Administration tasks in Longview Tax
As Tax Administrator, it is your responsibility to prepare Tax Provision for the upcoming tax cycle and to monitor the system during the cycle. The following table lists administration tasks throughout the tax cycle, including preparing the system and performing a rollover to the next period.
Task | For more information see… |
Configure Tax Provision system settings |
Update time periods | |
Update currencies | |
Add or update entities | |
Add and configure chart of accounts | |
Add and configure net income before tax accounts | |
Add or update any permanent and temporary difference accounts | |
Configure national and regional deferred tax accounts | |
Configure tax account rollforward settings | |
Configure interim accounts | |
Configure regional modifications | |
Add and configure additional accounts | |
Update other dimensions | |
Create users and groups | |
Initialize beginning balances using the related input apps | |
Update chart of accounts data using the related input apps | |
Update FX Method Rates | |
Update FX method override rates | |
Load the foreign exchange rates using the related input apps | |
Update the National Tax Rates for the current and deferred provisions using the related input apps | |
Update the Regional Tax Rates for the current and deferred provisions using the related input apps | |
Initiate Return to Provision Transfer (ASC) or Prior Year Adjustment Transfer (IAS) |
Alert the tax department that the system is ready for use | |
Monitor the system | |
When the tax period is over, perform a rollover of the system. |