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Configuring system settings for task management

Before you can use Task Management, you must configure some system settings that determine the behavior of certain functionality.

Configuring system preferences

Before you make the Tasks app available to users, you can configure system preferences to customize the system for your company.

To configure system preferences:

  1. In the Task Management navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the System Preferences section, complete the following fields

    National Level Label

    By default, the national level label in the Tasks app and the Jurisdictions editor is National. If your company uses a different term for the national level, for example, Federal, use this setting to change the label.

    • The Longview default for this setting is National.
    • This field sets the ASTaxNationalLabel attribute.

    Regional Level Label

    By default, the regional level label in the Tasks app and the Jurisdictions editor is Regional. If your company uses a different term for the regional level, for example, State, use this setting to change the label.

    • The Longview default for this setting is Regional.
    • This field sets the ASTaxRegionalLabel attribute.

Configuring Task Management settings

You can configure settings that determine the options available to users in the Tasks app.

To configure Task Management settings:

  1. In the Task Management navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Task Management section, complete the following fields:

    Task Categories

    Specify the categories that users can select from in the Category column of the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate categories with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each category.

    This field sets the ASTaskCategories attribute.

    Task Tax Periods

    Specify the tax periods that users can select from in the Task Tax Period column of the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate tax periods with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each tax period.

    This field sets the ASTaskTaxPeriods attribute.

    Task Tax Types

    Specify the tax types that users can select from in the Task Tax Type column of the Jurisdictions editor and the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate tax types with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each tax type. For example, Income Tax;Sales Tax;Property Tax.

    This field sets the ASTaskTaxTypes attribute.

    Task Entities

    Specify the entity symbols in the alternate entity hierarchies that users can select from in the Entity field in the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate entities with a semicolon ( ; ). You can also add an optional symbol spec. Do not include spaces before or after each entity. For example, EntitiesHier1#99;EntitiesHier2#99.

    This field sets the ASTaskEntities attribute.

    Task Reminder Categories

    Specify the categories that Task Administrators can assign reminders to using the Reminders app. If you do not specify at least one category, the Reminder Category field in both the Reminders and Task Details apps will be disabled and all reminders will apply to all tasks.

    When you are creating categories, you should take into account that when you select a reminder category for a task in the Task Details app, all reminders in that category will apply to the task.

    Separate categories with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each category.

    This field sets the ASTaskReminderCategories attribute. 

    Task Workflow Profiles

    Specify the profiles that Tax Aministrators can assign users to using the Workflow Profiles app.

    This field sets the ASTaxWFProfiles attribute.

    Task Template Groups

    Specify the groups that Tax Administrator can assign task templates to using the Task Templates app.

    This field sets the ASTaskTemplateGroups attribute.

Specifying the email server for reminders and notifications

If you plan to use reminders and notifications, you will need to use your company’s SMTP server. In order for reminders and notifications to send through your company’s SMTP server, you must configure the host and port attributes for Task Management.

To specify the email server for reminders and notifications:

  1. In Longview Application Administrator, double-click Attributes.
  2. Double-click SYSTEM. The system attributes list appears.
  3. Right-click the ASGPSMTPHost attribute and select Set Value.
  4. In the Enter New Value field, type the host name for the SMTP server.
  5. Click Assign to value.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Right-click the ASGPSMTPPort attribute and select Set Value.
  8. In the Enter New Value field, type the port number for the SMTP server.

    Note: If you do not specify a port, the system uses port 25.

  9. Click Assign to value.
  10. Click OK.

Scheduling reminders

Task Management includes a preconfigured batch (.bat) file that you can use to schedule reminders daily.

To schedule the .bat file:

  1. On the data server host machine, navigate to the data server working directory. For example, C:\LongviewTax\DataServers\LongviewTax.
  2. Right-click the Run Scheduled Email Reminders.bat file, and open it in your preferred text editor.
  3. Set the following variables: 


    Set this variable to the drive on which the Longview Data Servers are installed. For example, C:.


    Set this variable to the Longview Data Server working directory. For example, C:\Longview\DataServers\Longview


    Set this variable to the Longview Identifier for the system.

    For example, LongviewTax.


    Set this variable to the Longview Data Server host machine name. For example, localhost or LVServer.


    Set this variable to the Listener (Client) port number. For example, 28000.


    Set this variable to the username for the Tax Administrator. For example, xharris.


    Set this variable to the password for the Tax Administrator.

  4. In your preferred scheduling program, for example, Windows Scheduler, schedule the batch file to run daily at a convenient time. 


Configuring system settings for task management

Before you can use Task Management, you must configure some system settings that determine the behavior of certain functionality.

Configuring system preferences

Before you make the Tasks app available to users, you can configure system preferences to customize the system for your company.

To configure system preferences:

  1. In the Task Management navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the System Preferences section, complete the following fields

    National Level Label

    By default, the national level label in the Tasks app and the Jurisdictions editor is National. If your company uses a different term for the national level, for example, Federal, use this setting to change the label.

    • The Longview default for this setting is National.
    • This field sets the ASTaxNationalLabel attribute.

    Regional Level Label

    By default, the regional level label in the Tasks app and the Jurisdictions editor is Regional. If your company uses a different term for the regional level, for example, State, use this setting to change the label.

    • The Longview default for this setting is Regional.
    • This field sets the ASTaxRegionalLabel attribute.

Configuring Task Management settings

You can configure settings that determine the options available to users in the Tasks app.

To configure Task Management settings:

  1. In the Task Management navigation pane, click Administration.
  2. Expand System, and then click System Settings. The System Settings editor opens.
  3. In the Task Management section, complete the following fields:

    Task Categories

    Specify the categories that users can select from in the Category column of the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate categories with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each category.

    This field sets the ASTaskCategories attribute.

    Task Tax Periods

    Specify the tax periods that users can select from in the Task Tax Period column of the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate tax periods with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each tax period.

    This field sets the ASTaskTaxPeriods attribute.

    Task Tax Types

    Specify the tax types that users can select from in the Task Tax Type column of the Jurisdictions editor and the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate tax types with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each tax type. For example, Income Tax;Sales Tax;Property Tax.

    This field sets the ASTaskTaxTypes attribute.

    Task Entities

    Specify the entity symbols in the alternate entity hierarchies that users can select from in the Entity field in the Tasks and Task Details apps.

    Separate entities with a semicolon ( ; ). You can also add an optional symbol spec. Do not include spaces before or after each entity. For example, EntitiesHier1#99;EntitiesHier2#99.

    This field sets the ASTaskEntities attribute.

    Task Reminder Categories

    Specify the categories that Task Administrators can assign reminders to using the Reminders app. If you do not specify at least one category, the Reminder Category field in both the Reminders and Task Details apps will be disabled and all reminders will apply to all tasks.

    When you are creating categories, you should take into account that when you select a reminder category for a task in the Task Details app, all reminders in that category will apply to the task.

    Separate categories with a semicolon ( ; ). Do not include spaces before or after each category.

    This field sets the ASTaskReminderCategories attribute. 

    Task Workflow Profiles

    Specify the profiles that Tax Aministrators can assign users to using the Workflow Profiles app.

    This field sets the ASTaxWFProfiles attribute.

    Task Template Groups

    Specify the groups that Tax Administrator can assign task templates to using the Task Templates app.

    This field sets the ASTaskTemplateGroups attribute.

Specifying the email server for reminders and notifications

If you plan to use reminders and notifications, you will need to use your company’s SMTP server. In order for reminders and notifications to send through your company’s SMTP server, you must configure the host and port attributes for Task Management.

To specify the email server for reminders and notifications:

  1. In Longview Application Administrator, double-click Attributes.
  2. Double-click SYSTEM. The system attributes list appears.
  3. Right-click the ASGPSMTPHost attribute and select Set Value.
  4. In the Enter New Value field, type the host name for the SMTP server.
  5. Click Assign to value.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Right-click the ASGPSMTPPort attribute and select Set Value.
  8. In the Enter New Value field, type the port number for the SMTP server.

    Note: If you do not specify a port, the system uses port 25.

  9. Click Assign to value.
  10. Click OK.

Scheduling reminders

Task Management includes a preconfigured batch (.bat) file that you can use to schedule reminders daily.

To schedule the .bat file:

  1. On the data server host machine, navigate to the data server working directory. For example, C:\LongviewTax\DataServers\LongviewTax.
  2. Right-click the Run Scheduled Email Reminders.bat file, and open it in your preferred text editor.
  3. Set the following variables: 


    Set this variable to the drive on which the Longview Data Servers are installed. For example, C:.


    Set this variable to the Longview Data Server working directory. For example, C:\Longview\DataServers\Longview


    Set this variable to the Longview Identifier for the system.

    For example, LongviewTax.


    Set this variable to the Longview Data Server host machine name. For example, localhost or LVServer.


    Set this variable to the Listener (Client) port number. For example, 28000.


    Set this variable to the username for the Tax Administrator. For example, xharris.


    Set this variable to the password for the Tax Administrator.

  4. In your preferred scheduling program, for example, Windows Scheduler, schedule the batch file to run daily at a convenient time. 

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