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Rest SetRequestEncoded

Use this command to url encode the JSON data you wish to send via a REST EXCECUTE call such as REST EXECUTEPOST or REST EXECUTEPUT call. The encoding takes the JSON string and replaces each of the following characters with a % hex encoding for the following characters:

  • { is encoded as %7B
  • }is encoded as %7D
  • : is encoded as %3A
  • , is encoded as %2C
  • = is encoded as %3D
  • \ is encoded as %5C


REST SETREQUESTENCODED Value [ParameterName]                        


  • value is TRUE or FALSE and indicates whether to url encode the data. The default is FALSE.
  • ParameterName is the name of the optional parameter that will contain the url encoded data. If this parameter is not specified, the encoded data will be contained in a parameter named "jsonData".

Syntax example

REST SETREQUESTENCODED TRUE jsonData                

In the example, the data being sent will be encoded and sent as a value for the parameter jsonData.


Rest SetRequestEncoded

Use this command to url encode the JSON data you wish to send via a REST EXCECUTE call such as REST EXECUTEPOST or REST EXECUTEPUT call. The encoding takes the JSON string and replaces each of the following characters with a % hex encoding for the following characters:

  • { is encoded as %7B
  • }is encoded as %7D
  • : is encoded as %3A
  • , is encoded as %2C
  • = is encoded as %3D
  • \ is encoded as %5C


REST SETREQUESTENCODED Value [ParameterName]                        


  • value is TRUE or FALSE and indicates whether to url encode the data. The default is FALSE.
  • ParameterName is the name of the optional parameter that will contain the url encoded data. If this parameter is not specified, the encoded data will be contained in a parameter named "jsonData".

Syntax example

REST SETREQUESTENCODED TRUE jsonData                

In the example, the data being sent will be encoded and sent as a value for the parameter jsonData.

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