A number of attributes are created during setup to support configuration. Attributes specified with (X) indicate that multiple similar attributes exist, with the (X) being replaced by the dimension number.
Class | Attribute | Use |
SYMBOL | AZCFCalcTrn | Specifies if the cash flow account will be calculated using the period average rate or calculated by the source translated value. |
SYMBOL | AZCFDataViewCFBSource | Specifies the source cash flow basis dataview if cash flow calculations need to be performed across multiple symbols in the dataviews dimension. |
SYMBOL | AZCFImpact | Configure the impact of the source account on cash flow (+ or -). |
SYMBOL | AZCFSourceAccount | Specifies the source trial balance account for a calculated cash flow account. For a roll forward source, specifies the roll forward change detail to use for the calculated cash flow account. |
SYMBOL | AZCFSourceRollForward | Specifies the source roll forward for a calculated cash flow account based on roll forward details. |
SYMBOL | AZEQPTargetAccountBS | Specifies the equity pickup target balance sheet account to use for a subsidiary entity. |
SYMBOL | AZEQPTargetAccountNI | Specifies the equity pickup target net income account to use for a subsidiary entity. |
SYMBOL | AZEQPTargetEntity | Specifies the equity pickup target entity for a subsidiary entity. |
SYMBOL | AZEventD(X)TriggerRoot | Species the root symbol in each dimension that a specific event can be manually triggered on. |
SYMBOL | AZNCITargetAccountBS | Specifies the non-controlling interests target balance sheet account to use for a subsidiary entity. |
SYMBOL | AZNCITargetAccountNI | Specifies the non-controlling interests target net income account to use for a subsidiary entity. |
SYMBOL | AZNCITargetEntity | Specifies the non-controlling interests target entity for a subsidiary entity. |
SYMBOL | AZPatternCopy | Indicates whether the pattern values are copied forward when a new year is created. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBAccountsSource | Specifies the source Income Statement account for a calculated P&L variance account. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBActualAcqDate | Specifies the P&L variance actual acquisition date. This must be set on a dimension symbol listen in the system attribute ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBActualDispDate | Specifies the P&L variance actual disposal date. This must be set on a dimension symbol listen in the system attribute ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBBaseAcqDate | Specifies the base acquisition date attribute to use, depending on the scenario base and comparison time frames |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBBaseDispDate | Specifies the base disposal date attribute to use, depending on the scenario base and comparison time frames |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBBudgetAcqDate | Specifies the P&L variance budget acquisition date. This must be set on a dimension symbol listen in the system attribute ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBBudgetDispDate | Specifies the P&L variance budget disposal date. This must be set on a dimension symbol listen in the system attribute ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBCalcMethod | Specifies the calculation method to be used for the P&L variance bridge dataviews:
SYMBOL | AZPLVBCompareAcqDate | Specifies the compare acquisition date attribute to use, depending on the scenario base and comparison time frames |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBCompareDispDate | Specifies the compare disposal date attribute to use, depending on the scenario base and comparison time frames |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBForecastAcqDate | Specifies the P&L variance forecast acquisition date. This must be set on a dimension symbol listen in the system attribute ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBForecastDispDate | Specifies the P&L variance forecast disposal date. This must be set on a dimension symbol listen in the system attribute ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBScenariosBase | Specifies the base scenario associated with a variance scenario. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBScenariosComparison | Specifies the comparison scenario associated with a variance scenario. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBTimePeriodsBase | Specifies the base time period associated with a variance scenario. |
SYMBOL | AZPLVBScenariosComparison | Specifies the comparison time period associated with a variance scenario. |
SYMBOL | AZRFNoInput | Specifies the roll forward change details that should be blocked from input for a specific roll forward account. |
SYMBOL | AZRFSourceAccount | Specifies the source trial balance account for roll forward detail input. |
SYMBOL | AZROOpenAccount | Specifies the target account to hold the open balance when a continuity year end balance is rolled to the next open period. |
SYSTEM | ASAllocRuleDim | Specifies the dimension that will contain the allocation target symbols. |
SYSTEM | ASAllocRuleParent | Specifies the symbol in the allocation rule dimension (ASAllocRuleParent) that will contain the allocation target symbols. |
SYSTEM | ASCFAccountsCash | Specifies any cash or overdraft accounts that will be used to calculate beginning cash. |
SYSTEM | ASCFAccountsSource | Specifies any additional account structures outside of the Trial Balance structure that can be used as a source account for calculated cash flow accounts. |
SYSTEM | ASCFActivity | Specifies the Cash Flow Activity Account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFD(X)Source | Specifies the source symbol for cash flow calculations in customer specific dimension X. |
SYSTEM | ASCFD(X)Target | Specifies the target symbol for cash flow calculations in customer specific dimension X. |
SYSTEM | ASCFEnding | Specifies the Cash Flow Ending Cash account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFFinancing | Specifies the Cash Flows from Financing Activities account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFFX | Specifies the Cash Flow Effect of Exchange Rate Changes account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFInvesting | Specifies the Cash Flows from Investing Activities account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFOperating | Specifies the Cash Flows from Operating Activities account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFRoot | Specifies the Cash Flow Root account. |
SYSTEM | ASCFStatement | Specifies the Cash Flow Statement account. |
SYSTEM | ASElimD(X)ReportingRoots | Specifies the root symbols available for elimination reporting in dimension X. |
SYSTEM | ASElimEntityReportingRoots | Specifies the elimination entities available for selection in elimination reports. |
SYSTEM | ASFiscalYearStart | Specifies the first month of the fiscal year. |
SYSTEM | ASGPBudgetQuarter | Specifies the current budget quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPBudgetYear | Specifies the current budget year |
SYSTEM | ASGPBudgetYTDPeriod | Specifies the current year-to-date budget period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPCurrentBudgetPAPeriod | Specifies the current period activity budget period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPCurrentForecastPAPeriod | Specifies the current period activity forecast period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPCurrentPAPeriod | Specifies the current period activity period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPCurrentQuarter | Specifies the current quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPCurrentYear | Specifies the current year. |
SYSTEM | ASGPForecastQuarter | Specifies the current forecast quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPForecastYear | Specifies the current forecast year. |
SYSTEM | ASGPForecastYTDPeriod | Specifies the current year-to-date forecast period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousBudgetPAPeriod | Specifies the previous budget period activity period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousBudgetQuarter | Specifies the previous budget quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousBudgetYTDPeriod | Specifies the previous budget year-to-date period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousForecastPAPeriod | Specifies the previous forecast period activity period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousForecastQuarter | Specifies the previous forecast quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousForecastYTDPeriod | Specifies the previous forecast year-to-date period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousPAPeriod | Specifies the previous period activity period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousQuarter | Specifies the previous quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPreviousYTDPeriod | Specifies the previous year-to-date period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYear | Specifies the prior year. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYearBudget | Specifies the prior budget year. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYearForecast | Specifies the prior forecast year. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrBudgetPAPeriod | Specifies the prior year budget year-to-date period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrBudgetQuarter | Specifies the prior year budget quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrBudgetYTDPeriod | Specifies the prior year budget year-to-date period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrForecastPAPeriod | Specifies the prior year forecast period activity period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrForecastQuarter | Specifies the prior year forecast quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrForecastYTDPeriod | Specifies the prior year forecast year to date period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrPAPeriod | Specifies the prior year equivalent of the current period activity period. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrQuarter | Specifies the prior year equivalent of the current quarter. |
SYSTEM | ASGPPriorYrYTDPeriod | Specifies the prior year equivalent of the current year-to-date period. |
SYSTEM | ASICD(X)Input | Specifies the symbols available for intercompany input in customer specific dimension X. |
SYSTEM | ASNCID(X)Target | Specifies the target symbol for non-controlling interests calculation in customer specific dimension X. |
SYSTEM | ASPLVBAcqDispDimensions | Specifies the list of dimensions for P&L variance acquisitions or disposals. |
SYSTEM | ASRFAccountsSource | Specifies any additional account structures outside of the Trial Balance structure that can be used as a source account for calculated roll forward accounts. |
SYSTEM | ASRFInputMethod | Specifies whether roll forward input is done on a year to date (YTD) or period (PERIOD) basis. Default is YTD. |
SYSTEM | ASTBAssets | Specifies the Trial Balance Assets account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBBS | Specifies the Trial Balance Balance Sheet account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBCA | Specifies the Trial Balance Current Assets account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBCash | Specifies the Trial Balance Total Cash account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBCI | Specifies the Trial Balance Comprehensive Income account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBCL | Specifies the Trial Balance Current Liabilities account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBD<?>Source | Specifies the Trial Balance Calculation Source for non standard dimensions. |
SYSTEM | ASTBEquity | Specifies the Trial Balance Equity account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBLiabilities | Specifies the Trial Balance Liability account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBPL | Specifies the Trial Balance Profit (Loss) account. |
SYSTEM | ASTBRoot | Specifies the Trial Balance Root account. |