Working with attributes
An attribute is data used to describe the characteristics of an object in the application. For example, SGPCompanyName is an attribute representing the name of your company, and its value is your company name.
You can filter a list of symbols based on their attribute values in a Model or Dataspec Document. You can filter symbols in several ways, depending on whether you want root symbols, leaf symbols, descendants, and so on.
This chapter contains information on these main topics:
- “Understanding attribute classes”
- “Understanding attribute types”
- “Working with attribute commands and functions”
- Working with Symbol attributes
- “Understanding attribute names and parameters”
- “Working with preconfigured System attributes”
- “Creating and modifying attributes”
Understanding attribute classes
There are several attribute classes:
Attribute class | Description |
SYSTEM (S) | Describes the entire system at the highest level. Attributes in this attribute class specify system-wide characteristics. There is only one object in the SYSTEM attribute class—the application itself. |
USER (U) | Describes the attributes of a particular user. Each user is an object in the USER attribute class. |
SYMBOL (Z) | Describes the characteristics of individual symbols. Each symbol is an object in the SYMBOL attribute class. |
Understanding attribute types
For each attribute class, an attribute describes some aspect of it. When these attributes are created, you must specify what type of data values may be specified for them.
Attribute type | Syntax |
Date | Date |
List of Dates | DateList |
Double | Double |
List of Doubles | DoubleList |
Integer | Integer |
List of Integers | IntegerList |
String | String |
List of Strings | StringList |
Symbol | Symbol |
List of Symbols | SymbolList |
Working with attribute commands and functions
To work with attributes in Application Framework, you need to understand how to use the following commands:
- Append Attribute
- Create Attribute
- Delete Attribute
- Refresh Attribute
- Set Attribute
You also need to understand how to use the following functions:
- AttributeExists
- AttributeFilter
- CreateList
For more information, see the Longview Developer’s Guide.
Working with Symbol attributes
Symbol attributes (prefixed with Z) are attributes that specify characteristics of individual symbols. You can set values for these attributes to configure symbols in your Longview system.
Understanding attribute names and parameters
The following tables contain lists of attribute names and default parameters, classified by type (SYSTEM, USER, or SYMBOL).
For more information on lists of attribute names and default parameters, see
- System attribute names and parameters
- User attribute names and parameters
- Symbol attribute names and parameters
System attribute names and parameters
Attribute Name | SDataAreaStatusHierarchies |
Attribute Description | List of symbols displayed in the drop-down list and Symbol Selector in the Events Status tool. For more information, see “Specifying the symbols displayed in the Events Status tool”. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value | Longview Dashboard—No default value Longview Tax—TENTITIES#99| PSHIP#99|Juris dictions#99|En titiesHier1#99| EntitiesHier2#99|EntitiesHier3 #99|EntitiesHie r4#99|EntitiesHier5#99 |
Attribute Name | SElimAccountsCapital |
Attribute Description | List of Capital Accounts |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value | UNUSED |
Attribute Name | SElimAccountsInvestment |
Attribute Description | List of Investment Accounts |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value | UNUSED |
Attribute Name | SElimAccountsOwnership |
Attribute Description | List of Ownership Accounts for Eliminations |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value | UNUSED |
Attribute Name | SElimInvestmentCurrency |
Attribute Description | Common Currency for Investment Elimination Percentage Calculation |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value | UNUSED |
Attribute Name | SFXAccountsBalanceSheet |
Attribute Description | List of Balance Sheet Accounts |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value | UNUSED |
Attribute Name | SFXAccountsRoundingError |
Attribute Description | Foreign Exchange Rounding Difference Account |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SFXAllowMonetaryCTAA |
Attribute Description | Allow Monetary Accounts to Generate Specific CTA |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SFXElim |
Attribute Description | Translate Eliminations |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SFXJE |
Attribute Description | Translate Journal Entry Details |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SFXGlobalRateDimensions |
Attribute Description | Additional Global Rate Dimensions |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SFXMethods |
Attribute Description | List of Translation Methods |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value | FXMethods |
Attribute Name | SFXOverrideRateDimensions |
Attribute Description | Additional Override Rate Dimensions |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SFXPeriodEndRate |
Attribute Description | Period End Rate Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value | FXRate_PeriodEnd |
Attribute Name | SFXRates |
Attribute Description | List of Foreign Exchange Rates |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value | FXRates |
Attribute Name | SFXSchedule |
Attribute Description | Translate Schedule Data |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SFXTimePeriodsSymbols |
Attribute Description | List of Time Period Symbols to Translate |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SFXTranslationAdj |
Attribute Description | Calculate Detailed Translation Gain/Loss |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SFXTranslations |
Attribute Description | List of Currency Translations |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value | FXTranslations |
Attribute Name | SGPAccountsDimension |
Attribute Description | Name of the Accounts Dimension |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | ACCOUNTS |
Attribute Name | SGPBudgetPeriod |
Attribute Description | Current Budget Period |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPCompanyName |
Attribute Description | Company Name (This attribute must be set if the SPrivacyPolicyURLCustom attribute is set.) |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPCurrencyDimension |
Attribute Description | Name of the Currency Dimension |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | CURRENCY |
Attribute Name | SGPCurrencySymbol |
Attribute Description | Currencies Root Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPCurrentPeriod |
Attribute Description | Current Period |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPCurrentYear |
Attribute Description | Current Year |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPD0AttrSym - SGPD15AttrSym |
Attribute Description | Symbol Attributes used for Attribute-driven <Dimension N> Symbol Selections, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPD0AttrSys - SGPD15AttrSys |
Attribute Description | System Attributes used for Attribute-driven <Dimension N> Symbol Selections, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPD0AttrUser - SGPD15AttrUser |
Attribute Description | User Attributes used for Attribute-driven <Dimension N> Symbol Selections, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPDecimals |
Attribute Description | Number of Decimals to round parent data in queries |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 10 |
Attribute Name | SGPDecimalsLeaf |
Attribute Description | Number of decimals to round leaf data in queries |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 10 |
Attribute Name | SGPDecimalsSubmissions |
Attribute Description | Number of decimals to round data in submissions |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 10 |
Attribute Name | SGPDecimialsZero |
Attribute Description | Number of decimals to consider for determining values of zero when querying and submitting data. |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 0 |
Note: A value of SGPDecimalsZero is only meaningful if it is less than the value of SGPDecimals / SGPDecimalsLeaf / SGPDecimalsSubmissions.
Attribute Name | SGPDimensionDefaults |
Attribute Description | List of Default Symbols |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPEntitiesDimension |
Attribute Description | Name of the Entities Dimension |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | ENTITIES |
Attribute Name | SGPFloatingTimePeriods |
Attribute Description | System Attributes used as Time Period Symbols in Templates |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPForecastActualPeriods |
Attribute Description | List of Forecast Actual Symbols |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPForecastPeriods |
Attribute Description | List of Forecast Symbols |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPForecastPeriod |
Attribute Description | Current Forecast Period |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPMaxDims |
Attribute Description | Maximum Number of Dimensions |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 16 |
Attribute Name | SGPSchedAttrSym |
Attribute Description | Symbol Attributes used for Attribute-driven Schedule Dimension Symbol Selections |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPSchedAttrSys |
Attribute Description | System Attributes used for Attribute-driven Schedule Dimension Symbol Selections |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPSchedAttrUser |
Attribute Description | User Attributes used for Attribute-driven Schedule Dimension Symbol Selections |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPSubmissionRules |
Attribute Description | Duplicate data handling for submissions for cells calculated by a model rule. For more information, see “Specifying duplicate data handling for submissions”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | OFF |
Attribute Name | SGPTBAccount |
Attribute Description | Trial Balance Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTBAssetsAccount |
Attribute Description | Total Assets Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTBCompIncomeAccount |
Attribute Description | Comprehensive Income Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTBEBITAccount |
Attribute Description | Earnings Before Interest & Taxes Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTBLiabEquityAccount |
Attribute Description | Total Liabilities & S/H Equity Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTBNetIncomeAccount |
Attribute Description | Net Income Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTBOperatingProfitAccount |
Attribute Description | Operating Profit Account Symbol |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTimePeriodsActivity |
Attribute Description | List of Period Activity Time Periods |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SGPTimePeriodsDimension |
Attribute Description | Name of the Time Period Dimension |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | TIMEPER |
Attribute Name | SGPTimePeriodsYTD |
Attribute Description | List of Year-to-Date Time Periods |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SJEApplicationIDEditable |
Attribute Description | Allow the Journal Entry Application ID to be Modified? |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SJED0Default - SJED15Default |
Attribute Description | <Dimension N> Default Journal Entry Symbol, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value | DIMNSET, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15 |
Attribute Name | SJED0Symbols - SJED15Symbols |
Attribute Description | List of Valid <Dimension N> Symbols for Journal Entries, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value | DIMNSET, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15 |
Attribute Name | SPACPairs |
Attribute Description | List of PAC/YTD Pairs |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SPACSkipStaticSymbols |
Attribute Description | Ignore PAC/YTD calculations for non-account static symbols |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SPrivacyPolicyURLCustom |
Attribute Description | Link to a custom privacy policy URL. The URL path specified must contain the http:// or https:// prefix. If this attribute value is not defined, the custom privacy policy feature is disabled. If this attribute value is set, then a link to the URL specified will appear in the Privacy Policy sections of Longview Dashboard and the Longview Client. The SGPCompanyName attribute must also be set if this attribute is set. The custom privacy policy link in the Longview Client will refer to the company name set in the SGPCompanyName attribute. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SPrivacyPolicyURLLongview |
Attribute Description | Link to the Longview privacy policy URL. The URL path specified must contain the http:// or https:// prefix. If this attribute value is not defined, the Longview privacy policy feature is disabled. If this attribute value is set, then a link to the URL specified will appear in the Privacy Policy sections of Longview Dashboard and the Longview Client. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SQuote |
Attribute Description | Quotation mark within Application Framework code. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | “ |
Attribute Name | SRECAccountsNetIncome |
Attribute Description | Net Income Account |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | STaxEntityAttributes |
Attribute Description | Tax Entity Wizard Attributes This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | STaxEntityHierarchies |
Attribute Description | Tax Entity Wizard Hierarchies This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SWFAdminDesc |
Attribute Description | Workflow Administrator Description |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SWFAdminEMail |
Attribute Description | Workflow Administrator Email Address |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | SWFAllowJE |
Attribute Description | Permit journal entries on submitted/invisible workflow areas |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | TRUE |
Attribute Name | SWFHierarchyStepApproveAll |
Attribute Description | Allow the owner to approve all areas in hierarchy step |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SWFLockScheduleData |
Attribute Description | Lock Schedule data in Workflow processes |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | TRUE |
Attribute Name | SWFLogDataChanges |
Attribute Description | Enable Log of Data Changes (Workflow) |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SWFUseCertification |
Attribute Description | Specifies whether certification is available for approval processes in Longview Workflow. For more information, see “Specifying certification for approval processes”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SWFUseGlobalVisibility |
Attribute Description | This attribute applies only if SWFUseVisibility is set to TRUE. Specifies whether DataAreas outside of the DataAreas specified for all approval processes are visible. For more information, see “Specifying visibility for DataAreas outside of approval processes”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | TRUE |
Attribute Name | SWFUseTimePeriodVisibility |
Attribute Description | This attribute applies only if SWFUseVisibility is set to TRUE. Specifies whether the visibility settings of DataAreas for parent symbols in the time periods dimension (as specified by SGPTimePeriods) are affected when the DataAreas for leaf symbols in the time periods dimension are set to invisible. For more information, see “Specifying parent symbol visibility in the time periods dimension”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | SWFUseVisibility |
Attribute Description | Specifies whether data visibility options are available for approval processes in Longview Workflow. For more information, see “Specifying data visibility options for approval processes”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
User attribute names and parameters
Attribute Name | UAccSchedules |
Attribute Description | Users Accessible Schedules |
Attribute type | List of Strings Set to “ALL” to grant access to all schedules. |
Default value |
Attribute Name | UD0InputDefault - UD15InputDefault |
Attribute Description | <Dimension N> Default Symbol for Data Input, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15.This attribute applies to Longview Tax only. |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | UD0QueryDefault - UD15QueryDefault |
Attribute Description | <Dimension N> Default Symbol for Data Queries, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. This attribute applies to Longview Tax only. |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | UGPCurrentGroup |
Attribute Description | Users Current Group Note: The attribute value is set by the system when a user connects to the system. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | NONE |
Attribute Name | UGPD0InputDefault - UGPD15InputDefault |
Attribute Description | <Dimension N> Default Symbol for Data Input, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | UGPD0QueryDefault - UGPD15QueryDefault |
Attribute Description | <Dimension N> Default Symbol for Data Queries, where N is a dimension number from 0 through 15. |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | UJavaHome |
Attribute Description | JRE Install folder for Java components launched via Component Launcher. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | UJavaInitialHeapSize |
Attribute Description | Initial Heap Size (Mb) for Longview Java components launched via Component Launcher. |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 32 |
Attribute Name | UJavaMaxHeapSize |
Attribute Description | Maximum Heap Size (Mb) for Longview Java components launched via Component Launcher. |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 1024 |
Attribute Name | UWebMaximumColumns |
Attribute Description | Maximum Number of Columns Rendered in Web Browser |
Attribute type | Double |
Default value | 10000 |
Attribute Name | UWebMaximumRows |
Attribute Description | Maximum Number of Rows Rendered in Web Browser |
Attribute type | Double |
Default value | 10000 |
Attribute Name | UWebTheme |
Attribute Description | Web Application Theme |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | Longview Default Theme |
Symbol attribute names and parameters
Attribute Name | ZElimAccountsOffset |
Attribute Description | Offset Account |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimAllowICTransactions |
Attribute Description | Allow Intercompany Transactions to be Recorded Against this Entity? |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | ZElimContra |
Attribute Description | List of Hierarchies to Eliminate this Account at the Contra's Parent |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimEntity |
Attribute Description | List of Hierarchies to Eliminate this Account at the Contra's Parent |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimEquivalentCurrency |
Attribute Description | List of Equivalent Currencies |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimICSchCapital |
Attribute Description | Name of Schedule Holding Capital Amounts |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimICSchTransactions |
Attribute Description | Name of Schedule Holding Intercompany Transactions |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimInvestmentOwnershipAccount |
Attribute Description | Investment Ownership Percentage Account |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimInvestmentOwnershipMethod |
Attribute Description | Basis for Determining Capital Amount |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZElimReporter |
Attribute Description | List of Hierarchies to Eliminate this Account at the Reporter's Parent |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXAccountsCTA |
Attribute Description | Cumulative Translation Adjustment Account |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXAccountsTA |
Attribute Description | Translation Adjustment Account |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXAccountType |
Attribute Description | Foreign Exchange Account Type. For more information, see “Specifying foreign exchange account type”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | Monetary |
Attribute Name | ZFXEntityIndicator |
Attribute Description | Entity is Translated by Foreign Exchange? |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | ZFXOperationsType |
Attribute Description | Translation Method Operations Type. For more information, see “Understanding Operations Type”. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXOverrideRates |
Attribute Description | Override Currency Translations to Use for Each Source Currency |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_CrossValidations |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_DetailsDimension |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_DetailsValidation |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_ReportingPeriod |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_ReportingPeriodDetails |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_ScalingFactor |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_ScalingFactorDecimals |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 0 |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_ScalingFactors |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXR_Source |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXRateType |
Attribute Description | Translation Rate Type |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXRoundPrecision |
Attribute Description | Translation Rounding Precision |
Attribute type | Integer |
Default value | 99 |
Attribute Name | ZFXSourceCurrencies |
Attribute Description | List of Source Currencies |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXTimePeriodsOpen |
Attribute Description | List of Time Periods Related to Open Period |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZFXTranslations |
Attribute Description | Currency Translation to Use for Each Source Currency |
Attribute type | List of Symbols |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZGPCalendarDate |
Attribute Description | Calendar Date |
Attribute type | Date |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZGPCommentSymbol |
Attribute Description | Specifies that the Symbol should be treated as a Comment Symbol. When symbols with this attribute set to TRUE are queried, for example, in Report Viewer, Data Grids or Longview Analysis and Reporting, the comment schedule intersection will be displayed instead of the base data point. This feature can be used to display variance commentary in a side-by-side format. Note: Symbols with this attribute set to TRUE must be STATIC symbols. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | FALSE |
Attribute Name | ZGPLineItemDetailReference |
Attribute Description | Line-Item Detail |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZGPNativeCurrency |
Attribute Description | Native (Functional) Currency |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZHierarchyDescription |
Attribute Description | Override the root symbol display description |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZHierarchyName |
Attribute Description | Override the root symbol display name |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZKPIDescription |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZKPIFormula |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZKPIReportLink |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZKPIVariancePositive |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | String |
Default value | + |
Attribute Name | ZKPIVarianceTolerance |
Attribute Description | This attribute is currently not used. |
Attribute type | Double |
Default value | 0 |
Attribute Name | ZLIDCommentsSymbol |
Attribute Description | LID - Storage Symbol for Comments |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZRECAccountsRetained |
Attribute Description | Retained Earnings Income Account |
Attribute type | Symbol |
Default value |
Attribute Name | ZValidValues |
Attribute Description | List of Valid Values for Symbol Renders this symbol as a drop list in a data view. Use value1|value2 (displayed and stored value is the same) or display1;value1|display2;value2 (displayed value and stored value is not the same) stored value is always stored as a string. |
Attribute type | List of Strings |
Default value |
Working with preconfigured System attributes
System attributes (prefixed with S) are preconfigured attributes that specify systemwide characteristics. You can set values for these attributes to configure various functionalities and settings in your Longview system.
This section contains information on these topics:
- Specifying the symbols displayed in the Events Status tool
- Specifying duplicate data handling for submissions
- Specifying System attributes for Longview Workflow
Specifying the symbols displayed in the Events Status tool
The SDataAreaStatusHierarchies System attribute specifies the list of symbols displayed in the drop-down list and Symbol Selector in the Events Status tool.
If no value is set for this attribute, all root symbols, and all levels of symbols below them in the data area status dimension are displayed the drop-down list and Symbol Selector in the Events Status tool.
To specify the symbols displayed in the Events Status tool:
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select SYSTEM.
- In the Contents window, right-click SDataAreaStatusHierarchies, and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- In the Values area, enter the symbol specification for the symbol or symbols to display in the Events Status tool in Enter New Value.
For each symbol specification, specify a symbol name and the level of symbols below that symbol in the hierarchy to display.
You can use the following symbol specifications:
Specification | Meaning |
symbol### | all leaf symbols under symbol |
symbol#n | all symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol |
symbol##n | all parent symbols under symbol n levels down |
symbol##+n | all parent symbols under symbol n levels down, including symbol |
Note: The specified symbols must be in the dimension specified for the Data Area Status Dimension parameter in Longview Server Manager. For more information, see the Longview Server Manager Guide.
The current list of symbol specifications for SDataAreaStatusHierarchies displays in Value List.
- In the Values area, click Add to list.
- Repeat step 3 and step 4 for each symbol specification that you want to include in the symbol list.
- When you are finished adding symbol specifications, click Apply.
- Click OK.
Specifying duplicate data handling for submissions
The SGPSubmissionRules System attribute specifies how duplicate data is handled for submissions for cells calculated by a model rule.
To specify duplicate data handling for submissions:
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select SYSTEM.
- In the Contents window, right-click SGPSubmissionRules, and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- In the Values area, specify a value for SGPSubmissionRules in Enter New Value. The current value for SGPSubmissionRules displays in Value.
Possible values for SGPSubmissionRules include the following:
Duplicates are submitted. This is the default value.
Non-duplicates are submitted. Duplicates are listed in a server output temp file named username_sessionID_Duplicate.tmp.
Note: For journal entries, the duplicate coordinate check is performed during validation, and therefore the system attribute for FILTER is handled in the same way as ERROR. The JE validation will fail, and the user will see an error message.
- In the Values area, click Assign to value.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Specifying System attributes for Longview Workflow
The following System attributes configure various functionalities and settings in Longview Workflow.
Specifying certification for approval processes
The SWFUseCertification System attribute specifies whether certification is available for approval processes in Longview Workflow. For more information see the Workflow Designer Guide.
To specify certification for approval processes:
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select SYSTEM.
- In the Contents window, right-click SWFUseCertification, and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- In the Values area, specify a value for SWFUseCertification in Enter New Value. The current value for SWFUseCertification displays in Value.
Possible values for SWFUseCertification include the following:
TRUE Certification is available for approval processes in Longview Workflow.
If this attribute is set to TRUE, the Certify data field displays in the Approval Process wizard in Longview Workflow Designer. If Certify data is selected, certification definitions can be added to approval processes.
When users work with an approval process that has a certification definition in Longview Workflow on the web, they can certify data in that approval process.
Certification is unavailable for approval processes in Longview Workflow.
If this attribute is set to FALSE, the Certify data field does not display in the Approval Process wizard in Longview Workflow Designer. Certification definitions cannot be added to approval processes.
This is the default value.
- In the Values area, click Assign to value.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Specifying visibility for DataAreas outside of approval processes
The SWFUseGlobalVisibility System attribute specifies whether DataAreas outside of the DataAreas specified for all approval process are visible to users.
Note: This attribute applies only if SWFUseVisibility is set to TRUE. For more information, see “Specifying data visibility options for approval processes”.
To specify visibility for DataAreas outside of approval processes:
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select SYSTEM.
- In the Contents window, right-click SWFUseGlobalVisibility, and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- In the Values area, specify a value for SWFUseGlobalVisibility in Enter New Value. The current value for SWFUseGlobalVisibility displays in Value.
Possible values for SWFUseGlobalVisibility include the following:
All DataAreas outside of the DataAreas specified for all approval processes are visible to users. This is the default value.
All DataAreas outside of the DataAreas specified for all approval processes are not visible to users.
- In the Values area, click Assign to value.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Specifying parent symbol visibility in the time periods dimension
The SWFUseTimePeriodVisibility System attribute specifies whether the visibility settings of DataAreas for parent symbols in the time periods dimension (as specified by the SGPTimePeriods System attribute) are affected when the DataAreas for leaf symbols in the time periods dimension are set to invisible, for all approval processes.
Note: This attribute applies only if SWFUseVisibility is set to TRUE. For more information, see “Specifying data visibility options for approval processes”.
To specify parent symbol visibility in the time periods dimension:
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select SYSTEM.
- In the Contents window, right-click SWFUseTimePeriodVisibility, and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- In the Values area, specify a value for SWFUseTimePeriodVisibility in Enter New Value. The current value for SWFUseTimePeriodVisibility displays in Value.
Possible values for SWFUseTimePeriodVisibility include the following:
When the DataAreas for leaf symbols in the time periods dimension are set to invisible, DataAreas for parent symbols in the time periods dimension are also set to invisible.
When the DataAreas for leaf symbols in the time periods dimension are set to invisible, the visibility of the DataAreas for parent symbols in the time periods dimension is unaffected. This is the default value.
- In the Values area, click Assign to value.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Specifying data visibility options for approval processes
The SWFUseVisibility System attribute specifies whether data visibility options are available for approval processes in Longview Workflow.
To specify data visibility options:
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select SYSTEM.
- In the Contents window, right-click SWFUseVisibility, and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- In the Values area, specify a value for SWFUseVisibility in Enter New Value. The current value for SWFUseVisibility displays in Value.
Possible values for SWFUseVisibility include the following:
Data visibility options are available for approval processes in Longview Workflow.
If this attribute is set to TRUE, the Visible field displays in the Approval Process wizard in Longview Workflow Designer. Owners and Approvers can modify data visibility when working with approval processes in Longview Workflow on the web.
Data visibility options are not available for approval processes in Longview Workflow.
If this attribute is set to FALSE, the Visible field does not display in the Approval Process wizard in Longview Workflow Designer. Owners and Approvers cannot modify data visibility when working with approval processes. This is the default value.
- In the Values area, click Assign to value.
- Click Apply.
- Click OK.
Creating and modifying attributes
While the application has many preconfigured attributes, you may want to create new attributes of your own. You may also want to set the value of an attribute for a given symbol. This section explains how to perform these tasks.
Naming attributes
When you are creating attributes, you should consider certain naming conventions. At first glance, an attribute name seems rather odd. In fact, however, the name is created to provide maximum information about its purpose. For example, the SGPTimePerYTD attribute is a general SYSTEM attribute whose purpose is to identify time period symbols containing year-to-date data values.
To create a valid attribute name, follow these guidelines:
- Attribute names can contain only letters or numbers; they cannot contain spaces, punctuation, or other special characters.
- Attribute names contain a maximum of 31 characters, consisting of the following parts:
Part Possible values Description First character
- A—Application-specific attribute, second character defines type
- S—Core system attribute
- U—Core user attribute
- Z—Core symbol attribute
Identifies the basic attribute category.
Second character (for application-specific attributes)
- S—SYSTEM attribute
- U—USER attribute
- Z—SYMBOL attribute
Identifies the attribute class.
For example: GPAccountDim—Name of the dimension that contains account symbols
ElimAcctInv—List of investment accounts for intercompany eliminations
Provides a description of the purpose of the attribute.
Creating attributes
You can create an attribute in two ways: from the file menu, or by duplicating an existing attribute.
To create an attribute, follow these steps:
- Open Longview Application Administrator.
- Select File > New > Attribute. The New Attribute Definition dialog opens.
- If necessary, select the attribute’s class from the drop-down list.
- Enter a name for your attribute, following the conventions outlined in “Naming attributes”.
- Enter a description for the attribute.
- Use the radio buttons to designate if the attribute will accept a single value (Single), or a list of values (List).
- Select the attribute type from the drop-down list.
- If you selected User as the attribute type, use the Access drop-down list to designate if the attribute may be written to, or is to be read-only.
- If necessary, enter the default value for the attribute.
- Click OK. The new attribute appears in the list of attributes.
Duplicating attributes
To duplicate an attribute, follow these steps:
- Open Longview Application Administrator.
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select the attribute class containing the attribute you want to duplicate. A list of all the attributes for the selected class appears in the Contents window.
- Right-click the attribute you want to duplicate and select Duplicate.
- Enter a name for the new attribute.
- Enter a description for the new attribute.
- If necessary, provide a default value for the attribute.
- Click OK. The new attribute appears in the list of attributes.
Modifying attributes
Note: You can modify attributes that have been created by users in your system only. It is not possible to modify core attributes.
To modify an attribute, follow these steps:
- Open Longview Application Administrator.
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select the attribute class containing the attribute you want to modify. A list of all the attributes for the selected class appears in the Contents window.
- Right-click the attribute you want to change and select Properties.
- Edit the properties of the attribute as required.
Note: You can modify an attribute’s Name, Description, and Default value only.
- Click OK. Your changes are saved.
Setting attribute values
To set the value of an attribute, follow these steps:
- Open Longview Application Administrator.
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select the attribute class containing the attribute for which you want to set the value(s). A list of all the attributes for the selected class appears in the Contents window.
- Right-click the attribute and select Set Value. The Attribute Values dialog opens.
- Use Object Selection buttons to organize and find objects. The objects displayed are dependent on the attribute class. By default, the objects are arranged in tree hierarchies, if the attribute class is SYMBOL.
- To arrange them by name regardless of their place in the hierarchy, click the List View icon.
- To search for an object, click the Search button and enter search strings in the Name and/or Description fields.
- Select the type/Dimension that has the object or objects for which you want to set the value of the attribute.
- Select the appropriate check box for the objects that contain the attributes you want to set the values for.
- In the Values area, enter the value for the attribute for this object. Depending on the attribute type, additional options may be available as follows:
- Symbol, SymbolList—Click the symbol selector ( ... ) button to bring up the symbol selector.
- Date, DateList—Click the combo box drop arrow to bring up the date selector.
- Click Assign to value.
- Some attributes can assign a list of values. If this is the case with your attribute, you will see a list box accompanied by three buttons (the up arrow, down arrow, and X). Enter as many values as you need. You can order the list of values by selecting a value and clicking the up arrow to move it up in the list, and the down arrow to move it down. Clicking X deletes the selected value.
- When you have finished assigning the value or values, click Apply.
- Click OK.
Deleting attributes
Note: You can delete attributes that have been created by users in your system only. It is not possible to delete core attributes.
To delete an attribute, follow these steps:
- Open Longview Application Administrator.
- In the Server Explorer pane, expand Attributes and select the attribute class containing the attribute you want to delete. A list for all the attributes for the selected class appears in the Contents window.
- Right-click the attribute you want to delete and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.
Caution: If you delete an attribute, it cannot be recovered. To restore a deleted attribute to the system, it must be recreated. Use this function with caution.
- Click Yes. The attribute is deleted.