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Monitoring the system

As System Administrator, you may need to monitor the system.

This chapter provides information on system monitoring tasks, including the following:

Working with locks

Your Longview system prevents two users from changing the same information simultaneously. This is called a lock. The system locks to prevent data loss if anyone tries to use a function currently in use by someone else.

Several users or all users may be affected, depending on the specifications. Since the system is meant to be used in a multi-user environment, locks reduce the risk of overwriting data in use by another user.

Sometimes you may inadvertently lock data you are using—if, for example, your computer stops responding before you have saved your work. In this case, you can unlock the locked data when you return to the system.

The lock list displays certain information about the locks, in separate columns that, when clicked, will sort the locks according to the column's property:

  • The unique ID number of each lock.
  • The lock description, if available.
  • The owner (user) of each lock.
  • Whether or not the lock involves schedule data.
  • The creation date and time of the lock.

Viewing locks

To view the data locks in use, follow these steps:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Locks. A list of the data locks on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. You can view more information about a lock by selecting it. The exact nature of the data intersection is displayed on the Details page.

Searching for a lock

In some cases, there may be many data locks in the system. It is possible to search for a specific lock or set of locks matching certain criteria.

To search for a lock or group of locks, follow these steps:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Locks. A list of the current data locks on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Click the Search icon in the tool bar. The Search dialog opens.
  4. Enter your search criteria. You may enter information for any or all these fields:
    • User
    • Schedule
    • Symbol (you may type in this field or click the ellipsis button ( ... ) to use the LockSymbolSearchForm dialog to choose a symbol from the hierarchy)
  5. To run your search, click Find. The results matching your criteria, if any, are displayed in the Search Results window.

Deleting a lock

To release locked data no longer in use, follow these steps:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Locks. A list of the current data locks on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Right-click the lock you want to delete and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

Note: The Delete option is available only if you have permission to delete the lock.

Caution: If you delete a lock, it cannot be recovered. Use this function with caution. Click Yes. The lock is deleted from the list and that data intersection becomes eligible for modification again.

Working with batches

Users with Batches and Events authorization can view all batches and events in the database and delete them if necessary.

Viewing batch status

There are occasions when you may want to view information for all batches (user submissions). For example, you can view batch information to ensure that submitted data has reached the database.

To view all the events associated with a batch, see “Analyzing batch information”.

To view batch information:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Batches. The batches list appears in the Contents window.

  2. Review the following information:



    The system-assigned ID of the batch.


    The description of the batch.


    The username of the owner of the batch.


    The status of the user batch. Possible values are:

    • Completed—The batch completed successfully.
    • Error—The batch encountered an error and failed to complete.
    • In Progress—The batch is in progress.
    • Incomplete—The batch did not complete.
    • No Data—No data was modified by the batch.

    Creation Date

    The date and time of creation of the batch.

    Completion Date

    The date and time of the completion of the batch, if available.

    Elapsed Time

    The amount of time required for the batch to complete (if it completed successfully), in seconds.

Viewing batch details

The Details dialog displays extra information for batches. If the batch triggered server processes, a plus sign ( + ) indicates that you can expand the details to view this information.

Note: To see events triggered by the batch, you must analyze the batch. For more information, see “Analyzing batch information”.

The Batch Details window uses icons to indicate the status of each item.



The item completed successfully.

The item encountered an error and failed to complete.

The item is in progress.

The item is pending.

The item did not complete.

The Batch Details window displays details in the following format:




Submission(Partition, Family, DataType[QueueInfo])(ElapsedTime)


  • Partition is the number of the partition on which the process is running.
  • Family is one of the following:
    • unadjusted—Indicates the process is running on unadjusted data.
    • adjusting—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data.
    • schedule—Indicates the process is running on schedule data.
    • adjusting schedule—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data posted to a schedule.
  • DataType is the type of data on which the process is running and can be one of the following:
    • Leaf
    • Parent
    • Calculated
  • QueueInfo is the position of the batch in the queue, in the format Queue #x, where x is the position.
  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.




  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.




  • Partition is the number of the partition on which the process is running.
  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.


Writer(Partition, Family, DataType)(ElapsedTime)


  • Partition is the partition on which the process is running.
  • Family is one of the following:
    • unadjusted—Indicates the process is running on unadjusted data.
    • adjusting—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data.
    • schedule—Indicates the process is running on schedule data.
    • adjusting schedule—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data posted to a schedule.
  • DataType is the type of data on which the process is running and can be one of the following:
    • leaf
    • parent
    • calculated
    • CTA
    • validation
  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.

To view batch details:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Batches. A list of the batches appears in the Contents window.
  2. Select the batch that you want to view details for, and then click the Details tab.
  3. Expand the details as necessary.

Analyzing batch information

In some cases, a batch may trigger an event that triggers other events, and subsequently, other batches. You can use the Analyze dialog to view information for all tiers of items resulting from the original batch, including the overall status of the batch and the total elapsed time that it took for it, and all triggered batches and events, to complete.

To analyze batch information:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Batches. The batches list appears in the Contents window.
  2. Right click the batch you want to analyze and click Analyze on the context menu. The Analyze dialog opens.

  3. Review information for the overall batch in the first line:

    Creation Date

    The creation date and time of the initial batch.

    Completion Date

    The date and time when all the batches and events completed.


    • Completed—The batches and events completed successfully.
    • Error—One or more batches or events encountered an error and failed to complete.
    • In Progress—One or more batches or events are currently in progress.
    • Pending—One or more events are in the queue, pending the elapse of the interval time.
    • Incomplete—One or more batches did not complete.
    • No Data—No data was modified by the initial batch.

    Elapsed Time

    The total time for all batches and events to complete.

  4. Review the following information:


    The type of process (Batch or Event) and its ID. If an Event has a negative ID, it has not yet been processed and is waiting for the interval time to elapse.

    From ID

    The ID of the batch or event that triggered the batch or event.

    Rule ID

    The Rule ID for the event.


    The description of the batch or event.


    • Completed—The batch or event completed successfully.
    • Error—The batch or event encountered an error and failed to complete.
    • In Progress—The batch or event is currently in progress.
    • Pending—The event is in the queue, pending the elapse of the interval time.
    • Incomplete—The batch did not complete.
    • No Data—The batch contained only unmodified data.

    Creation Date

    The creation date and time of the batch or event.

    Completion Date

    The date and time when the batch or event completed.

    Elapsed Time

    The total time for the batch or event to complete.

    Note: You can use the Search box to search items in the ID, Description or Status columns. Type a search term in the Search box and click the Search button to find the next instance. Click a column to sort the batches and events according to the column's property.

  5. When you are finished, click Close to return to the Batches list.

Deleting batch information

If the batches list becomes excessively long, you may be able to manage it by deleting batch information, depending on your authorization and system settings.

If you have Batches and Events authorization, you can delete batch information for all batches in the system. If you do not have Batches and Events authorization, you cannot delete batch information. For more information, contact your System Administrator.

Note: If Data Audit Trail is ON, you cannot delete batch information. To delete batch information when Data Audit Trail is ON, you must reset the audit tables. For more information, see “Resetting the Data Audit Trail”.

To delete batch information:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Batches. A list of the batches currently on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Right-click the batch and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

    Caution: If you delete batch information, it cannot be recovered. Use this feature with caution.

To view event status:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Events. The events list appears in the Contents window.
  2. Review the following information:
  3. Click Yes. The selected batch information is deleted from the database.

Working with events

Users with Batches and Events authorization can view information for all events in the database and delete this information if necessary.

For information on Event rules, see “Understanding Event rules”.

Viewing event status

There are occasions when you may want to view information for all events in the database to review their status.

If you want to view events within the context of the batches that triggered them, see “Analyzing batch information”.

To view event status:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Events. The events list appears in the Contents window.

  2. Review the following information:



    The system-assigned ID of the event.


    The description of the event.


    The status of the user batch. Possible values are:

    • Completed—The event completed successfully with no errors.
    • Error—The event failed to complete due to one or more errors.
    • In Progress—The event is currently in progress.
    • Pending—The event is in the queue, pending the elapse of the interval time.

    For information on how event status affects overall status, see “Analyzing batch information”.

    Creation Date

    The date and time of creation of the event.

    Completion Date

    The date and time of the completion of the event, if available.

    Elapsed Time

    The amount of time required for the event to complete (if it completed successfully), in seconds.

Note: Click a column to sort the events according to the column's property.

Deleting event information

Your Longview System maintains event information for audit purposes in the database. You may want to delete event information to keep the Events list manageable. You can delete event information only if Data Audit Trail is FALSE for your system. Otherwise, you must reset the audit trail.

For more information, see “Resetting the Data Audit Trail”.

You must have Batches and Events authorization to delete event information. For more information on setting user authorization, see “Creating users”.

To delete event information:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Events. A list of the events currently on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Right-click the event and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

    Caution: If you delete event information, it cannot be recovered. Deleting event information also deletes related log, error, and history files. Use this feature with caution.

  4. Click Yes. The selected event information is deleted from the database.



Monitoring the system

As System Administrator, you may need to monitor the system.

This chapter provides information on system monitoring tasks, including the following:

Working with locks

Your Longview system prevents two users from changing the same information simultaneously. This is called a lock. The system locks to prevent data loss if anyone tries to use a function currently in use by someone else.

Several users or all users may be affected, depending on the specifications. Since the system is meant to be used in a multi-user environment, locks reduce the risk of overwriting data in use by another user.

Sometimes you may inadvertently lock data you are using—if, for example, your computer stops responding before you have saved your work. In this case, you can unlock the locked data when you return to the system.

The lock list displays certain information about the locks, in separate columns that, when clicked, will sort the locks according to the column's property:

  • The unique ID number of each lock.
  • The lock description, if available.
  • The owner (user) of each lock.
  • Whether or not the lock involves schedule data.
  • The creation date and time of the lock.

Viewing locks

To view the data locks in use, follow these steps:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Locks. A list of the data locks on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. You can view more information about a lock by selecting it. The exact nature of the data intersection is displayed on the Details page.

Searching for a lock

In some cases, there may be many data locks in the system. It is possible to search for a specific lock or set of locks matching certain criteria.

To search for a lock or group of locks, follow these steps:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Locks. A list of the current data locks on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Click the Search icon in the tool bar. The Search dialog opens.
  4. Enter your search criteria. You may enter information for any or all these fields:
    • User
    • Schedule
    • Symbol (you may type in this field or click the ellipsis button ( ... ) to use the LockSymbolSearchForm dialog to choose a symbol from the hierarchy)
  5. To run your search, click Find. The results matching your criteria, if any, are displayed in the Search Results window.

Deleting a lock

To release locked data no longer in use, follow these steps:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Locks. A list of the current data locks on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Right-click the lock you want to delete and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

Note: The Delete option is available only if you have permission to delete the lock.

Caution: If you delete a lock, it cannot be recovered. Use this function with caution. Click Yes. The lock is deleted from the list and that data intersection becomes eligible for modification again.

Working with batches

Users with Batches and Events authorization can view all batches and events in the database and delete them if necessary.

Viewing batch status

There are occasions when you may want to view information for all batches (user submissions). For example, you can view batch information to ensure that submitted data has reached the database.

To view all the events associated with a batch, see “Analyzing batch information”.

To view batch information:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Batches. The batches list appears in the Contents window.

  2. Review the following information:



    The system-assigned ID of the batch.


    The description of the batch.


    The username of the owner of the batch.


    The status of the user batch. Possible values are:

    • Completed—The batch completed successfully.
    • Error—The batch encountered an error and failed to complete.
    • In Progress—The batch is in progress.
    • Incomplete—The batch did not complete.
    • No Data—No data was modified by the batch.

    Creation Date

    The date and time of creation of the batch.

    Completion Date

    The date and time of the completion of the batch, if available.

    Elapsed Time

    The amount of time required for the batch to complete (if it completed successfully), in seconds.

Viewing batch details

The Details dialog displays extra information for batches. If the batch triggered server processes, a plus sign ( + ) indicates that you can expand the details to view this information.

Note: To see events triggered by the batch, you must analyze the batch. For more information, see “Analyzing batch information”.

The Batch Details window uses icons to indicate the status of each item.



The item completed successfully.

The item encountered an error and failed to complete.

The item is in progress.

The item is pending.

The item did not complete.

The Batch Details window displays details in the following format:




Submission(Partition, Family, DataType[QueueInfo])(ElapsedTime)


  • Partition is the number of the partition on which the process is running.
  • Family is one of the following:
    • unadjusted—Indicates the process is running on unadjusted data.
    • adjusting—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data.
    • schedule—Indicates the process is running on schedule data.
    • adjusting schedule—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data posted to a schedule.
  • DataType is the type of data on which the process is running and can be one of the following:
    • Leaf
    • Parent
    • Calculated
  • QueueInfo is the position of the batch in the queue, in the format Queue #x, where x is the position.
  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.




  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.




  • Partition is the number of the partition on which the process is running.
  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.


Writer(Partition, Family, DataType)(ElapsedTime)


  • Partition is the partition on which the process is running.
  • Family is one of the following:
    • unadjusted—Indicates the process is running on unadjusted data.
    • adjusting—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data.
    • schedule—Indicates the process is running on schedule data.
    • adjusting schedule—Indicates the process is running on journal entry data posted to a schedule.
  • DataType is the type of data on which the process is running and can be one of the following:
    • leaf
    • parent
    • calculated
    • CTA
    • validation
  • ElapsedTime is the total elapsed time to completion, in seconds.

To view batch details:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Batches. A list of the batches appears in the Contents window.
  2. Select the batch that you want to view details for, and then click the Details tab.
  3. Expand the details as necessary.

Analyzing batch information

In some cases, a batch may trigger an event that triggers other events, and subsequently, other batches. You can use the Analyze dialog to view information for all tiers of items resulting from the original batch, including the overall status of the batch and the total elapsed time that it took for it, and all triggered batches and events, to complete.

To analyze batch information:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Batches. The batches list appears in the Contents window.
  2. Right click the batch you want to analyze and click Analyze on the context menu. The Analyze dialog opens.

  3. Review information for the overall batch in the first line:

    Creation Date

    The creation date and time of the initial batch.

    Completion Date

    The date and time when all the batches and events completed.


    • Completed—The batches and events completed successfully.
    • Error—One or more batches or events encountered an error and failed to complete.
    • In Progress—One or more batches or events are currently in progress.
    • Pending—One or more events are in the queue, pending the elapse of the interval time.
    • Incomplete—One or more batches did not complete.
    • No Data—No data was modified by the initial batch.

    Elapsed Time

    The total time for all batches and events to complete.

  4. Review the following information:


    The type of process (Batch or Event) and its ID. If an Event has a negative ID, it has not yet been processed and is waiting for the interval time to elapse.

    From ID

    The ID of the batch or event that triggered the batch or event.

    Rule ID

    The Rule ID for the event.


    The description of the batch or event.


    • Completed—The batch or event completed successfully.
    • Error—The batch or event encountered an error and failed to complete.
    • In Progress—The batch or event is currently in progress.
    • Pending—The event is in the queue, pending the elapse of the interval time.
    • Incomplete—The batch did not complete.
    • No Data—The batch contained only unmodified data.

    Creation Date

    The creation date and time of the batch or event.

    Completion Date

    The date and time when the batch or event completed.

    Elapsed Time

    The total time for the batch or event to complete.

    Note: You can use the Search box to search items in the ID, Description or Status columns. Type a search term in the Search box and click the Search button to find the next instance. Click a column to sort the batches and events according to the column's property.

  5. When you are finished, click Close to return to the Batches list.

Deleting batch information

If the batches list becomes excessively long, you may be able to manage it by deleting batch information, depending on your authorization and system settings.

If you have Batches and Events authorization, you can delete batch information for all batches in the system. If you do not have Batches and Events authorization, you cannot delete batch information. For more information, contact your System Administrator.

Note: If Data Audit Trail is ON, you cannot delete batch information. To delete batch information when Data Audit Trail is ON, you must reset the audit tables. For more information, see “Resetting the Data Audit Trail”.

To delete batch information:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Batches. A list of the batches currently on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Right-click the batch and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

    Caution: If you delete batch information, it cannot be recovered. Use this feature with caution.

To view event status:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Events. The events list appears in the Contents window.
  2. Review the following information:
  3. Click Yes. The selected batch information is deleted from the database.

Working with events

Users with Batches and Events authorization can view information for all events in the database and delete this information if necessary.

For information on Event rules, see “Understanding Event rules”.

Viewing event status

There are occasions when you may want to view information for all events in the database to review their status.

If you want to view events within the context of the batches that triggered them, see “Analyzing batch information”.

To view event status:

  1. In the Longview Application Administrator Server Explorer pane, select Events. The events list appears in the Contents window.

  2. Review the following information:



    The system-assigned ID of the event.


    The description of the event.


    The status of the user batch. Possible values are:

    • Completed—The event completed successfully with no errors.
    • Error—The event failed to complete due to one or more errors.
    • In Progress—The event is currently in progress.
    • Pending—The event is in the queue, pending the elapse of the interval time.

    For information on how event status affects overall status, see “Analyzing batch information”.

    Creation Date

    The date and time of creation of the event.

    Completion Date

    The date and time of the completion of the event, if available.

    Elapsed Time

    The amount of time required for the event to complete (if it completed successfully), in seconds.

Note: Click a column to sort the events according to the column's property.

Deleting event information

Your Longview System maintains event information for audit purposes in the database. You may want to delete event information to keep the Events list manageable. You can delete event information only if Data Audit Trail is FALSE for your system. Otherwise, you must reset the audit trail.

For more information, see “Resetting the Data Audit Trail”.

You must have Batches and Events authorization to delete event information. For more information on setting user authorization, see “Creating users”.

To delete event information:

  1. Open Longview Application Administrator.
  2. In the Server Explorer pane, select Events. A list of the events currently on the server appears in the Contents window.
  3. Right-click the event and select Delete. A confirmation dialog appears.

    Caution: If you delete event information, it cannot be recovered. Deleting event information also deletes related log, error, and history files. Use this feature with caution.

  4. Click Yes. The selected event information is deleted from the database.


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