Use this command to run a report on values from the Data Server repository.
Caution: Problems may occur when you use the DataReport command to create very large output files. Do not allow the file to exceed 3 GB.
- InputFile is an ASCII file containing the data. It can include a complete or partial folder path in the format C:\...\FileName. If the document is in the same location as lv_af.exe, you do not need to specify the drive or path. If InputFile includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks; for example:
"C:\My Documents\My Input Data.txt"
For more information, see Creating the ASCII input file for basic database reports and Creating the ASCII input file for intercompany reports.
- OutputFile is a file created by this command, which will be saved in the Longview working folder. It can include a complete or partial folder path in the format C:\...\FileName. If the document is in the same location as lv_af.exe, you do not need to specify the drive or path. If OutputFile includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks; for example:
"C:\My Documents\My Output Data.out"
Creating the ASCII input file for basic database reports
Use any text editor program or word processor. Specify a descriptive file name. The file must contain the parameters described in the following table. Make sure each parameter appears on a separate line. For parameters with multiple parts, such as Parents, each part must appear on a separate line:
Parameter | Description |
Table | To specify the type of data for the report, type one of the following:
Table Type | To specify whether to include journal entry data (string data), type one of the following:
Number of Dims to be Extracted | Type the number of dimensions that will appear in the output file. If you specify a number of dimensions lower than the actual number of dimensions in the database, by default all data for the other dimensions is exported. |
List of DimNums to be Extracted | Type the dimension number of each dimension that will appear in the output file. Each number must appear on a separate line. The number of dimensions you specify must equal the Number of Dims to be Extracted parameter. The order in which you specify each dimension number determines the order in which they appear in the report. |
List of Number of Parent Syms in each Dim Extracted | Type the total number of parent symbols contained in each dimension. Each number must appear on a separate line. The number of symbols you specify must equal the Number of Dims to be Extracted parameter. |
Parents | Type the combination of parent and leaf symbols for the report. The total number of parent statements must equal the Number of Dims to be Extracted parameter. For more information, see Syntax for symbols. |
Expand TIMEPER Dim | To specify how selected time period symbols appear in the report, type one of the following:
Precision | Specifies the number of digits after the decimal. |
Delim | Specifies the character used as a delimiter in the output file. |
Output FileName | Specifies the name of the output file. This file name must match the one used in the syntax. |
| If your text editor program does not automatically add an end-of-file marker, add an empty hard return as the last line of the file. |
Syntax for symbols
For details on how to use pound signs ( # ) in the Parents parameter to specify the number of symbol levels in a hierarchy, refer to the following table:
Format | Description |
Parent|##Num | To view all parents down to number levels from Parent. |
Parent|##SNum | To view all parents exactly number levels from Parent. |
Parent|##+Num | To view all parents down to number levels, including Parent. |
Sym|##+SNum | To view all parents exactly number levels, including Parent. |
Parent|### or Parent | To view all leaf symbols under Parent. |
Parent|###SNum | To view all leaf symbols exactly number levels down from Parent. |
Parent|#Num | To view all parent and child symbols down to number levels from Parent, including Parent. |
Parent|#SNum | To view all parent and child symbols exactly number levels down from Parent, including Parent. |
Caution: When specifying leaf symbols (Dim0Set, for example), you cannot use the Parent parameter. Instead, you must use the syntax LeafSymName|##+S0.
Creating the ASCII input file for intercompany reports
Use any text editor program or word processor. Specify a descriptive file name. The file must contain the parameters described in the following table. Make sure each parameter appears on a separate line. For parameters with multiple parts, such as Restricting Values, each part must appear on a separate line:
Parameter | Description |
Report Type{Paper Size{Orientation | Distinguishes this report input file from a regular input file. The syntax for this parameter is: SPECIAL{PaperSize{Orientation where:
Number of Columns to Restrict [ x ] | An integer specifying the number of columns that will be restricted during the selection on database tables. |
Number of Columns to Display [ y ] | An integer specifying the number of columns that will be displayed in the report output. |
Report Output Type | Specify the output file to be produced:
If the CSV format is specified, the Report Title should not be defined, otherwise unexpected results may occur. |
Report title | Allows the user to specify the title of the report. The backslash character ( \ ) in the title string causes the character string of the title to appear on separate lines. The report title must be on a single line in the input file. |
Report tables | Specifies tables to select data from. Type ELIM. If one of the display columns or restrict columns is ELIM_ENTITY, data will be selected from klx_ic_header, klx_icl_txn, klx_icc_txn, klx_ict_txn, and klx_ic_trans_elim. Otherwise data will be selected only from klx_ic_header, klx_icl_txn, klx_icc_txn, and klx_ict_txn. For more information, see Valid ELIM columns. |
Calculate Variance | To specify whether to calculate and print the variance between the base data value and the inner-most group total or the variance between the two amount columns selected in the report. Type one of the following:
Threshold Variance for displaying groups | A double value that allows the user to specify a threshold variance amount such that groups with an absolute value less than the threshold are not printed in the report. Use this parameter only if Calculate Variance is TRUE. |
Threshold Variance for displaying each row | A double value that allows the user to specify a threshold variance amount such that rows with an absolute value less than the threshold are not printed in the report. Use this parameter only if Calculate Variance is TRUE. The value in this parameter is ignored for investment reports. See Special Investment Report Flag. |
Special Investment Report Flag | Identifies the report as a customer-specific Investment report. Type one of the following:
Calculate Parent Totals | Type one of the following:
The outer-most group by column (the first column in the display block that has a Group Flag of TRUE) determines the hierarchy that will be used in the parent total calculation. If there are no restricting values for the outer-most group by column, all roots in the hierarchy are traversed in order to calculate parent totals. |
Get CTA Detail data | Type one of the following:
Column Display Block | The following parameters will be repeated [y] times for each column that will be displayed. The order that the columns are specified is the order they will appear in the output. |
Column Name | Type a column name. For valid column names, see Valid ELIM columns. |
Column Header Flag | Indicates whether a special column title should be printed for the column in the report. Type one of the following:
Column Header | A character string representing the column header that will be displayed for the current column. The character string must appear on one line in the input file. Use this parameter only if Column Header Flag is TRUE. |
Column Width Flag | Indicates whether a special column width will be used in the report output. Type one of the following:
Column Width | An integer representing the column width (in number of characters) that will be used to display the current column. Use this parameter only if Column Width Flag is TRUE. |
Group Flag | Type one of the following:
You can create subgroups by designating multiple display columns as group columns. Each time a group or subgroup changes, a total is printed in the report. |
Suppress Printing Values Multiple Times | This parameter is only specified if the current display column has the Group Flag parameter specified as TRUE. Type one of the following:
Print Totals for the Group | This parameter is only specified if the current display column has the Group Flag parameter specified as TRUE. Type one of the following:
Display Symbol Description | This parameter is only specified if the current display column holds a symbol index value. Type one of the following:
Column Restriction Block |
Column Name | Type a valid column name. For valid column names, see Valid ELIM columns. |
Display in Report Header | Indicates whether the restricting values listed for this column will appear in the report header. Type one of the following:
Number of Restricting Values [ z ] | Specify the number of restricting values for this column. |
Restricting Values [ 1 ... z ] | Only long, symbol idx, and calculated idx type columns can have restricting values.
End of Column Restrict Block |
Variance Calculation Method | Type one of the following to indicate the variance calculation method:
Use this parameter only if:
For more information, see Valid ELIM columns. |
Use Commas | Type one of the following:
Precision | Specify the number of digits to display after the decimal in numbers in the report. |
Show Missing Transactions | Type one of the following:
Use this parameter only if Special Investment Report Flag is FALSE, Report Tables is ELIM, and both ACC_GR1_COL and ACC_GR2_COL are found in the column restriction block. |
| If your text editor program does not automatically add an end-of-file marker, add an empty hard return as the last line of the file. |
Valid ELIM columns
Column | Description | Parameter |
REPORTER | Entities appear in all intercompany reports. Entities usually appear as the first column of a report, except for Elimination reports. Entities often have all three Group Flag settings set to TRUE. | symbol idx |
CONTRA_REPORTER | Offset Entities appear in most intercompany reports, except for reports where the Special Investment Report Flag is TRUE. Offset Entities normally have all three group settings set to FALSE, except for One-sided Reconciliation reports, in which “Group Items” should be set to TRUE. | symbol idx |
ACCOUNT | Accounts should normally appear in all types of reports, except for elimination reports on net offset accounts. | symbol idx |
OFFSET_ACCOUNT | Offset accounts appear in most reports, except for two-sided reconciliation reports where offset accounts are represented by the account group column. | symbol idx |
AMOUNT | The amount normally appears in most types of reports, with the exception of elimination reports on net offset accounts. | double |
POSTED_ACC_AMT | This information is not used in typical intercompany reports. | double |
POSTED_OFFSET_AMT | This information is usually used only in elimination reports on net offset accounts. | double |
ELIM_ENTITY | Elimination entities usually appear only in elimination reports, often as the first column. Elimination entities represent the entities that have been identified as elimination entities for a Longview application. The data in elimination entities comes from automatic elimination journal entries created by the Longview servers. | symbol idx |
TIMEPERIOD | The time period dimension | symbol idx |
FIXED_DIM1 | These dimensions are not usually displayed as columns in reports, since they are often restricted to one symbol per dimension. Instead, the symbol name would be included in the header of the report. | symbol idx |
FIXED_DIM2 | symbol idx | |
FIXED_DIM3 | symbol idx | |
FIXED_DIM4 | symbol idx | |
FIXED_DIM5 | symbol idx | |
TRANS_ID | A numbering scheme that is internal to the Longview servers. | Long |
JE_ID | The Journal Entry ID number for the journal entry that corresponds to the data being displayed. In some cases, the displayed data has been posted directly by the identified journal entries. In other cases, the only data being displayed is schedule and/or base data (i.e. no journal entry data). In those cases, the JE Identifier that appears is the one for the journal entry that eliminates the data being displayed. If a row is showing data that has no related journal entry, the JE Identifier will appear as –1. This feature is rarely used since elimination journal entries are dynamically regenerated by the Longview servers each time the database is recalculated/restated | long |
CREATED_TP_IDX | Displays the creation period of the journal entry that corresponds to the data being displayed. | symbol idx |
REPORTER_CALC_COL | The Calculated Entities column displays the names of the entities that have invested in those subsidiaries (i.e. they have entered intercompany investment amounts in Longview schedules). This information is used in reports where the special investment report setting is TRUE. These reports display the eliminated stock amounts of subsidiaries. | calculated symbol idx |
ACC_GR1_COL | This column is normally used only in two-sided reconciliation reports. Two-sided reconciliation reports are reports where both entities involved in I/C transactions have entered their versions of the transaction in a Longview schedule. A common example would be an I/C Receivables vs Payables Reconciliation report. The account group column in this type of report represents the equivalent of the offset account column in other reports. | calculated symbol idx |
ACC_GR2_COL | This column is normally used only in two-sided reconciliation reports. Two-sided reconciliation reports are reports where both entities involved in I/C transactions have entered their versions of the transaction in a Longview schedule. A common example would be an I/C Receivables vs Payables Reconciliation report. The account group column in this type of report represents the equivalent of the offset account column in other reports. | calculated symbol idx |
AMOUNT_CALC_COL | This information usually represents the offset amount column in two-sided reconciliation reports, or the I/C investment amount column in reports where the Special Investment Report setting is TRUE. | calculated double |
VAR_CALC_COL | Variances are normally displayed in Reconciliation reports. | calculated double |
BASE_CALC_COL | This column is normally used only in one-sided reconciliation reports. One-sided reconciliation reports are reports in which only one of the two entities involved in an intercompany transaction enters its version of the events in a Longview schedule. The other entity provides only base data in the appropriate intercompany account. The unadjusted data column in this type of report retrieves the base data that represents the offset amount. | calculated double |
Default Column Widths
Column Type | Default width (in number of characters) |
symbol idx | 10 |
string | 20 |
double | 15 |
long | 8 |
calculated symbol idx | 10 |
calculated double | 13 |