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Create Category

Use this command to create a new category.


Syntax (regular)

CREATE CATEGORY CategoryName ["Description"]            


  • CategoryName is the name of the category you want to create. The following characters are invalid: backslash ( \ ), forward slash ( / ), apostrophe ( ’ ), double quotation marks ( “ ), comma ( , ), left brace ( { ), and double brackets ( [[ ) or ( ]] ). The category name can have a maximum length of 40 characters.
  • Description is the string describing the category (for example, the category’s function), enclosed in double quotation marks. If the Description is not specified, the CategoryName will be used as the description. The following characters are invalid: left brace ( { ). The category description can have a maximum length of 100 characters.

Syntax example

CREATE CATEGORY ConsolInput "Consolidation Input"            

Creating an ASCII input file

To create multiple categories, specify the parameters for this command in an ASCII file.

Create an ASCII file containing the following information for each user group:




Syntax (with an ASCII file)

CREATE CATEGORY @FileName        


  • FileName is an ASCII file containing the data. It can include a complete or a partial folder path in the format C:\...\FileName. If FileName includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks; for example:

    @"C:\My Documents\My Data.txt"


Syntax example

CREATE CATEGORY @newCategories.txt            


Create Category

Use this command to create a new category.


Syntax (regular)

CREATE CATEGORY CategoryName ["Description"]            


  • CategoryName is the name of the category you want to create. The following characters are invalid: backslash ( \ ), forward slash ( / ), apostrophe ( ’ ), double quotation marks ( “ ), comma ( , ), left brace ( { ), and double brackets ( [[ ) or ( ]] ). The category name can have a maximum length of 40 characters.
  • Description is the string describing the category (for example, the category’s function), enclosed in double quotation marks. If the Description is not specified, the CategoryName will be used as the description. The following characters are invalid: left brace ( { ). The category description can have a maximum length of 100 characters.

Syntax example

CREATE CATEGORY ConsolInput "Consolidation Input"            

Creating an ASCII input file

To create multiple categories, specify the parameters for this command in an ASCII file.

Create an ASCII file containing the following information for each user group:




Syntax (with an ASCII file)

CREATE CATEGORY @FileName        


  • FileName is an ASCII file containing the data. It can include a complete or a partial folder path in the format C:\...\FileName. If FileName includes spaces, enclose it in double quotation marks; for example:

    @"C:\My Documents\My Data.txt"


Syntax example

CREATE CATEGORY @newCategories.txt            

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