating the Post-Selection for additional data view or account symbols
The Post-Selection needs to be updated to include any additional data view symbols to hide if your system is using the summary version of the cash flow calculation.
To update the post-selection for additional data view or account symbols:
- Double-click on Pre-Selection.
- Update the data views to hide string variable in the summary version block (sDVToHide). Use a pipe symbol to separate the symbol names (e.g. Hide DATAVIEWS, NOCORP_Total|CORP_Total|CONS_Total).
- You may want to hide some symbols in the detailed version block, if you are using detailed cash flow calculation and there are symbols which do not apply within the data views.
Additional Data Area Definition configuration
The CashFlow data area definition required additional configuration changes to the list of adjustment data views stored in variables rDVTotDOAdj and rDVTotDOAdj2.
To adjust the cash flow data area definition:
- Double click on CashFlow.
- Expand the Additional Configuration section.
- For each additional symbol in rDVTotCFAdj2 add a TempSym function attaching the symbol tMGMT, similar to the existing one for tCF_NonCash.
Note: Any additional TempSym functions need to precede the Sym function attaching MGMT to tMGMT
- For each additional symbol in rDVTotDOAdj2 add a TempSym function attaching the symbol tSTATUTORY similar to the existing one for tDISCOPS_CFReclass.
Note: Any additional TempSym functions need to precede the Sym function attaching DISCOPS_Total to tSTATUTORY